WI Teachers Union: Making You an Offer You Can't Refuse


There is a store in my neighborhood that has a sign in the window, "Proud Supporters of the Tea Party". I never once thought as I avoided shopping there that they were being extorted in to displaying that sign but this thread makes me wonder.


well, i'm sure someone would have pointed out that kind of thuggery if it was part of an organized campaign.

like you, for example.

Sounds like believe organized boycotts are thuggery...Is that correct? Simple question...
In this scenerio, who is being forced to do something against their will?
This is the coercion implied:

You have a choice. Put this in your window and pledge support for the union to help our political cause or we will boycott your store and try to harm your business because you will not show public support for our political cause.

I'm sure you'd be fine putting a poster for anti-gay, abortion or pro christian causes in your store window or suffer a boycott. Right?

They have a choice. You said it yourself. And the unions can CALL for a boycott. That doesn't mean (and everyone knows this) that all people follow said boycott.

As for your examples....you do not seem aware of the Southern Baptist called boycotts against businesses such as Disney and Coke....for those very things.

BTW...if the majority of WI people are for the governor, what's to worry about with a boycott....in fact, put something in their window stating they SUPPORT the governor. Why not?
You assume I worry about the boycott. All it does, just like anti-walmart morons, is demonstrate how petty they are.

A friend of mine in madison has clued me in to people demanding businesses show they support the union or be boycotted independent of any organized effort. Then again, Madison is radically liberal on the balance.

Boycotts always have been and always will be stupid.

Just like "I'm leaving this message board" threads. The rational person just stops going.
Ok, give us a quote showing violence will ensue if the sign doesn't get hung.
Are you really this dense? Do the words "may" and "can" hold no meaning to you?

Again, reread Oddball's posts and try to compreheand what he's actually saying...

What you think will happen counts for nothing in a court of law. Oddball an others are missing the point that consumers can make demands is businesses that businesses can ignore or oblige. That's how Capitalism works.
You are trying to make an argument for which nobody is dissagreeing...

I fail to see why you continue to do so....
If it happens, then the police will investigate. If there's proof, people will face conviction. If found guilty, they will go to jail.

That's the system we have.

Until there's a conviction, these allegations are all pretty baseless. You could substitute "Southern Baptists" for "Teacher's unions" and be equally valid.

The point that seems to be missed, is I as a consumer have a right to decide how to spend my money. If I don't want to shop at your store because you have a cat, I have the right to not shop at your store because you have a cat. Rational reasons are not required on the part of the consumer when it comes to his decision on where to spend money.

YOU are missing the point...

I'm not arguing about the right to boycott... I'm saying there could be an intimidation factor for fear of retribution...

Oddball painted it correctly as a shakedown... reread his posts...

So in other words business owners should be afraid of a violent attack from school teachers because they threatened to not shop there?

Aye aye aye

Let us not forget the other side of that coin.

Taxpayers can tell union members what they can and cannot spend their paycheck on...


The government can withhold the pay of union members if they boycott businesses.

Who's the thugs here?
Fuck you.

I don't like protection rackets, no matter how you dress them up.

I especially detest having my tax dollars going into supporting such behavior.

Lol whoa nelly, you should've taken the stapler off your chair before you sat down.

I just said I don't like that I'm taxed to pay for teachers at all, so you're shouting childish tantrums at someone who agrees with you.

But to hate teachers because they practice capitalism is a little misguided, actually a lot misguided.
Like the other good doctor said, if they threatened to burn the shop down, if they broke windows, if they threatened the employees, than yes they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

If they threaten to take their business elsewhere (as every human being does at some point in their life) than no big whoop.

That's just BS. union paid teachers aren't practicing capitalism. They have no competition. Competition is what fuels capitalism. Now give each community the right to choose union teachers or non union teachers and you got you some capitalism.

1 They are not paid by the union.
2 Competition= private school or home school.
3 Unions fit nicely in a hypothetical capitalistic economy or a mixed economy like ours.
Didn't say any laws were broken.

Hey!...Here's an idea!....How 'bout they ask "participating" businesses to hang a portrait of Uncle Joe or Chairman Mao in their shop windows?

I said before that I would go out of my way to shop, or eat, at any establishment that publicly told these public leech thugs to go fuck themselves.
and we have had two other threads on this already i believe. ( at least one).
It went 7-8 pages of people debating the samething.

So the moral of the story is:
Boycotts are bad when you lack an education and don't like the politics of the group doing.

It should be. Boycotts are fun and silly, and anyone can have them for any reason at all.

