Why the double standard?


Aug 28, 2003
New York
Clinton, Gore Not Slated to Give 9/11 Testimony Under Oath

Ex-President Clinton and former Vice President Al Gore have not agreed to give sworn testimony to the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks (the 9/11 Commission), or even to answer questions in public, about their role in events leading up to America's worst disaster - making them the only non-office-holders granted that privilege by the Commission.

President Bush and Vice President Cheney are also slated for private, non-sworn interviews with the 9/11 Commission, but sitting presidents and vice presidents typically do not testify under oath in non-criminal investigations.

well we've gone from practically forcing a 9/11 comission to try to fix whats broken and reduced it to another partisan political mudfest. Ain't america grand :poop:
I agree. In my opinion, this whole commission is now worthless. Both parties should be ashamed of themselves for turning this into such a spectacle. I would have expected such undertakings to have a little more 'class' involved by both parties, considering what prompted this was the lives of 3,000 Americans.

Our entire government, going back through all the offices for the past 10-15 years, likely could have done more. I don't think this should be a blame game though. They should get their answers solely for knowing how we can better protect our country in the future. Those responsible for 9/11 were the hijackers and those that funded them.
Why the double standard? Like one really need ask. It is unfortunate though. Not only is the commission a waste of time and needlessly infused with politics, it's has also become another media circus.

Fantastic, we get 2 hours of Clarke on TV, but what's this? He already testified to 15 hours of closed door meetings with this self-same commission and so this little bit we get to see is just a show for the cameras?

Holy hand grenade, Dr. Rice won't testify under oath on TV, but what's this? She already spent four hours talking to the commission in private and all this hub-bub is just a show for the cameras?

It's all rather upsetting.

Originally posted by DKSuddeth

That's the greatest smilie ever.

Who really even wants to hear Clinton's evasive non-answers and the D-commissioners' inevitable servile flattering of him anyways?

The last thing I want is more Bill on my TV.

And does anyone really believe Gore was involved at any level with anything important whatsoever in the Clinton administration? And so what if he was? It would be the fault of whomever put him in a position of authority for appointing such an ineffectual nothing.

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