Why Republians can't pull away in the election

Washington Post:

Although women make up half of the U.S. workforce, they account for only one-fourth of STEM workers, according to the most recent data from the Census Bureau.

Even within the STEM occupations, women gravitate toward the social and life sciences, such as psychology and biology, where they account for 70 and 47 percent, respectively, of the workforce, and away from engineering and software development, where women account for just 13 and 22 percent of the workforce, respectively. . . .

Groome has a solution for this paradox.

“Let’s create a mentorship program that will allow women scientists to guide younger women into the field and help keep them there,” she suggested. “Let’s also collaborate on a global basis.”
What problem here needs a solution? Female under representation is a problem only to those who seek equal outcomes. Those of us who value equal opportunity are fine with women having the chance to study science, deciding not to study science and letting the chips fall wehre they may.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.

We're past the point where we can fix the problem. This plays into what liberals/communist know about the human condition. Once you get a segment of your population dependent on a program, they become fierce defenders of the program. For instance, Affirmative Action could have been cut when we had a small minority population, but now that we have a large minority population that depends on all forms of racial give-aways, they won't permit these programs to be cut.

Canada could do it with a 7:1 spending cuts to tax increase program because the population there was far more unified by common identity than Americans are today. We have a vast dependency class and I have no faith in their willingness to cut their own benefits.

This means we're on auto-pilot right up until the sunrise on the day of reckoning when it all comes tumbling down.

I tend to be a bit more optimistic about the future and I am not ready to give up yet. I faith that we can get our act together.

How do you propose to find a middle ground between those who want an environment of equal opportunity and those who want an environment of equal outcomes?

Now Rikurzhen, we've already talked about the myth that anybody expects equal outcomes. You know that is just more crap hawked by Hannity. Do you have an example of anybody other than a teabagger/conservative ever even saying that, much less advocating it?

Oh yes, just a myth:

When Sophia Westwood decided to take computer science as a freshman at Stanford University, she knew she was running with a high-octane crowd: elite program, startup factory, genius classmates who had been coding since birth. 

Then again, why not? Westwood had been dabbling with programming since she was a kid, and she rocked the Advanced Placement test in high school. So she went for it — and almost immediately confronted the reality that every woman in the field faces.

“Oh, you must be Sophia,” her instructor for an introductory computer-science class said.

It wasn’t Westwood’s reputation that preceded her. It was her gender. Westwood was the only woman among the eight or so students in the discussion section.

Even as women have made strides in once-male-dominated professions such as law and medicine, they’ve been left behind by computer science, a lucrative discipline that is the primary driver of the 21st-century economy.

At Stanford, only 23.5 percent of computer-science degrees awarded last year went to women. At the University of California-Berkeley, the number was 16.2 percent. The schools broadly mirror the national picture. But that’s only part of the story.

The fact is, the numbers have been getting worse. In 1984, 37 percent of computer-science bachelor’s degrees in the United States were awarded to women. By 1995, the figure had dropped to about 28.5 percent. The latest U.S. Department of Education figures from 2011 put the number at 17.6 percent.

All of which helps explain why women hold less than one quarter of computing jobs in the country, according to an analysis by the Anita Borg Institute, a Palo Alto, Calif., nonprofit working to boost women’s participation in the tech economy.
More myth:

Thirty years later, according to a new report from the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC), even fewer black males are applying to medical school and ultimately becoming doctors. While the applicant pool has grown, the number of black males applying is trending downward. . .

In one effort to combat such deficiencies, the AAMC has run the Summer Medical and Dental Education Program since 1989. It’s a six-week academic summer program for freshman and sophomore college students from low socioeconomic backgrounds.

Ginsburg said there was ample evidence that there were problems at Wal-Mart, where, when the suit was filed, women held 70 percent of the hourly jobs but made up only 33 percent of management employees.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley high tech firms are on the hot seat over accusations that they're not hiring enough minorities. Three non-profit groups targeted Google for a protest because it wouldn't provide a breakdown of its workforce by race or ethnicity.

