Why we need socialism even more at this time

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
With the government in near danger of a having a serious financial crisis a socialist economic plan that stresses benefitting everyone and not just the rich8who favor take breaks which they think will do a better job of helping the economy but in reality puts more money in their pockets.
Just think, if that 700 billion dollar bailout money was divided and given to the *PEOPLE* instead of the banks things would be alot better than they are now.
Wait, given to the "people?" Since we, the people, are paying for this bailout, aren't we just giving money to ourselves? Seeing as the wealthy pay more taxes, wouldn't the lower income taxpayers be the only benefactor? Isn't that socialism?

Then again, if the only alternative is giving it to me or giving it to the banks, I'd vote for me.
Wait, given to the "people?" Since we, the people, are paying for this bailout, aren't we just giving money to ourselves? Seeing as the wealthy pay more taxes, wouldn't the lower income taxpayers be the only benefactor? Isn't that socialism?

Then again, if the only alternative is giving it to me or giving it to the banks, I'd vote for me.

Our tax dollars are taken from us and given to God knows who, if the government took those 700 billion dollars and evenly divided among our country's 300 million people there would be no more poverty, why give it to banks who screw people over anyways by living fat off the interest from the investments they make?
More socialism will cause more problems.

When everyone has a fair share or at least a reasonable share of the wealth things can only get better, not worse. Only a small amount of the population controls the majority of the wealth in the US, how is that making things better?
Our tax dollars are taken from us and given to God knows who, if the government took those 700 billion dollars and evenly divided among our country's 300 million people there would be no more poverty, why give it to banks who screw people over anyways by living fat off the interest from the investments they make?
What?? Do the math...700bil divided by 300mil is only $2333 a piece. That's gonna end poverty??
When everyone has a fair share or at least a reasonable share of the wealth things can only get better, not worse. Only a small amount of the population controls the majority of the wealth in the US, how is that making things better?

Charlie, please tell me you are joking? If every man, woman, and child was given X equally, within short order the biggest and smartest would control most. Has been that way since time immortal, with or without slavery.
With the government in near danger of a having a serious financial crisis a socialist economic plan that stresses benefitting everyone and not just the rich8who favor take breaks which they think will do a better job of helping the economy but in reality puts more money in their pockets.

He'll build a glass asylum
With just a hint of mayhem
He'll build a better whirlpool
We'll be living from sin, then we can really begin

Please savior, saviour, show us
Hear me, I'm graphically yours

Someone to claim us, someone to follow
Someone to shame us, some brave Apollo
Someone to fool us, someone like you

We want you Big Brother, Big Brother

I know you think you're awful square
But you made everyone and you've been every where
Lord, I think you'd overdose if you knew what's going down

Someone to claim us, someone to follow
Someone to shame us, some brave Apollo
Someone to fool us, someone like you
Someone to claim us, someone to follow
Someone to shame us, some brave Apollo
Someone to fool, someone like you
Someone to claim us, someone to follow
Someone to shame us, some brave Apollo
Someone to fool, someone like you

Big Brother Lyrics by David Bowie
When everyone has a fair share or at least a reasonable share of the wealth things can only get better, not worse. Only a small amount of the population controls the majority of the wealth in the US, how is that making things better?


Where does the incentive to provide extra come from if the persons putting forth the extra effort must give away the fruits of their labors?

Socialism is an inherently flawed system that cannot work on a large scale without forms of totalitarian control... and this country is based on freedom and not totalitarianism... with freedom comes the ability to succeed AND fail... yes, it is great to VOLUNTARILY help your fellow man... but forced redistribution will ONLY result in the downturn of this country

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