Why Would Democrats Practically Legalize Shoplifting?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is a new thing that's in the news. Folks just walk into your shop or store and help themselves to whatever you have on the shelves.
Why are they doing this?
City Hall has, in all their wisdom, decided that stealing is like a parking ticket. Then they put out the word that you can take what you want up to $925 or whatever the amount is.
Why would they do this?
This is communism folks.
They're closing down businesses in their cities.
The trick to it is make it look organic....not by design.
Eventually there will be fewer stores....and the stores that are still in business won't have their goods on shelves anymore.
The left wants empty shelves.....and long lines of people waiting for what little is available.
Make sure you have your vaccine card so you can get in.
Welcome to East Germany.

This is a new thing that's in the news. Folks just walk into your shop or store and help themselves to whatever you have on the shelves.
Why are they doing this?
City Hall has, in all their wisdom, decided that stealing is like a parking ticket. Then they put out the word that you can take what you want up to $925 or whatever the amount is.
Why would they do this?
This is communism folks.
They're closing down businesses in their cities.
The trick to it is make it look organic....not by design.
Eventually there will be fewer stores....and the stores that are still in business won't have their goods on shelves anymore.
The left wants empty shelves.....and long lines of people waiting for what little is available.
Make sure you have your vaccine card so you can get in.
Welcome to East Germany.

The funny thing is Democrats are so stupid they'd elect the same leaders responsible for closing their stores. Eventually people are going to have to turn to online services and the government for their goods. Since not everybody could afford internet services, government will have to provide them with free internet access which creates yet even more government dependency.
A lot of Lefties believe that looting and shoplifting is de facto reparations that is justified. But in too any cases the store owner is a minority person who probably votes for the democrats. And if it's a chain store owned by Walgreens or some other large corporation, they'll close down their stores and leave the area. Doesn't anybody on the Left see how dumb-shit stupid all this is?
This is a new thing that's in the news. Folks just walk into your shop or store and help themselves to whatever you have on the shelves.
Why are they doing this?
City Hall has, in all their wisdom, decided that stealing is like a parking ticket. Then they put out the word that you can take what you want up to $925 or whatever the amount is.
Why would they do this?
This is communism folks.
They're closing down businesses in their cities.
The trick to it is make it look organic....not by design.
Eventually there will be fewer stores....and the stores that are still in business won't have their goods on shelves anymore.
The left wants empty shelves.....and long lines of people waiting for what little is available.
Make sure you have your vaccine card so you can get in.
Welcome to East Germany.

Because everything they do is to destabilize and destroy Western Civilization.
A lot of Lefties believe that looting and shoplifting is de facto reparations that is justified. But in too any cases the store owner is a minority person who probably votes for the democrats. And if it's a chain store owned by Walgreens or some other large corporation, they'll close down their stores and leave the area. Doesn't anybody on the Left see how dumb-shit stupid all this is?

It's how they think and the best reason in the world they should never be put in leadership of anything. These are totally logic-less people.

Gun and violent crime--take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Out of control riots--don't keep them in jail and turn them loose first chance you get.
Illegal immigrants destroying this country and illegally working--give them state drivers licenses so they can get to work at those jobs they're not supposed to have.
Huge employee shortage--government pay people more money to stay home than work.

In Chicago Mayor Lightweight created policy that police cannot pursue criminals after they committed a crime. Now police have to call their supervisor to get permission to chase a suspect who will be six blocks away by the time the officer starts.
The majority of shoplifters are druggies using it to raise cash to feed their habits. It really isnt worth the trouble for organised crime to do so.
The majority of shoplifters are druggies using it to raise cash to feed their habits. It really isnt worth the trouble for organised crime to do so.

Either way it still ends up with the closure of businesses which hurt everybody in the community. Here after the blacks moved in, they ended up closing every major store we had with shoplifting. Now when I need one of those stores, I have to travel to the other side of town where it's still white to shop.
For the party that argues it has the most intelligent members, the Democratic Party sure does a lot of stupid things.

You mean like when riots are breaking out, violent crime increasing by double digits, same with murder, it isn't a good idea to de-fund your police departments? :eusa_shhh:
For the party that argues it has the most intelligent members, the Democratic Party sure does a lot of stupid things.

You mean like when riots are breaking out, violent crime increasing by double digits, same with murder, it isn't a good idea to de-fund your police departments? :eusa_shhh:
That’s a prime example.
The Corrupt Democrat Politicians know that their constituents are lower class violence prone criminals who would rather rob and steal than get a job.
This is why Democrat Voters hate the police and law and order.
Democrats even brag about registering convicted criminals to vote.

It's also why they want to disarm law-abiding citizens; to give their voters an upper edge on the rest of us when they rob, rape or violently attack you.

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