Why Republians can't pull away in the election


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
Everything is in your favor. Midterm for a lame duck who's unpopular and has a six year track record of failure. The only people who like Obamacare were going to vote for him anyway. The allure of the first black President is over and people feel free now to oppose him without being labeled a racist.

Best case for you is you win a lot of close elections and take the Senate. It shouldn't be this hard, but you're doing it to yourself. How to right the ship.

1) Your obsession with abortion. Stop with the government solution. Take responsibility for it yourself. Offer counseling and alternatives and preach morality, don't run to government to do it for you with force.

2) The endless wars. We're tired of it, it never ends. It's draining our economy and killing our children. The fracking boom is a great chance to be the focus on home party. Say we don't need middle east oil and let the extremists know they leave us alone, we leave them alone. They attack us, we'll open a can of whoop ass. Then let the Euroweenies get their own oil.

3) Money. People are fiscally conservative when they understand the issues. When you get power, you try to outspend the liberals. Explain the issues, don't act like Democrats.

It really is that simple. You don't offer any clear alternative to the Democrats. Except abortion, which you won't shut up about.
Everything is in your favor. Midterm for a lame duck who's unpopular and has a six year track record of failure. The only people who like Obamacare were going to vote for him anyway. The allure of the first black President is over and people feel free now to oppose him without being labeled a racist.

Best case for you is you win a lot of close elections and take the Senate. It shouldn't be this hard, but you're doing it to yourself. How to right the ship.

1) Your obsession with abortion. Stop with the government solution. Take responsibility for it yourself. Offer counseling and alternatives and preach morality, don't run to government to do it for you with force.

2) The endless wars. We're tired of it, it never ends. It's draining our economy and killing our children. The fracking boom is a great chance to be the focus on home party. Say we don't need middle east oil and let the extremists know they leave us alone, we leave them alone. They attack us, we'll open a can of whoop ass. Then let the Euroweenies get their own oil.

3) Money. People are fiscally conservative when they understand the issues. When you get power, you try to outspend the liberals. Explain the issues, don't act like Democrats.

It really is that simple. You don't offer any clear alternative to the Democrats. Except abortion, which you won't shut up about.

Wonderful post. But it really isn't that simple. I have been telling folks on this site for a couple years now, and either no one is listening, or they are too partisan to face the reality.

BOTH parties are run by the same elites. The same elites get their funding from the same sources, and they meet at the CFR to plot the course of the nation.

What you have suggested will never happen, because it is these elites that decide where the Republican Party will go, not the rank and file Republican voter.

What you suggested is pretty much exactly what the liberty movement, spearheaded by Ron Paul wanted to do. However, the CFR control all the MSM. They distorted his policy positions to all of middle America. Then, at the last Republican national convention, they barred him from being there, they wouldn't seat the delegates he won, and during the primary season, stole several of his delegates.

The reason they did that, is precisely because, MOST conservative Americans feel the way you do, and want an alternative to globalist policies. They want an alternative to using American tax payer money to be used for setting up a global socialist Orwellian order. Corruption and control of the electoral and media system WILL NOT allow it though. Not until folks begin to see what is going on for themselves and bolt from the conventions that don't give them REAL candidates.
Everything is in your favor. Midterm for a lame duck who's unpopular and has a six year track record of failure. The only people who like Obamacare were going to vote for him anyway. The allure of the first black President is over and people feel free now to oppose him without being labeled a racist.

Best case for you is you win a lot of close elections and take the Senate. It shouldn't be this hard, but you're doing it to yourself. How to right the ship.

1) Your obsession with abortion. Stop with the government solution. Take responsibility for it yourself. Offer counseling and alternatives and preach morality, don't run to government to do it for you with force.

2) The endless wars. We're tired of it, it never ends. It's draining our economy and killing our children. The fracking boom is a great chance to be the focus on home party. Say we don't need middle east oil and let the extremists know they leave us alone, we leave them alone. They attack us, we'll open a can of whoop ass. Then let the Euroweenies get their own oil.

3) Money. People are fiscally conservative when they understand the issues. When you get power, you try to outspend the liberals. Explain the issues, don't act like Democrats.

