Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

The ones who embrace radical muslim terrorists are their fellow RW travelers of patriarchal religions. They have the same goals.....and it wouldn't surprise me if many who claim to be one other patriarchal religion are really muslims.
Projection, it is the Left that wants censorship just like Islam. And is aiding Islam in getting it.

Again, the same question half the posts in this thread have asked, without response.......

---------------------- Link?
Link your ass to a Koran. There are plenty available one line.
Noble Quran - Translation of Sura An-Nisa
The ones who embrace radical muslim terrorists are their fellow RW travelers of patriarchal religions. They have the same goals.....and it wouldn't surprise me if many who claim to be one other patriarchal religion are really muslims.
Projection, it is the Left that wants censorship just like Islam. And is aiding Islam in getting it.

Again, the same question half the posts in this thread have asked, without response.......

---------------------- Link?
Link your ass to a Koran. There are plenty available one line.
Noble Quran - Translation of Sura An-Nisa

Don't need to. I have one. But that wasn't my question, was it.

Try reading your own post that I quoted. You know, as I did.
The ones who embrace radical muslim terrorists are their fellow RW travelers of patriarchal religions. They have the same goals.....and it wouldn't surprise me if many who claim to be one other patriarchal religion are really muslims.
Projection, it is the Left that wants censorship just like Islam. And is aiding Islam in getting it.

Again, the same question half the posts in this thread have asked, without response.......

---------------------- Link?
Link your ass to a Koran. There are plenty available one line.
Noble Quran - Translation of Sura An-Nisa

Don't need to. I have one. But that wasn't my question, was it.

Try reading your own post that I quoted. You know, as I did.
Has the WH supported the spread of blasphemy laws?
Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it a landmark achievement.
The WH before this one.
They live in peace? Christians are murdered daily in Egypt and other ME countries, and India and Pakistan daily. They are killed in the refugee camps by Muslims in the ME and even in Europe.
You are lying.

You mean they are being victimized now, a little bit, because after being bombed to shit by Americans, they are kicking the only people they can kick.
So you advocate revenge? That is built into Islam, you are in luck.
That would explain all those trumpanzees saying the election was "pay back". They're really muslims.
They live in peace? Christians are murdered daily in Egypt and other ME countries, and India and Pakistan daily. They are killed in the refugee camps by Muslims in the ME and even in Europe.
You are lying.

You mean they are being victimized now, a little bit, because after being bombed to shit by Americans, they are kicking the only people they can kick.
So you advocate revenge? That is built into Islam, you are in luck.
That would explain all those trumpanzees saying the election was "pay back". They're really muslims.
What explains that Trumpanzees are considerably smarter than you losers?
The ones who embrace radical muslim terrorists are their fellow RW travelers of patriarchal religions. They have the same goals.....and it wouldn't surprise me if many who claim to be one other patriarchal religion are really muslims.
Projection, it is the Left that wants censorship just like Islam. And is aiding Islam in getting it.

Again, the same question half the posts in this thread have asked, without response.......

---------------------- Link?
Link your ass to a Koran. There are plenty available one line.
Noble Quran - Translation of Sura An-Nisa

Don't need to. I have one. But that wasn't my question, was it.

Try reading your own post that I quoted. You know, as I did.
Has the WH supported the spread of blasphemy laws?
Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it a landmark achievement.
The WH before this one.

You should read your own links some times.

Here's your Clinton line you quoted above --- with the context around it:

>> The Islamic nations pressed the defamation issue until a few years ago. Then in 2011, compromise language emerged that dropped any reference to blasphemy or defamation. The measure passed by unanimous consent.

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it a landmark achievement.

"The United States strongly supports today’s resolution, which rejects the broad prohibitions on speech called for in the former ‘defamation of religions’ resolution, and supports approaches that do not limit freedom of expression or infringe on the freedom of religion," Clinton said in a prepared statement.

