Why the Kitty Cat Must DIE!

When I killed a cat,it was a feral the size of a lynx trying to kill the um, grandma cat here.

It was chasing the grandma cat trying to kill her and I had already whacked it in the head with a shovel, not pretty.

Enter mr. .22.
My cat died at 23 years of age. I still cry for him because I miss him so much. So..I hope you are just kidding.
Our 19 year old cat is way past his shelf life. And I cut him a lot of slack due to his age. Hell, I sympathize with him in many respects.

He is almost deaf and it is easy to walk up on him and surprise him, and I dont think he can see very well either.

So I forgive him for a whole bunch of things, like his pooping in almost any room he finds the urge in.

Like him knocking things off the shelves just because he still can.

Like pooping on my favorite chairs head rest.

Like chewing up my favorite historical atlas.

Like running outside every chance he gets and hiding and making us spend hours looking for his stupid fur-ball butt.

Like knocking the car keys onto the floor then pushing them under the couch.

Like running into the storage space under the stairs and refusing to come out.

Like not eating his food that has his medicine in it.

Etc, etc, etc, I could go on for many pages on his foibles, but I wont, as I think the point is made.

The continued life of this evil creature is a testament of my love for my wife who adores this little beast.

Until today.

What did he do?

He DESECRATED my Tom Brady Jersey.

I cannot say the details as my rage cannot be contained long enough to type it all out when I try to start.

Yes, he is still breathing for the moment as I assess his sentence.


Put him in the shower stall and put the cold water on FULL.

Shave him with the electric razor.

Put duct tape on all four of his paws.

Hose him down with garden scent Glade air freshener.

I have not yet decided.

But his sentence will carried out in the morning.
Don't you dare touch the hair of that beautiful little kitty. What he did to Tom Brady proves the cat is a liberal. Therefore, he cannot be touched.....by law.

I have two cats. They make me feel like this is their place and I just live here.
You really wuv him, dontcha??? And will really really miss him when he's gone, huh?

But yeah, they do like to drive us nuts.

I don't think cats are that willful. I think unadulterated self aggrandizing insouciance most aptly describes the feline way of decision making.

I'm not so sure about that........when I was little I had a Siamese that would chew parts off a stuffed cat I had, or pee in my bed when I didn't pay enough attention to her because I was playing with my dolls or other toys. She was happy enough when I'd dress her up or include her somehow but if I ignored her or pushed her away, then she'd do something to get back at me.

I got into so much trouble because of her peeing on my bed, my mom thought I was doing it.....until she caught the cat.
Hah! That reminds me of the time when I was a wee lad...
My brother, and I were getting ready for school. We were sitting there eating our cereal, and the toaster popped. My brother went to make his toast, and when he did the cat wasted no time helping himself to the milk in my brothers cereal bowl. My brother decided to swipe/knock the cat off the table. Hard! He felt particularly proud of himself for this.
Well... we finished breakfast, and with ten minutes left, it was time to go wait for the bus. I put my shoes on and headed for the door. As I reached for the the knob I heard my brother yell. I looked back to see my brother pulling his foot out of his shoe. I'll never forget the look on my brothers face. Or that smell... The cat had shit in his shoe! Ohhh sweet revenge! My brother remarked that it was still warm... Hah!
Our cat firmly believes in his 2nd Amendment right to self protection...

View attachment 122431
Nothing in the Second Amendment omits cats.

I ain't saying I never shot a cat.
It was probably better that I did.

Living way out in the sticks you dont have vets available often times, to take a cat and have it put down. So a friend of mine I knew had to kill his cat, did it while the cat slept. It had some kind of cancer and it was in almost constant pain.

He couldnt ever talk about it and if you pushed the subject he would go nuts.

It has to be the worst kind of sad to have to put your own pet down. We've had to put down two very ancient dogs at the vets and it was a terrible pain.
When I was little my uncle had to put his hound down and shot it in the head... buried it in the woods. Next morning it was on the porch all bloody and dirt from the grave all over him. We were there visiting and I didn't sleep for 20 years.
You really wuv him, dontcha??? And will really really miss him when he's gone, huh?

But yeah, they do like to drive us nuts.

I don't think cats are that willful. I think unadulterated self aggrandizing insouciance most aptly describes the feline way of decision making.

I'm not so sure about that........when I was little I had a Siamese that would chew parts off a stuffed cat I had, or pee in my bed when I didn't pay enough attention to her because I was playing with my dolls or other toys. She was happy enough when I'd dress her up or include her somehow but if I ignored her or pushed her away, then she'd do something to get back at me.