"The only way we can solve the problem is finding out what is your employment, what is your diversity? Then we can figure out are you really doing the right job? Are you really serving the community?" said Faith Bautista from the National Asian American Coalition.

Twelve out of 34 high tech companies did respond, including Cisco, eBay and Intel. The numbers indicate African-Americans are only 3 percent of workers, while making up 7 percent of the state's population. Latinos made up 4 percent of the workforce, yet they are 38 percent of the state population. Companies reported half of their work force was Asian-American, while making up 20 percent of the Bay Area population.​

I guess that means you don't have an example of anybody other than a teabagger/conservative ever even saying that, much less advocating it. Just like I said. It's a myth hawked by Hannity, and teabaggers/conservatives chose to believe it because it fits well in their fox bubble. An example should be easy for you. If it ever really happened it would be displayed prominently on every rw website.
We're past the point where we can fix the problem. This plays into what liberals/communist know about the human condition. Once you get a segment of your population dependent on a program, they become fierce defenders of the program. For instance, Affirmative Action could have been cut when we had a small minority population, but now that we have a large minority population that depends on all forms of racial give-aways, they won't permit these programs to be cut.

Canada could do it with a 7:1 spending cuts to tax increase program because the population there was far more unified by common identity than Americans are today. We have a vast dependency class and I have no faith in their willingness to cut their own benefits.

This means we're on auto-pilot right up until the sunrise on the day of reckoning when it all comes tumbling down.

I tend to be a bit more optimistic about the future and I am not ready to give up yet. I faith that we can get our act together.

How do you propose to find a middle ground between those who want an environment of equal opportunity and those who want an environment of equal outcomes?

Now Rikurzhen, we've already talked about the myth that anybody expects equal outcomes. You know that is just more crap hawked by Hannity. Do you have an example of anybody other than a teabagger/conservative ever even saying that, much less advocating it?

Oh yes, just a myth:

When Sophia Westwood decided to take computer science as a freshman at Stanford University, she knew she was running with a high-octane crowd: elite program, startup factory, genius classmates who had been coding since birth. 

Then again, why not? Westwood had been dabbling with programming since she was a kid, and she rocked the Advanced Placement test in high school. So she went for it — and almost immediately confronted the reality that every woman in the field faces.

“Oh, you must be Sophia,” her instructor for an introductory computer-science class said.

It wasn’t Westwood’s reputation that preceded her. It was her gender. Westwood was the only woman among the eight or so students in the discussion section.

Even as women have made strides in once-male-dominated professions such as law and medicine, they’ve been left behind by computer science, a lucrative discipline that is the primary driver of the 21st-century economy.

At Stanford, only 23.5 percent of computer-science degrees awarded last year went to women. At the University of California-Berkeley, the number was 16.2 percent. The schools broadly mirror the national picture. But that’s only part of the story.

The fact is, the numbers have been getting worse. In 1984, 37 percent of computer-science bachelor’s degrees in the United States were awarded to women. By 1995, the figure had dropped to about 28.5 percent. The latest U.S. Department of Education figures from 2011 put the number at 17.6 percent.

All of which helps explain why women hold less than one quarter of computing jobs in the country, according to an analysis by the Anita Borg Institute, a Palo Alto, Calif., nonprofit working to boost women’s participation in the tech economy.
More myth:

Thirty years later, according to a new report from the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC), even fewer black males are applying to medical school and ultimately becoming doctors. While the applicant pool has grown, the number of black males applying is trending downward. . .

In one effort to combat such deficiencies, the AAMC has run the Summer Medical and Dental Education Program since 1989. It’s a six-week academic summer program for freshman and sophomore college students from low socioeconomic backgrounds.

Ginsburg said there was ample evidence that there were problems at Wal-Mart, where, when the suit was filed, women held 70 percent of the hourly jobs but made up only 33 percent of management employees.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley high tech firms are on the hot seat over accusations that they're not hiring enough minorities. Three non-profit groups targeted Google for a protest because it wouldn't provide a breakdown of its workforce by race or ethnicity.

