Why whites are blind to their racism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

  1. having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
  2. having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism
Yeah my black friends tell me that all the time, as we sit there drinking our Remi Martin, laughing at the liberals who bitch and moan how unfair their lives are because of "whitie". Yeah, my black friends used their White Privilege to become their own business owners and very wealthy... If a black man uses "white privilege" to become a millionaire, are they then blind to their own racism? I must ask them tomorrow...

    • having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
    • having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that.

Because whites enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.

And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

Successful blacks also enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.
That's why they move to white neighborhoods whenever possible.

    • having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
    • having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Stop crying and be a man. Damn.

    • having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
    • having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Who are you going to attack?
Last edited:

    • having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
    • having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that.

Because whites enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.

And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

Successful blacks also enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.
That's why they move to white neighborhoods whenever possible.
I actually have witnessed what you say here, and it's true. A Black family actually moved to my neighborhood where crime didn't exist, and when I met them, and became friends with them, they actually told me that they had to get out of the neighborhood that they were living in, and so they did get out due to the crime and such that was bad there in that neighborhood.

Well guess what, it was a predominantly poor black neighborhood in which they had moved from. They told me some stories, and they weren't good what they told me.

The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore.

Great neighbors these people were to us, until they moved up state near their son who was in college up that way. We still keep in touch with each other as good family friends.

All blacks just like all whites aren't bad people, and you would hope that people could finally figure this out one day.

    • having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
    • having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that.

Because whites enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.

And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

Successful blacks also enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.
That's why they move to white neighborhoods whenever possible.
I actually have witnessed what you say here, and it's true. A Black family actually moved to my neighborhood where crime didn't exist, and when I met them, and became friends with them, they actually told me that they had to get out of the neighborhood that they were living in, and so they did get out due to the crime and such that was bad there in that neighborhood.

Well guess what, it was a predominantly poor black neighborhood in which they had moved from. They told me some stories, and they weren't good what they told me.

The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore.

Great neighbors these people were to us, until they moved up state near their son who was in college up that way. We still keep in touch with each other as good family friends.

All blacks just like all whites aren't bad people, and you would hope that people could finally figure this out one day.

"The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore."

No it is not. And there has never been a time blacks wanted any part of it.. What we are sick and tired of is whites talking about black on black crime when white on white crime happens in higher numbers that whites ignore in order to lecture us.

    • having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
    • having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism

1. Whites are not blind to "our racism". THey disagree with and deny your accusations of racism. It is nothing but intellectual cowardice and rudeness on your part to mischaracterize that the way you did.

2. This nation was on the belief that All Men are Created Equal. Your obsession with race, blinds you to EVERYTHING ELSE, that was going on at that time, including the work and sacrifices of millions of white Americans in building this nation and this modern world.

    • having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
    • having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that.

Because whites enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.

And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

Successful blacks also enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.
That's why they move to white neighborhoods whenever possible.
I actually have witnessed what you say here, and it's true. A Black family actually moved to my neighborhood where crime didn't exist, and when I met them, and became friends with them, they actually told me that they had to get out of the neighborhood that they were living in, and so they did get out due to the crime and such that was bad there in that neighborhood.

Well guess what, it was a predominantly poor black neighborhood in which they had moved from. They told me some stories, and they weren't good what they told me.

The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore.

Great neighbors these people were to us, until they moved up state near their son who was in college up that way. We still keep in touch with each other as good family friends.

All blacks just like all whites aren't bad people, and you would hope that people could finally figure this out one day.

"The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore."

No it is not. And there has never been a time blacks wanted any part of it.. What we are sick and tired of is whites talking about black on black crime when white on white crime happens in higher numbers that whites ignore in order to lecture us.

What we are sick and tired of is whites talking about black on black crime when white on white crime happens in higher numbers

5 times as many whites, how many more white on white crimes?

    • having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
    • having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that.

Because whites enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.

And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

Successful blacks also enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.
That's why they move to white neighborhoods whenever possible.
I actually have witnessed what you say here, and it's true. A Black family actually moved to my neighborhood where crime didn't exist, and when I met them, and became friends with them, they actually told me that they had to get out of the neighborhood that they were living in, and so they did get out due to the crime and such that was bad there in that neighborhood.

Well guess what, it was a predominantly poor black neighborhood in which they had moved from. They told me some stories, and they weren't good what they told me.

The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore.

Great neighbors these people were to us, until they moved up state near their son who was in college up that way. We still keep in touch with each other as good family friends.

All blacks just like all whites aren't bad people, and you would hope that people could finally figure this out one day.

"The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore."

No it is not. And there has never been a time blacks wanted any part of it.. What we are sick and tired of is whites talking about black on black crime when white on white crime happens in higher numbers that whites ignore in order to lecture us.

What we are sick and tired of is whites talking about black on black crime when white on white crime happens in higher numbers

5 times as many whites, how many more white on white crimes?

im2, and many liberals, pretend to be too stupid to understand proportions.
Why IM2 is blind to his racism:

He's black, so he thinks he's immune to being racist and whitey owes him reparations. :cuckoo:

What part of that do I have wrong?

    • having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
    • having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism

“There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well.” ~ Booker T. Washington

    • having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
    • having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that.

Because whites enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.

And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

Successful blacks also enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.
That's why they move to white neighborhoods whenever possible.
I actually have witnessed what you say here, and it's true. A Black family actually moved to my neighborhood where crime didn't exist, and when I met them, and became friends with them, they actually told me that they had to get out of the neighborhood that they were living in, and so they did get out due to the crime and such that was bad there in that neighborhood.

