Why the Church of Christ in the only true church

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Well, I'm certainly not qualified to speak to this... I'm still trying to get Charlie (and many other 'christians' on this board) to admit that I, as an American, have just as much right to not believe as they have to believe.


As a Christian, I will tell you you do have the right not to believe. And while I think that is unwise, you need to do whats best for you.
hence the necessity of evidence. Have you ever seen me balk about quoting scripture to prove a point?

Oh you spew scripture, but you spew it out of context and don't wait around to see whether the point was really made or not. Either way, you claim victory, just because you know the verse.

I openly INVITE people like you and Charles Bass to post your biblical rebuttals. Is there some kind of fucking demonic monkey keeping you from posting evidence? No? Then don't cry on my nutsack and scream OUT OF CONTEXT when I wield your bible like a fucking billy club. If you COULD challenge my points then you WOULD challenge them. But, since we see nothing but backstepping from the bass, and yourself many times, I have no choice to to call a win.

By all means, I INVITE people like you to school this big bad evil atheist with the bible rather than your bullshit opinions.. But you don't. Or, apparently, CANT.


Dont wait around? What the fuck are you talking about? I take these threads to exponential pages ALL THE TIME. Sorry if you were waiting for the 100th fucking page to really make your point based on biblical evidence.
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tell it to every other christian that has pretty much disavowed your petty little fucking napoleon-like spirituality, dude. At least THEY have the balls to use scripture instead of "shut up! shut up!" do defend their faith.

see you in hell, buddy.

Round and round Shogun goes again, you still haven't asked for any specific proof of what you want the Bass to post, just like in that other thread, you keep repeatedly asking for evidence from scripture but never stated what you did want, then claim victory when nothing is posted, thats lame.
hence the necessity of evidence. Have you ever seen me balk about quoting scripture to prove a point?

Oh you spew scripture, but you spew it out of context and don't wait around to see whether the point was really made or not. Either way, you claim victory, just because you know the verse.

I openly INVITE people like you and Charles Bass to post your biblical rebuttals. Is there some kind of fucking demonic monkey keeping you from posting evidence? No? Then don't cry on my nutsack and scream OUT OF CONTEXT when I wield your bible like a fucking billy club. If you COULD challenge my points then you WOULD challenge them. But, since we see nothing but backstepping from the bass, and yourself many times, I have no choice to to call a win.

By all means, I INVITE people like you to school this big bad evil atheist with the bible rather than your bullshit opinions.. But you don't. Or, apparently, CANT.


Dont wait around? What the fuck are you talking about? I take these threads to exponential pages ALL THE TIME. Sorry if you were waiting for the 100th fucking page to really make your point based on biblical evidence.

Sodomite, what do you want people to rebut? Quit chest pounding like some gorilla on crack and state exactly what do you want evidence for and or what are you trying to argue. Nobody has time to feed the troll.
Oh you spew scripture, but you spew it out of context and don't wait around to see whether the point was really made or not. Either way, you claim victory, just because you know the verse.

I openly INVITE people like you and Charles Bass to post your biblical rebuttals. Is there some kind of fucking demonic monkey keeping you from posting evidence? No? Then don't cry on my nutsack and scream OUT OF CONTEXT when I wield your bible like a fucking billy club. If you COULD challenge my points then you WOULD challenge them. But, since we see nothing but backstepping from the bass, and yourself many times, I have no choice to to call a win.

By all means, I INVITE people like you to school this big bad evil atheist with the bible rather than your bullshit opinions.. But you don't. Or, apparently, CANT.


Dont wait around? What the fuck are you talking about? I take these threads to exponential pages ALL THE TIME. Sorry if you were waiting for the 100th fucking page to really make your point based on biblical evidence.

Sodomite, what do you want people to rebut? Quit chest pounding like some gorilla on crack and state exactly what do you want evidence for and or what are you trying to argue. Nobody has time to feed the troll.

and yet here you are reading my post. funny how you always want the ones who beat you down to shut the fuck up, eh?

Hell, we can go back to the judgement thread again and you can quote to your hearts content showing how JESUS would have acted like you do, daily, regarding gays. Or, if THAT is too tough for you there is always the total fucking farce of your input in this thread regarding the superiority of your particular denomination... By all means, feel free to jump in with scripture rather than typical Charles Bass hockey bullshit any time.