Human rights advocacy groups, such as Human Rights First and British-based Article 19, also endorsed the measure. Human Rights First wrote, "Resolution 16/18 ceases to provide cover for national blasphemy laws and charts a new course. The resolution omits any reference to ‘defamation of religions’ and — in accordance with international standards — focuses on the protection of individuals, rather than the protection of abstract ideas and religions." <<​
Projection, it is the Left that wants censorship just like Islam. And is aiding Islam in getting it.

Again, the same question half the posts in this thread have asked, without response.......

---------------------- Link?
Link your ass to a Koran. There are plenty available one line.
Noble Quran - Translation of Sura An-Nisa

Don't need to. I have one. But that wasn't my question, was it.

Try reading your own post that I quoted. You know, as I did.
Has the WH supported the spread of blasphemy laws?
Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it a landmark achievement.
The WH before this one.

You should read your own links some times.

Here's your Clinton line you quoted above --- with the context around it:

>> The Islamic nations pressed the defamation issue until a few years ago. Then in 2011, compromise language emerged that dropped any reference to blasphemy or defamation. The measure passed by unanimous consent.

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it a landmark achievement.

"The United States strongly supports today’s resolution, which rejects the broad prohibitions on speech called for in the former ‘defamation of religions’ resolution, and supports approaches that do not limit freedom of expression or infringe on the freedom of religion," Clinton said in a prepared statement.

Human rights advocacy groups, such as Human Rights First and British-based Article 19, also endorsed the measure. Human Rights First wrote, "Resolution 16/18 ceases to provide cover for national blasphemy laws and charts a new course. The resolution omits any reference to ‘defamation of religions’ and — in accordance with international standards — focuses on the protection of individuals, rather than the protection of abstract ideas and religions." <<​
It shows Islam gets the respect that it demands from the Left, that is enabling Islam period. Your spin does not interest me.
Again, the same question half the posts in this thread have asked, without response.......

---------------------- Link?
Link your ass to a Koran. There are plenty available one line.
Noble Quran - Translation of Sura An-Nisa

Don't need to. I have one. But that wasn't my question, was it.

Try reading your own post that I quoted. You know, as I did.
Has the WH supported the spread of blasphemy laws?
Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it a landmark achievement.
The WH before this one.

You should read your own links some times.

Here's your Clinton line you quoted above --- with the context around it:

>> The Islamic nations pressed the defamation issue until a few years ago. Then in 2011, compromise language emerged that dropped any reference to blasphemy or defamation. The measure passed by unanimous consent.

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it a landmark achievement.

"The United States strongly supports today’s resolution, which rejects the broad prohibitions on speech called for in the former ‘defamation of religions’ resolution, and supports approaches that do not limit freedom of expression or infringe on the freedom of religion," Clinton said in a prepared statement.

Human rights advocacy groups, such as Human Rights First and British-based Article 19, also endorsed the measure. Human Rights First wrote, "Resolution 16/18 ceases to provide cover for national blasphemy laws and charts a new course. The resolution omits any reference to ‘defamation of religions’ and — in accordance with international standards — focuses on the protection of individuals, rather than the protection of abstract ideas and religions." <<​
It shows Islam gets the respect that it demands from the Left, that is enabling Islam period. Your spin does not interest me.

No Bungles, it shows that contrary to your fantasies about, and I quote, "it is the Left that wants censorship just like Islam. And is aiding Islam in getting it", your examples did the direct opposite. Granted neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack O'bama is "the left" but they are the examples you trotted out.

Will there be anything else today?
How about the Muslims in Ferguson, the thugs played nice with them. That riot was caused by the Left and those rioters made sure they did not punch a Muslim or say anything bad about Islam.

And how many times has a gutless leaders of Europe come on and say this is not Islam. It is Islam. Now if supporting the lie terrorists are not inspired by Islam is not aiding Islam what is?
And if you read the Koran you will know why. Violence is Islam's go to decision. No one gets in the way of Islam, including Muslims.

Again, we gave you just as many violent passages in the Bible as the Koran.

IN fact, the website "Skeptics Annotated BIble/Koran" cites 1321 verses of Violence or Cruelty in the Bible, but only 532 in the Koran.
How about the Muslims in Ferguson, the thugs played nice with them. That riot was caused by the Left and those rioters made sure they did not punch a Muslim or say anything bad about Islam.

