Why the Democrats won't compromise

Can we all agree that both parties are (or recently have been) too concerned with politics, party lines, and reelection than serving the American people? I consider myself more of a conservative but honestly at this point I'm sick of all the hotheads in DC. Since when has politics been about shouting insults and trying to earn personal glory? And how come Congress shut down at 10:30 last night to get rest? Last time I checked, when a deadline as big as defaulting a nation comes around, it's time to down caffeine pills, suck up your pride, and work together to get the country through the immediate future. In this instance, the Dems have shot down numerous plans of the GOP, and although Boehner's plan didn't have everything the Dems wanted, it was so non-conservative that his own backers sent out word to vote against it. If Congress can't get their act together, they'll deal a heavy blow to the people they've been elected to serve.

I understand where you're coming from - but I can't blame Congress in the least. They have now passed two different bills (the Ryan Plan and the Cut, Cap, and Balance plan) and the Fascist Harry Reid won't even allow the Dumbocrat controlled Senate to vote on it. What does Harry fear? That those plans were so good and fair that even his own party will pass it?

Furthermore, how do you work together with a party that has been hijacked by Socialists, Marxists, and Communists? I recently posted great audio from the Democrats golden boy - John F. Kennedy himself talking about how the only way to recover from a bad economy and increase revenue to the federal government is to lower taxes. That was the actual Democrat Party. Today, he would be labeled a "right-wing nut" by the Socialists, Marxists, and Communists that have hijacked that party. Both my family and my wife's family were life long, die-hard Democrats (I was always a conservative). Today, both of our families have registered Republican. God's honest truth. The party is just radical left-wing fasicsts now. How does one "work together" with that?

I'm sorry, IMHO, I don't want my party compromising with radicals. Compromising with radicals is how Adolf Hitler came to power. Barack Hussein recklessly spent this nation into $5 trillion in debt and now we're on the verge of collapse because of it. I say good. This will be a great lesson for future generations. When you vote in today's radical Dumbocrats, you will end up with collapse.
Without the ability to add piles of debt to the American people, they have no platform to run on and will never get elected. The American people aren't interested in a platform of "we bring Marxism and massive taxes to the American people".

The Democrats know that by causing yet another economic constitutional crisis that they will win .

In 1935 they introduced and enacted Marxist legislation which still prevails . Another crisis and they might be successful in creating yet another socialist republic.

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Rottweiler, while I don't agree with your zealous labeling of the lefties in Congress as commies, etc, I am wholeheartedly in your camp regarding compromise. Compromise on these subjects results in half-assed laws that do more damage than good, and they still please noone. However, this is politics, and its not for the faint of heart. There is absolutely no chance that the Dems will fade into nothing instantaneously and let the right have its way with the laws. The way both sides are fighting is tearing the gash between the sects deeper and deeper, to the point that now, the parties wont agree just out of pure spite. Even across this forum, (Yes, I'm new here) every third word is "Libertard," etc etc etc. Inflammatory attitudes prevail, and if there is no compromise, then nothing will be accomplished. It's the world we live in, given shape by some pissed off farmers in the 18th century. Since then it's been twisted and perverted into a 2-party based government, making a true bicameral Congress into more of a quad-cameral system. What can be done about it? The hell if I know. I don't have the time to sit down a a create a plan of government. To keep it basic, I say that if Congress lets us down and the country defaults, we just vote out everyone that's up for election. Make them remember who they work for- us. Because they've lost sight of the fact that it is our prosperity that matters, not their reelection prospects and immortal name in history books. If they enjoy their work and run for election year after year, they're doing something wrong. They should be worn out after their term, content and proud of the service they gave their country, yet happy to get back to their business and home. However, for many of today's Congressmen, politics is their only job and primary motivation. They will perpetuate conflict and demean others just to assure job security, and tell the people that they're doing it for the public's benefit. Hell, at least we could instigate Congressional term limits.
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Without the ability to add piles of debt to the American people, they have no platform to run on and will never get elected. The American people aren't interested in a platform of "we bring Marxism and massive taxes to the American people".

