Why the race card?

There is genuinely quite a bit of racism coming form the right right now, there always has been but it's been amplified by the election of a black man they view as a non-American "Other."

This is sometimes accurately addressed and criticized, but I think what you're talking about is where it's then also exploited to dismiss legitimate criticisms of the Administration as simple racism.

So because there's a considerable contingent of racists among the right, when those who aren't racist and have grievances with the economy, unemployment, the healthcare mandate, etc. they make clear, they're easier lumped in with the racists than responded to on the merits of their arguments.

It's justified as a response to actual racism, but also utilized as an illegitimate panacea to act as though all criticism of the president stems from racism.

The issue is that perhaps 10% of the Left's complaints of "racism" are factual - which brings us into a "Boy who cried wolf" situation.

Now, legitimate claims of racism are dismissed immediately as "playing the race card".

Actually the true figure is no percent. There are probably no instances where the Left's claim of racism was factual.
OTOH, the Left itself is eaten up with racism. How else to explain that they want to keep Black children in failing inner city schools? How else to explain that they believe Blacks cannot fend for themselves and need constant government assistance? How else to explain that they think Blacks cannot compete successfully and thus need racial quotas and hiring preferences, a generation after Brown v Board of Ed?
The entire Leftist agenda is racist. They try to deflect this by calling conservatives racist. The very opposite is the truth.
Well, if someone has an opinion that perhaps Obama was born in Kenya doesn't make them racist.

Not liking him at all because of the color of his skin makes you racist.

If someone has "an opinion" that Obama was born in Kenya, they're a moron, not a racist.

But the "theory" was started by racists.
the theory was started by political operatives

True. But it was designed to appeal to inherent racism.
I dun know where you get this figure of 10%. My guess is, American Muslims are 99% correct when they guess the bad reception they've received was racially motivated. Black Americans, mebbe not so much. If they are wealthy, it could be a once in a lifetime thingie. If poor, a daily occurrence. Hispanics likely have similar experiences: wealth erases race, poverty highlights it.

Quentin is correct; it is unhelpful to slam anyone who criticizes Obama as a "racist" even though we all know, occassionally this is exactly what powers the remarks. On the other hand, it is naive to the point of Pollyanna-ism to pretend a poor, black, inner-city has the same shot in life as a white, middle class suburban one does and I get fed up with both claims. Dishonesty annoys me.

Here's the way that I see it.

If someone opposes ObamaCare, or the stimulus, or something like that, odds are it's not because they're a racist.

If someone believes that Obama was born in Kenya, the root of that comes from racism.

Actually no. Republicans don't want Obama to have a success on anything. They will support "nothing" he does. They just don't want a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House.
thanks for illustrating the exact point of the OP

As a companion to my other thread, this one is about rhetorical tactics used by the Left.

The current trend in Left-wing rhetoric is flagrant use of the race card (at least in certain areas). "Racism" and other "-ism" words have suddenly become the new shut-down comment from the Left. Where does this trend come from?

Is it just because the left is currently the party in power? Is it purely a defensive strategy? Simple, emotionally charged rhetoric? Or is it something more?


You know this how?

It's pretty obvious.

But play dumb, if you like.

Not obvious to me. Go ahead and explain it.

Ok, I guess we're gonna go with playing dumb.

The idea that Obama is a Kenyan was started by political operatives to tap into a basic, racist idea that this black man couldn't possibly be a "real" American. Combined with the fact that Obama's father was in fact from Kenya, and Obama's got a funny looking name, and we end up with a believable smear - similar to how the "Would you be less likely to vote for McCain if you knew he was the father of an illegitimate black child" - McCain showing up at campaign events with his adopted daughter gave that smear an air of believability.
There is genuinely quite a bit of racism coming form the right right now, there always has been but it's been amplified by the election of a black man they view as a non-American "Other."

This is sometimes accurately addressed and criticized, but I think what you're talking about is where it's then also exploited to dismiss legitimate criticisms of the Administration as simple racism.

So because there's a considerable contingent of racists among the right, when those who aren't racist and have grievances with the economy, unemployment, the healthcare mandate, etc. they make clear, they're easier lumped in with the racists than responded to on the merits of their arguments.

It's justified as a response to actual racism, but also utilized as an illegitimate panacea to act as though all criticism of the president stems from racism.

The issue is that perhaps 10% of the Left's complaints of "racism" are factual - which brings us into a "Boy who cried wolf" situation.

Now, legitimate claims of racism are dismissed immediately as "playing the race card".

I disagree with the arbitrary 10% figure and would say it's certainly higher, though less than 50%. But I agree with the crux of your argument.