"The only way we can solve the problem is finding out what is your employment, what is your diversity? Then we can figure out are you really doing the right job? Are you really serving the community?" said Faith Bautista from the National Asian American Coalition.

Twelve out of 34 high tech companies did respond, including Cisco, eBay and Intel. The numbers indicate African-Americans are only 3 percent of workers, while making up 7 percent of the state's population. Latinos made up 4 percent of the workforce, yet they are 38 percent of the state population. Companies reported half of their work force was Asian-American, while making up 20 percent of the Bay Area population.​

I guess that means you don't have an example of anybody other than a teabagger/conservative ever even saying that, much less advocating it. Just like I said. It's a myth hawked by Hannity, and teabaggers/conservatives chose to believe it because it fits well in their fox bubble. An example should be easy for you. If it ever really happened it would be displayed prominently on every rw website.

Nice knowing you.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.
And yet no matter how many times they betray you, you keep voting for them. BRILLIANT!
The GOP establishment hates the Tea Bag Brotherhood and yet the suckers still vote Republican!!!!.

Don't overlook the finding from the New York Times and CBS that TEA Party members are both wealthier and better educated than the general public and so likely realize that the battle to be fought has to be internal rather than external. The likely know of what happened to the Canadian Right when it split between Reform and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada - a decade of Liberals in power, election after election after election.

Where do you imagine TEA Party folks would go if not the Republicans? There's no hope in hell that the TEA Party could convince the Democrats to drop the racism from their platform, adopt sound fiscal principles and make room for the TEA Party within the Democratic ranks.
The Tea Bag Brotherhood was started and funded by the GOP to keep the gullible suckers dissatisfied with the GOP from leaving and forming a third Party. They are led to believe they can change the Establishment Republican Party from within, but that never will happen. The Tea Bag Brotherhood are those perpetually stupid enough to think they can change the GOP from within.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.
And yet no matter how many times they betray you, you keep voting for them. BRILLIANT!
The GOP establishment hates the Tea Bag Brotherhood and yet the suckers still vote Republican!!!!.

Don't overlook the finding from the New York Times and CBS that TEA Party members are both wealthier and better educated than the general public and so likely realize that the battle to be fought has to be internal rather than external. The likely know of what happened to the Canadian Right when it split between Reform and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada - a decade of Liberals in power, election after election after election.

Where do you imagine TEA Party folks would go if not the Republicans? There's no hope in hell that the TEA Party could convince the Democrats to drop the racism from their platform, adopt sound fiscal principles and make room for the TEA Party within the Democratic ranks.
The Tea Bag Brotherhood was started and funded by the GOP to keep the gullible suckers dissatisfied with the GOP from leaving and forming a third Party. They are led to believe they can change the Establishment Republican Party from within, but that never will happen. The Tea Bag Brotherhood are those perpetually stupid enough to think they can change the GOP from within.

Thanks for letting me peek into your delusion. It's very colorful in that bubble you live in.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.
And yet no matter how many times they betray you, you keep voting for them. BRILLIANT!
The GOP establishment hates the Tea Bag Brotherhood and yet the suckers still vote Republican!!!!.

Don't overlook the finding from the New York Times and CBS that TEA Party members are both wealthier and better educated than the general public and so likely realize that the battle to be fought has to be internal rather than external. The likely know of what happened to the Canadian Right when it split between Reform and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada - a decade of Liberals in power, election after election after election.

Where do you imagine TEA Party folks would go if not the Republicans? There's no hope in hell that the TEA Party could convince the Democrats to drop the racism from their platform, adopt sound fiscal principles and make room for the TEA Party within the Democratic ranks.
The Tea Bag Brotherhood was started and funded by the GOP to keep the gullible suckers dissatisfied with the GOP from leaving and forming a third Party. They are led to believe they can change the Establishment Republican Party from within, but that never will happen. The Tea Bag Brotherhood are those perpetually stupid enough to think they can change the GOP from within.

