Why the Left Hates, a handy primer


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Print this out, refer to it when you're unsure, hand it out in schools.

Why the Left Hates.

Nixon. For hanging that fucking Communist scumbag Alger Hiss

Joe McCarthy. For correctly trying to warn the American people that genuine Communist spies were in the US State Department and throughout our government

Reagan. For revitalizing the US Economy and beating the USSR so badly he left then no choice but to abandon Eastern Europe and take over the Democrat Party

Palin. She's proudly Conservative and refuses to be their bitch and refuses to shut up and fade away

The Rich. Because the Left are life's losers and don't want to confront their failure

CEO's. Because they don't even know what a CEO does

Religion. Because Faith is mightier than the State

Fox News. Because they dare to report news without preapprovals from Obama

Dubya. LOL Because he's an idiot and he beat Gore and Kerry. LOL He beat Gore because the Clinton Administration decided to kidnap Elain Gonzales over Easter weekend and ship him to Poppa Fidel. This made the Cuban community vote against Gore, who lost Florida and the Presidency. LOL Don't you love it?! 537 votes LOL. Viva Fidel! :lol:

Voter ID. Keeps the non-living from expressing their support of the Democrat Party
"Dubya. LOL Because he's an idiot and he beat Gore and Kerry. LOL He beat Gore because the Clinton Administration decided to kidnap Elain Gonzales over Easter weekend and ship him to Poppa Fidel. This made the Cuban community vote against Gore, who lost Florida and the Presidency. LOL Don't you love it?! 537 votes LOL. Viva Fidel!"

Actually, the most political Supreme Court ever stole the election. Very funny. Then W allowed 9/11 through sheer incompetence. LOL Then the 2 longest STUPIDEST wars ever, sheer thievery and a DEPRESSION, now total obstruction and ruining the recovery just to get back power to do it again LOL... You a just a brainwashed dupe. Turn off the BS! Hoping for your recovery. And the 20-40% like you...
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Print this out, refer to it when you're unsure, hand it out in schools.

Why the Left Hates.

Nixon. For hanging that fucking Communist scumbag Alger Hiss

Joe McCarthy. For correctly trying to warn the American people that genuine Communist spies were in the US State Department and throughout our government

Reagan. For revitalizing the US Economy and beating the USSR so badly he left then no choice but to abandon Eastern Europe and take over the Democrat Party

Palin. She's proudly Conservative and refuses to be their bitch and refuses to shut up and fade away

The Rich. Because the Left are life's losers and don't want to confront their failure

CEO's. Because they don't even know what a CEO does

Religion. Because Faith is mightier than the State

Fox News. Because they dare to report news without preapprovals from Obama

Dubya. LOL Because he's an idiot and he beat Gore and Kerry. LOL He beat Gore because the Clinton Administration decided to kidnap Elain Gonzales over Easter weekend and ship him to Poppa Fidel. This made the Cuban community vote against Gore, who lost Florida and the Presidency. LOL Don't you love it?! 537 votes LOL. Viva Fidel! :lol:

Voter ID. Keeps the non-living from expressing their support of the Democrat Party

Print this out, refer to it when you're unsure, hand it out in schools.

Why the Left Hates.

Nixon. For hanging that fucking Communist scumbag Alger Hiss

Joe McCarthy. For correctly trying to warn the American people that genuine Communist spies were in the US State Department and throughout our government

Reagan. For revitalizing the US Economy and beating the USSR so badly he left then no choice but to abandon Eastern Europe and take over the Democrat Party

Palin. She's proudly Conservative and refuses to be their bitch and refuses to shut up and fade away

The Rich. Because the Left are life's losers and don't want to confront their failure

CEO's. Because they don't even know what a CEO does

Religion. Because Faith is mightier than the State

Fox News. Because they dare to report news without preapprovals from Obama

Dubya. LOL Because he's an idiot and he beat Gore and Kerry. LOL He beat Gore because the Clinton Administration decided to kidnap Elain Gonzales over Easter weekend and ship him to Poppa Fidel. This made the Cuban community vote against Gore, who lost Florida and the Presidency. LOL Don't you love it?! 537 votes LOL. Viva Fidel! :lol:

Voter ID. Keeps the non-living from expressing their support of the Democrat Party


The left posts that pick a lot. Is there something you guys really want to tell us? An attempt to come out of the closet? Dreaming about tea bagging?
"Dubya. LOL Because he's an idiot and he beat Gore and Kerry. LOL He beat Gore because the Clinton Administration decided to kidnap Elain Gonzales over Easter weekend and ship him to Poppa Fidel. This made the Cuban community vote against Gore, who lost Florida and the Presidency. LOL Don't you love it?! 537 votes LOL. Viva Fidel!"