Really, nothing to see here, but some uneducated whining.
...by the union.
Large, dynamic solidarity protest in DC outside Wisconsin GOP fundraiser
Wed Mar 16, 2011

..... The occasion for the protest in DC was the arrival of the Wisconsin Republican state Senators facing recall. They were in town for a $1,000-per-head fundraiser, hosted at the offices of corporate lobbyists. They must have felt right at home, given what was happening both inside and outside the building.

If certain businesses support the position(s) of the Wisconsin GOP by providing financial contributions - that's their right.

Conversely, that support should be public knowledge so that those who oppose the position(s) of the Wisconsin GOP can exercise their democratic rights by making an infomed decision as to where to spend their money!

Is the OP (Dr. Drock) arguing that the Wisconsin GOP legislators are allowed to openly attend "a $1,000-per-head fundraiser, hosted at the offices of corporate lobbyists" in Washington, but their opponents are not allowed to inform their supporters concerning the names of the businesses these corporate lobbyists represent?
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Didn't say any laws were broken.

Hey!...Here's an idea!....How 'bout they ask "participating" businesses to hang a portrait of Uncle Joe or Chairman Mao in their shop windows?

I said before that I would go out of my way to shop, or eat, at any establishment that publicly told these public leech thugs to go fuck themselves.

Which would be you practicing capitalism, the same way the teachers are, not one thing wrong with either instance.
Lol whoa nelly, you should've taken the stapler off your chair before you sat down.

I just said I don't like that I'm taxed to pay for teachers at all, so you're shouting childish tantrums at someone who agrees with you.

But to hate teachers because they practice capitalism is a little misguided, actually a lot misguided.
Like the other good doctor said, if they threatened to burn the shop down, if they broke windows, if they threatened the employees, than yes they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

If they threaten to take their business elsewhere (as every human being does at some point in their life) than no big whoop.

That's just BS. union paid teachers aren't practicing capitalism. They have no competition. Competition is what fuels capitalism. Now give each community the right to choose union teachers or non union teachers and you got you some capitalism.

1 They are not paid by the union.
2 Competition= private school or home school.
3 Unions fit nicely in a hypothetical capitalistic economy or a mixed economy like ours.

no, true competition is giving communities the right to choose non union or union, whichever provides the best outcomes and the best their budget can manage. States should not go broke trying to meet union demands. It's just that simple.
Didn't say any laws were broken.

Hey!...Here's an idea!....How 'bout they ask "participating" businesses to hang a portrait of Uncle Joe or Chairman Mao in their shop windows?

I said before that I would go out of my way to shop, or eat, at any establishment that publicly told these public leech thugs to go fuck themselves.

Which would be you practicing capitalism, the same way the teachers are, not one thing wrong with either instance.

You really do not understand the concept of Capitalism. Here's what it is not:

Capitalism is not GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES coercing private businesses to hang up signs (in violation of their first amendment rights, btw) in support of their collective bargaining efforts OR ELSE.

It's not. And repeating over and over again that it is, doesn't make it so.
Tea Party: Boycott Businesses That Backed Obama | FrumForum

Jesse Jackson isn’t the only activist that can use corporate boycotts for political purposes. Starting next year, the huge Tea Party organizer FreedomWorks will urge supporters to punish huge corporations like General Electric and Johnson and Johnson for backing President Obama’s progressive agenda.


His project partner, Tom Borelli, director of the National Center for Public Policy Research&#8217;s Free Enterprise Project, added: &#8220;Big businesses are now on notice that there is a measurable business risk for actively supporting the Obama, Reid, and Pelosi progressive public policy agenda.&#8221;


The poll also found that 81 percent of conservative voters active in the Tea Party would be &#8220;less likely to buy products from companies that actively lobbied to pass Obama&#8217;s $787 billion stimulus plan,&#8221; and 61 percent would blog, Facebook, or upload a YouTube video urging backers to boycott their products.

Pure thuggery?
I said before that I would go out of my way to shop, or eat, at any establishment that publicly told these public leech thugs to go fuck themselves.

Which would be you practicing capitalism, the same way the teachers are, not one thing wrong with either instance.

You really do not understand the concept of Capitalism. Here's what it is not:

Capitalism is not GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES coercing private businesses to hang up signs (in violation of their first amendment rights, btw) in support of their collective bargaining efforts OR ELSE.

It's not. And repeating over and over again that it is, doesn't make it so.

So, people calling for boycotts is illegal?
Tea Party: Boycott Businesses That Backed Obama | FrumForum

Jesse Jackson isn’t the only activist that can use corporate boycotts for political purposes. Starting next year, the huge Tea Party organizer FreedomWorks will urge supporters to punish huge corporations like General Electric and Johnson and Johnson for backing President Obama’s progressive agenda.


