Why the necessity for "shit to get done"????


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Some idiot posted a thread "if GOP in control will shit get done.

WHY is it necessary to pass MORE rules and regulations that right now are costing Americans over
A September 2010 report prepared by Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain for the Office of
Advocacy within the Small Business Administration (SBA) stated that the annual cost of federal
regulations was about $1.75 trillion in 2008. This cost estimate was developed by adding together
the estimated costs of four categories or types of regulation: economic regulations (estimated at
$1.236 trillion); environmental regulations ($281 billion); tax compliance ($160 billion); and
regulations involving occupational safety and health, and homeland security ($75 billion). Some
commenters have raised questions about the validity and reliability of this estimate.

SEEMS we've DONE ENOUGH to stymie growth and expansion.
Sure, why not just go on paying them $126K a year to work a third of the year, free health care, plenty of free travel and other bennies and vacation the rest of the year.

Typical of RWs to go for that. Especially those who don't have to earn their own keep. ^^

Sure, why not just go on paying them $126K a year to work a third of the year, free health care, plenty of free travel and other bennies and vacation the rest of the year.

Typical of RWs to go for that. Especially those who don't have to earn their own keep. ^^

So you want MORE rules and regulations to the tune of $1.5 trillion per year WASTED in stupid ass exceptional situations rather the the rule.
What is wrong with holding the position we are adults. Responsible. But most people obviously like you have NO self restraint.
Need to have womb to tomb instructions on what to eat. Where to eat. Where to defecate. When to die.
Rules, regulations to the EXCESS will kill people. It is a fact.
Whatever happened to the concept you are your brother's keeper and as such you need to help not because the law tells you but because it is the logical and ultimately right thing to do.
If Just 20% of the $1.5 trillion was spent on an intense program of mind manipulation that the Golden Rule, i.e. "do unto others as you would have others do unto you" was beat into your head maybe we wouldn't have to have as many rules and regulations.
See the difference between you and me is YOU have no self restraint. I do. I live as much as possible the Golden Rule because it works!
I have obviously a better opinion of the ordinary person then you. YOU need rules and regulations. You need someone to tell you what do.
That is so childish. So immature. So counter productive!
It is already 2014. We have already accomplished everything that can possibly be done

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