Actually, the most political Supreme Court ever stole the election. Very funny. Then W allowed 9/11 through sheer incompetence. LOL Then the 2 longest STUPIDEST wars ever, sheer thievery and a DEPRESSION, now total obstruction and ruining the recovery just to get back power to do it again LOL... You a just a brainwashed dupe. Turn off the BS! Hoping for your recovery. And the 20-40% like you...

Seriously, Dubya had more votes that Gore. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Viva Fidel!!! :lol::lol:
"Dubya. LOL Because he's an idiot and he beat Gore and Kerry. LOL He beat Gore because the Clinton Administration decided to kidnap Elain Gonzales over Easter weekend and ship him to Poppa Fidel. This made the Cuban community vote against Gore, who lost Florida and the Presidency. LOL Don't you love it?! 537 votes LOL. Viva Fidel!"

Actually, the most political Supreme Court ever stole the election. Very funny. Then W allowed 9/11 through sheer incompetence. LOL Then the 2 longest STUPIDEST wars ever, sheer thievery and a , now total obstruction and ruining the recovery just to get back power to do it again LOL... You a just a brainwashed dupe. Turn off the BS! Hoping for your recovery. And the 20-40% like you...

Seriously, Dubya had more votes that Gore. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Viva Fidel!!! :lol::lol:

But what about CHAD? He was pregnant!
Print this out, refer to it when you're unsure, hand it out in schools.

Why the Left Hates.

Nixon. For hanging that fucking Communist scumbag Alger Hiss

Joe McCarthy. For correctly trying to warn the American people that genuine Communist spies were in the US State Department and throughout our government

Reagan. For revitalizing the US Economy and beating the USSR so badly he left then no choice but to abandon Eastern Europe and take over the Democrat Party

Palin. She's proudly Conservative and refuses to be their bitch and refuses to shut up and fade away

The Rich. Because the Left are life's losers and don't want to confront their failure

CEO's. Because they don't even know what a CEO does

Religion. Because Faith is mightier than the State

Fox News. Because they dare to report news without preapprovals from Obama

Dubya. LOL Because he's an idiot and he beat Gore and Kerry. LOL He beat Gore because the Clinton Administration decided to kidnap Elain Gonzales over Easter weekend and ship him to Poppa Fidel. This made the Cuban community vote against Gore, who lost Florida and the Presidency. LOL Don't you love it?! 537 votes LOL. Viva Fidel! :lol:

Voter ID. Keeps the non-living from expressing their support of the Democrat Party


Did I hurt your feeling?
Print this out, refer to it when you're unsure, hand it out in schools.

Why the Left Hates.

Nixon. For hanging that fucking Communist scumbag Alger Hiss

Watergate might be a contributing factor too, ya know :cuckoo:

Joe McCarthy. For correctly trying to warn the American people that genuine Communist spies were in the US State Department and throughout our government

I prefer the words of Senators Susan Colins and Carl Levin in describing McCarthy:

"Senator McCarthy’s zeal to uncover subversion and espionage led to disturbing excesses. His browbeating tactics destroyed careers of people who were not involved in the infiltration of our government. His freewheeling style caused both the Senate and the Subcommittee to revise the rules governing future investigations, and prompted the courts to act to protect the Constitutional rights of witnesses at Congressional hearings... These hearings are a part of our national past that we can neither afford to forget nor permit to reoccur."

