Why they had forbid the Holy Bible in English


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The history channel discussed the translator of the Bible to English who was punished by being burned at the stake. The founders of Christianity forbid translations into English where the avg man would be able to read the book and thus notice:
That Jesus is not God-Ephesians 1:18-19,
That Jesus is not the son of man he was emulating/impostering-rev 1:13
That Jesus was bi sexual- (Mark 10:21&John 11:11, 13:23-25)
The Secret Book of Judas of
Kerioth, According
Missing fragment in text of St. Mark chapter 10 (between verses 34 and 35 in the standard version of the Bible)
That Jesus was Lucifer-Rev 22:16&
creating that image of a man as their fallen
Anointed (christ)Cherub (nazarene)made perfect
-Ezek 28:14-15 (about son of perdition).
That Satan who they claim shift changes into anyone, offered Jesus worship by the world then Jesus dies and gets worshiped by all through resurrecting into a new form nobody recognized (thus Satan comes as resurrected Jesus causes Jesus to be worshiped matching the serpent promise to believe in him to never die).
In English they noticed the Bible reveals the liberator and defeat of Death and the devil with the power of death as Michael roles. They notice the head of host (heavenly father) and Judge is Michael.
They notice son of man/Moshiach is Michael. They notice the Bible never tells the name of the father then realize why.
They notice the over 50 thousand errors, contradictions, and lies.
That Jesus was stoned (slew) & hanged not crucified
Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree"
1 Peter 2:24 ",& Galatians 3:13.
They notice Mary was not immacculaye nor virgin.
They notice the character can't be in the AD era and Herod died 4Bc & Lysanias era who died in 35bc.
Thus they notice the church is the adversary and father of lies, the beast.
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The "Founders" of Christianity didn't even travel to England. The Catholic Church is not the "Founders". It was on TV, so it must have been true huh?
The RCC is the founder because Christianity is not a singular offshoot messianic cult, but a compilation of all the christ cults and cultural deity figure worships.
They are the compilers of the one world religion all the sects admit will happen, only because they have yet to notice it already occured.
The Hanotzrim (i.e.offshoot) cult, the Yehudite cult,& Nazarenes, make up the Christian mythology but are not singularly Christian, even Krishna called Christos makes up the Jesus mythology and is combined into the pne world religion, along with Baal and Mithraic worshipers becoming Christians=combined worship of Baal under the guise and mask of his dying son the morning star...,
Look it up and learn.
Search term: The Canaanite dying god mythology morning star son of baal.
Then read the punch line of the Roman joke: Rev 22:16.
The "Founders" of Christianity didn't even travel to England. The Catholic Church is not the "Founders". It was on TV, so it must have been true huh?

I missed it------where does Hashev claimed "the founders of Christianity traveled to England" or "the catholic
church is not the founder"??? I believe that is a problem of semantics here. I think Hashev is calling the
established catholic church in England------'the founders" and you are claiming that the catholic church is
NOT the founder-------??? is that your objection?
That choice of fallen morning star (lucifer) or rising Evening Star (Michael [Dan 12:1-4]) named in the Holy city YeruShalem and you chose the adversary and his constant impostering and thwarting of the Mikdash by requesting the city be international and holy sites be Islamic controlled.
So it doesn't take a Ben Carson to know you chose wrong.
Yes it is interesting now that UNesco is pushing to islamisize the western wall as well by claiming it is part of the Al Aska compound...... It is funny watching Islamics pray towards Mecca with their heads facing Mecca and their rear ends facing the site they claim is holy...Gives a whole new meaning to Al ASS ka....The colective religions of Islam and Christianity are showing their true disdain to the GD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob by thrwarting the rebuilding of the temple....
The history channel discussed the translator of the Bible to English who was punished by being burned at the stake. The founders of Christianity forbid translations into English where the avg man would be able to read the book and thus notice:t.

LOL.....you didn't pay much attention to the History Channel and you don't know much about Christianity- do you?