The Democrats know that by causing yet another economic constitutional crisis that they will win .

In 1935 they introduced and enacted Marxist legislation which still prevails . Another crisis and they might be successful in creating yet another socialist republic.


piggybacking of that- quick comment.
Yes. Let's please end Keynesian economics. It seemed good at the time, but any system that gives away free money will eventually be taken advantage of. And it is. Bigtime.
Bullshit. If they wanted to they had two years of total control and all they did was historical spending. YOU are full of S*&^!

Spending that was necessary to keep our country from falling into a Depression. You can ask most top economists and they'll say the same thing.

Naturally President Obama would have preferred to walk into a surplus like his predecessor did, but President Obama was the guy we hired to clean up the incredible mess left by Bush II.

Cleanup is expensive. Just ask BP...

Yeah, how's that working out? :lol:

Total bullshit, Clinton left Bush $5,800,000,000,000 of debt.

To summarize - you're a fucking idiot.

Soggy, you shouldn't call people idiots after posting 100% misinformation.

On the first day of GWB's first fiscal year which started on Ocotber 1st, 2001, the National Debt was 5,806,151,389,190.21.
On the first Day of Clinton's first fiscal year which started on October 1st, 1993, the National Debt was 4,406,339,573,433.47.
So Clinton did leave "W" with a 5.8 trillion dollar National Debt total but 1.4 trillion happened under Slick's watch!
Please try to be intellectually honest. Thank you.
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I'd like to point out that for us who living in the real world, we realize that neither side is compromising.
All we have on this thread is partisan hackery, mirroring the what has been going on in Washington for years, only here as in Washington, it's gotten unconstructively worse to the point of being childish.
Why do you guys always insist on having it both ways. I guess because you can. Obama cares about the middle class in this country. Republicans don't. That gives them a stronger hand. It's why they play a moving clip about hurting people for "motivation".

Dean....have the Democrats ever hurt anybody?....be honest....

You mean FDR didn't send 100,000 Japanese Americans to concentration camps?
The GOP controlled House has now passed two bills that raise the debt ceiling as the Democrats want - the Ryan Plan and Cut, Cap, and Balance. That is the GOP's part of the compromise. In return, the GOP wants a balanced budget amendment to ensure we don't end up $14 trillion in debt again and requesting yet another debt ceiling raise.

Fair trade, right? Yet the Dumbocrats refuse. In fact, Fascist Reid is so scared, he won't even let the Dumbocrat controlled Senate vote on the bill. Why?

It finally hit me why. Power. The Dumbocrats bring nothing to the table and never have. They only way they are able to win elections and stay in office is by promising people an endless supply of government money (healthcare, housing, food, welfare, etc.). Except, the government doesn't have an endless supply of money. But you can avoid that fact and the grim reality that comes with an honest debate about this issue by spending over the budget and going into debt. Then, you raise the debt ceiling while people are at work and continue to dole out cash we don't have and can't afford.

However, once you have a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that forces you to spend within your means, you no longer have the ability to spend wildly and kick the can down the road for future generations to deal with. Which means you'll have to explain in a campaign debate how you're going to deliver the promises of an endless supply of government money when you have a responsible spending limit.

Of course, Fascist Reid and Marxist dictator Obama won't be able to have that debate. The only possible answer at that point would be "we plan to raise taxes heavily on the 50% of American's who actually pay taxes". And they all know they won't get elected with that slogan. That is why the Dumbocrats refuse to compromise in any capacity and instead are taking the US to the verge of default while using propaganda in hopes of convincing the American people that the GOP is at fault. Without the ability to add piles of debt to the American people, they have no platform to run on and will never get elected. The American people aren't interested in a platform of "we bring Marxism and massive taxes to the American people".

Wait, I'm curious. Where was the compromise in the Ryan Plan or CCB?

Also, the Ryan Plan doesn't reduce the deficit.

Seriously? Read the first sentence again.

Wow. Just wow....