I've noticed this too. It's allowed a sort of "legitmate racism" to creep into politics recently. Point it out and you're playing the race card means the conversation ends there.

I think we're seeing a ratching up off racism and anti-semitism on both sides of the spectrum, and the fact we've "played out" the race card has left us woefully unable to address this.

Just like people opposed to the current government and policies in Israel were decried as "antisemites" for a difference in ideology until the word lost its meaning and its power to shame true antisemites, people opposed to Obama and his policies on ideological grounds have been accused of racism so much that the genuine racists on the right can now get away with racism because decrying someone as racist has lost all power even when correctly applied.

Boy who cried wolf indeed.

Here's the way that I see it.

If someone opposes ObamaCare, or the stimulus, or something like that, odds are it's not because they're a racist.

If someone believes that Obama was born in Kenya, the root of that comes from racism.

Seems about right. The key is, can they reasonably defend their rationale, even if you disagree with it, on ideological or policy grounds or does it all devolve into senseless ad hominems about Islam and Kenya and pallin' around with terrorists?

The former is a conservative or moderate or disappointed liberal, the latter is a racist.

Actually the true figure is no percent. There are probably no instances where the Left's claim of racism was factual.
OTOH, the Left itself is eaten up with racism. How else to explain that they want to keep Black children in failing inner city schools? How else to explain that they believe Blacks cannot fend for themselves and need constant government assistance? How else to explain that they think Blacks cannot compete successfully and thus need racial quotas and hiring preferences, a generation after Brown v Board of Ed?
The entire Leftist agenda is racist. They try to deflect this by calling conservatives racist. The very opposite is the truth.

Hahaha. So NO ONE, not a soul, on the American right is a racist? 0% of people identified as racists are actually racists? ALL of the real racists are on the left. People who draw bones through Obama's nose and dress him as a witch doctor, people who refer to his wife as a monkey, people who say the half-white president raised by a white mother and grandparents has a "deep seated hatred for white people," people who carry signs with the words "******" or "niggar" on them, all of these people are apparently NOT RACIST.

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It's pretty obvious.

But play dumb, if you like.

Not obvious to me. Go ahead and explain it.

Ok, I guess we're gonna go with playing dumb.

The idea that Obama is a Kenyan was started by political operatives to tap into a basic, racist idea that this black man couldn't possibly be a "real" American. Combined with the fact that Obama's father was in fact from Kenya, and Obama's got a funny looking name, and we end up with a believable smear - similar to how the "Would you be less likely to vote for McCain if you knew he was the father of an illegitimate black child" - McCain showing up at campaign events with his adopted daughter gave that smear an air of believability.

Dumb is in fact what you've written.
No one says Obama is a Kenyan. This is a straw man. What they do say is that he was born in Kenya. They picked Kenya rather than say, Botswana,because his father in fact was a Kenyan and he has many family members still living there, including his grandmother who has been reported as saying she was there when he was born.

Yet those same "racists" whom you claim couldn't possibly believe a black man could be a real American nonetheless supported Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Doug Wilder, and a host of other black conservatives. The racists are those who say those people can't be "real Blacks."

The "smear" became believable because Obama has refused to release records connected to his birth, his high school records, his college records and his law school records. If he has nothing to hide, why is he hiding something?

Then you would have to believe that the number of out and out racists in America is so large that they would believe that a black man cannot be an American. Remind me how many of those there are.

The racism here comes from the Left. As always.
Actually the true figure is no percent. There are probably no instances where the Left's claim of racism was factual.
OTOH, the Left itself is eaten up with racism. How else to explain that they want to keep Black children in failing inner city schools? How else to explain that they believe Blacks cannot fend for themselves and need constant government assistance? How else to explain that they think Blacks cannot compete successfully and thus need racial quotas and hiring preferences, a generation after Brown v Board of Ed?
The entire Leftist agenda is racist. They try to deflect this by calling conservatives racist. The very opposite is the truth.

Hahaha. So NO ONE, not a soul, on the American right is a racist? 0% of people identified as racists are actually racists? ALL of the real racists are on the left. People who draw bones through Obama's nose and dress him as a witch doctor, people who refer to his wife as a monkey, people who say the half-white president raised by a white mother and grandparents has a "deep seated hatred for white people," people who carry signs with the words "******" or "niggar" on them, all of these people are apparently NOT RACIST.


Unfortunately you respond to something I didnt write. Try reading what I did write and respond to that.
WHere are those audio and video tapes of Tea Party members calling black people racial epithets again?
I dun know where you get this figure of 10%. My guess is, American Muslims are 99% correct when they guess the bad reception they've received was racially motivated.

Islam is not a race.

