Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

i think Kaz just needs a full body massage with happy ending; any local chics want to volunteer?

Can you imagine eating your mate after sex like some insects do? You go to all that work to find the right one, then eat them and have to start over? Seems like a lot of work to get some once
It depends; I am beginning to like to role-play with women. I don't mind if women claim to want to be my boss so they can hire me on a for-cause basis to ensure they can help with diversity, client relations, and stress management in a team oriented environment; and, that her assistants are ClitLicker Pro certified, by her.

You ever role play that you're spiders? You eat her then she eats you?
Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you

Your explanation runs smack into your own arguments: a tax break isn't a subsidy according to you.

And without a subsidy, the entire premise of your thread implodes.

The thread is applying liberal standards to liberals. I'm mocking you

Then by your own logic, the premise of the thread is invalid. As you reject as 'preposterous' the very logic you were applying.

Thank you.

This is why I hesitate to waste my time with you. First, you are so in love with your own voice it's hard to get you to think about anything else. Second ... no, wait, that was it ...

Says the guy who started a click bait thread. You knew a thread about just plain old married taxes wouldn't have gotten you the attention you crave.

Yes, you of course start threads you don't think anyone will read. Actually, you probably do, never mind
Your explanation runs smack into your own arguments: a tax break isn't a subsidy according to you.

And without a subsidy, the entire premise of your thread implodes.

The thread is applying liberal standards to liberals. I'm mocking you

Then by your own logic, the premise of the thread is invalid. As you reject as 'preposterous' the very logic you were applying.

Thank you.

This is why I hesitate to waste my time with you. First, you are so in love with your own voice it's hard to get you to think about anything else. Second ... no, wait, that was it ...

Says the guy who started a click bait thread. You knew a thread about just plain old married taxes wouldn't have gotten you the attention you crave.

Yes, you of course start threads you don't think anyone will read. Actually, you probably do, never mind

Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.
The thread is applying liberal standards to liberals. I'm mocking you

Then by your own logic, the premise of the thread is invalid. As you reject as 'preposterous' the very logic you were applying.

Thank you.

This is why I hesitate to waste my time with you. First, you are so in love with your own voice it's hard to get you to think about anything else. Second ... no, wait, that was it ...

Says the guy who started a click bait thread. You knew a thread about just plain old married taxes wouldn't have gotten you the attention you crave.

Yes, you of course start threads you don't think anyone will read. Actually, you probably do, never mind

Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.

Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?
Then by your own logic, the premise of the thread is invalid. As you reject as 'preposterous' the very logic you were applying.

Thank you.

This is why I hesitate to waste my time with you. First, you are so in love with your own voice it's hard to get you to think about anything else. Second ... no, wait, that was it ...

Says the guy who started a click bait thread. You knew a thread about just plain old married taxes wouldn't have gotten you the attention you crave.

Yes, you of course start threads you don't think anyone will read. Actually, you probably do, never mind

Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.

Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?

Trolling for clicks with anti gay sentiments? Nah, don't think so.
This is why I hesitate to waste my time with you. First, you are so in love with your own voice it's hard to get you to think about anything else. Second ... no, wait, that was it ...

Says the guy who started a click bait thread. You knew a thread about just plain old married taxes wouldn't have gotten you the attention you crave.

Yes, you of course start threads you don't think anyone will read. Actually, you probably do, never mind

Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.

Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?

Trolling for clicks with anti gay sentiments? Nah, don't think so.

You don't know what trolling means, and you just keep moving the goal posts.

To liberals anything not liberal is trolling
Says the guy who started a click bait thread. You knew a thread about just plain old married taxes wouldn't have gotten you the attention you crave.

Yes, you of course start threads you don't think anyone will read. Actually, you probably do, never mind

Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.

Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?

Trolling for clicks with anti gay sentiments? Nah, don't think so.

You don't know what trolling means, and you just keep moving the goal posts.

To liberals anything not liberal is trolling

So seriously, seawytch, do you admit that if giving gays marriage tax breaks should be done because it's right, then Republican have the right to do things like not agree to a budget because it's right? Or does your standard only apply for Democrats doing things you support?
No, dumb ass, it doesn't say that. You are making the assumption that all taxes are taken from one person and given to another.
I'm applying your logic that a tax break isn't a subsidy. These are your standards applied to your argument.

Without a subsidy, your thread is meaningless.

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you

Your explanation runs smack into your own arguments: a tax break isn't a subsidy according to you.

And without a subsidy, the entire premise of your thread implodes.

The thread is applying liberal standards to liberals. I'm mocking you

Then by your own logic, the premise of the thread is invalid. As you reject as 'preposterous' the very logic you were applying.

Thank you.

So if you were to read my posts aloud, would you agree with my points since you heard them in your own beautiful voice you could listen to for hours?
Yes, you only want people in this country who agree with you, you mentioned that already
I didn't mention it, and I don't care whether they agree or not, as long as they lose out on what actually matters. Thinking you are serving God by cleaning the church urinals doesn't matter so that you can keep that. When it comes to progressive taxation or the rights of others, you losing means the government is working.

The bourgeoisie is oppressing the proletariat, the rich, the corporations, blah blah, got it
Those who are being oppressed here is the same group as capitalism always oppresses.

And in this country, those being oppressed are the same as socialism always oppresses
Nope. They are getting away with murder, literally.

Still looking for your explanation what this is supposed to mean

The Homo-cult shoves their degeneracy in our face and demand we accept it or else.

In response, I offer a heartfelt... FUCKYOU. I'm in for the Or ELSE. Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

That's how it is and it's not changing. If you don't like it, that's just a bonus as far as I'm concerned.