It really is that simple. You don't offer any clear alternative to the Democrats. Except abortion, which you won't shut up about.

Wonderful post. But it really isn't that simple. I have been telling folks on this site for a couple years now, and either no one is listening, or they are too partisan to face the reality.

BOTH parties are run by the same elites. The same elites get their funding from the same sources, and they meet at the CFR to plot the course of the nation.

What you have suggested will never happen, because it is these elites that decide where the Republican Party will go, not the rank and file Republican voter.

What you suggested is pretty much exactly what the liberty movement, spearheaded by Ron Paul wanted to do. However, the CFR control all the MSM. They distorted his policy positions to all of middle America. Then, at the last Republican national convention, they barred him from being there, they wouldn't seat the delegates he won, and during the primary season, stole several of his delegates.

The reason they did that, is precisely because, MOST conservative Americans feel the way you do, and want an alternative to globalist policies. They want an alternative to using American tax payer money to be used for setting up a global socialist Orwellian order. Corruption and control of the electoral and media system WILL NOT allow it though. Not until folks begin to see what is going on for themselves and bolt from the conventions that don't give them REAL candidates.

I didn't mean it would be easy to do it, I just meant what they need to do is easy. We have no real choice, I agree. They are virtual clones of each other.

Mark Twain: "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it."
Everything is in your favor. Midterm for a lame duck who's unpopular and has a six year track record of failure. The only people who like Obamacare were going to vote for him anyway. The allure of the first black President is over and people feel free now to oppose him without being labeled a racist.

Best case for you is you win a lot of close elections and take the Senate. It shouldn't be this hard, but you're doing it to yourself. How to right the ship.

1) Your obsession with abortion. Stop with the government solution. Take responsibility for it yourself. Offer counseling and alternatives and preach morality, don't run to government to do it for you with force.

2) The endless wars. We're tired of it, it never ends. It's draining our economy and killing our children. The fracking boom is a great chance to be the focus on home party. Say we don't need middle east oil and let the extremists know they leave us alone, we leave them alone. They attack us, we'll open a can of whoop ass. Then let the Euroweenies get their own oil.

3) Money. People are fiscally conservative when they understand the issues. When you get power, you try to outspend the liberals. Explain the issues, don't act like Democrats.

It really is that simple. You don't offer any clear alternative to the Democrats. Except abortion, which you won't shut up about.

Close the damned border and rigidly enforce all immigration laws immediately.
Everything is in your favor. Midterm for a lame duck who's unpopular and has a six year track record of failure. The only people who like Obamacare were going to vote for him anyway. The allure of the first black President is over and people feel free now to oppose him without being labeled a racist.

Best case for you is you win a lot of close elections and take the Senate. It shouldn't be this hard, but you're doing it to yourself. How to right the ship.

1) Your obsession with abortion. Stop with the government solution. Take responsibility for it yourself. Offer counseling and alternatives and preach morality, don't run to government to do it for you with force.

2) The endless wars. We're tired of it, it never ends. It's draining our economy and killing our children. The fracking boom is a great chance to be the focus on home party. Say we don't need middle east oil and let the extremists know they leave us alone, we leave them alone. They attack us, we'll open a can of whoop ass. Then let the Euroweenies get their own oil.

3) Money. People are fiscally conservative when they understand the issues. When you get power, you try to outspend the liberals. Explain the issues, don't act like Democrats.

It really is that simple. You don't offer any clear alternative to the Democrats. Except abortion, which you won't shut up about.

Wonderful post. But it really isn't that simple. I have been telling folks on this site for a couple years now, and either no one is listening, or they are too partisan to face the reality.

BOTH parties are run by the same elites. The same elites get their funding from the same sources, and they meet at the CFR to plot the course of the nation.

What you have suggested will never happen, because it is these elites that decide where the Republican Party will go, not the rank and file Republican voter.

What you suggested is pretty much exactly what the liberty movement, spearheaded by Ron Paul wanted to do. However, the CFR control all the MSM. They distorted his policy positions to all of middle America. Then, at the last Republican national convention, they barred him from being there, they wouldn't seat the delegates he won, and during the primary season, stole several of his delegates.

