Why would the world scientists say that we need to start stockpiling medicines for Radiological Catastrophe? Is Joe Biden leaking shit again?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
World Health Organization Recommends Stockpiling Meds for Radiological Catastrophe
The World Health Organization’s updated list of critical medicines puts a focus on radiological and nuclear emergencies.
The WHO says governments need to have treatments available for citizens exposed to radiation.
New formulas developed in the last decade have, in part, prompted the updated guidelines from WHO.
A new World Health Organization (WHO) report calling for an increased global preparedness for radiological and nuclear emergencies doesn’t spell out any particular current conflict, but it doesn’t need to. The world has become fully aware of the increased dangers of radiological and nuclear threats.
Wait a minute, i thought that Joe Biteme, was the guy who was to bring the world together because he didnt use mean tweets, and didnt have his finger, on the nuclear codes? Where is the respect this old fucking guy was supposed to get because of the big steal, of 2020?

Yeah, you Marxists really did fuck this one up now didnt you. Can you imagine what would happen if a mushroom cloud formed just down the street from ya? Oh yeah, you would blame President Trump still, as you vaporized into that cloud of hot gases, like Joe Biden's fart.

2023 'Doomsday Clock': This is how close we are to the apocalypse, scientists say
Scientists revealed on Tuesday that the "Doomsday Clock" has been moved up to 90 seconds before midnight -- the closest humanity has ever been to armageddon.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved the metaphorical clock up 10 seconds from where it had stayed for the past two years, citing the escalation in Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022.
Tater is always leaking shit....The Depends gets most of it. ;)
That depends if they are on right..

Can you imagine what would happen if a mushroom cloud formed just down the street from ya? Oh yeah, you would blame President Trump still, as you vaporized into that cloud of hot gases, like Joe Biden's fart.
Imagine what they'd be feeling just before they assumed room temp. Orange Man BAD! Ah, the final dopamine hate-bump.
You know, all humor aside, if we can't find a way to stop the tribalistic poisoning of our culture by the corporate media, this country doesn't stand a chance of coming back. The most frustrating aspect of it is that IF we could tune out or otherwise shut down the relentless hate-messaging, cooler heads might very well find a way forward.

IF/WHEN America falls into chaos and violence, I hope that as a group we remember who was most responsible for the crisis. It won't be our Democrat neighbor. They are like the rest of us. We all have bought in to the poison and the reason I believe this is found in discussions/arguments in online forums like this one.

The rhetoric we see from so many in the modern Democrat Party, is like a virtual mirror image of what conservatives believe. Both sides believe they are doing God's work and saving the nation from the other. When the globalist PTB flip the switch to initiate economic collapse, there will be no coming back until Americans accept their agenda.
Just the continuation of Project Chaos -- keep as may people frightened as possible and keep those Gullibles susceptible to anything and everything their hysterical little selves want to imagine
The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. The media is taking us down for the pursuit of "clicks" and all of the Sturm und Drang they generate will disappear in the aftermath of the collapse.
They could be assessing risks and making prudent suggestions. I tend to lean toward them having an ulterior motive. It's just like these emergency "drills" that seem to occur just prior to an actual emergency.
These medications wouldn't be as effective in handling illnesses in the aftermath of a nuclear detonation but in a dirty bomb scenario they'd come in quite handy:

WHO says a radiation emergency stockpile needs stable iodine, chelating sand decorporating agents, cytokines, and medicines to treat vomiting, diarrhea, and infections.
Imagine what they'd be feeling just before they assumed room temp. Orange Man BAD! Ah, the final dopamine hate-bump.
You know, all humor aside, if we can't find a way to stop the tribalistic poisoning of our culture by the corporate media, this country doesn't stand a chance of coming back. The most frustrating aspect of it is that IF we could tune out or otherwise shut down the relentless hate-messaging, cooler heads might very well find a way forward.

IF/WHEN America falls into chaos and violence, I hope that as a group we remember who was most responsible for the crisis. It won't be our Democrat neighbor. They are like the rest of us. We all have bought in to the poison and the reason I believe this is found in discussions/arguments in online forums like this one.

The rhetoric we see from so many in the modern Democrat Party, is like a virtual mirror image of what conservatives believe. Both sides believe they are doing God's work and saving the nation from the other. When the globalist PTB flip the switch to initiate economic collapse, there will be no coming back until Americans accept their agenda.
The problem with the voters of Demofascists/Marxists is that they are condoning the actions of their Masters, just so they can get "Free Stuff". Evil begets evil, and it is getting worse every year.
World Health Organization Recommends Stockpiling Meds for Radiological Catastrophe Wait a minute, i thought that Joe Biteme, was the guy who was to bring the world together because he didnt use mean tweets, and didnt have his finger, on the nuclear codes? Where is the respect this old fucking guy was supposed to get because of the big steal, of 2020?

Yeah, you Marxists really did fuck this one up now didnt you. Can you imagine what would happen if a mushroom cloud formed just down the street from ya? Oh yeah, you would blame President Trump still, as you vaporized into that cloud of hot gases, like Joe Biden's fart.
Interesting - when did you become aware of that?

The Chinese central government had forwarded this issue already 2 month ago to all households in China.
Putin's threats.

Every prepper has iodine pills in their emergency kit.

Every citizen in Israel has them, supplied by their govt, from what I've read?

I'm not scared, I'm a female boyscout!

Having the pills makes me less scared, because I'm prepared....!!!

May I go my entire lifetime and never have to use them!

Actually my older sister, who is a super duper prepper, bought a bottle for us, one for my parents and one for herself and gave it to us last Christmas as a present! :lol:

I'm glad she did though! For the, Just in case scenario....

Putin's threats.

Every prepper has iodine pills in their emergency kit.

Every citizen in Israel has them, supplied by their govt, from what I've read?

I'm not scared, I'm a female boyscout!

Having the pills makes me less scared, because I'm prepared....!!!

May I go my entire lifetime and never have to use them!

Actually my older sister, who is a super duper prepper, bought a bottle for us, one for my parents and one for herself and gave it to us last Christmas as a present! :lol:

I'm glad she did though! For the, Just in case scenario....

Did you watch the movie 2012? You know where the billionaires had prepped for the end of times, because of the planets all aligning? When the great flood happened many of the non believers ended up showing up, wanting to be boarded on the Arks built and paid for by the billionaires. They pleaded to be let in, and since it was a Marxist movie, all the sympathy was shown and they ended up taking on more people. I for one will not open my doors when the shit hits the fan, except to my family and friends, that is all. To you, you can fucking glow like a radioactive isotope for all i care, you are a worthless piece of shit anyway.

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