why the massive expansion of Transexualism in America?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Current estimates are that well over a million Americans are Trannies.

But when Tranny Icon Christine Jorgensen chatted with the tremendous Joe Pyne 55 years ago on TV, there were only 30,000 throughout the Fruited Plain.

Pyne's conservation happened right after the Liberal Landslide of 1964 where LBJ was able to literally crucify Goldwater before the American people. Yet, still, the amount of perversion was substantially less.

What has caused this tidal wave of cross dressing in the Homo Community of America?

Could the massive increase in the infestation be the result of conversion efforts by the Homo Community?
The efforts, BTW , have long been noted. The tremendous gynie, the late Tom Coburn, quit his medical practice to come to Washington DC because he saw the massive infestation of Lesbianism into the high schools of southern Oklahoma and wanted to do something about it.

The gays turned your children gay?

There are many lies about how a human becomes a homo. Your side tried DNA - bullshit.

A human age 4 is like a computer with a device attached that needs to be initialized. When a homo rapes a kid 4-5, it initializes. That is how homos "reproduce." That is why homos are obsessed with Boy Scouts and public elementary schools.

That is why Putin told homos

Stay away from Russia's children

I have no problem with homos other than allowing them near young kids and adopting. Sorry, the welfare of the kid trumps the homo's right to sex the kid. Period.
The gays turned your children gay?

There are many lies about how a human becomes a homo. Your side tried DNA - bullshit.

A human age 4 is like a computer with a device attached that needs to be initialized. When a homo rapes a kid 4-5, it initializes. That is how homos "reproduce." That is why homos are obsessed with Boy Scouts and public elementary schools.

That is why Putin told homos

Stay away from Russia's children

I have no problem with homos other than allowing them near young kids and adopting. Sorry, the welfare of the kid trumps the homo's right to sex the kid. Period.
I don't know of any kids that have been raped by gays, I do know of several straight people who have sexually abused children.
The gays turned your children gay?

There are many lies about how a human becomes a homo. Your side tried DNA - bullshit.

A human age 4 is like a computer with a device attached that needs to be initialized. When a homo rapes a kid 4-5, it initializes. That is how homos "reproduce." That is why homos are obsessed with Boy Scouts and public elementary schools.

That is why Putin told homos

Stay away from Russia's children

I have no problem with homos other than allowing them near young kids and adopting. Sorry, the welfare of the kid trumps the homo's right to sex the kid. Period.
I don't know of any kids that have been raped by gays, I do know of several straight people who have sexually abused children.

Apparently you are not familiar with the North American Man Boy Love Association or NAMBLA? Its a massive Liberal Pressure group that seeks legalization of molestation as a human right.. They were able to endorse and get Joe Biden putatively elected last year and were behind the Clintons and Obamas as well.

Very powerful pro-homo group, they actually marched in the original Homosexual Pride Parades.
The gays turned your children gay?

There are many lies about how a human becomes a homo. Your side tried DNA - bullshit.

A human age 4 is like a computer with a device attached that needs to be initialized. When a homo rapes a kid 4-5, it initializes. That is how homos "reproduce." That is why homos are obsessed with Boy Scouts and public elementary schools.

That is why Putin told homos

Stay away from Russia's children

I have no problem with homos other than allowing them near young kids and adopting. Sorry, the welfare of the kid trumps the homo's right to sex the kid. Period.
I don't know of any kids that have been raped by gays, I do know of several straight people who have sexually abused children.

Apparently you are not familiar with the North American Man Boy Love Association or NAMBLA? Its a massive Liberal Pressure group that seeks legalization of molestation as a human right.. They were able to endorse and get Joe Biden putatively elected last year and were behind the Clintons and Obamas as well.

Very powerful pro-homo group, they actually marched in the original Homosexual Pride Parades.
Are they as powerful as the conservative GOP gay group the Log Cabiner's that rape children?
The gays turned your children gay?

There are many lies about how a human becomes a homo. Your side tried DNA - bullshit.

A human age 4 is like a computer with a device attached that needs to be initialized. When a homo rapes a kid 4-5, it initializes. That is how homos "reproduce." That is why homos are obsessed with Boy Scouts and public elementary schools.