Well guess what, it was a predominantly poor black neighborhood in which they had moved from. They told me some stories, and they weren't good what they told me.

The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore.

Great neighbors these people were to us, until they moved up state near their son who was in college up that way. We still keep in touch with each other as good family friends.

All blacks just like all whites aren't bad people, and you would hope that people could finally figure this out one day.

"The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore."

No it is not. And there has never been a time blacks wanted any part of it.. What we are sick and tired of is whites talking about black on black crime when white on white crime happens in higher numbers that whites ignore in order to lecture us.
Look, you haven't ever been good with listening to the truth, and your extreme biased perspective, and your opinions are created by your racist brainwashing in life.

    • having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
    • having parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal in some respect.
This word and definition will become very important here as the attacks begin.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Wed Jul 2nd 2008 by abagond

Most white Americans are blind to their racism. At least seven out of ten. And even those whites who do see it, most think it is not all that serious. Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that. And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

So why are whites so blind to their own racism? There is a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer is that they are not directly affected by it. They are never at the receiving end. Because they are white.

So when blacks talk about racism whites either have a hard time understanding it – because it is not something they have ever experienced – or they think blacks are making a big deal out of nothing: they are being too sensitive, they are living in the past and all that.

That is the short answer. The long answer is this:

America was founded on two crimes: taking the land of the red man and bringing the black man in chains to work it. To feel right and good about that whites had to be racist. They had to think of themselves as far better and more human than others.

So not only was the country built on racism, so were the hearts and minds of white people.

Back then racism was open, naked, violent and respectable. So respectable, in fact, that any white person who was was not racist, who related to blacks as equals, was called names or worse!

But then all that changed.

Starting in the 1970s racism became a sin among white Americans. It became kind of like how sex used to be: something you did not talk about openly and when you did you felt uncomfortable about it. It even had dirty words to go with it, especially the n-word. “Racist” became one of the worst things you could call a white person.

Because racism was no longer respectable it weakened considerably. But it was still there, it was still a part of how whites saw themselves and the world – but now they could not admit to it!

So then it got strange:

On the one hand, to hold on to their unfair position and advantages in society, to their white privilege, and feel right and good about it, whites had to believe racist lies. Like that blacks lacked brains or a willingness to work hard.

And yet, on the other hand, they knew that racism was wrong.

So in the 1970s whites reached a fork in the road: either give up racism and its advantages, in pride, position and wealth, or hang onto racism by becoming blind to it.

As it turned out, they gave up some of their advantages, like places at universities, but by and large they became blind. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

Why whites are blind to their racism

Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that.

Because whites enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.

And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

Successful blacks also enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.
That's why they move to white neighborhoods whenever possible.
I actually have witnessed what you say here, and it's true. A Black family actually moved to my neighborhood where crime didn't exist, and when I met them, and became friends with them, they actually told me that they had to get out of the neighborhood that they were living in, and so they did get out due to the crime and such that was bad there in that neighborhood.

Well guess what, it was a predominantly poor black neighborhood in which they had moved from. They told me some stories, and they weren't good what they told me.

The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore.

Great neighbors these people were to us, until they moved up state near their son who was in college up that way. We still keep in touch with each other as good family friends.

All blacks just like all whites aren't bad people, and you would hope that people could finally figure this out one day.

"The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore."

No it is not. And there has never been a time blacks wanted any part of it.. What we are sick and tired of is whites talking about black on black crime when white on white crime happens in higher numbers that whites ignore in order to lecture us.

What we are sick and tired of is whites talking about black on black crime when white on white crime happens in higher numbers

5 times as many whites, how many more white on white crimes?

im2, and many liberals, pretend to be too stupid to understand proportions.

He may not be pretending.
Most whites live in nearly all-white neighbourhoods and see nothing racist in that.

Because whites enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.

And when blacks do complain of racism, most whites do not believe it.

Successful blacks also enjoy living in neighborhoods with less crime.
That's why they move to white neighborhoods whenever possible.
I actually have witnessed what you say here, and it's true. A Black family actually moved to my neighborhood where crime didn't exist, and when I met them, and became friends with them, they actually told me that they had to get out of the neighborhood that they were living in, and so they did get out due to the crime and such that was bad there in that neighborhood.

Well guess what, it was a predominantly poor black neighborhood in which they had moved from. They told me some stories, and they weren't good what they told me.

The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore.

Great neighbors these people were to us, until they moved up state near their son who was in college up that way. We still keep in touch with each other as good family friends.

All blacks just like all whites aren't bad people, and you would hope that people could finally figure this out one day.

"The thing to focus on in all of this (that is noted above), is the actual fact that blacks do get fed up with black on black crime, and they want no part of it anymore."

No it is not. And there has never been a time blacks wanted any part of it.. What we are sick and tired of is whites talking about black on black crime when white on white crime happens in higher numbers that whites ignore in order to lecture us.

What we are sick and tired of is whites talking about black on black crime when white on white crime happens in higher numbers

5 times as many whites, how many more white on white crimes?

im2, and many liberals, pretend to be too stupid to understand proportions.

He may not be pretending.

I recall, vaguely, him demonstrating the he understood proportions in a different context.

He is pretending, because he is emotionally and financially invested in the idea of black victim hood.

Now, Black flag, I've never seen him break, "Stupid" character.

If he is pretending, he is doing it perfectly.

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