Thanks for letting me peek into your delusion. It's very colorful in that bubble you live in.
It is the reality the Tea Bag Brotherhood is too stupid to see, so the GOP will continue to exploit their gullibility.

June 25, 2014
RUSH: Yeah, they [the GOP] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street. They [the GOP] will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate. But they want the Tea Party to think so. This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here. The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.

November 03, 2014
RUSH: They've [the GOP] attempted to diminish and impugn the Tea Party to the point now we've got a Politico story, which says that the real thing the Republicans are gonna celebrate if they take the Senate is not taking the Senate but vanquishing the idea that the Tea Party is needed for Republicans to win.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.
And yet no matter how many times they betray you, you keep voting for them. BRILLIANT!
The GOP establishment hates the Tea Bag Brotherhood and yet the suckers still vote Republican!!!!.

Don't overlook the finding from the New York Times and CBS that TEA Party members are both wealthier and better educated than the general public and so likely realize that the battle to be fought has to be internal rather than external. The likely know of what happened to the Canadian Right when it split between Reform and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada - a decade of Liberals in power, election after election after election.

Where do you imagine TEA Party folks would go if not the Republicans? There's no hope in hell that the TEA Party could convince the Democrats to drop the racism from their platform, adopt sound fiscal principles and make room for the TEA Party within the Democratic ranks.
The Tea Bag Brotherhood was started and funded by the GOP to keep the gullible suckers dissatisfied with the GOP from leaving and forming a third Party. They are led to believe they can change the Establishment Republican Party from within, but that never will happen. The Tea Bag Brotherhood are those perpetually stupid enough to think they can change the GOP from within.

Thanks for letting me peek into your delusion. It's very colorful in that bubble you live in.
It is the reality the Tea Bag Brotherhood is too stupid to see, so the GOP will continue to exploit their gullibility.

June 25, 2014
RUSH: Yeah, they [the GOP] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street. They [the GOP] will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate. But they want the Tea Party to think so. This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here. The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.

November 03, 2014
RUSH: They've [the GOP] attempted to diminish and impugn the Tea Party to the point now we've got a Politico story, which says that the real thing the Republicans are gonna celebrate if they take the Senate is not taking the Senate but vanquishing the idea that the Tea Party is needed for Republicans to win.

The thing with civil war is that you don't expect the other side to welcome their own defeat. The TEA Party, and Rush, know their enemy within the Republican Party. The TEA Party is fighting precinct level skirmishes, taking over nominating committees, etc. That's the only route to victory.

Look, we all know that you'd love for the TEA Party to form their own party and challenge the Republicans for votes because that would split the vote on the right. No one buys that you're really concerned about the welfare of the TEA Party and want was is best for them.
And yet no matter how many times they betray you, you keep voting for them. BRILLIANT!
The GOP establishment hates the Tea Bag Brotherhood and yet the suckers still vote Republican!!!!.

Don't overlook the finding from the New York Times and CBS that TEA Party members are both wealthier and better educated than the general public and so likely realize that the battle to be fought has to be internal rather than external. The likely know of what happened to the Canadian Right when it split between Reform and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada - a decade of Liberals in power, election after election after election.

Where do you imagine TEA Party folks would go if not the Republicans? There's no hope in hell that the TEA Party could convince the Democrats to drop the racism from their platform, adopt sound fiscal principles and make room for the TEA Party within the Democratic ranks.
The Tea Bag Brotherhood was started and funded by the GOP to keep the gullible suckers dissatisfied with the GOP from leaving and forming a third Party. They are led to believe they can change the Establishment Republican Party from within, but that never will happen. The Tea Bag Brotherhood are those perpetually stupid enough to think they can change the GOP from within.

Thanks for letting me peek into your delusion. It's very colorful in that bubble you live in.
It is the reality the Tea Bag Brotherhood is too stupid to see, so the GOP will continue to exploit their gullibility.

June 25, 2014
RUSH: Yeah, they [the GOP] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street. They [the GOP] will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate. But they want the Tea Party to think so. This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here. The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.