That is why Putin told homos

Stay away from Russia's children

I have no problem with homos other than allowing them near young kids and adopting. Sorry, the welfare of the kid trumps the homo's right to sex the kid. Period.
I don't know of any kids that have been raped by gays, I do know of several straight people who have sexually abused children.

Apparently you are not familiar with the North American Man Boy Love Association or NAMBLA? Its a massive Liberal Pressure group that seeks legalization of molestation as a human right.. They were able to endorse and get Joe Biden putatively elected last year and were behind the Clintons and Obamas as well.

Very powerful pro-homo group, they actually marched in the original Homosexual Pride Parades.
Are they as powerful as the conservative GOP gay group the Log Cabiner's that rape children?

The Log Cabins are in favor of Paedophilia? That's news to me, do you have a link?
The gays turned your children gay?

There are many lies about how a human becomes a homo. Your side tried DNA - bullshit.

A human age 4 is like a computer with a device attached that needs to be initialized. When a homo rapes a kid 4-5, it initializes. That is how homos "reproduce." That is why homos are obsessed with Boy Scouts and public elementary schools.

That is why Putin told homos

Stay away from Russia's children

I have no problem with homos other than allowing them near young kids and adopting. Sorry, the welfare of the kid trumps the homo's right to sex the kid. Period.
I don't know of any kids that have been raped by gays, I do know of several straight people who have sexually abused children.

Apparently you are not familiar with the North American Man Boy Love Association or NAMBLA? Its a massive Liberal Pressure group that seeks legalization of molestation as a human right.. They were able to endorse and get Joe Biden putatively elected last year and were behind the Clintons and Obamas as well.

Very powerful pro-homo group, they actually marched in the original Homosexual Pride Parades.
Are they as powerful as the conservative GOP gay group the Log Cabiner's that rape children?

The Log Cabins are in favor of Paedophilia? That's news to me, do you have a link?
Of course they are since they are gay.
Current estimates are that well over a million Americans are Trannies.

But when Tranny Icon Christine Jorgensen chatted with the tremendous Joe Pyne 55 years ago on TV, there were only 30,000 throughout the Fruited Plain.

Pyne's conservation happened right after the Liberal Landslide of 1964 where LBJ was able to literally crucify Goldwater before the American people. Yet, still, the amount of perversion was substantially less.

What has caused this tidal wave of cross dressing in the Homo Community of America?

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

The only massive expansion taking place is the constant barrage of media publicity, the brainwashing of children by the education system and the encouragement of whacked-out parents who wanted a girl instead of a boy. The actual numbers have not changed.

If people "in authority" encourage a young child to believe he is Napoleon Bonaparte, he will eventually come to believe it.
As far as Mr. Jorgensen, I really don't have that much objection. "Christine" was a WW2 veteran who lived life first and then decided to make the switcheroo.

It wasn't like he was pressured by his lib parents and teachers to transition as a little kid.

If the libs were prohibited from soliciting Minors to adopt their lifestyle, you'd see a lot less of it for sure.

In the Russian Federation, Uncle Pooty has been condemned by International sexual perversion agencies for prohibiting proselytization of minors into LGBTQ+ lifestyle in his country.

But the facts are he has been successful in limiting the growth of gaiety among adults where it is still legal in Russia.
The gays turned your children gay?

There are many lies about how a human becomes a homo. Your side tried DNA - bullshit.

A human age 4 is like a computer with a device attached that needs to be initialized. When a homo rapes a kid 4-5, it initializes. That is how homos "reproduce." That is why homos are obsessed with Boy Scouts and public elementary schools.

That is why Putin told homos

Stay away from Russia's children

I have no problem with homos other than allowing them near young kids and adopting. Sorry, the welfare of the kid trumps the homo's right to sex the kid. Period.
HAHA! All the nutbars come out at this board. I'M LOVING IT! :lol:
The goal is breaking the moral structure of a culture in order to rebuild it into a new image. If you destroy religion, social norms, customs, and language, plus fill countries with peoples that are not indigenous to that culture you will destroy it.
All of those things are happening in the western world.
The goal is not an open, free, loving, country that accepts gays. The goal is the destruction of your culture. When everyone is disjointed, and fighting, physically, then the hammer will come.

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