Wide Int’l condemnation of Israel’s assault on Freedom Flotilla

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
SANA’A, (PIC)-- The international community strongly condemned the massacre committed by Israel Monday morning against unarmed civilians aboard aid ships heading to the besieged Gaza Strip on a humanitarian mission.

Secretary-general of the UN Ban Ki-moon slammed Israel for killing the civilians and called for conducting a thorough investigation into the circumstances of the incident.

French minister of foreign affairs Bernard Kouchner expressed his dismay and shock at the military operation Israel carried out against the Freedom Flotilla convoy and also called for a probe without delay into the violent action

Stop the War coalition and other organizations in Britain called for participating on Monday in a protest outside 10 Downing Street to protest Israel’s new violation of international law.

British minister of foreign affairs William Hague said that the latest incident underscored the need for lifting Israel’s restrictions on Gaza under resolution number 1860 issued by the UN Security Council and added that the blockade is unacceptable and counter-productive.

In Norway, premier Jens Stoltenberg stated that his country strongly rejects Israel’s action on Monday and called for lifting Israel’s siege immediately. The Norwegian government also summoned Israel’s ambassador in Oslo and handed him a formal protest.

The Greek ministry of foreign affairs declared that it cancelled all joint military drills with Israel in protest at its action.

The Spanish presidency of the European Union condemned the attack on humanitarian ships as outrageous and extremely dangerous and called for a probe into what happened. It also summoned Israel’s ambassador to hand him a formal protest.

For his part, Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad called during his reception of US senator Bob Corker on Monday morning on the US administration to pressure Israel to stop its ongoing violations and lift the siege on Gaza.

Assad also said that Israel’s action undermined human life and international law.

He said that despite all its crimes, Israel still receives unlimited and unconditional support from the US, the thing which causes instability in the region and ignites tensions and wars.

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also denounced, in a ceremony held yesterday in Tehran, Israel’s attack on Freedom Flotilla, saying this action is a big indicator for the near demise of Israel.

According to the reporter of the Palestinian information center (PIC), Ahmadinejad said that “what happened today to the Freedom Flotilla is a real test for the commitment of countries that advocate human rights.”

In separate incidents, a number of European cities including Paris, Berlin and London witnessed massive protests condemning Israel’s act of piracy against the Freedom Flotilla.

The protesters carried banners calling for lifting Gaza siege and punishing Israel for its action.

Thousands of Palestinians participated in marches and rallies organized in different Palestinian cities and neighborhoods in the occupied lands in 1948 including Haifa and Nazareth in protest at the crime.

A massive protest also took place yesterday in Damascus and was attended by thousands of Palestinian refugees there.

Wide Int?l condemnation of Israel?s assault on Freedom Flotilla
Theres over 6 billion people on earth, certainly your going to be able to find all sorts of different opinions if you go looking for them. Besides, when its mostly jew haters that are condemning Israel, does it really matter? Israel is condemned for everything they do, but it doesnt change anything. Thats the beauty of the jews, they dont give a shit about you clowns and neither do i.
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Theres over 6 billion people on earth, certainly your going to be able to find all sorts of different opinions if you go looking for them. Besides, when its mostly jew haters that are condemning Israel, does it really matter? Israel is condemned for everything they do, but it doesnt change anything. Thats the beauty of the jews, they dont give a shit about you clowns and neither do i.


funny how it's always "jew haters" and NOT the actions of jews which cause such condemnation.


maybe you need to take the briss meat out of your mouth before you post.

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