By the way, who would jesus have thrown ad hominems at, field slave?
tell it to every other christian that has pretty much disavowed your petty little fucking napoleon-like spirituality, dude. At least THEY have the balls to use scripture instead of "shut up! shut up!" do defend their faith.

see you in hell, buddy.

Round and round Shogun goes again, you still haven't asked for any specific proof of what you want the Bass to post, just like in that other thread, you keep repeatedly asking for evidence from scripture but never stated what you did want, then claim victory when nothing is posted, thats lame.

nonsense. I ask for, and never see a single example of, biblical evidence to support your laughable take on scripture all the time. I did back when you were insisting that jesus allows you to judge fags and I did in THIS thread concerning your supposed denominational superiority. Maybe if you lay off the 40s and blunts you'll be able to remember these things instead of running away like a bitch each and every time I school you at the bible.
tell it to every other christian that has pretty much disavowed your petty little fucking napoleon-like spirituality, dude. At least THEY have the balls to use scripture instead of "shut up! shut up!" do defend their faith.

see you in hell, buddy.

Round and round Shogun goes again, you still haven't asked for any specific proof of what you want the Bass to post, just like in that other thread, you keep repeatedly asking for evidence from scripture but never stated what you did want, then claim victory when nothing is posted, thats lame.

nonsense. I ask for, and never see a single example of, biblical evidence to support your laughable take on scripture all the time. I did back when you were insisting that jesus allows you to judge fags and I did in THIS thread concerning your supposed denominational superiority. Maybe if you lay off the 40s and blunts you'll be able to remember these things instead of running away like a bitch each and every time I school you at the bible.

repeat for the last time you sodomite slave and interloper, it is the Word of God that judges sodomites, not the Bass, you have shown no evidence that the Bass has judges anyone. The Bible clearly makes it known that sodomites cannot enter heaven unless they change their ways, how is it judging them to point this out with book chapter and verse?
Round and round Shogun goes again, you still haven't asked for any specific proof of what you want the Bass to post, just like in that other thread, you keep repeatedly asking for evidence from scripture but never stated what you did want, then claim victory when nothing is posted, thats lame.

nonsense. I ask for, and never see a single example of, biblical evidence to support your laughable take on scripture all the time. I did back when you were insisting that jesus allows you to judge fags and I did in THIS thread concerning your supposed denominational superiority. Maybe if you lay off the 40s and blunts you'll be able to remember these things instead of running away like a bitch each and every time I school you at the bible.

repeat for the last time you sodomite slave and interloper, it is the Word of God that judges sodomites, not the Bass, you have shown no evidence that the Bass has judges anyone. The Bible clearly makes it known that sodomites cannot enter heaven unless they change their ways, how is it judging them to point this out with book chapter and verse?

Of course you are judging. You were told as much my multiple CHRISTIANS during the last thread where this came up. You can dive into your own self righteousness all you want to. You won't be the first fake ass christian to believe himself over the bible.

You are not sinless, ya little porch monkey. You are no more righteous than any dicksucking fag PER SCRIPTURE (let ye who is without sin cast the first stone, remember?) Focusing your judgment on gays as if you are some kind of fucking gatekeeper of heaven is exactly why jesus told your pharisee brotheren about persecuting sinners.

John 8

1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" 6They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"

11"No one, sir," she said.
"Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."

BibleGateway.com - Passage Lookup: John 8;

evidence, motherfucker.. you might look for it in something other than a watermelon.
Hell, we can go back to the judgement thread again and you can quote to your hearts content showing how JESUS would have acted like you do, daily, regarding gays.

have you not saw how Jesus reacted daily to those Pharisees that continually defied the Word of God with their[which is the same thing homos do]? Here's an example of what Jesus did:

31Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

32And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

33They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

34Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

35And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.

36If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

37I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.

38I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.

39They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

40But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

42Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

46Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

47He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

48Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?

49Jesus answered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do dishonour me.

50And I seek not mine own glory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth.

51Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.

52Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death.

53Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself?

54Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God:

55Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying.

56Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.

57Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

58Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

59Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

The homos are to Christians like what the Pharisees were to Jesus, not of God, do not know God, do not keep His commandments and seek to silence, bully and if possible, stone anyone who preaches truth. Jesus told them point blank that they are like their father, the devil, because they do His deeds, living the homosexual lifestyle and wanting to marry people of the same sex is *NOT* doing the deeds of Jesus nor God, preaching the truth of the Gospel and the Word of God and tell people to believe on Christ and keep His commandments are the deeds Jesus and His disciples did. Checkmate.

oh so you take some speach about THE FUCKING DEVIL and think that applies to your judgement of gays???