Because their complaint wasn't with Muslims in Ferguson.

It was with thug cops who shoot people when they have their hands up, and DA who try to sweep it under the rug.

And how many times has a gutless leaders of Europe come on and say this is not Islam. It is Islam. Now if supporting the lie terrorists are not inspired by Islam is not aiding Islam what is?

The leaders of Europe know that 99% of Muslims aren't involved in the violence... and the best way to get them to identify the ones who are is to work with them.
How about the Muslims in Ferguson, the thugs played nice with them. That riot was caused by the Left and those rioters made sure they did not punch a Muslim or say anything bad about Islam.

And how many times has a gutless leaders of Europe come on and say this is not Islam. It is Islam. Now if supporting the lie terrorists are not inspired by Islam is not aiding Islam what is?
All you have is hate.
It shows Islam gets the respect that it demands from the Left, that is enabling Islam period. Your spin does not interest me.

These subversives do not defend ANY other ideology like they do Islam.

The truth of the matter is that if they associated a similar ideology with white people, they would be all over it like shit on stink. The poor little dears just cannot get over their phobia about being called a racist, and reinforce the attitudes of each other by doing just that.

The hive mind works in strange ways.
How about the Muslims in Ferguson, the thugs played nice with them. That riot was caused by the Left and those rioters made sure they did not punch a Muslim or say anything bad about Islam.

And how many times has a gutless leaders of Europe come on and say this is not Islam. It is Islam. Now if supporting the lie terrorists are not inspired by Islam is not aiding Islam what is?
All you have is hate.
All I have is the gravitas to call hate out. Islam is the hate we are dealing with here. You have submitted, that is more than apparent.
It shows Islam gets the respect that it demands from the Left, that is enabling Islam period. Your spin does not interest me.

These subversives do not defend ANY other ideology like they do Islam.

The truth of the matter is that if they associated a similar ideology with white people, they would be all over it like shit on stink. The poor little dears just cannot get over their phobia about being called a racist, and reinforce the attitudes of each other by doing just that.

The hive mind works in strange ways.

Hive minds sure do. Take this thread f'rinstance. Puts a fake premise in the title, purporting to explain why fake premise exists. Which is, bizzarely, "to destroy the West" (also never explained).

Upon challenge, OP can't show any evidence that fake premise DOES exist. Then runs away, leaving fellow emotional-argument travellers to flail around at the same failure.

And yet --- despite repeated failure of anyone to demonstrate any evidence of said premise --- said fellow travellers yammer on and on as if the strawman didn't get blown away in its own wind four hundred posts ago. Because in the hive mind the trivialities of "facts" and "realities" and "evidence" are irrelevant; what's relevant is riding the surf of disjointed emotion even if it's connected to nothing.

In the hive mind you will be ass-similated. Surf's up dood.

How about the Muslims in Ferguson, the thugs played nice with them. That riot was caused by the Left and those rioters made sure they did not punch a Muslim or say anything bad about Islam.

Because their complaint wasn't with Muslims in Ferguson.

It was with thug cops who shoot people when they have their hands up, and DA who try to sweep it under the rug.

And how many times has a gutless leaders of Europe come on and say this is not Islam. It is Islam. Now if supporting the lie terrorists are not inspired by Islam is not aiding Islam what is?

The leaders of Europe know that 99% of Muslims aren't involved in the violence... and the best way to get them to identify the ones who are is to work with them.
The leaders of Europe do not deal directly with the refugees and immigrants, the people do. They are out of touch and puppets of globalists who are stupid enough to think Islam is their ally.
This is the thing that always amazes us on the Right...the left wing has teamed up with radical islamic terrorism thinking that they can use them to bring down the west........and there won't be any blow back in that relationship....

Leftists and Islamists: Strange Bedfellows

It cannot be repeated enough that the Marxist-anarchist radical left Antifa and Islamic jihadists have joined forces to destroy Western civilization. Known as the Red-Green Axis, this unlikely alliance of leftists with Islamic groups is actually a means to an end by Islamists.