I got into so much trouble because of her peeing on my bed, my mom thought I was doing it.....until she caught the cat.

I don't see how the behaviors you described counter my claim about how cats think and in turn act. The fact pattern you note can certainly be attributed to and are consistent with "unadulterated self aggrandizing insouciance." I put it succinctly, but seemingly that didn't work, so I guess I need to "spell it out."

Cats, inside one's home, will do what they want to do, and the only thing governing what they opt in fact to do is whether, at that moment, it pleases them to do it. For example, a cat uses a litter box, not because you want them to, but because they prefer peeing and pooping in the dirt and because they don't want their own piss and sh*t all over the place. If, however, there's an equally suitable spot for relieving themselves -- let's be honest, strictly speaking, pretty much any place is suitable enough -- and that holds no special appeal to them, they will gladly "mark" that place by peeing there, thus denying others the joy of using that spot for something of their own choosing. In a cat's mind, if it doesn't want to use a spot for something other than relieving itself, then clearly nobody else does or should, and a cat will act to enforce it view in that regard.

You said yourself cats are not willful. And I disagree, they are very willful. They pick their human, anyone else is subject to their desires of the time......such as JimBowie1958 & his wife. The cat obviously has chosen his wife & visa versa, those 2 get along splendidly, yet Jim is subject to the cat's whims...like the missing keys or destruction of only Jim's property...but not hers. The cat knows the difference and chooses.
Jim, he's gonna go to Rainbow Bridge, any day now....all the things happening with your cat, especially wanting to be outside for hours in hiding, are signs that he is dying....it happened right before my beloved cat of 16 years died...

Tell your wife, it's time to show the kitty boy all the love you can possibly show him...you might have just a week or two left.
I'm incapable of putting any animal down....I simply can not do it and neither can my husband...we nurture them to the very last natural breath they take.... :(
I'm incapable of putting any animal down....I simply can not do it and neither can my husband...we nurture them to the very last natural breath they take.... :(

Even if you know they are in pain & suffering and there's nothing you or the vet can do to help them? It's hard, very hard....but sometimes is necessary.
I'm incapable of putting any animal down....I simply can not do it and neither can my husband...we nurture them to the very last natural breath they take.... :(

Even if you know they are in pain & suffering and there's nothing you or the vet can do to help them? It's hard, very hard....but sometimes is necessary.
Cats... at least my cat, appreciated every minute she had left and never showed us she was in pain, even though she was down to 4lbs before she passed onward....she head butted us with kisses, curled up in our laps, purred like the sweet little baby kitty she always was....whenever near us...

It was harder and more painful to us, knowing she was dying, than it was to her....

I can barely talk about it without welling up...I still miss her, 3 years and counting...
I'm incapable of putting any animal down....I simply can not do it and neither can my husband...we nurture them to the very last natural breath they take.... :(

What if they are suffering? The compassionate thing is to end a good pets misery
I'm incapable of putting any animal down....I simply can not do it and neither can my husband...we nurture them to the very last natural breath they take.... :(

What if they are suffering? The compassionate thing is to end a good pets misery
I would not put my child down or my mom down, even knowing they are dying and may be in pain...

Some people can do it and bless them for being able to do it...I simply can't...I've never seen a cat in too much pain and been tested on this but I can't imagine doing it even then...
It's the hardest thing one can be put through. It takes courage and a willingness to do the right thing for the person or pet you love so much.
I know.
It's the hardest thing one can be put through. It takes courage and a willingness to do the right thing for the person or pet you love so much.
I know.
My dog had nose cancer, and I had never even heard of it before that.

They gave him all kinds of meds and then finally surgery and nothing stopped it from spreading. He would whine at night softly down in the living room and he would sneeze black crap all over everything.

I stood with him hugging him when the vet put him down. First they gave him a pain killer the vet said was like opium, and then the fatal stuff that stopped his heart.

While it still brings tears to my eyes, the last few moments of his life were without pain and he was probably feeling very happy.
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It's the hardest thing one can be put through. It takes courage and a willingness to do the right thing for the person or pet you love so much.
I know.
My dog has nose cancer, and I had never even heard of it before that.

They gave him all kinds of meds and then finally surgery and nothing stopped it from spreading. He would whine at night softly down in the living room and he would sneeze black crap all over everything.

I stood with him hugging him when the vet put him down. First they gave him a pain killer the vet said was like opium, and then the fatal stuff that stopped his heart.

While it still brings tears to my eyes, the last few moments of his life were without pain and he was probably feeling very happy.

