Why the Need for "Safe Zones" at Universities?

Why would I get beat up? I oppose that, as clearly demonstrated by my posts. Perhaps you're looking at your reflection?
You would get your ass beat for being disrespectful enough to tell someone that assuming you didnt pick an old lady. Are you deflecting because I hurt your feelings or because you were embarrassed you didnt realize it was legal?
I'm not deflecting because I would not tell people to stay on their side of the tracks. That's something segregationists would say, and I'm not a segregationist. As for being legal, try telling a black home buyer that he should not bother to make an offer on a house because it's on the wrong side of the tracks. I'll wait.
Are you trying to equate telling a Black person to stay on their side of the tracks to discriminating against a Black home buyer? Someone should knock on your door and then knee your little ass in the throat for that obvious deflection. :laugh:
Awwww, look at you, wishing violence on me. How sad and predictably juvenile. Anyway, none of what you have attempted to do has detracted in any way from my original statement, namely, that safe zones are a crock.
Detracted? Your opinion was already without value. No need to detract from it any further than you did by saying it.
Thus, it stands uncontested. Now, why would you think the poor dears need safe zones when they're in college specifically to be exposed to things they didn't know before?
Wtf? You don't even know what a "safe zone" is. If a Christian group gets together, and people aren't allowed to go in and disrupt it... guess what - that's a safe space. Happens all the time.
Officially sanctioned by the state run school, on school grounds? Where is this happening?
On literally every single college campus in America.
Examples, please. Give evidence that state run universities in America are setting up safe zones for Christian students where they don't have to hear offensive things.
What do you want a link to? Bible studies? Christian clubs?

Maybe it would be easier for you to provide a link where a college has banned Christianity.

Give evidence that a state run university is setting up safe zones for Christian students where they don't have to hear things they don't like. Private Bible studies and clubs not sponsored by or affiliated with the university don't count.

Colleges provide safe spaces for Christian clubs and Bible studies. Google any college and "Bible study" and their website will provide you with details of when they hold Bible studies. If you want, go to the next meeting and start yelling anti-Christian rants and see what happens. I would bet that you will be removed. Because your are acting like a fool in a "safe space."
You would get your ass beat for being disrespectful enough to tell someone that assuming you didnt pick an old lady. Are you deflecting because I hurt your feelings or because you were embarrassed you didnt realize it was legal?
I'm not deflecting because I would not tell people to stay on their side of the tracks. That's something segregationists would say, and I'm not a segregationist. As for being legal, try telling a black home buyer that he should not bother to make an offer on a house because it's on the wrong side of the tracks. I'll wait.
Are you trying to equate telling a Black person to stay on their side of the tracks to discriminating against a Black home buyer? Someone should knock on your door and then knee your little ass in the throat for that obvious deflection. :laugh:
Awwww, look at you, wishing violence on me. How sad and predictably juvenile. Anyway, none of what you have attempted to do has detracted in any way from my original statement, namely, that safe zones are a crock.
Detracted? Your opinion was already without value. No need to detract from it any further than you did by saying it.
Thus, it stands uncontested. Now, why would you think the poor dears need safe zones when they're in college specifically to be exposed to things they didn't know before?
I dont think you get the point that your opinion is not really worth contesting. Safe zones exist and there is nothing you can do about it.
I'm not deflecting because I would not tell people to stay on their side of the tracks. That's something segregationists would say, and I'm not a segregationist. As for being legal, try telling a black home buyer that he should not bother to make an offer on a house because it's on the wrong side of the tracks. I'll wait.
Are you trying to equate telling a Black person to stay on their side of the tracks to discriminating against a Black home buyer? Someone should knock on your door and then knee your little ass in the throat for that obvious deflection. :laugh:
Awwww, look at you, wishing violence on me. How sad and predictably juvenile. Anyway, none of what you have attempted to do has detracted in any way from my original statement, namely, that safe zones are a crock.
Detracted? Your opinion was already without value. No need to detract from it any further than you did by saying it.
Thus, it stands uncontested. Now, why would you think the poor dears need safe zones when they're in college specifically to be exposed to things they didn't know before?
I dont think you get the point that your opinion is not really worth contesting. Safe zones exist and there is nothing you can do about it.
Police racial violence exists and there is nothing you can do about it, but does that stop you from expressing an opinion?
Are you trying to equate telling a Black person to stay on their side of the tracks to discriminating against a Black home buyer? Someone should knock on your door and then knee your little ass in the throat for that obvious deflection. :laugh:
Awwww, look at you, wishing violence on me. How sad and predictably juvenile. Anyway, none of what you have attempted to do has detracted in any way from my original statement, namely, that safe zones are a crock.
Detracted? Your opinion was already without value. No need to detract from it any further than you did by saying it.
Thus, it stands uncontested. Now, why would you think the poor dears need safe zones when they're in college specifically to be exposed to things they didn't know before?
I dont think you get the point that your opinion is not really worth contesting. Safe zones exist and there is nothing you can do about it.
Police racial violence exists and there is nothing you can do about it, but does that stop you from expressing an opinion?
Of course there is something you can do about. Kill cops and or get them fired. What made you think there wasnt anything you could do?
Officially sanctioned by the state run school, on school grounds? Where is this happening?
On literally every single college campus in America.
Examples, please. Give evidence that state run universities in America are setting up safe zones for Christian students where they don't have to hear offensive things.
What do you want a link to? Bible studies? Christian clubs?