Reagan. For revitalizing the US Economy and beating the USSR so badly he left then no choice but to abandon Eastern Europe and take over the Democrat Party

I'll give him credit for bring back the economy, but Reagan does not deserve credit for solely killing the Soviet Union in one foul swoop. Gorbachev deserves more credit due to "perestroika" and "glasnost", which basically galvinized the population and made them realize how shit the country was.

Great article:Everything You Think You Know About the Collapse of the Soviet Union Is Wrong - By Leon Aron | Foreign Policy

Palin. She's proudly Conservative and refuses to be their bitch and refuses to shut up and fade away

Maybe the fact that she quit in the middle of her term as governor and has basically become a celebrity rather than a stateswoman has something to do with that, huh?

The Rich. Because the Left are life's losers and don't want to confront their failure

Warren Buffet and most of the Democrats are filthy rich. The idea that they "hate" the rich is absurd. Advocating higher rates of taxation is not equivalent to hate.

CEO's. Because they don't even know what a CEO does

Innane generalization with absolutely no proof to back up your claim.

Religion. Because Faith is mightier than the State

Liberals =/= Atheists. I doubt prominent Democrats like REVEREND Al Sharpton hate religion.

Fox News. Because they dare to report news without preapprovals from Obama

Or because they typically present the news from a conservative viewpoint in their opinion shows, with little to no representation of the other stance.

Fox is right leaning as much as MSNBC is left leaning. Deal with it.

Dubya. LOL Because he's an idiot and he beat Gore and Kerry. LOL He beat Gore because the Clinton Administration decided to kidnap Elain Gonzales over Easter weekend and ship him to Poppa Fidel. This made the Cuban community vote against Gore, who lost Florida and the Presidency. LOL Don't you love it?! 537 votes LOL. Viva Fidel! :lol:

Bush went into Iraq at the same time he was fighting in Afghanistan. Yes, we were justified in removing Saddam, but the Administratio completely dropped the ball on managing post-Saddam Iraq. In turn, Afghanistan went down the toilet. The man piddled away billions and billions of dollars a year and is one of the big contributing factors contributing to the cause of the national debt.

Voter ID. Keeps the non-living from expressing their support of the Democrat

I really don't disagree with Voter ID so meh. But to argue that the Democrats are carrying out mass voter-fraud without a link or source is pretty sketchy.

Nice intelligent, detailed, well-reasoned argument there.:clap2:
I've hardly seen a leftie use the word hate... that seems to be your side's domain, douchebag.

But, I suppose I can't blame you... other than rampant Corporatism, that's all you dickheads have to offer... cheap shots and hatred. Guess it keeps you warm at night.
Nixon? The only president forced from office.

Joe McCarthy? "Have you no sense of decency, sir. Have you at long last, no sense of decency?"

Reagan? Doubled the National Debt and created the mythology that cutting taxes increases revenue. This mythology is the reason we have a $14 trillion dollar National Debt. And the only reason the economy did well under Reagan is that three months after Reagan got in office, the North Shore oil started to flow.

Palin? Dumb as a box of rocks. An embarrassment even to the Republican Party.

The Rich? Which rich? The Koch brothers or Warren Buffett?

CEOs? Once again, which ones? The ones who ran a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme that destroyed our economy?

Religion? God is love.

Fox News? The winner of the Lie of the Year award two years in a row?

George Bush? The man who inherited a balanced budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace, and eight years later left us with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars?

Voter ID laws? Voter suppression pure and simple. It's a proud Republican tradition. After five years and millions of dollars spent, the Bush administration's Justice Department could find almost no evidence of voter fraud. It's just an excuse to keep students and black people from voting.
"Dubya. LOL Because he's an idiot and he beat Gore and Kerry. LOL He beat Gore because the Clinton Administration decided to kidnap Elain Gonzales over Easter weekend and ship him to Poppa Fidel. This made the Cuban community vote against Gore, who lost Florida and the Presidency. LOL Don't you love it?! 537 votes LOL. Viva Fidel!"

Actually, the most political Supreme Court ever stole the election. Very funny. Then W allowed 9/11 through sheer incompetence. LOL Then the 2 longest STUPIDEST wars ever, sheer thievery and a , now total obstruction and ruining the recovery just to get back power to do it again LOL... You a just a brainwashed dupe. Turn off the BS! Hoping for your recovery. And the 20-40% like you...