WOW, dude... I don't think i'd be claiming to be "the one true church" if I were you.

The homos are to Christians like what the Pharisees were to Jesus, not of God, do not know God, do not keep His commandments and seek to silence, bully and if possible, stone anyone who preaches truth. Jesus told them point blank that they are like their father, the devil, because they do His deeds, living the homosexual lifestyle and wanting to marry people of the same sex is *NOT* doing the deeds of Jesus nor God, preaching the truth of the Gospel and the Word of God and tell people to believe on Christ and keep His commandments are the deeds Jesus and His disciples did. Checkmate.

AND you say you don't judge! :rofl:

So, apparently you think GAYS ARE PHARISEES AND LESS THAN HUMAN! Oh MAN this is good stuff! Not only are you drawing an absolutely laughable correlation between two unrelated groups but you twist the bible in order to facilitate your hatred of gays! Sorry, dude... According to John the Prostitute = gays and Pharisees (Who were similarly trying to test jesus by THEIR traditions instead of HIS word) = you. Trying to infer a boat load of crap in a speech about THE DEVIL , in which the only sinless man was speaking ANYWAY, not only proves how little you know about Christianity but conveys how little faith you really have outside of using the bible for validation of your hatred.

Checkmate indeed, tarbaby. Only, not quite in the fashion that you would like to think.


holy SHIT that was funny as hell.
evidence, motherfucker.. you might look for it in something other than a watermelon.

Shogun, you're such a damn idiot, the Pharisees were about to stone that woman to death for her sin, Christians today are not about stoning homos to death, if thats the example you are using to say the Bass is judging anyone, you are far off th mark and did a piss poor job at providing comparisons. Christians today are telling homos that their gay acty are sinful and that they need to repent and come back to God, we condemn and judge no one, if a homo comes to the Bass' church and wants to be baptized and saved that homo can bet their life that they would *NOT* be rejected and no one would remember what they were before their conversion because they've been cleansed of their sin. read the rest of that passage you quoted, Jesus then forgave the woman her sins and told her to sin no more, the woman didn't attack Jesus for "judging her and telling her how to live, todays homos go on sinning after the truth has been revealed and told to them and attack and accuse others of judging them, the militant homos are the exact opposite of what that woman was.
One question Shogun will not answer, but the Bass will ask anyways, do homos do the works and deeds of Jesus and His Father or of Satan?
evidence, motherfucker.. you might look for it in something other than a watermelon.

Shogun, you're such a damn idiot, the Pharisees were about to stone that woman to death for her sin, Christians today are not about stoning homos to death, if thats the example you are using to say the Bass is judging anyone, you are far off th mark and did a piss poor job at providing comparisons. Christians today are telling homos that their gay acty are sinful and that they need to repent and come back to God, we condemn and judge no one, if a homo comes to the Bass' church and wants to be baptized and saved that homo can bet their life that they would *NOT* be rejected and no one would remember what they were before their conversion because they've been cleansed of their sin. read the rest of that passage you quoted, Jesus then forgave the woman her sins and told her to sin no more, the woman didn't attack Jesus for "judging her and telling her how to live, todays homos go on sinning after the truth has been revealed and told to them and attack and accuse others of judging them, the militant homos are the exact opposite of what that woman was.

yea, JUST LIKE HOW YOU WOULD STONE A FUCKING GAY MAN FOR HIS SIN. For real, are you THIS goddamn stupid in real life? Yes, YOU would marginalize gays and have posted thread after thread after thread stating exactly your desire to use the US to subjugate gays. Holy SHIT you are dense! Telling gays that they are sinful is NOT THE SAME THING AS USING THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT TO CRIMINALIZE THEIR SEXUAL FUCKING BEHAVIOUR. An idea which, again, you've freely conveyed over and over again. Yes, JESUS forgave her. Not the Pharisees. NOT you. YOUR kind slinked away and shut the fuck up about her sin AND her sexual activity. The bible doesn't go on to say that they rallied against hookers and women of pleasure using the arm of rome to force the standards of jesus onto society. THIS is why you and your pharisee ancestors were not validated by jesus for dragging hookers (fags) under your own judgement. Jesus didn't force her to stop hooking. He didn't judge her FOR hooking. and he SURE AS FUCK didn't let little pharisee bitches judge her when they, themselves, fall short of the glory of god.

for real, dude. You just pwnded yourself in epic fashion.
One question Shogun will not answer, but the Bass will ask anyways, do homos do the works and deeds of Jesus and His Father or of Satan?

no sinner, including you, does the works and deeds of jesus. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are no less sinful than a gay man with a dick in his mouth. true story.