Erm, we are all Homos, dude. or are you some other genera of which we are unaware?

Don't quit your day job, Richard Pryor

Homo sapiens = Human beings. Next. You ARE a human being, are you not?

Continuing with the eight year old games. You really want people to think that's what he meant by "homos?"

Homosexuals are still human beings. You can disagree with them and still show compassion and respect.

Yes, not giving them tax breaks for pairing up is not giving them compassion or respect. That's just stupid
Says the guy who started a click bait thread. You knew a thread about just plain old married taxes wouldn't have gotten you the attention you crave.

Yes, you of course start threads you don't think anyone will read. Actually, you probably do, never mind

Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.

Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?

Trolling for clicks with anti gay sentiments? Nah, don't think so.

You don't know what trolling means, and you just keep moving the goal posts.

To liberals anything not liberal is trolling

An intentionally anti gay OP that the OP then claims isn't about being against just gays getting the married tax break but everyone not getting the married tax break...is the definition of a trolling thread. (Or just a sad man needing validation)
Yes, you of course start threads you don't think anyone will read. Actually, you probably do, never mind

Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.

Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?

Trolling for clicks with anti gay sentiments? Nah, don't think so.

You don't know what trolling means, and you just keep moving the goal posts.

To liberals anything not liberal is trolling

So seriously, seawytch, do you admit that if giving gays marriage tax breaks should be done because it's right, then Republican have the right to do things like not agree to a budget because it's right? Or does your standard only apply for Democrats doing things you support?

Giving married gays the same tax break that married straights get isn't being done because it's the "right thing", it's done because not doing so was unconstitutional. (Windsor ruling)
Yes, you of course start threads you don't think anyone will read. Actually, you probably do, never mind

Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.

Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?

Trolling for clicks with anti gay sentiments? Nah, don't think so.

You don't know what trolling means, and you just keep moving the goal posts.

To liberals anything not liberal is trolling

An intentionally anti gay OP that the OP then claims isn't about being against just gays getting the married tax break but everyone not getting the married tax break...is the definition of a trolling thread. (Or just a sad man needing validation)

Jane you ignorant slut,

You need to find Jesus so you can be saved. Getting a life and growing some thicker skin on political message boards might be good ideas as well. You need to grow up and grow a pair
Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.

Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?

Trolling for clicks with anti gay sentiments? Nah, don't think so.

You don't know what trolling means, and you just keep moving the goal posts.

To liberals anything not liberal is trolling

So seriously, seawytch, do you admit that if giving gays marriage tax breaks should be done because it's right, then Republican have the right to do things like not agree to a budget because it's right? Or does your standard only apply for Democrats doing things you support?

Giving married gays the same tax break that married straights get isn't being done because it's the "right thing", it's done because not doing so was unconstitutional. (Windsor ruling)

Begging the question
Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.

Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?

Trolling for clicks with anti gay sentiments? Nah, don't think so.

You don't know what trolling means, and you just keep moving the goal posts.

To liberals anything not liberal is trolling

An intentionally anti gay OP that the OP then claims isn't about being against just gays getting the married tax break but everyone not getting the married tax break...is the definition of a trolling thread. (Or just a sad man needing validation)

Jane you ignorant slut,

You need to find Jesus so you can be saved. Getting a life and growing some thicker skin on political message boards might be good ideas as well. You need to grow up and grow a pair

And I know I hit a nerve...needed more validation from the other bigots did you? I'm sure you'll get a like or two for it. :lol:

I feel so sorry for you.
Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.

Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?

Trolling for clicks with anti gay sentiments? Nah, don't think so.

You don't know what trolling means, and you just keep moving the goal posts.

To liberals anything not liberal is trolling

An intentionally anti gay OP that the OP then claims isn't about being against just gays getting the married tax break but everyone not getting the married tax break...is the definition of a trolling thread. (Or just a sad man needing validation)

Jane you ignorant slut,

You need to find Jesus so you can be saved. Getting a life and growing some thicker skin on political message boards might be good ideas as well. You need to grow up and grow a pair
I think I may just need Jane.
Nice of you to admit you used gays as a way to get hits to your thread you claim are about all married taxes.

Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?

Trolling for clicks with anti gay sentiments? Nah, don't think so.

You don't know what trolling means, and you just keep moving the goal posts.

To liberals anything not liberal is trolling

An intentionally anti gay OP that the OP then claims isn't about being against just gays getting the married tax break but everyone not getting the married tax break...is the definition of a trolling thread. (Or just a sad man needing validation)

Jane you ignorant slut,

You need to find Jesus so you can be saved. Getting a life and growing some thicker skin on political message boards might be good ideas as well. You need to grow up and grow a pair
It's so enlightening to see how you try to wave christianity around like a big stick to smack people with. :lol:
Not quite in the know on what message boards are, are you, Tootsie?

Trolling for clicks with anti gay sentiments? Nah, don't think so.

You don't know what trolling means, and you just keep moving the goal posts.

To liberals anything not liberal is trolling

An intentionally anti gay OP that the OP then claims isn't about being against just gays getting the married tax break but everyone not getting the married tax break...is the definition of a trolling thread. (Or just a sad man needing validation)

Jane you ignorant slut,

You need to find Jesus so you can be saved. Getting a life and growing some thicker skin on political message boards might be good ideas as well. You need to grow up and grow a pair

And I know I hit a nerve...needed more validation from the other bigots did you? I'm sure you'll get a like or two for it. :lol:

I feel so sorry for you.

Oh, God, the tears again. Go play with your GI Joes and come back when you can calm down

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