November 03, 2014
RUSH: They've [the GOP] attempted to diminish and impugn the Tea Party to the point now we've got a Politico story, which says that the real thing the Republicans are gonna celebrate if they take the Senate is not taking the Senate but vanquishing the idea that the Tea Party is needed for Republicans to win.

The thing with civil war is that you don't expect the other side to welcome their own defeat. The TEA Party, and Rush, know their enemy within the Republican Party. The TEA Party is fighting precinct level skirmishes, taking over nominating committees, etc. That's the only route to victory.

Look, we all know that you'd love for the TEA Party to form their own party and challenge the Republicans for votes because that would split the vote on the right. No one buys that you're really concerned about the welfare of the TEA Party and want was is best for them.
Your MessiahRushie Limbola has always been and will always be a GOP shill. He does not give 2 shits for the Tea Bag Brotherhood. The GOP has him keep the Tea Bag Brotherhood voting GOP no matter how much the GOP shits on them by convincing then they need to hate Obama more than the GOP that shits all over them.

November 03, 2014
RUSH: And if the Tea Party shows up in enough strength for the Republicans to win in a wave, it's gonna be because the Tea Party is doing whatever it can to stop Obama, which is what this election is about. It's not about stopping the Tea Party, for crying out loud! It's about stopping Obama.

RUSH: One more time: This election's not about the Tea Party. This election's not about the Republican Party. The Republican Party is not saying anything! This election is about the repudiation of Barack Obama and the Democrat Party. That's what it is about.
Don't overlook the finding from the New York Times and CBS that TEA Party members are both wealthier and better educated than the general public and so likely realize that the battle to be fought has to be internal rather than external. The likely know of what happened to the Canadian Right when it split between Reform and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada - a decade of Liberals in power, election after election after election.

Where do you imagine TEA Party folks would go if not the Republicans? There's no hope in hell that the TEA Party could convince the Democrats to drop the racism from their platform, adopt sound fiscal principles and make room for the TEA Party within the Democratic ranks.
The Tea Bag Brotherhood was started and funded by the GOP to keep the gullible suckers dissatisfied with the GOP from leaving and forming a third Party. They are led to believe they can change the Establishment Republican Party from within, but that never will happen. The Tea Bag Brotherhood are those perpetually stupid enough to think they can change the GOP from within.

Thanks for letting me peek into your delusion. It's very colorful in that bubble you live in.
It is the reality the Tea Bag Brotherhood is too stupid to see, so the GOP will continue to exploit their gullibility.

June 25, 2014
RUSH: Yeah, they [the GOP] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street. They [the GOP] will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate. But they want the Tea Party to think so. This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here. The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.

November 03, 2014
RUSH: They've [the GOP] attempted to diminish and impugn the Tea Party to the point now we've got a Politico story, which says that the real thing the Republicans are gonna celebrate if they take the Senate is not taking the Senate but vanquishing the idea that the Tea Party is needed for Republicans to win.

The thing with civil war is that you don't expect the other side to welcome their own defeat. The TEA Party, and Rush, know their enemy within the Republican Party. The TEA Party is fighting precinct level skirmishes, taking over nominating committees, etc. That's the only route to victory.

Look, we all know that you'd love for the TEA Party to form their own party and challenge the Republicans for votes because that would split the vote on the right. No one buys that you're really concerned about the welfare of the TEA Party and want was is best for them.
Your MessiahRushie Limbola has always been and will always be a GOP shill. He does not give 2 shits for the Tea Bag Brotherhood. The GOP has him keep the Tea Bag Brotherhood voting GOP no matter how much the GOP shits on them by convincing then they need to hate Obama more than the GOP that shits all over them.

November 03, 2014
RUSH: And if the Tea Party shows up in enough strength for the Republicans to win in a wave, it's gonna be because the Tea Party is doing whatever it can to stop Obama, which is what this election is about. It's not about stopping the Tea Party, for crying out loud! It's about stopping Obama.

RUSH: One more time: This election's not about the Tea Party. This election's not about the Republican Party. The Republican Party is not saying anything! This election is about the repudiation of Barack Obama and the Democrat Party. That's what it is about.