Oh... I can't even say how sorry I am, jim. I know how it feels to do what you can then do what you must.
Our cat firmly believes in his 2nd Amendment right to self protection...

View attachment 122431
Nothing in the Second Amendment omits cats.

I ain't saying I never shot a cat.
It was probably better that I did.

Living way out in the sticks you dont have vets available often times, to take a cat and have it put down. So a friend of mine I knew had to kill his cat, did it while the cat slept. It had some kind of cancer and it was in almost constant pain.

He couldnt ever talk about it and if you pushed the subject he would go nuts.
Most likely he was a little nuts to begin with.

We had a barn cat that started puking and crapping blood in our front yard, and then convulsing while spouting blood all up and down the walkway. After a few hours I had had enough. We didn't have a gun in the house, so I killed it with a lead pipe.
I recently had to put my precious little girl down. She was barely breathing, she was pooping black tar. I could not bear to see her struggling for every breath knowing that nothing would help her.

When she was given that first shot, the one to relax her, she was afraid. There was panic in her eyes. I held her close and told her to stay close to me. We would be together forever. Then they gave her the second shot and she was gone. I still miss her terribly.

As chance would have it. I was at the vet's office meeting a friend with his dog. I saw this little poodle. He was emaciated, the smell coming from his infected ears make most people gag. I said "If no one wants you, call me." I thought he was a rescue with his new mom. He was with a vet tech. She handed me his leash and said "Here you go." Henry was indeed a rescue looking for a forever home. He has one tooth in his head. I have to medicate his ears twice a day. He doesn't bark. He doesn't give kisses. He does cuddle, all the time. For weeks he wouldn't even ask for food. Now he will give a very low and polite "wuff". He knows what snacks are and will give a hopeful look to get one. He's never pushy.

I miss my little girl so much. She was with me her whole life since she was a tiny puppy. Henry gives me something to do. I again have someone to care for. He needs to be fed, walked, petted, cuddled, and medicated.
I recently had to put my precious little girl down. She was barely breathing, she was pooping black tar. I could not bear to see her struggling for every breath knowing that nothing would help her.

When she was given that first shot, the one to relax her, she was afraid. There was panic in her eyes. I held her close and told her to stay close to me. We would be together forever. Then they gave her the second shot and she was gone. I still miss her terribly.

As chance would have it. I was at the vet's office meeting a friend with his dog. I saw this little poodle. He was emaciated, the smell coming from his infected ears make most people gag. I said "If no one wants you, call me." I thought he was a rescue with his new mom. He was with a vet tech. She handed me his leash and said "Here you go." Henry was indeed a rescue looking for a forever home. He has one tooth in his head. I have to medicate his ears twice a day. He doesn't bark. He doesn't give kisses. He does cuddle, all the time. For weeks he wouldn't even ask for food. Now he will give a very low and polite "wuff". He knows what snacks are and will give a hopeful look to get one. He's never pushy.

I miss my little girl so much. She was with me her whole life since she was a tiny puppy. Henry gives me something to do. I again have someone to care for. He needs to be fed, walked, petted, cuddled, and medicated.
Bless you tipsy.

For the ears, use warm water and vinegar. I get a big rag real wet with hot water (it cools) and then add a splash of vinegar. Gently wash the outside ear, just sort of hold over the ear and move the whole ear to get some inside. Vinegar will reduce the yeast and will also dissolve ear wax.

It does sting though so be careful.

Then if her ears are red and itchy, wipe a little hydrocortisone ointment around, i usually put a dab at the front of the ear canal and use the ear flap itself to spread it around.

That also stings but only for a sec.

You will see an improvement immediately. The ointments they give you at the vet will help with the infection, if there is any. But this is a treatment that will address the yeast infections that are causing it. I have a pit who had chronic ear issues for years, as well as a saint, and we have always had poodles in our family. We've used the steroids and antibiotics and all the rest...this works the best, and since I started doing it, our lives have been made so much better. I don't have to take them to the vet any more.

Also pull that hair that grows in the ears of poodles, whenever you get a chance, so you don't have to do a whole bunch at once. It grows and traps in moisture and adds to the whole mess.

Cuddle in the form of deep tissue massages, it will stimulate circulation.

And try to keep your tone upbeat and happy. We tend to respond to depressed dogs in depressed tones, and all it does is encourage depression for them. Don't feel sorry for him, he's got it great now! Act like you're happy and not sad when you're around him, be cheerful and exuberant. Ignore the mopiness, don't feed into it.

And take pictures!!!

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