Why was Mark Esper fired so abruptly?

Esper broke his loyalty Oath to the Don, obviously.

The Scorched Earth Policy by the poor Trumpybear is just another display of his petulant hatred for those who disagree with him.

Proving for the umptenth time that he was never fit for the job.
The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.
Why hasn't he shown this evidence to the DOJ or to the judges that have thrown out 9 or 10 of his law suits alleging fraud??

The cognitive dissonance of a Trump supporter is pathetic
Esper broke his loyalty Oath to the Don, obviously.

The Scorched Earth Policy by the poor Trumpybear is just another display of his petulant hatred for those who disagree with him.

Proving for the umptenth time that he was never fit for the job.


"display of his petulant hatred for those who disagree"

Yeah, like the hordes of bed wetting parasites burning, looting, murdering people, trashing cities, tearing down statues and throwing incendiaries at police. Or how about doxing people, prosecutions for self defense, ruining careers and censorship of any speech or information deemed negative to the interests of commie globalist traitors?

Like that sort of "petulant hatred"?

Fucking assholes....

Yeah, like the hordes of bed wetting parasites burning, looting, murdering people, trashing cities, tearing down statues and throwing incendiaries at police. Or how about doxing people, prosecutions for self defense, ruining careers and censorship of any speech or information deemed negative to the interests of commie globalist traitors?

Like that sort of "petulant hatred"?

No. Like simply disagreeing with Trumpybear publicly. He's been itching to fire him since his public display of disloyalty to the Crown.

No I understand hating rioters, looters and vandals. None of that has anything to do with Esper or Trumpybear's fitness for office
Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Because this man has and would have refused our sitting President's command of our military forces, against domestic enemies and Chinese forces. It is that simple.
No. Like simply disagreeing with Trumpybear publicly. He's been itching to fire him since his public display of disloyalty to the Crown.

No I understand hating rioters, looters and vandals. None of that has anything to do with Esper or Trumpybear's fitness for office

It has everything to do with the mentality of democrook voters, and the people who organized and manipulated the destruction of cities.

Regardless, what idiot would keep a disloyal public servant in his office when they undermine his policy objectives?

How stupid are you?

You can also admit you're just parroting leftist psychobabble like all the other bed wetters.

But there was no need to do it, especially now, and in this manner. This was a chess move.

Chess? Yeah, I keep hearing about this. That must be how he lost the election. I doubt Trump knows how many pieces there are in checkers.

Anyways, there may be other reasons.

President Trump's newly installed acting Pentagon chief is bringing on a senior adviser in a sign the administration wants to accelerate the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Middle East before the end of his presidency in January, three people familiar with the move told Axios.​

The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.

He foresaw Biden beating him a year-and-a-half ago. "Everyone was in the loop."
The question is did Biden really beat Trump. The jury is still out. Stay tuned.

Yes, and it's not even very close. The only reason the election isn't over is the loser hasn't conceded.

Biden will concede shortly
How do we know it was abrupt?
It arose almost instantly after the election results, and instead of going down a long list of last minute, he fired Esper only, the one person who said he wouldn't impose the insurrection act during the Floyd riots. Sum Ting Wong.
But there was no need to do it, especially now, and in this manner. This was a chess move.

Chess? Yeah, I keep hearing about this. That must be how he lost the election. I doubt Trump knows how many pieces there are in checkers.

Anyways, there may be other reasons.

President Trump's newly installed acting Pentagon chief is bringing on a senior adviser in a sign the administration wants to accelerate the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Middle East before the end of his presidency in January, three people familiar with the move told Axios.​

Ya okay, 'cause troop withdrawal is at the top of his bucket list of things to do before leaving.
The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.
Why hasn't he shown this evidence to the DOJ or to the judges that have thrown out 9 or 10 of his law suits alleging fraud??

The cognitive dissonance of a Trump supporter is pathetic
the courts are beginning to see the evidence. If they agree with the GOP assertion of election fraud then there's a strong chance Trump is relected. The lunatics on the Left will start rioting and looting, and Democrat cities will go up in flames one after another. Once the dust settles, Trump will use the insurrection act and bring in the military to save the Democrat cities from their own party.
The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.

If he knows this then why is he planning a run in 2024?

A person who knows they didn't lose doesn't plan a run in 2024.

Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Who says it was so quick? Just because you weren't in the loop doesn't mean it hasn't been underway for some time. Besides Trump doesn't hesitate to eliminate rot and dead wood. He promised to drain the swamp and he meant just that. Our military has a lot of deadwood in it too. Anyone who's ever been in the military can tell you that.
But there was no need to do it, especially now, and in this manner. This was a chess move.

Chess? Yeah, I keep hearing about this. That must be how he lost the election. I doubt Trump knows how many pieces there are in checkers.

Anyways, there may be other reasons.

President Trump's newly installed acting Pentagon chief is bringing on a senior adviser in a sign the administration wants to accelerate the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Middle East before the end of his presidency in January, three people familiar with the move told Axios.​

Yes this could be about getting all of our troops out of the Middle East and Afghanistan.


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