I suspect that you have a burning itch deep in your pants and desperately want to scratch it, so go ahead, give us your advice for the TEA Party, what should they do to better fulfill their political goals?
The Tea Bag Brotherhood was started and funded by the GOP to keep the gullible suckers dissatisfied with the GOP from leaving and forming a third Party. They are led to believe they can change the Establishment Republican Party from within, but that never will happen. The Tea Bag Brotherhood are those perpetually stupid enough to think they can change the GOP from within.

Thanks for letting me peek into your delusion. It's very colorful in that bubble you live in.
It is the reality the Tea Bag Brotherhood is too stupid to see, so the GOP will continue to exploit their gullibility.

June 25, 2014
RUSH: Yeah, they [the GOP] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street. They [the GOP] will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate. But they want the Tea Party to think so. This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here. The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.

November 03, 2014
RUSH: They've [the GOP] attempted to diminish and impugn the Tea Party to the point now we've got a Politico story, which says that the real thing the Republicans are gonna celebrate if they take the Senate is not taking the Senate but vanquishing the idea that the Tea Party is needed for Republicans to win.

The thing with civil war is that you don't expect the other side to welcome their own defeat. The TEA Party, and Rush, know their enemy within the Republican Party. The TEA Party is fighting precinct level skirmishes, taking over nominating committees, etc. That's the only route to victory.

Look, we all know that you'd love for the TEA Party to form their own party and challenge the Republicans for votes because that would split the vote on the right. No one buys that you're really concerned about the welfare of the TEA Party and want was is best for them.
Your MessiahRushie Limbola has always been and will always be a GOP shill. He does not give 2 shits for the Tea Bag Brotherhood. The GOP has him keep the Tea Bag Brotherhood voting GOP no matter how much the GOP shits on them by convincing then they need to hate Obama more than the GOP that shits all over them.

November 03, 2014
RUSH: And if the Tea Party shows up in enough strength for the Republicans to win in a wave, it's gonna be because the Tea Party is doing whatever it can to stop Obama, which is what this election is about. It's not about stopping the Tea Party, for crying out loud! It's about stopping Obama.

RUSH: One more time: This election's not about the Tea Party. This election's not about the Republican Party. The Republican Party is not saying anything! This election is about the repudiation of Barack Obama and the Democrat Party. That's what it is about.

I suspect that you have a burning itch deep in your pants and desperately want to scratch it, so go ahead, give us your advice for the TEA Party, what should they do to better fulfill their political goals?
If the Tea Bag Brotherhood were not GOP astroturf they would have started a third Party ages ago.
America didn't manage to establish a third party, and we are paying for it now really.

Three is a very unstable number in a social realm in that it allows two parties to gang up on the third and erase it.
Also, the only viable way to any sort of 3rd party equilibrium is to have the party be the party of the center. If at any time the party veered off center it would result in a splitting of the vote on the side it veered to and thus make the other party relatively more competitive. Even at center, the two other parties would be chipping away at the borders.
Thanks for letting me peek into your delusion. It's very colorful in that bubble you live in.
It is the reality the Tea Bag Brotherhood is too stupid to see, so the GOP will continue to exploit their gullibility.

June 25, 2014
RUSH: Yeah, they [the GOP] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street. They [the GOP] will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate. But they want the Tea Party to think so. This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here. The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.

November 03, 2014
RUSH: They've [the GOP] attempted to diminish and impugn the Tea Party to the point now we've got a Politico story, which says that the real thing the Republicans are gonna celebrate if they take the Senate is not taking the Senate but vanquishing the idea that the Tea Party is needed for Republicans to win.

The thing with civil war is that you don't expect the other side to welcome their own defeat. The TEA Party, and Rush, know their enemy within the Republican Party. The TEA Party is fighting precinct level skirmishes, taking over nominating committees, etc. That's the only route to victory.