The reason they did that, is precisely because, MOST conservative Americans feel the way you do, and want an alternative to globalist policies. They want an alternative to using American tax payer money to be used for setting up a global socialist Orwellian order. Corruption and control of the electoral and media system WILL NOT allow it though. Not until folks begin to see what is going on for themselves and bolt from the conventions that don't give them REAL candidates.

I didn't mean it would be easy to do it, I just meant what they need to do is easy. We have no real choice, I agree. They are virtual clones of each other.

Mark Twain: "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it."

Great Clemens quote.

I believe he also said something like" The difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get any worse every time congress is in session"....or something like that..I could look it up...

oops. my mistake..I did look that up and it was Will Rogers.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.
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I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.

That's mostly because the party bosses determine WHO gets to be a Republican candidate. Money decides who is going to represent the party, not the voters. When the primaries happen, who do you think the party backs? A Republican that will use the Federal Reserve like a drunk uses alcohol, or a candidate that wants to have America kick the international bankers out?

If we kicked the corporatists out, well hell, then we might be able to get real immigration reform, and Americans might be able to have jobs that paid decent again.

But the writing is on the wall. It's too late. It's now a global, socialist oligarchy. And if you aren't in the ruling class, agreeing to the program of controlling how the "voters" think? Well then, you are going to be a slave.

By that I mean, taxation isn't necessarily just theft, it's modern slavery.
Everything is in your favor. Midterm for a lame duck who's unpopular and has a six year track record of failure. The only people who like Obamacare were going to vote for him anyway. The allure of the first black President is over and people feel free now to oppose him without being labeled a racist.

Best case for you is you win a lot of close elections and take the Senate. It shouldn't be this hard, but you're doing it to yourself. How to right the ship.

1) Your obsession with abortion. Stop with the government solution. Take responsibility for it yourself. Offer counseling and alternatives and preach morality, don't run to government to do it for you with force.

2) The endless wars. We're tired of it, it never ends. It's draining our economy and killing our children. The fracking boom is a great chance to be the focus on home party. Say we don't need middle east oil and let the extremists know they leave us alone, we leave them alone. They attack us, we'll open a can of whoop ass. Then let the Euroweenies get their own oil.

3) Money. People are fiscally conservative when they understand the issues. When you get power, you try to outspend the liberals. Explain the issues, don't act like Democrats.

It really is that simple. You don't offer any clear alternative to the Democrats. Except abortion, which you won't shut up about.
Yeah the GOP is not going to surrender to the libertarians. Just not going to happen.
Many people rightly feel that murdering little babies is wrong. Call it silly if you like. But abortion should not be about a woman's ability to commit murder. You are free to disagree of course but social conservatives make up a good part of the GOP and telling them to shut up isnt going to work.

We have seen what happens when the US withdraws from foreign affairs. It isnt like people will play nice and stay to themelves. Someone will come in and try to exert power and influence And I would rather it be us than Russia or China.

Congressional spending. Agreed. Republicans cannot do well by out Democrating Democrats They will always lose. Fancy new programs give huge benefits to a small number of people and cost many people a little. Thats why pols love them. We need to just say no.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.

This is lucid?

"Midterm for a lame duck who's unpopular and has a six year track record of failure. The only people who like Obamacare were going to vote for him anyway. The allure of the first black President is over and people feel free now to oppose him without being labeled a racist."

Ya think?

It's bullshit.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.

This is lucid?

"Midterm for a lame duck who's unpopular and has a six year track record of failure. The only people who like Obamacare were going to vote for him anyway. The allure of the first black President is over and people feel free now to oppose him without being labeled a racist."

Ya think?

It's bullshit.

I was agreeing with the list that was provided that would help the GOP. That was the well stated and lucid. I hope that clears up any confusion in my post.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.

This is lucid?

"Midterm for a lame duck who's unpopular and has a six year track record of failure. The only people who like Obamacare were going to vote for him anyway. The allure of the first black President is over and people feel free now to oppose him without being labeled a racist."

Ya think?

It's bullshit.

