Why There Is No Chance Donald Trump Will Take The Stand In His Own Defense

"I'm not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot," Dowd, who led Trump's team for the Russia investigation, is quoted as saying to Mueller during a meeting on March 5. The conversation is recounted in Woodward's new 448-page book, Fear: Trump in the White House. The details of the exchange were first reported by The Washington Post, which received an advanced copy of the book set to be released on September 11.

"And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, 'I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?'" Dowd added.

Trump Would Be An 'Idiot' To Testify, Ex-Lawyer Says

That's a pretty hash assessment - from your personal attorney.

Harsh, but certainly fair.

How did ANYONE believe that this man is capable of handling the affairs of the Nation?

Were he to take the stand, we would probably learn that he cannot, in fact, read.
Yes, but we can dream!
"I'm not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot," Dowd, who led Trump's team for the Russia investigation, is quoted as saying to Mueller during a meeting on March 5. The conversation is recounted in Woodward's new 448-page book, Fear: Trump in the White House. The details of the exchange were first reported by The Washington Post, which received an advanced copy of the book set to be released on September 11.

"And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, 'I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?'" Dowd added.

Trump Would Be An 'Idiot' To Testify, Ex-Lawyer Says

That's a pretty hash assessment - from your personal attorney.

Harsh, but certainly fair.

How did ANYONE believe that this man is capable of handling the affairs of the Nation?

Were he to take the stand, we would probably learn that he cannot, in fact, read.
It is already known that his lawyers would never allow him to take the stand. Trump would never want to to begin with.

The burden of proof is on the Prosecutors. They have all the evidence they need. The Grand Juries voted to indict Trump based on the evidence presented. The upcoming juries will be expected to convict or consider him not guilty based on that evidence.

Let the defense try to find some hole in the Prosecutors case.
Have you?

And before you answer, no, cherrypicked news coverage of certain elements of the indictment do not count.

You expect there to be some sort of emotional shock value to reading the indictment, no expectations of exculpatory evidence or objectivity.

Ideally, courts don't run on emotion, they run on facts. You expect the shock value to exceed any need to prove his guilt.
, no expectations of exculpatory evidence or objectivity
Where will it come from?
I haven't been "told to believe" anything. This was NEVER about justice; it was always about kneecapping Trump.

It already backfired. They can't take a chance on it backfiring again, or even worse.

So it's at least a 50-50 shot that it's all over for your hopes and dreams here. They won't outright dismiss the charges, most likely, but offer a plea deal that's an absolute joke just to back away from it.

We will never see the internal polling that leads to this--but again, look to Black men.
I know black men when asked Biden or Trump, they are choosing Trump. What a great day to be an American!
Lol 🤣 What defense does Trump have?
I guess it depends on the evidence the Govt has. At this point we have only seen accusations. Accusations aren't evidence.

You can put the word "unlawful" in front of anything...like the Fulton County DA did, doesn't mean it is.....they have prove it is.
Without you loons wanting that mug shot, he had nothing. Now he is going to have a healthy cash flow for a while. The funny part about it, you loons thought having him in a mug shot would make you happy. But you're still a bunch of miserable loons! Lol
He's getting it from you.
I guess it depends on the evidence the Govt has. At this point we have only seen accusations. Accusations aren't evidence.

You can put the word "unlawful" in front of anything...like the Fulton County DA did, doesn't mean it is.....they have prove it is.
I guess it depends on the evidence the Govt has. At this point we have only seen accusations. Accusations aren't evidence
I suggest you read the indictment.
LOL. Then I guess you and I lived through very different versions of the 1990's. What I saw? A relentless campaign by just and righteous, God fearing conservatives to vilify the Clinton's or anyone else who dared identify as liberal as not having "family values". In my own town, I saw the right wing rise up and grab school board seats and then attempt to inject "Christian values" into even the most mundane of school board topics (Sound familiar??) You want stupid and pointless??? A president impeached for lying about a blowjob in the Oval Office. I was a registered Republican until 2000. Independent after that.

Those are the 90's I remember.
As I remember it, Clinton lied under oath. That's what he was impeached over. Nothing else, he should've got jail time over it, or made to leave office. Like any other American that has done it.

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