Look, we all know that you'd love for the TEA Party to form their own party and challenge the Republicans for votes because that would split the vote on the right. No one buys that you're really concerned about the welfare of the TEA Party and want was is best for them.
Your MessiahRushie Limbola has always been and will always be a GOP shill. He does not give 2 shits for the Tea Bag Brotherhood. The GOP has him keep the Tea Bag Brotherhood voting GOP no matter how much the GOP shits on them by convincing then they need to hate Obama more than the GOP that shits all over them.

November 03, 2014
RUSH: And if the Tea Party shows up in enough strength for the Republicans to win in a wave, it's gonna be because the Tea Party is doing whatever it can to stop Obama, which is what this election is about. It's not about stopping the Tea Party, for crying out loud! It's about stopping Obama.

RUSH: One more time: This election's not about the Tea Party. This election's not about the Republican Party. The Republican Party is not saying anything! This election is about the repudiation of Barack Obama and the Democrat Party. That's what it is about.

I suspect that you have a burning itch deep in your pants and desperately want to scratch it, so go ahead, give us your advice for the TEA Party, what should they do to better fulfill their political goals?
If the Tea Bag Brotherhood were not GOP astroturf they would have started a third Party ages ago.

Thank you so much for your heart-felt advice to the TEA Party. We all appreciate how deeply you care about their welfare.
I am not sure I could agree any more with the premise offered by the OP. Lucid and well stated.

The GOP needs to stop talking a good game when it comes to fiscal issues. Words are wind. They say one thing to get elected and then spend like druken sailors once in power. When it comes to debt their should be no sacred cows, everything should be on the table when it comes to spending cuts. And yes, I mean everything. It is time to get our fiscal house in order.
And yet no matter how many times they betray you, you keep voting for them. BRILLIANT!
The GOP establishment hates the Tea Bag Brotherhood and yet the suckers still vote Republican!!!!.

Don't overlook the finding from the New York Times and CBS that TEA Party members are both wealthier and better educated than the general public and so likely realize that the battle to be fought has to be internal rather than external. The likely know of what happened to the Canadian Right when it split between Reform and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada - a decade of Liberals in power, election after election after election.

Where do you imagine TEA Party folks would go if not the Republicans? There's no hope in hell that the TEA Party could convince the Democrats to drop the racism from their platform, adopt sound fiscal principles and make room for the TEA Party within the Democratic ranks.
The Tea Bag Brotherhood was started and funded by the GOP to keep the gullible suckers dissatisfied with the GOP from leaving and forming a third Party. They are led to believe they can change the Establishment Republican Party from within, but that never will happen. The Tea Bag Brotherhood are those perpetually stupid enough to think they can change the GOP from within.

Thanks for letting me peek into your delusion. It's very colorful in that bubble you live in.
It is the reality the Tea Bag Brotherhood is too stupid to see, so the GOP will continue to exploit their gullibility.

June 25, 2014
RUSH: Yeah, they [the GOP] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street. They [the GOP] will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate. But they want the Tea Party to think so. This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here. The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.

November 03, 2014
RUSH: They've [the GOP] attempted to diminish and impugn the Tea Party to the point now we've got a Politico story, which says that the real thing the Republicans are gonna celebrate if they take the Senate is not taking the Senate but vanquishing the idea that the Tea Party is needed for Republicans to win.

LMAO...who cares what a radio celebrity says?
You desperately look for confirmation in the strangest places..
Next tell us what colbert and maher say...then let us know about hannity and o'reilly...

what a clown.
America didn't manage to establish a third party, and we are paying for it now really.

Three is a very unstable number in a social realm in that it allows two parties to gang up on the third and erase it.
Also, the only viable way to any sort of 3rd party equilibrium is to have the party be the party of the center. If at any time the party veered off center it would result in a splitting of the vote on the side it veered to and thus make the other party relatively more competitive. Even at center, the two other parties would be chipping away at the borders.

when us patriots rebuild after the collapse, I hope our new nation will use proportional representation to correct what has happened here...

...all three branches of government have been infiltrated and corrupted and neither party is any different.
They work hand in hand with each other to undermine our country.
Corrections will be made, though.

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