Why won't Biden commit to having abortions performed on federal land in Jesusland states?

Well, we'll see, but the gop hasn't played by those rules for 6 going on 7 years. I hope we don't see another group of Ayers and the Weathermen, but the dems need to show voters that their mission is to elect a Court that will support individual rights and personal autonomy, or they will not win elections.

ps, and you can't codify Roe without 60 votes, and if you kill the filibuster, the gop will simply repeal the law with 50 votes
It just makes sense to me for the next move to be a federal bill providing the same protections we’ve had over the past few decades. If it doesn’t get 60 votes then those senators will be on record and we can go from there. Best way to do any bill IMO is with a bi-partisan committee so I’d like to Biden and congressional leadership to put that together. I won’t hold my breath though
Relax, Biden hasn't been told yet what he thinks. When they tell him, you'll be the first to know. Oh, and you're a racist
It won't do Biden any good to be told what he thinks, he will just forget

That is why he has cue cards.

Just wait to watch the hilarity ensue when he can now longer read them.
Can you imagine seeing hundreds of mobile clinics deployed from Washington to [the] states?” Woodbury added.
While you're engaged in that thought experiment, can you imagine massive numbers of protesters surrounding the Federal land to stop people from entering? Or maybe surveilling the sites and arresting the people who break the law as they are leaving? Not gonna happen, Bo Peep.
It won't do Biden any good to be told what he thinks, he will just forget

That is why he has cue cards.

Just wait to watch the hilarity ensue when he can now longer read them.
Damn, y’all are really desperate for substance aren’t ya? If all you got is the demented president in poppy diapers nonsense then you really aren’t saying anything.
It just makes sense to me for the next move to be a federal bill providing the same protections we’ve had over the past few decades. If it doesn’t get 60 votes then those senators will be on record and we can go from there. Best way to do any bill IMO is with a bi-partisan committee so I’d like to Biden and congressional leadership to put that together. I won’t hold my breath though
Yeah, I don't think change can come from within. It may be sort of like the gop in 1980, which was sort of the intent of the thread. The gop changed when Reagan adopted a fundamentalist wing, and in doing so gave the theorcrats control of nominaitons. Reagan didn't create them, but he just gave them what they needed to vote consistently gop

HBO has a documentary on "the Janes," which was an abortion group of private women. The effectuated change through direct action of abortion provision. After Roe, the dems simply became complacent, and were ok with voting for people who did not support abortion in places like Fl, Maine, Neb, Kan, NC, Ohio, and Pa. The dem voters simply have to show the same commitment that the theocrats show. There cannot be any compromise with theocrats who don't believe in compromise.

But Biden is simply incapable. He just compromised on nominating a anti-choice judge for Kentucky. I mean, we have him to thank for Clarence, and that was Biden's prime. Am I surprised he's still playing nice with McConnell who stole not just Scalia's but also Ginsburg's seats inorder to keep the senate? No.

Reagan got 4 nominations, including one in his final year ushered through by ..... Biden. Bush I should have lost, but he didn't and got two nominations. WJC got two. W got two. Obama got two, and not a third thanks to McConnell not confirming one Garland for Scalia's seat in Obama's last year, and then filling Ginsburgs seat in Trump's final year with Coney-Barret. Trump got 3. So McConnell flipped two seats.

And women didn't vote for Hillary. And here we are. And it may take 50 years to have a Court find women have an equal protection right to choice. And I don't see 60 votes for it ... ever. Obama didn't have that.

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