Apparently you are easily entertained. So you think that raising the debt ceiling is "what the Democrats want"? as opposed to say "What can't realistically be avoided "? OOOokey dokey!

Wait wait! Do they want to make America a Statist, Socialist, Nanny State? Do they want to take away your liberties? Maybe make a little bit of Big Government?
The GOP controlled House has now passed two bills that raise the debt ceiling as the Democrats want - the Ryan Plan and Cut, Cap, and Balance. That is the GOP's part of the compromise. In return, the GOP wants a balanced budget amendment to ensure we don't end up $14 trillion in debt again and requesting yet another debt ceiling raise.

Fair trade, right? Yet the Dumbocrats refuse. In fact, Fascist Reid is so scared, he won't even let the Dumbocrat controlled Senate vote on the bill. Why?

It finally hit me why. Power. The Dumbocrats bring nothing to the table and never have. They only way they are able to win elections and stay in office is by promising people an endless supply of government money (healthcare, housing, food, welfare, etc.). Except, the government doesn't have an endless supply of money. But you can avoid that fact and the grim reality that comes with an honest debate about this issue by spending over the budget and going into debt. Then, you raise the debt ceiling while people are at work and continue to dole out cash we don't have and can't afford.

However, once you have a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that forces you to spend within your means, you no longer have the ability to spend wildly and kick the can down the road for future generations to deal with. Which means you'll have to explain in a campaign debate how you're going to deliver the promises of an endless supply of government money when you have a responsible spending limit.

Of course, Fascist Reid and Marxist dictator Obama won't be able to have that debate. The only possible answer at that point would be "we plan to raise taxes heavily on the 50% of American's who actually pay taxes". And they all know they won't get elected with that slogan. That is why the Dumbocrats refuse to compromise in any capacity and instead are taking the US to the verge of default while using propaganda in hopes of convincing the American people that the GOP is at fault. Without the ability to add piles of debt to the American people, they have no platform to run on and will never get elected. The American people aren't interested in a platform of "we bring Marxism and massive taxes to the American people".

The Democrats want to reduce the deficit by a combination of revenues and cuts.

They make a HUGE compromise when they take a deal without revenues.

In short, you are comically full of shit.

If they really wanted THAT, they could have done it before the last elections. Why now?
As we all know, a political party (i'm going to use the dems for conversation's sake here) is comprised up of individuals with varying morals, ambitions, etc. In any given party there is a mix of goodwill and lust for power. The two arguements towards the Dems in Congress are that either they're power hungry sadistic beasts that want to spend away on the poor and needy to win their votes and keep them oppressed; or that they're benevolent people simply trying to help those less fortunate get back on their feet. Both are true, in some congressmen more than others, but it is a sure thing that both of those ideas are major factors in their political schemes. They aren't bad people, theyre human. No more, no less. After this conclusion is where the disagreement occurs- it has been proven that we cannot maintain a welfare state with current revenue and spending. What to do about it, raising taxes, lowering spending, cutting welfare, etc, is where the arguement is. Arguing the character of the politicians is pointless and will get us nowhere.
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Marco Rubio for president 2012

i love how Kerry kept trying to be a dick
Kerry's attitude in this video is the problem, and Marco's is the solution. Is he eligible for the presidency? Anyone know? Hell, i'll start the campaign for him
Ame®icano;3935218 said:
The GOP controlled House has now passed two bills that raise the debt ceiling as the Democrats want - the Ryan Plan and Cut, Cap, and Balance. That is the GOP's part of the compromise. In return, the GOP wants a balanced budget amendment to ensure we don't end up $14 trillion in debt again and requesting yet another debt ceiling raise.

Fair trade, right? Yet the Dumbocrats refuse. In fact, Fascist Reid is so scared, he won't even let the Dumbocrat controlled Senate vote on the bill. Why?