Maybe it would be easier for you to provide a link where a college has banned Christianity.

Give evidence that a state run university is setting up safe zones for Christian students where they don't have to hear things they don't like. Private Bible studies and clubs not sponsored by or affiliated with the university don't count.

Colleges provide safe spaces for Christian clubs and Bible studies. Google any college and "Bible study" and their website will provide you with details of when they hold Bible studies. If you want, go to the next meeting and start yelling anti-Christian rants and see what happens. I would bet that you will be removed. Because your are acting like a fool in a "safe space."
Yelling and ranting will get you removed from any public space. That has nothing to do with safe spaces. So, what exactly is being studied in the safe zones anyway, or are they NOT study areas?
Awwww, look at you, wishing violence on me. How sad and predictably juvenile. Anyway, none of what you have attempted to do has detracted in any way from my original statement, namely, that safe zones are a crock.
Detracted? Your opinion was already without value. No need to detract from it any further than you did by saying it.
Thus, it stands uncontested. Now, why would you think the poor dears need safe zones when they're in college specifically to be exposed to things they didn't know before?
I dont think you get the point that your opinion is not really worth contesting. Safe zones exist and there is nothing you can do about it.
Police racial violence exists and there is nothing you can do about it, but does that stop you from expressing an opinion?
Of course there is something you can do about. Kill cops and or get them fired. What made you think there wasnt anything you could do?
Which of those have you done?
Detracted? Your opinion was already without value. No need to detract from it any further than you did by saying it.
Thus, it stands uncontested. Now, why would you think the poor dears need safe zones when they're in college specifically to be exposed to things they didn't know before?
I dont think you get the point that your opinion is not really worth contesting. Safe zones exist and there is nothing you can do about it.
Police racial violence exists and there is nothing you can do about it, but does that stop you from expressing an opinion?
Of course there is something you can do about. Kill cops and or get them fired. What made you think there wasnt anything you could do?
Which of those have you done?
Thats considered need to know information.
Thus, it stands uncontested. Now, why would you think the poor dears need safe zones when they're in college specifically to be exposed to things they didn't know before?
I dont think you get the point that your opinion is not really worth contesting. Safe zones exist and there is nothing you can do about it.
Police racial violence exists and there is nothing you can do about it, but does that stop you from expressing an opinion?
Of course there is something you can do about. Kill cops and or get them fired. What made you think there wasnt anything you could do?
Which of those have you done?
Thats considered need to know information.
So nothing, then. You're conceding my point. You don't have to be able to remove something in order to express an opinion about it.
I dont think you get the point that your opinion is not really worth contesting. Safe zones exist and there is nothing you can do about it.
Police racial violence exists and there is nothing you can do about it, but does that stop you from expressing an opinion?
Of course there is something you can do about. Kill cops and or get them fired. What made you think there wasnt anything you could do?
Which of those have you done?
Thats considered need to know information.
So nothing, then. You're conceding my point. You don't have to be able to remove something in order to express an opinion about it.
Actually I just disproved your point. You claimed there was nothing I could do about it and I proved you wrong....again.
Police racial violence exists and there is nothing you can do about it, but does that stop you from expressing an opinion?
Of course there is something you can do about. Kill cops and or get them fired. What made you think there wasnt anything you could do?
Which of those have you done?
Thats considered need to know information.
So nothing, then. You're conceding my point. You don't have to be able to remove something in order to express an opinion about it.
Actually I just disproved your point. You claimed there was nothing I could do about it and I proved you wrong....again.
You proved my point, which is that you don't have to be able to do anything about something to express an opinion about it. Now, as for police brutality, what exactly have you accomplished (beyond the glaringly obvious nothing that you've actually done, that is) if you've killed a cop? You've turned him into a martyr, turned the entire police force against you, and put yourself away for a very long time, if not a short stay followed by the termination of your life. At the end of it all, you've created a heroic officer cut down in the line of duty by a violent thug, your family is shamed, and you are either dead or out of sight and out of mind. Wow, way to end police brutality.
Of course there is something you can do about. Kill cops and or get them fired. What made you think there wasnt anything you could do?
Which of those have you done?
Thats considered need to know information.
So nothing, then. You're conceding my point. You don't have to be able to remove something in order to express an opinion about it.
Actually I just disproved your point. You claimed there was nothing I could do about it and I proved you wrong....again.
You proved my point, which is that you don't have to be able to do anything about something to express an opinion about it. Now, as for police brutality, what exactly have you accomplished (beyond the glaringly obvious nothing that you've actually done, that is) if you've killed a cop? You've turned him into a martyr, turned the entire police force against you, and put yourself away for a very long time, if not a short stay followed by the termination of your life. At the end of it all, you've created a heroic officer cut down in the line of duty by a violent thug, your family is shamed, and you are either dead or out of sight and out of mind. Wow, way to end police brutality.
Do you always claim you made a point even though its been beat like an African drum?
The GOP obsession with "safe spaces" is ridiculous. Wtf do you care? Don't like a "safe space," then don't GO TO a safe space. Problem solved.