English as a language didn't even exist at the time of the founding of Christianity.
Says the people who claim Jesus a Jew but call him by a greek term which meant The Swine.
You know not what you worship, because you are of the 1/3 deceived.
The history channel discussed the translator of the Bible to English who was punished by being burned at the stake. The founders of Christianity forbid translations into English where the avg man would be able to read the book and thus notice:
That Jesus is not God-Ephesians 1:18-19,
That Jesus is not the son of man he was emulating/impostering-rev 1:13
That Jesus was bi sexual- (Mark 10:21&John 11:11, 13:23-25)
The Secret Book of Judas of
Kerioth, According
Missing fragment in text of St. Mark chapter 10 (between verses 34 and 35 in the standard version of the Bible)
That Jesus was Lucifer-Rev 22:16&
creating that image of a man as their fallen
Anointed (christ)Cherub (nazarene)made perfect
-Ezek 28:14-15 (about son of perdition).
That Satan who they claim shift changes into anyone, offered Jesus worship by the world then Jesus dies and gets worshiped by all through resurrecting into a new form nobody recognized (thus Satan comes as resurrected Jesus causes Jesus to be worshiped matching the serpent promise to believe in him to never die).
In English they noticed the Bible reveals the liberator and defeat of Death and the devil with the power of death as Michael roles. They notice the head of host (heavenly father) and Judge is Michael.
They notice son of man/Moshiach is Michael. They notice the Bible never tells the name of the father then realize why.
They notice the over 50 thousand errors, contradictions, and lies.
That Jesus was stoned (slew) & hanged not crucified
Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree"
1 Peter 2:24 ",& Galatians 3:13.
They notice Mary was not immacculaye nor virgin.
They notice the character can't be in the AD era and Herod died 4Bc & Lysanias era who died in 35bc.
Thus they notice the church is the adversary and father of lies, the beast.

What the HELL are you talking about?

The "founders of Christianity" were the disciples of Christ, and there was no written BIBLE when they were still alive...and they certainly never stated that there should never be an ENGLISH bible.

This place just never attains sanity.
The "Founders" of Christianity didn't even travel to England. The Catholic Church is not the "Founders". It was on TV, so it must have been true huh?

I missed it------where does Hashev claimed "the founders of Christianity traveled to England" or "the catholic
church is not the founder"??? I believe that is a problem of semantics here. I think Hashev is calling the
established catholic church in England------'the founders" and you are claiming that the catholic church is
NOT the founder-------??? is that your objection?
He doesn't know what he's saying, what a lunatic.
The "Founders" of Christianity didn't even travel to England. The Catholic Church is not the "Founders". It was on TV, so it must have been true huh?

I missed it------where does Hashev claimed "the founders of Christianity traveled to England" or "the catholic
church is not the founder"??? I believe that is a problem of semantics here. I think Hashev is calling the
established catholic church in England------'the founders" and you are claiming that the catholic church is
NOT the founder-------??? is that your objection?
He doesn't know what he's saying, what a lunatic.

I feel somewhat unclean.

I am agreeing with a koshergrl post.

But what she said.
The "Founders" of Christianity didn't even travel to England. The Catholic Church is not the "Founders". It was on TV, so it must have been true huh?

I missed it------where does Hashev claimed "the founders of Christianity traveled to England" or "the catholic
church is not the founder"??? I believe that is a problem of semantics here. I think Hashev is calling the
established catholic church in England------'the founders" and you are claiming that the catholic church is
NOT the founder-------??? is that your objection?
He doesn't know what he's saying, what a lunatic.

I feel somewhat unclean.

I am agreeing with a koshergrl post.

But what she said.

you will both get over it
What the HELL are you talking about?

The "founders of Christianity" were the disciples of Christ, and there was no written BIBLE when they were still alive...and they certainly never stated that there should never be an ENGLISH bible.

This place just never attains sanity.

Ummm you do realize that you just INADVERTANTLY admited Jesus wasn't Moshiach and Christianity was a cult by saying he founded an adversary religion to the required Judaism and Torah required by being considered Moshiach.
None of the cults founded Christianity, once again read carefully: neither the HaNotzrim, the followers of Yehuda, nor the Nazarenes ( followers of Theudas?) are Christianity by their lone cult self.... Christianity is the sum total of all cultures religions and false prophet christs martyrs and myth/ legends.
You brilliant rant and raving hate mongers can't even name a singular figure as your historical Jesus without proving this point. Get your history straight before you post about sanity.
koshergirl quote " He doesn't know what he's saying, what a lunatic."
1) 2nd time she used personal ad hominom attacks instead of reasoning of refutation.=protecting the idol Jesus & cult of christianity makes them wormwood=bitter & Poisonous.
2) using an even standard inadvertantly she is calling Jesus a lunatic for "He didn't know what he was saying, what a lunatic."

koshergirl quote " He doesn't know what he's saying, what a lunatic."
1) 2nd time she used personal ad hominom attacks instead of reasoning of refutation.=protecting the idol Jesus & cult of christianity makes them wormwood=bitter & Poisonous.
2) using an even standard inadvertantly she is calling Jesus a lunatic for "He didn't know what he was saying, what a lunatic."