Inexplicably, left-wing forces do not comprehend that they are merely one of the tools by which Islamists wish to impose a global caliphate. In his searing documentary Killing Europe, producer Michael Hansen makes the following cogent points.

The Islamic jihadists have found willing partners in the left for a number of reasons.

  • Particularly in Europe, the left's traditional voting bloc was the workers or proletariat. But as communism produced only mass misery and the deaths of millions, those who had invested 20-30 years in left-wing ideology soon found themselves without an identity once the proletariat saw the true nature of communism.
  • Enter Muslim refugees, and the left now sees a new voting base. The fact that these migrants come from a culture completely at odds with the West does not faze the left, since leftists have never accepted historical facts and, even more telling, now tout a multicultural paradise, notwithstanding the irrevocable differences that an Islamic religious-based system contains. In essence, the left has found a new base to promote its own identity.
  • That sharia law permits the stoning of gays, endorses gender apartheid, and advocates rape and murder of the infidel seems not to have registered in the leftist mind. Although the left abhors religion, leftists cannot fathom that their reliance on Islamist partners will not end well. This was borne out when the communists and Islamists joined to overturn the shah of Iran; the Islamic fundamentalists took the reins, eliminated the communists, and imposed draconian sharia law to maintain control.
As Ayn Rand wrote, "[r]eason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." But as Kevin J. Johnston at Freedom Report explains, we need to be informed and realize that what is occurring is not to be denied even when political leaders reject the facts.

How, indeed, can a secularist or atheist even consider siding with a religiously mandated system that absolutely abhors secularism and atheism? How can leftists who are ostensibly concerned with women's rights and gay liberation partner with a system that mandates the murder of gays and the dehumanization and killing of women?

What both groups agree upon is a totalitarian society and censorship of ideas that would expose them. Political correctness hides their deeds. For example:

It shows Islam gets the respect that it demands from the Left, that is enabling Islam period. Your spin does not interest me.

These subversives do not defend ANY other ideology like they do Islam.

The truth of the matter is that if they associated a similar ideology with white people, they would be all over it like shit on stink. The poor little dears just cannot get over their phobia about being called a racist, and reinforce the attitudes of each other by doing just that.

The hive mind works in strange ways.

Hive minds sure do. Take this thread f'rinstance. Puts a fake premise in the title, purporting to explain why fake premise exists. Which is, bizzarely, "to destroy the West" (also never explained).

Upon challenge, OP can't show any evidence that fake premise DOES exist. Then runs away, leaving fellow emotional-argument travellers to flail around at the same failure.

And yet --- despite repeated failure of anyone to demonstrate any evidence of said premise --- said fellow travellers yammer on and on as if the strawman didn't get blown away in its own wind four hundred posts ago. Because in the hive mind the trivialities of "facts" and "realities" and "evidence" are irrelevant; what's relevant is riding the surf of disjointed emotion even if it's connected to nothing.

In the hive mind you will be ass-similated. Surf's up dood.

You do not determine what the evidence is or reach any conclusion here. The fact that leaders insist Islam has nothing to do with terror are lying. Lying aids Islam. The proof is all around you and you dress it up like an understanding between Islam and the free world. There is no such thing, only an illusion and propaganda that losers like you believe.
How about the Muslims in Ferguson, the thugs played nice with them. That riot was caused by the Left and those rioters made sure they did not punch a Muslim or say anything bad about Islam.

Because their complaint wasn't with Muslims in Ferguson.

It was with thug cops who shoot people when they have their hands up, and DA who try to sweep it under the rug.

And how many times has a gutless leaders of Europe come on and say this is not Islam. It is Islam. Now if supporting the lie terrorists are not inspired by Islam is not aiding Islam what is?

The leaders of Europe know that 99% of Muslims aren't involved in the violence... and the best way to get them to identify the ones who are is to work with them.
The leaders of Europe do not deal directly with the refugees and immigrants, the people do. They are out of touch and puppets of globalists who are stupid enough to think Islam is their ally.

Islam is their ally-------VERY GLOBALIST

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