It finally hit me why. Power. The Dumbocrats bring nothing to the table and never have. They only way they are able to win elections and stay in office is by promising people an endless supply of government money (healthcare, housing, food, welfare, etc.). Except, the government doesn't have an endless supply of money. But you can avoid that fact and the grim reality that comes with an honest debate about this issue by spending over the budget and going into debt. Then, you raise the debt ceiling while people are at work and continue to dole out cash we don't have and can't afford.

However, once you have a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that forces you to spend within your means, you no longer have the ability to spend wildly and kick the can down the road for future generations to deal with. Which means you'll have to explain in a campaign debate how you're going to deliver the promises of an endless supply of government money when you have a responsible spending limit.

Of course, Fascist Reid and Marxist dictator Obama won't be able to have that debate. The only possible answer at that point would be "we plan to raise taxes heavily on the 50% of American's who actually pay taxes". And they all know they won't get elected with that slogan. That is why the Dumbocrats refuse to compromise in any capacity and instead are taking the US to the verge of default while using propaganda in hopes of convincing the American people that the GOP is at fault. Without the ability to add piles of debt to the American people, they have no platform to run on and will never get elected. The American people aren't interested in a platform of "we bring Marxism and massive taxes to the American people".

The Democrats want to reduce the deficit by a combination of revenues and cuts.

They make a HUGE compromise when they take a deal without revenues.

In short, you are comically full of shit.

If they really wanted THAT, they could have done it before the last elections. Why now?

Because neither party was trying to cut spending or reduce the deficit until lately. Remember in December of last year a budget busting 800 billion dollar tax cut bill was passed and signed by Obama, with overwhelming Republican support.

Now you have a Boehner plan that's supposed to be a big deal cutting a trillion in spending, which, generally speaking, barely pays for the December tax cuts with a couple hundred billion left over.
NOW are compromising if they agree to raise the debt ceiling which is ONLY being hit because of their own policies during the Bush presidency?

You just proved my point. There are only complete morons left here on USMB representing the Right.

The debt ceiling is being hit because Obama and the Dims increased spending by 25%. You have to be terminally stupid to believe Bush is to blame. He hasn't been in office for almost 3 years.

I thought we just extended the Bush tax cuts in December? I thought we were still trying to extricate ourselves from 2 wars that Bush started?

Do you know that if Obama had done NOTHING in 2009, his deficit would have been a trillion dollars anyway?

I'm sorry that you don't even has an elementary grasp on economics. You have to spend money to make money. You might not have liked the auto bailout, but it was effective was it not? GM is now making a profit and sales are up, up and up. The stimulus did what it was designed to do, stimulate the economy.

It should have been bigger and it should have come with strings. State's (like Texas) should not have been able to use it for their budget shortfalls. It should ONLY have been used to create jobs, but what's done is done.

Thanks for the insult; I will continue to try and talk like an adult.

So is that, YES creating money backed by absolutely nothing a solution?

How Unemployment Benefits Stimulate Economy


OMG! That chart is funny!
I guess the best plan would be to send everyone food stamps?
Thanks for the insult; I will continue to try and talk like an adult.

So is that, YES creating money backed by absolutely nothing a solution?

How Unemployment Benefits Stimulate Economy


OMG! That chart is funny!
I guess the best plan would be to send everyone food stamps?

No, it's not the "best plan", but feel free to dispute the stimulative effects of these programs. Do you have information contrary to that provided by Moody's? They have actual economists that work for them...just an FYI.

The Best Plan would be for US companies to stop making their products overseas, pay a competitive wage and to stop hiding their money in the Cayman Islands. The best plan would be for the US to stop bleeding money in Iraq and Afghanistan and bring those billions and billions of dollars back home where are bridges are falling and our roads are crumbling.

The rest of the world is moving into the 21st century and we can't even fix our 20th century technology.
Why do you guys always insist on having it both ways. I guess because you can. Obama cares about the middle class in this country. Republicans don't. That gives them a stronger hand. It's why they play a moving clip about hurting people for "motivation".

Dean....have the Democrats ever hurt anybody?....be honest....

You mean FDR didn't send 100,000 Japanese Americans to concentration camps?

you ever notice how Dean never answers questions he cant answer?.....

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