I was agreeing with the list that was provided that would help the GOP. That was the well stated and lucid. I hope that clears up any confusion in my post.

Sure. What do you think of the part I quoted? Was it well stated? Was it necessary, even? Was it simply gratuitous bullshit?
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.

This is lucid?

"Midterm for a lame duck who's unpopular and has a six year track record of failure. The only people who like Obamacare were going to vote for him anyway. The allure of the first black President is over and people feel free now to oppose him without being labeled a racist."

Ya think?

It's bullshit.

I was agreeing with the list that was provided that would help the GOP. That was the well stated and lucid. I hope that clears up any confusion in my post.

Sure. What do you think of the part I quoted? Was it well stated? Was it necessary, even? Was it simply gratuitous bullshit?

I don't. It was hyperbole and hyper-partisan but I think the list was spot on.
Mark Twain: "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it."

Great Clemens quote.

I believe he also said something like" The difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get any worse every time congress is in session"....or something like that..I could look it up...

oops. my mistake..I did look that up and it was Will Rogers.

Mark Twain: If pro is the opposite of con, then the opposite of progress must be Congress.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.

That's mostly because the party bosses determine WHO gets to be a Republican candidate. Money decides who is going to represent the party, not the voters. When the primaries happen, who do you think the party backs? A Republican that will use the Federal Reserve like a drunk uses alcohol, or a candidate that wants to have America kick the international bankers out?

If we kicked the corporatists out, well hell, then we might be able to get real immigration reform, and Americans might be able to have jobs that paid decent again.

But the writing is on the wall. It's too late. It's now a global, socialist oligarchy. And if you aren't in the ruling class, agreeing to the program of controlling how the "voters" think? Well then, you are going to be a slave.

By that I mean, taxation isn't necessarily just theft, it's modern slavery.

This happens to every country every few hundred years or so...some survive..some break up and new borders are drawn.

Our experimental republic has just about reached its evolutionary dead end.
All three branches are corrupt and the whole system is paralyzed by squadrons of lawyers working 24/7 to twist, subvert, manipulate and undermine...
Let it go..it's not worth saving at this point.
We'll rebuild.
They're not pulling away, because we now have more people who want more government programs, and they know which party is likely to give them more.
The problem right now however, is getting them energized enough to get out and vote.
There is little passion now, since Obama has disappointed many of the party faithful. They figure what's the use, even keeping the Senate isn't going to suddenly change things for the better for Dims.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.

We're past the point where we can fix the problem. This plays into what liberals/communist know about the human condition. Once you get a segment of your population dependent on a program, they become fierce defenders of the program. For instance, Affirmative Action could have been cut when we had a small minority population, but now that we have a large minority population that depends on all forms of racial give-aways, they won't permit these programs to be cut.

Canada could do it with a 7:1 spending cuts to tax increase program because the population there was far more unified by common identity than Americans are today. We have a vast dependency class and I have no faith in their willingness to cut their own benefits.

This means we're on auto-pilot right up until the sunrise on the day of reckoning when it all comes tumbling down.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.

That's mostly because the party bosses determine WHO gets to be a Republican candidate. Money decides who is going to represent the party, not the voters. When the primaries happen, who do you think the party backs? A Republican that will use the Federal Reserve like a drunk uses alcohol, or a candidate that wants to have America kick the international bankers out?

If we kicked the corporatists out, well hell, then we might be able to get real immigration reform, and Americans might be able to have jobs that paid decent again.

But the writing is on the wall. It's too late. It's now a global, socialist oligarchy. And if you aren't in the ruling class, agreeing to the program of controlling how the "voters" think? Well then, you are going to be a slave.

By that I mean, taxation isn't necessarily just theft, it's modern slavery.

This happens to every country every few hundred years or so...some survive..some break up and new borders are drawn.

