Why not free Truck Driving school?

Since we are talking about free college why not have free truck driving school? It would boost the economy and get people into well paid jobs that pay just as much as a college degree.

Or free auto mechanics school.

Of course, it's indoctrination, not learning real skills, that the left desires. They find it more beneficial for them if a student majors in liberal arts and graduates as a full-fledged socialist, Dem voting, useful idiot.
1st post
Since we are talking about free college why not have free truck driving school? It would boost the economy and get people into well paid jobs that pay just as much as a college degree.
I wouldn't have a problem with that, i mean why not it's a school that a good driver, in good physical, mental condition could get thru in less than a month:deal:..

The reason there is such a trucking shortage, is because a large amount of society couldn't pass the strict, random drug testing policies:cry:, i know guy's who hire on at a big company drive 5 years accident, incident free, and they call him in for a random drug test on Monday morning and escort him to the piss test, he test positive for smoking a joint Friday night to wind down after a long 13 hour day, bullshit..:wtf:

That is part of it. Kids today find smoking pot more important than learning a career and using it to their advantage.

But remember that once you get that CDL, life changes for you. If you drive a truck for a living, you don't have any constitutional rights. You don't have two different drivers licenses; one for your personal use and the other for your professional use. Let me give you an example:

You and I are at a bar and have the same amount of drinks. We both weigh the same, and we get in our cars to drive home. On the way, a police cruiser pulls me over and another pulls you over.

They give us both breathalyzer tests, and we have the same results. But because I have a CDL, I'm going to jail for drunk driving and you are just going to drive the rest of the way home.

The police have the option to use your CDL and it's threshold of drunk driving even if you are not driving a truck. Another example:

I'm driving a little over the limit and I get busted for drunk driving. The judge allows me to drive to and from work and at work since I drive a truck. Problem? I lost my job because of my DUI in my car. That's because my companies insurance will no longer cover me even if (other than my DUI in my car) I have an outstanding driving record.

When you have a CDL, you are a driver 24/7 regardless if you are driving on personal time or professional.

Cry me a river. Where I work, in a steel mill, you test positive for drugs or alcohol, you are automatically escorted out the gate then and there. And have to make an appointment to get your tools if you are a craftsman. There are certain jobs where it is just too dangerous to take chance on people that purposely impair their judgement.
5th post
Cry me a river. Where I work, in a steel mill, you test positive for drugs or alcohol, you are automatically escorted out the gate then and there. And have to make an appointment to get your tools if you are a craftsman. There are certain jobs where it is just too dangerous to take chance on people that purposely impair their judgement.

Obviously you didn't read what I posted or understood it. What I said is that you are held to CDL standards of intoxication whether you are in your truck or on your personal time in your car. Of course we have to get drug tested. I have no problem with that; I don't take recreational narcotics.
Since we are talking about free college why not have free truck driving school? It would boost the economy and get people into well paid jobs that pay just as much as a college degree.

Job doesn't pay that good for awhile and there isn't that big a demand. If the training were free, why not do an aptitude test thing and offer a one time free training for an entry lever job in that field? Stick to the trades primarily, maybe nursing? I was a steel worker for a long time and it took its toll. Now I'm getting OJT for under ground utility locating. Good stuff.
I agree that something needs to be done about schools. There is absloutely a lack of drivers overall, and frankly that is alarming.

I have seen some programs and schools that are offering generous financial aid and/or those that are willing to help a studnet get training that is essentially comped. It all just depends on the size of the company.
Since we are talking about free college why not have free truck driving school? It would boost the economy and get people into well paid jobs that pay just as much as a college degree.
I wouldn't have a problem with that, i mean why not it's a school that a good driver, in good physical, mental condition could get thru in less than a month:deal:..

The reason there is such a trucking shortage, is because a large amount of society couldn't pass the strict, random drug testing policies:cry:, i know guy's who hire on at a big company drive 5 years accident, incident free, and they call him in for a random drug test on Monday morning and escort him to the piss test, he test positive for smoking a joint Friday night to wind down after a long 13 hour day, bullshit..:wtf:

That is part of it. Kids today find smoking pot more important than learning a career and using it to their advantage.

But remember that once you get that CDL, life changes for you. If you drive a truck for a living, you don't have any constitutional rights. You don't have two different drivers licenses; one for your personal use and the other for your professional use. Let me give you an example:

You and I are at a bar and have the same amount of drinks. We both weigh the same, and we get in our cars to drive home. On the way, a police cruiser pulls me over and another pulls you over.

They give us both breathalyzer tests, and we have the same results. But because I have a CDL, I'm going to jail for drunk driving and you are just going to drive the rest of the way home.

The police have the option to use your CDL and it's threshold of drunk driving even if you are not driving a truck. Another example:

I'm driving a little over the limit and I get busted for drunk driving. The judge allows me to drive to and from work and at work since I drive a truck. Problem? I lost my job because of my DUI in my car. That's because my companies insurance will no longer cover me even if (other than my DUI in my car) I have an outstanding driving record.

When you have a CDL, you are a driver 24/7 regardless if you are driving on personal time or professional.
I'm glad we're held to a higher standard. We should be.
Since we are talking about free college why not have free truck driving school? It would boost the economy and get people into well paid jobs that pay just as much as a college degree.
Swift, Knight, CR England and other companies already offer that. I never paid for my schooling.

^ Exactly. There's a big push from the smaller ones, too. I'm a road veteran so I'm not out there any more but my nephew is following in his old man's footsteps (well, the brother of his old man.) He's possibly not going to team up with Swift or Knight or CR - despite my nudging in those directions. Why pay??
Any suggestions for other companies for him to look? I told him I'd help him look. I'm a little detached from the industry as of right now in terms of who pays well, etc.
I agree that something needs to be done about schools. There is absloutely a lack of drivers overall, and frankly that is alarming.

I have seen some programs and schools that are offering generous financial aid and/or those that are willing to help a studnet get training that is essentially comped. It all just depends on the size of the company.
There's an overall lack of people willing to spend weeks at a time away from home. I got a wife and kids and insist on being home as much as possible. More companies are responding to this by adopting the hub to hub model used successfully by FedEx and others. You don't take a load all the way across the country, just to the next hub, then you take a load back and go home. Loads can be relayed across the country this way.
Any suggestions for other companies for him to look? I told him I'd help him look. I'm a little detached from the industry as of right now in terms of who pays well, etc.
Right now Crete pays the best of any national fleet, 48 cpm, but they have to be operating where he lives. They don't operate in my state.
Ahh, gotcha. heard good things about Crete. I'll send them his way. 48 cpm - not bad!!

Thank you for the help. I may post again.
15th post

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