Seriously, Dubya had more votes that Gore. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Viva Fidel!!! :lol::lol:

But what about CHAD? He was pregnant!



Print this out, refer to it when you're unsure, hand it out in schools.

Why the Left Hates.

Nixon. For hanging that fucking Communist scumbag Alger Hiss

Watergate might be a contributing factor too, ya know :cuckoo:

Joe McCarthy. For correctly trying to warn the American people that genuine Communist spies were in the US State Department and throughout our government

I prefer the words of Senators Susan Colins and Carl Levin in describing McCarthy:

"Senator McCarthy’s zeal to uncover subversion and espionage led to disturbing excesses. His browbeating tactics destroyed careers of people who were not involved in the infiltration of our government. His freewheeling style caused both the Senate and the Subcommittee to revise the rules governing future investigations, and prompted the courts to act to protect the Constitutional rights of witnesses at Congressional hearings... These hearings are a part of our national past that we can neither afford to forget nor permit to reoccur."

Reagan. For revitalizing the US Economy and beating the USSR so badly he left then no choice but to abandon Eastern Europe and take over the Democrat Party

I'll give him credit for bring back the economy, but Reagan does not deserve credit for solely killing the Soviet Union in one foul swoop. Gorbachev deserves more credit due to "perestroika" and "glasnost", which basically galvinized the population and made them realize how shit the country was.

Great article:Everything You Think You Know About the Collapse of the Soviet Union Is Wrong - By Leon Aron | Foreign Policy

Palin. She's proudly Conservative and refuses to be their bitch and refuses to shut up and fade away

Maybe the fact that she quit in the middle of her term as governor and has basically become a celebrity rather than a stateswoman has something to do with that, huh?

The Rich. Because the Left are life's losers and don't want to confront their failure

Warren Buffet and most of the Democrats are filthy rich. The idea that they "hate" the rich is absurd. Advocating higher rates of taxation is not equivalent to hate.

CEO's. Because they don't even know what a CEO does

Innane generalization with absolutely no proof to back up your claim.

Religion. Because Faith is mightier than the State

Liberals =/= Atheists. I doubt prominent Democrats like REVEREND Al Sharpton hate religion.

Fox News. Because they dare to report news without preapprovals from Obama

Or because they typically present the news from a conservative viewpoint in their opinion shows, with little to no representation of the other stance.

Fox is right leaning as much as MSNBC is left leaning. Deal with it.

Dubya. LOL Because he's an idiot and he beat Gore and Kerry. LOL He beat Gore because the Clinton Administration decided to kidnap Elain Gonzales over Easter weekend and ship him to Poppa Fidel. This made the Cuban community vote against Gore, who lost Florida and the Presidency. LOL Don't you love it?! 537 votes LOL. Viva Fidel! :lol:

Bush went into Iraq at the same time he was fighting in Afghanistan. Yes, we were justified in removing Saddam, but the Administratio completely dropped the ball on managing post-Saddam Iraq. In turn, Afghanistan went down the toilet. The man piddled away billions and billions of dollars a year and is one of the big contributing factors contributing to the cause of the national debt.

Voter ID. Keeps the non-living from expressing their support of the Democrat

I really don't disagree with Voter ID so meh. But to argue that the Democrats are carrying out mass voter-fraud without a link or source is pretty sketchy.

Nice intelligent, detailed, well-reasoned argument there.:clap2:


You are new here... first let me welcome you. Second, let me help you just a little bit, because you may not have noticed where this was placed... it was in the humor forum. It was not an actual argument.

In some ways it was funny, but then good humor generally has at least a grain of truth to it or at least sounds like it does.

Again, welcome to the forum. Don't take that stuff seriously.

Post your mindless shit in the Flame Zone or maybe even the Conspiricy Theories Frank


I have already welcomed you, but I refer you to post #14 as well. ;)

And you have an excellent point. I'm not trying to provoke anyone, but the redundancy gets a little tiring, especially from Frank.

I didn't think you were trying to provoke him, but I do have to say; he can use a little provoking once in a while. :)


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