Why Opinion Polls Can No Longer Be Trusted


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I think we all know they’re skewed. So, why does the media continue to shove them down our throats? Could it be that they are so closely connected to the polling companies?

WNU Editor: In the case of Australia, 54 polls in a row said the Labor party was in the lead , even in the exit polls .... (Guido Fawkes). I live in Canada, and I can say the same thing here. Last month there was a provincial election where the pollsters were saying a week before the election that there was a 7% spread between the ruling Socialist government and the United Conservative Party of Alberta. The conservatives won with a 23% spread. One reason that I believe explains why the polls are off is that people are no longer willing to freely give information to others anymore. We now live in a politically correct world, and one wrong tweet here, or a comment and or opinion voiced over there, all of this can bring severe consequences. What also does not help is the role that the media is playing .... disparaging and ridiculing one point of view while promoting another. As a result we have become conditioned to keep our own counsel, especially to strangers.

Speaking of polls, Zogby has President Trump at 51% .... It's not just Rasmussen! Trump tops 50 per cent in a second poll amid trade chaos as Zogby finds more than HALF of millennials approve of his job performance (Daily Mail).

Update: Here is another interesting poll result .... Australian Labor Won 54 Polls In A Row, Including Exit Poll, Lost Actual election (Scott Rasmussen).

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