Good to know, in your opinion, Conservatives, but NOT Progressives should be denied the right of FREE SPEECH.

WHY do you Progressives demand that there BE safe spaces. Are they so delicate that hearing the FACTS are going damage their little psyches?
What is the underlying rationale? It seems that students of all ethnicities are already able to associate in whatever groups they want, so what is the actual need for official "safe zones" where they can exclude other students? Even if it confers a feeling of empowerment on these students, what does it ultimately accomplish within an educational context? Will it improve academic performance, or does it provide an excuse for lack thereof?

I wonder if it is a result of overly aggressive diversity goals in admissions which place less prepared students in competition with better prepared students? This type of mismatch can result in hostility and resentment that fuels a self-defeating belief in one's victimization. Why not let students proceed at their own pace?
Pretty simple. From what i can gather people need a break from the constant microaggressions of male chauvinists, homophobes, whites, and white males.

Where? A university campus? That's a joke.

I live in the capital of our state which is also a major university town. We have Florida State University, Florida A & M University (a historically black college) a large community college, a large technical school, and several private smaller colleges. These kids are offended at the very idea that they be "forced" to view ideas from outside their fantasy world. Why should conservatives be forced to kowtow to childish ideas?
What is the underlying rationale? It seems that students of all ethnicities are already able to associate in whatever groups they want, so what is the actual need for official "safe zones" where they can exclude other students? Even if it confers a feeling of empowerment on these students, what does it ultimately accomplish within an educational context? Will it improve academic performance, or does it provide an excuse for lack thereof?

I wonder if it is a result of overly aggressive diversity goals in admissions which place less prepared students in competition with better prepared students? This type of mismatch can result in hostility and resentment that fuels a self-defeating belief in one's victimization. Why not let students proceed at their own pace?
Pretty simple. From what i can gather people need a break from the constant microaggressions of male chauvinists, homophobes, whites, and white males.

Where? A university campus? That's a joke.

I live in the capital of our state which is also a major university town. We have Florida State University, Florida A & M University (a historically black college) a large community college, a large technical school, and several private smaller colleges. These kids are offended at the very idea that they be "forced" to view ideas from outside their fantasy world. Why should conservatives be forced to kowtow to childish ideas?

Who said you should be forced? I'll give you a couple of hours to come up with a good answer.
The GOP obsession with "safe spaces" is ridiculous. Wtf do you care? Don't like a "safe space," then don't GO TO a safe space. Problem solved.
They care because it violates the spirit of the 1st Amendment by creating areas within a government entity in which political speech is restricted. Could a state university set up a safe zone for Christian students in which only church approved speech could be heard? And would the response be, "If you don't like it, don't go there"?
Wtf? You don't even know what a "safe zone" is. If a Christian group gets together, and people aren't allowed to go in and disrupt it... guess what - that's a safe space. Happens all the time.

Please do some research on exactly what a "Safe Zone" is on a university campus.
On literally every single college campus in America.
Examples, please. Give evidence that state run universities in America are setting up safe zones for Christian students where they don't have to hear offensive things.
What do you want a link to? Bible studies? Christian clubs?

Maybe it would be easier for you to provide a link where a college has banned Christianity.

Give evidence that a state run university is setting up safe zones for Christian students where they don't have to hear things they don't like. Private Bible studies and clubs not sponsored by or affiliated with the university don't count.

Colleges provide safe spaces for Christian clubs and Bible studies. Google any college and "Bible study" and their website will provide you with details of when they hold Bible studies. If you want, go to the next meeting and start yelling anti-Christian rants and see what happens. I would bet that you will be removed. Because your are acting like a fool in a "safe space."
Yelling and ranting will get you removed from any public space. That has nothing to do with safe spaces. So, what exactly is being studied in the safe zones anyway, or are they NOT study areas?
It would really help this conversation move along if you had any idea what a "safe space" is.
Democrat "safe zones" build racial tension just like the old Jim Crow democrat days of Segregation just like the white/black bathrooms.

Its PC based racism and nothing more.

It’s a ridiculous non-issue contrived by the right, an effort by conser.vatives to create a ‘controversy’ where none exists for some perceived partisan gain.

Since it is a FACT that these childish "safe zones" exist so how can you say that is a "non-issue". I mean without lying.
The GOP obsession with "safe spaces" is ridiculous. Wtf do you care? Don't like a "safe space," then don't GO TO a safe space. Problem solved.

Good to know, in your opinion, Conservatives, but NOT Progressives should be denied the right of FREE SPEECH.

WHY do you Progressives demand that there BE safe spaces. Are they so delicate that hearing the FACTS are going damage their little psyches?
^ doesn't know what a safe space is

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