His project partner, Tom Borelli, director of the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project, added: “Big businesses are now on notice that there is a measurable business risk for actively supporting the Obama, Reid, and Pelosi progressive public policy agenda.”


The poll also found that 81 percent of conservative voters active in the Tea Party would be “less likely to buy products from companies that actively lobbied to pass Obama’s $787 billion stimulus plan,” and 61 percent would blog, Facebook, or upload a YouTube video urging backers to boycott their products.

Pure thuggery?

Did the Tea Partiers force businesses to put up posters in their windows claiming that they didn't support the stimulus bill as a condition of patronizing them?
Which would be you practicing capitalism, the same way the teachers are, not one thing wrong with either instance.

You really do not understand the concept of Capitalism. Here's what it is not:

Capitalism is not GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES coercing private businesses to hang up signs (in violation of their first amendment rights, btw) in support of their collective bargaining efforts OR ELSE.

It's not. And repeating over and over again that it is, doesn't make it so.

So, people calling for boycotts is illegal?

No. You really have a faulty logic circuit, imposter.

I commented on whether or not forcing people to put up posters with opinions they may not support OR ELSE is Capitalism.

It's not.
Didn't say any laws were broken.

Hey!...Here's an idea!....How 'bout they ask "participating" businesses to hang a portrait of Uncle Joe or Chairman Mao in their shop windows?

I said before that I would go out of my way to shop, or eat, at any establishment that publicly told these public leech thugs to go fuck themselves.

And you have every right to do that....and IF the majority of WI people are not supporting the unions and feel like you do, this is a winning situation for those businesses who do not want to support the unions.

How come no one besides myself is toting that?
Tea Party: Boycott Businesses That Backed Obama | FrumForum

Jesse Jackson isn’t the only activist that can use corporate boycotts for political purposes. Starting next year, the huge Tea Party organizer FreedomWorks will urge supporters to punish huge corporations like General Electric and Johnson and Johnson for backing President Obama’s progressive agenda.


His project partner, Tom Borelli, director of the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project, added: “Big businesses are now on notice that there is a measurable business risk for actively supporting the Obama, Reid, and Pelosi progressive public policy agenda.”


The poll also found that 81 percent of conservative voters active in the Tea Party would be “less likely to buy products from companies that actively lobbied to pass Obama’s $787 billion stimulus plan,” and 61 percent would blog, Facebook, or upload a YouTube video urging backers to boycott their products.

Pure thuggery?

Did the Tea Partiers force businesses to put up posters in their windows claiming that they didn't support the stimulus bill as a condition of patronizing them?

Just so I get this right the next time. You need an example of someone requireing for a busness to hang something in a window before its a good example for you? So you're anti-poster not so much anti-boycott?
It would have had more sting if you hadn't just reused my insult for your own insult. Get your own shit fuckface.

Like i say, i hope someday you run into a real thug, I hope Willow runs into a real thug one day and you actually learn what i real thug is.


Look up "irony", dumbass...

And I'm perfectly capable of handling myself in any situation involving a thug...
i got what you said, it was just really lacking imagination. I get better insults from Thomas603..and thats really bottom of the barrel.
Irony is better served when pointing out that which is ironic... I know - tough concept for you, fucknut...

Im sure you can "handle yourself" internet toughguy

Yep, thanks for caring...:lol:
boedecea said:
Let us not forget the other side of that coin.

Taxpayers can tell union members what they can and cannot spend their paycheck on...


The government can withhold the pay of union members if they boycott businesses.

Who's the thugs here?

Now it's the taxpayer's the bad guy cause they won't shell out for cadillac bennies while they suffer?? Is that what we're going to try now that the game's exposed to be morally bankrupt as it is? Are you high or something?


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so what your saying ODDYBALL is that business should also be able to be pissed at their employees if they support anything that's paid for by workers money that they hire and pay a wage to.

Well I hate to tell you this sonny, but I am also pissed at the govt's money is being given to corp's that have little interest in doing what is best for the people and is only looking at what is best from a profit point of view for themselves. Our govt spends billions on companies that have turned their backs on the American worker and took jobs overseas to increase their profits they make off of American taxpayer's tax money.

The problem with you my good man is you can't think for yourself, it's made up for you once you put that CR on your forehead. *(conservative republican)CR

The anti abortion org's. like in Kansas that protest peoples homes, or businesses that do any work for those who run abortion clinics or family planning groups all the way from printers, to laundry, to where they get their supplies to, or any company that dares to deliver is OK with you, I mean these people protest, hand out flayers and go as far as to shoot people.

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