Our experimental republic has just about reached its evolutionary dead end.
All three branches are corrupt and the whole system is paralyzed by squadrons of lawyers working 24/7 to twist, subvert, manipulate and undermine...
Let it go..it's not worth saving at this point.
We'll rebuild.
Precisely. The elites abandoned the people when they purposely repressed them during the whiskey rebellion.
The Constitution Con - An Article by Michael Tsarion. Part Two of Weapons of Mass Destruction Found...The Con of the US Constitution...The British Control of America...
Everything is in your favor. Midterm for a lame duck who's unpopular and has a six year track record of failure. The only people who like Obamacare were going to vote for him anyway. The allure of the first black President is over and people feel free now to oppose him without being labeled a racist.

Best case for you is you win a lot of close elections and take the Senate. It shouldn't be this hard, but you're doing it to yourself. How to right the ship.

1) Your obsession with abortion. Stop with the government solution. Take responsibility for it yourself. Offer counseling and alternatives and preach morality, don't run to government to do it for you with force.

2) The endless wars. We're tired of it, it never ends. It's draining our economy and killing our children. The fracking boom is a great chance to be the focus on home party. Say we don't need middle east oil and let the extremists know they leave us alone, we leave them alone. They attack us, we'll open a can of whoop ass. Then let the Euroweenies get their own oil.

3) Money. People are fiscally conservative when they understand the issues. When you get power, you try to outspend the liberals. Explain the issues, don't act like Democrats.

It really is that simple. You don't offer any clear alternative to the Democrats. Except abortion, which you won't shut up about.
Yeah the GOP is not going to surrender to the libertarians. Just not going to happen.
Many people rightly feel that murdering little babies is wrong. Call it silly if you like. But abortion should not be about a woman's ability to commit murder. You are free to disagree of course but social conservatives make up a good part of the GOP and telling them to shut up isnt going to work.

I lay this at the feet of social conservatives. Foreign aid with provisions to not fund abortion nor birth control is destroying the world.


The same dynamic plays out in American life. That responsible church family or responsible conservative family who are having kids only when they can provide for them are having to alter their own family planning choices in order to pay higher taxes in order to fund the welfare for the ghetto women and illegal infiltrators who are having larger families than the people who pay the taxes to support them.

I've long been opposed to the no abortion and no BC foreign aid conditions and I'm at the point now where I think the Social Conservative position on abortion is doing more harm to society than good. Creating more dependency, more future Democratic voters, more children in single mother households, higher taxes for the rest of society, smaller families for conservatives who find that they can't afford to have another kid. Everything is backwards. We need to reduce taxes so that social conservatives and other normal people can have larger families if they so wish. We don't need to grow a large minority dependent class who use their vote to extract wealth from the productive people in society.

Put yourself in the shoes of a moderate voter, a woman who wants to have another baby with her husband but can't afford to because they pay so much in taxes, then she sees the Republicans trying to prevent ghetto mommas from having abortions and she knows that she is going to have to help pay for those babies and thus deny herself the child she wants to have. That's a pretty powerful reason to resist aiding Republicans.

We should be setting up abortion clinics in ghetto neighborhoods and offering free abortions. America will be better for it.
Many people rightly feel that murdering little babies is wrong. Call it silly if you like. But abortion should not be about a woman's ability to commit murder. You are free to disagree of course but social conservatives make up a good part of the GOP and telling them to shut up isnt going to work.

I didn't tell you to "shut up," I told you to take personal responsibility. You can't force a woman to carry a fetus to term in her own body no matter how much you want to delude yourself that you can. I invite you to convince her, counsel her, give her options. Don't run to government to do the job for you. You know, like you get when it comes to liberals and charity.

We have seen what happens when the US withdraws from foreign affairs. It isnt like people will play nice and stay to themelves. Someone will come in and try to exert power and influence And I would rather it be us than Russia or China.

So my choices are to engage in endless wars propping up evil governments or withdraw from foreign affairs? Sounds like a typical conversation with a liberal. But that socons are equivalent to liberals with only the subject changing isn't new. It's how you roll. Comes with wanting a government that makes our choices for us. There is no rational argument for that, so you make contrived ones.

Congressional spending. Agreed. Republicans cannot do well by out Democrating Democrats They will always lose. Fancy new programs give huge benefits to a small number of people and cost many people a little. Thats why pols love them. We need to just say no.

Yes, we go usually agree with that one!

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