But please, do continue to show just how emaciated your faith is. da dah dah dah dah IM LOVIN IT!


The Bass never stated he would, but you imply by reason of your insane reasoning that the Bass would do so by comparing him to Pharisees.

For real, are you THIS goddamn stupid in real life? Yes, YOU would marginalize gays and have posted thread after thread after thread stating exactly your desire to use the US to subjugate gays.

Yeah sure, the Bass is marginalizing gays by not voting for something that supports sin, man cannot serve God and sin at the same time. One question, by telling that adulterous woman not to sin anymore, was Jesus marginalizing that woman's rights to screw other men while she's married? is he "forcing" her to stop being adulterous? LMAO, your logic is so retarded that it refutes itself.

Holy SHIT you are dense! Telling gays that they are sinful is NOT THE SAME THING AS USING THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT TO CRIMINALIZE THEIR SEXUAL FUCKING BEHAVIOUR. An idea which, again, you've freely conveyed over and over again.

How can voting against and or not for gay for gay marriage be un-Christian when homosexuality itself is not of God and is therefore un-Christian? You have failed to prove how not voting for gay marriage is using the government to "criminalize" gay behavior. Is voting for gay marriage Christian or un-Christian Shogun? Are you saying that people should forget and or despise their religious beliefs? That would be tantamount to telling Christians to forget God and put the cares and pleasures of this world above God, something Jesus would not support.

Yes, JESUS forgave her.

And told her sin no more, he didn't vote for nor endorse adultery and or an adulterous lifestyle like you're asking Christians to do with gay marriage.

Not the Pharisees. NOT you. YOUR kind slinked away and shut the fuck up about her sin AND her sexual activity. The bible doesn't go on to say that they rallied against hookers and women of pleasure using the arm of rome to force the standards of jesus onto society.

The bible never endorses and or supports adultery and adulterous lifestyles either, if you actually the read the bible you would find that adultery and sex immorality is frequently condemned nd preached against by the apostles, nor do they directly/indirectly support it.

THIS is why you and your pharisee ancestors were not validated by jesus for dragging hookers (fags) under your own judgement. Jesus didn't force her to stop hooking.

lat time the Bass checked, no one is forcing homos to stop pounding each other out and neither has the Bass, so once again you come with yet another strawman/exagerrated interpretation of the Bass' position. The Bass' position all along has been that homosexuality is sinful and gay marriage by extension cannot be supported by those who are Christians and that homosexuals are best served by repenting of their sins and forsaking the gay lifestyle and coming back to God, now please explain you retarded baboon how that constitutes forcing gays to stop being homosexuals?

He didn't judge her FOR hooking.
Hhe told her stop sinning, which means he acknowledged that what she did was sinful and told her, again to stop sinning, Jesus never directly nor indirectly supports her adultery.. The Bass has stated gays should stop sinning, so whats the difference?
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Yeah sure, the Bass is marginalizing gays

thats pretty much all you needed to say, dude. Face it. You are about as close to how jesus treated hookers as the Sun is to Pluto. Not only have you tried to outright twist selective scripture and ignored specific passages speaking DIRECTLY to your role as a christian but you openly admit to marginalizing gays in a manner that jesus NEVER did to sinning hookers. Especially since you, yourself, are no more free of sin than anyone else who falls short of the glory of god.

seriously dude. THIS is why I enjoy batting your fake christian ass around like a cat does a mouse.

see you in hell, yo. bring the sunscreen.
Yeah sure, the Bass is marginalizing gays

thats pretty much all you needed to say, dude. Face it. You are about as close to how jesus treated hookers as the Sun is to Pluto. Not only have you tried to outright twist selective scripture and ignored specific passages speaking DIRECTLY to your role as a christian but you openly admit to marginalizing gays in a manner that jesus NEVER did to sinning hookers. Especially since you, yourself, are no more free of sin than anyone else who falls short of the glory of god.

seriously dude. THIS is why I enjoy batting your fake christian ass around like a cat does a mouse.

see you in hell, yo. bring the sunscreen.

