Why Was The First Lady Meeting CA Gov Gavin Newsome In The White House While Biden Is In Israel???

Perhaps the sheeple will start to wake up now that big time inflation is back. Most people are not all that interested in the news as long as they don’t see major changes in their lives.
We can hope. But if they believe the narrative Biden et al put out that the whole problem is Russia, big oil and Republicans, they won't wake up.
Which would you prefer, high inflation or a major depression?
We had very low inflation, a booming economy that included all demographics, a mostly secure border, and no threat of depression with Trump. Biden managed to reverse all that in less than a year and a half. I'm not saying that only Trump could accomplish that or that nobody but Biden could be that bad, but I really prefer the country as it was under Trump. And now that we know it is possible, we should shoot for that.

For sure Gavin Newsome does not have the skill set or vision that President Trump had.
We had very low inflation, a booming economy that included all demographics, a mostly secure border, and no threat of depression with Trump. Biden managed to reverse all that in less than a year and a half. I'm not saying that only Trump could accomplish that or that nobody but Biden could be that bad, but I really prefer the country as it was under Trump. And now that we know it is possible, we should shoot for that.

For sure Gavin Newsome does not have the skill set or vision that President Trump had.
Can you answer the question?
Remember that before Biden's first wife was killed, he and Jill were having an affair while Jill's husband was blindly, trustingly, loyally, working on Joe's campaign.

This kind of behavior is not new for Jill.
Can you answer the question?
I have lived through stagflation while Carter was in office and I have lived through recessions. I have never lived through a depression. I think a depression would be very bad but the worst would be what was suggested in the article I linked to, high inflation combined with an economic depression.

One of the reporters that saw Newsome enter the White House through the back door asked him "....how's this look?"
Apparently it looks like the First Lady is taking meetings behind the president's back.

Gavin Newsome waited till Biden was out of the country before he showed up at the White House and met with the First Lady and her Chief of Staff.

I saw the raw footage on Twitter....but the media claims it was totally innocent and then went to some award that was given to him.

Just a meeting.

It's not a Trump stormy Daniel's kinda pay for play thing.
We can hope. But if they believe the narrative Biden et al put out that the whole problem is Russia, big oil and Republicans, they won't wake up.
I find it hard to believe that anyone who listens to Joe speak would think he had any idea what he was reading off the teleprompter.
Jill can show him where Trump tried to organise a coup....

I say they are talking how California are bringing in an actual real plan to low drug costs... Newsom's Insulin plan was pretty smart, if big Pharma acting the dick just manufacture your own...
You do realize, as soon as government took over health care. It became unaffordable?
The liberal news media will do its best to promote Gov. Newsom if he is the Democratic candidate. They will push his pluses and ignore his negatives. Hopefully the sheeple are beginning to wise up to the fact that the liberal news media is useless.
Newsome is even more hated in CA than Al Gore was hated here in TN.
Everyone was just glad to get rid of him when he and Bill won.
I have lived through stagflation while Carter was in office and I have lived through recessions. I have never lived through a depression. I think a depression would be very bad but the worst would be what was suggested in the article I linked to, high inflation combined with an economic depression.
Well the stimulus that is causing the inflation was paid to avoid an economic depression. So let’s get smart and put that money to good use so we don’t fall into a depression
Well the stimulus that is causing the inflation was paid to avoid an economic depression. So let’s get smart and put that money to good use so we don’t fall into a depression
I suspect the Biden administration lacks economic expertise.

Some agree with me.


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