I refuted your ridiculous comment that the founders of Christianity opposed an English bible. The rest of your insane rambling is nonsensical and irrelevant.
koshergirl quote " He doesn't know what he's saying, what a lunatic."
1) 2nd time she used personal ad hominom attacks instead of reasoning of refutation.=protecting the idol Jesus & cult of christianity makes them wormwood=bitter & Poisonous.
2) using an even standard inadvertantly she is calling Jesus a lunatic for "He didn't know what he was saying, what a lunatic."

I refuted your ridiculous comment that the founders of Christianity opposed an English bible. The rest of your insane rambling is nonsensical and irrelevant.

whai is ridiculous about it? the catholic church which was the church of England was the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-------and it did oppose an English translation of the bible
koshergirl quote " He doesn't know what he's saying, what a lunatic."
1) 2nd time she used personal ad hominom attacks instead of reasoning of refutation.=protecting the idol Jesus & cult of christianity makes them wormwood=bitter & Poisonous.
2) using an even standard inadvertantly she is calling Jesus a lunatic for "He didn't know what he was saying, what a lunatic."

I refuted your ridiculous comment that the founders of Christianity opposed an English bible. The rest of your insane rambling is nonsensical and irrelevant.

whai is ridiculous about it? the catholic church which was the church of England was the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-------and it did oppose an English translation of the bible

Hmmm because his original claim is patently false.

Not a single founder of Christianity forbade the Bible being translated to English.

English didn't exist when Christianity was invented or the Christian Church.

Now- the Catholic Church did indeed forbid the translation of the Bible to local languages- not because they cared about the crap the OP brings up- the Catholic Church would have just translated the Latin Bible to English- not from the original Greek and Aramaic- but because the Catholic Church wanted to control the members of the church.

If the OP hadn't sounded like such a complete idiot- and raving anti-Catholic in his original claims, maybe some of us would have bothered to actual bother with the rest of his stuff- I stopped at the first idiocy.
koshergirl quote " He doesn't know what he's saying, what a lunatic."
1) 2nd time she used personal ad hominom attacks instead of reasoning of refutation.=protecting the idol Jesus & cult of christianity makes them wormwood=bitter & Poisonous.
2) using an even standard inadvertantly she is calling Jesus a lunatic for "He didn't know what he was saying, what a lunatic."

I refuted your ridiculous comment that the founders of Christianity opposed an English bible. The rest of your insane rambling is nonsensical and irrelevant.

whai is ridiculous about it? the catholic church which was the church of England was the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-------and it did oppose an English translation of the bible

Hmmm because his original claim is patently false.

Not a single founder of Christianity forbade the Bible being translated to English.

English didn't exist when Christianity was invented or the Christian Church.

Now- the Catholic Church did indeed forbid the translation of the Bible to local languages- not because they cared about the crap the OP brings up- the Catholic Church would have just translated the Latin Bible to English- not from the original Greek and Aramaic- but because the Catholic Church wanted to control the members of the church.

If the OP hadn't sounded like such a complete idiot- and raving anti-Catholic in his original claims, maybe some of us would have bothered to actual bother with the rest of his stuff- I stopped at the first idiocy.

not idiocy-----you just OVER INTERPRETED and DID SO IN A PICKY MANNER------ok----not the
koshergirl quote " He doesn't know what he's saying, what a lunatic."
1) 2nd time she used personal ad hominom attacks instead of reasoning of refutation.=protecting the idol Jesus & cult of christianity makes them wormwood=bitter & Poisonous.
2) using an even standard inadvertantly she is calling Jesus a lunatic for "He didn't know what he was saying, what a lunatic."

I refuted your ridiculous comment that the founders of Christianity opposed an English bible. The rest of your insane rambling is nonsensical and irrelevant.

1) that's the 3rd time you showed the bitter poisonous hate mongering =wormwood
that the fallen star (false prophet) inspired.
2) you never refuted anything, you only attacked the poster not the post with insults and called Jesus a lunatic in the process, thus shooting yourself in the foot.
This means you lied for no reason=protecting the fallen false prophet makes you lie.

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