So basically you have nothing to say about the points you brought up that were addressed by the Bass, bottom line, your accusation that the Bass was judging and criminalizing gays was refuted, nothing else needs to be addressed here.
Yeah sure, the Bass is marginalizing gays

thats pretty much all you needed to say, dude. Face it. You are about as close to how jesus treated hookers as the Sun is to Pluto. Not only have you tried to outright twist selective scripture and ignored specific passages speaking DIRECTLY to your role as a christian but you openly admit to marginalizing gays in a manner that jesus NEVER did to sinning hookers. Especially since you, yourself, are no more free of sin than anyone else who falls short of the glory of god.

seriously dude. THIS is why I enjoy batting your fake christian ass around like a cat does a mouse.

see you in hell, yo. bring the sunscreen.

So basically you have nothing to say about the points you brought up that were addressed by the Bass, bottom line, your accusation that the Bass was judging and criminalizing gays was refuted, nothing else needs to be addressed here.

Apparently, you haven't been reading how I've thrashed your laughable biblical offering. I've detailed how much of a failure you are, dude. I've given you the EXACT jesus quote regarding your role in judgment of OTHER SINNERS. It doesn't shock me that you can't read, however, since I didn't put a single piece of fried chicken in any of my posts to keep your attention. You haven't refuted a damn thing. In fact, it's STILL fucking hilarious to re-read what you thought validates your outright hatred of fags and the continued judgment of gays. Like I said, dude. Bring the sunblock because your black skin will probably sunburn in hell.


again, CHECKMATE indeed!

Yeah sure, the Bass is marginalizing gays

thats pretty much all you needed to say, dude. Face it. You are about as close to how jesus treated hookers as the Sun is to Pluto. Not only have you tried to outright twist selective scripture and ignored specific passages speaking DIRECTLY to your role as a christian but you openly admit to marginalizing gays in a manner that jesus NEVER did to sinning hookers. Especially since you, yourself, are no more free of sin than anyone else who falls short of the glory of god.

seriously dude. THIS is why I enjoy batting your fake christian ass around like a cat does a mouse.

see you in hell, yo. bring the sunscreen.

So basically you have nothing to say about the points you brought up that were addressed by the Bass, bottom line, your accusation that the Bass was judging and criminalizing gays was refuted, nothing else needs to be addressed here.

Apparently, you haven't been reading how I've thrashed your laughable biblical offering. I've detailed how much of a failure you are, dude. I've given you the EXACT jesus quote regarding your role in judgment of OTHER SINNERS. It doesn't shock me that you can't read, however, since I didn't put a single piece of fried chicken in any of my posts to keep your attention. You haven't refuted a damn thing. In fact, it's STILL fucking hilarious to re-read what you thought validates your outright hatred of fags and the continued judgment of gays. Like I said, dude. Bring the sunblock because your black skin will probably sunburn in hell.


again, CHECKMATE indeed!


Are you going to continue trolling or address the points that the Bass made in response to your retardology? Now you're just making claims of victory and more accusations, very impressive Shogun, :rolleyes: The Bass has proved once again that He is the King of USMB.
Written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. As the Scriptures itself states:

2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Thus the doctrines of men are of men by the Scriptures are of God and God inspired.

No, written by men who claim to be inspired with no real proof ... thus, dictated by men and no different than any other doctrine.

There is certain mystique about the Bible that separates it from any other literature.

It is not just one book, but a collection of many books all interconnected and professing the same things to be true.

It is quite likely that the authors of the Gospels never knew each other and yet their details are very similar and in many cases identical down to the letter. And yet each of the gospels has a different focus, so as to provide a different perspective in each case. Furthermore, it is a book that has stood the test of time, never being thwarted or disproved by the countless legions of skeptics throughout history. Not by mere accident, I believe.

But believe as you may though, as this is only my opinion.

An equally likely explanation is that two of the gospels (Mark, Matthew) came from the same source document.

But equally puzzling to me is the differences in the writings. For example, what were Christ's last word on the cross?

You'd think Christ's last Earthly statements would be something that would have been consistently reported in the gospels; but they are not.

Charlie Bass said:
Repeat, the Bass has the scriptures on his side to back him up, you have nothing.

Why are you referring to yourself in third person?

Are you a Marine or something?

Best I can figure from when I asked him this, he does it to piss people off, or at least enjoys that effect.
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