On the other hand, it is naive to the point of Pollyanna-ism to pretend a poor, black, inner-city kid has the same shot in life as a white, middle class suburban one does and I get fed up with both claims. Dishonesty annoys me.

That has far more to do with socio-economics than it does with race.
On the other hand, it is naive to the point of Pollyanna-ism to pretend a poor, black, inner-city kid has the same shot in life as a white, middle class suburban one does and I get fed up with both claims. Dishonesty annoys me.

That has far more to do with socio-economics than it does with race.

And no one pretends they have the same shot in life. THey compete on a level playing field. Which is different. Actually the inner city kid has the upper hand. If he shows any level of talent, motivation and skill he will have first dibs at whatever he wants.
As a companion to my other thread, this one is about rhetorical tactics used by the Left.

The current trend in Left-wing rhetoric is flagrant use of the race card (at least in certain areas). "Racism" and other "-ism" words have suddenly become the new shut-down comment from the Left. Where does this trend come from?

Is it just because the left is currently the party in power? Is it purely a defensive strategy? Simple, emotionally charged rhetoric? Or is it something more?


Because it's all they've got.
There is genuinely quite a bit of racism coming form the right right now, there always has been but it's been amplified by the election of a black man they view as a non-American "Other."

This is sometimes accurately addressed and criticized, but I think what you're talking about is where it's then also exploited to dismiss legitimate criticisms of the Administration as simple racism.

So because there's a considerable contingent of racists among the right, when those who aren't racist and have grievances with the economy, unemployment, the healthcare mandate, etc. they make clear, they're easier lumped in with the racists than responded to on the merits of their arguments.

It's justified as a response to actual racism, but also utilized as an illegitimate panacea to act as though all criticism of the president stems from racism.

The issue is that perhaps 10% of the Left's complaints of "racism" are factual - which brings us into a "Boy who cried wolf" situation.

Now, legitimate claims of racism are dismissed immediately as "playing the race card".
I'm quite curious to see what you would label as legitimate.

Feel free to through in a few illegitimate claims as well.

Specific examples if you will.
There is genuinely quite a bit of racism coming form the right right now, there always has been but it's been amplified by the election of a black man they view as a non-American "Other."

This is sometimes accurately addressed and criticized, but I think what you're talking about is where it's then also exploited to dismiss legitimate criticisms of the Administration as simple racism.

So because there's a considerable contingent of racists among the right, when those who aren't racist and have grievances with the economy, unemployment, the healthcare mandate, etc. they make clear, they're easier lumped in with the racists than responded to on the merits of their arguments.

It's justified as a response to actual racism, but also utilized as an illegitimate panacea to act as though all criticism of the president stems from racism.

The issue is that perhaps 10% of the Left's complaints of "racism" are factual - which brings us into a "Boy who cried wolf" situation.

Now, legitimate claims of racism are dismissed immediately as "playing the race card".
I'm quite curious to see what you would label as legitimate.

Feel free to through in a few illegitimate claims as well.

Specific examples if you will.

You know, I already did, in this thread...

I dun know where you get this figure of 10%. My guess is, American Muslims are 99% correct when they guess the bad reception they've received was racially motivated. Black Americans, mebbe not so much. If they are wealthy, it could be a once in a lifetime thingie. If poor, a daily occurrence. Hispanics likely have similar experiences: wealth erases race, poverty highlights it.

Quentin is correct; it is unhelpful to slam anyone who criticizes Obama as a "racist" even though we all know, occassionally this is exactly what powers the remarks. On the other hand, it is naive to the point of Pollyanna-ism to pretend a poor, black, inner-city has the same shot in life as a white, middle class suburban one does and I get fed up with both claims. Dishonesty annoys me.

Here's the way that I see it.

If someone opposes ObamaCare, or the stimulus, or something like that, odds are it's not because they're a racist.

If someone believes that Obama was born in Kenya, the root of that comes from racism.

Actually no. Republicans don't want Obama to have a success on anything. They will support "nothing" he does. They just don't want a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House.

That is crap. If you actually believe it, you're a fucking idiot. If you don't, you're a race baiter. If it is the former, you have my sympathy, if it is the latter, you deserve to be dismissed by the whole board.
Here's the way that I see it.

If someone opposes ObamaCare, or the stimulus, or something like that, odds are it's not because they're a racist.

If someone believes that Obama was born in Kenya, the root of that comes from racism.

Actually no. Republicans don't want Obama to have a success on anything. They will support "nothing" he does. They just don't want a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House.

That is crap. If you actually believe it, you're a fucking idiot. If you don't, you're a race baiter. If it is the former, you have my sympathy, if it is the latter, you deserve to be dismissed by the whole board.

Jesus H. Christ, rdean. Grow the fuck up already.

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