Why some premeditated first degree murders

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
get around a 20 year sentence -while an identical or lessor murder gets life or the death penalty
Watch a lot of film noir stuff from the 40s and 50s - killers who committed premeditated murder (knew what they were doing and that it was wrong) usually got the chair or the gas chamber in short order.....................
The victim of 20 year sentence killer is just as dead as the victim of a lifer of DP person.

Use the guillotine. Swift and painless.

Most mercifull form of execution ever invented.

Don't buy thecrapola about the executed heads blinking etc.......................

if so -no big deal -- just a nervous reaction
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get around a 20 year sentence -while an identical or lessor murder gets life or the death penalty

Its mostly due to the fact that murder is usually a state crime, and different states have different laws/sentencing guildelines.

And as far as I know murder in the 1st degree is usually a life sentance minimum. (with our without parole)
The victim of 20 year sentence killer is just as dead as the victim of a lifer of DP person.

What's your point - that all murder should have the same punishment, regardless of the degree of culpability of the defendant?

Guy finds out his wife has been banging the neighbor. He gets drunk, goes over to the neighbor's house. They get into an argument. He ends up killing the guy.

Ghoulish fiend kidnaps a 10-year-old girl. For three weeks, he rapes and tortures her in a secret hideaway and then kills her by submersing her body into a vat of acid with only her head sticking out of the acid and he laughs as her body is slowly eaten away. She is screaming in agony for a day and a half and then dies.

Same punishment for both murderers?
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You get just as much "justice" in america as you can afford is one reason.
Better lawyers? Different jurrors, judge, etc?
The victim of 20 year sentence killer is just as dead as the victim of a lifer of DP person.

What's your point - that all murder should have the same punishment, regardless of the degree of culpability of the defendant?

Guy finds out his wife has been banging the neighbor. He gets drunk, goes over to the neighbor's house. They get into an argument. He ends up killing the guy.

Ghoulish fiend kidnaps a 10-year-old girl. For three weeks, he rapes and tortures her in a secret hideaway and then kills her by submersing her body into a vat of acid with only her head sticking out of the acid and he laughs as her body is slowly eaten away. She is screaming in agony for a day and a half and then dies.

Same punishment for both murderers?
George! :eek:
The victim of 20 year sentence killer is just as dead as the victim of a lifer of DP person.

What's your point - that all murder should have the same punishment, regardless of the degree of culpability of the defendant?

Guy finds out his wife has been banging the neighbor. He gets drunk, goes over to the neighbor's house. They get into an argument. He ends up killing the guy.

Ghoulish fiend kidnaps a 10-year-old girl. For three weeks, he rapes and tortures her in a secret hideaway and then kills her by submersing her body into a vat of acid with only her head sticking out of the acid and he laughs as her body is slowly eaten away. She is screaming in agony for a day and a half and then dies.

Same punishment for both murderers?
George! :eek:

I read a lot of Wilbur Smith . . .
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