Why isn’t this person openly trafficking drugs on social media being investigated?

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Trans activist Eli Erlick’s Instagram Posts admitting to criminal drug trafficking:

“There are over 20 states trying to criminalize hormone therapy, particularly for trans youth. So, my friends and I had an idea: sending out our extra prescriptions around the country. If you need hormones, I’m working with a distribution network to get you access. Everything is free, no questions asked. We have hundreds of doses of testosterone, estradiol, and spironolactone available right now. All are prescribed by doctors and unused. Each package comes with information on dosage, obtaining bloodwork, etc.”
“Realistically, I can ship anywhere in North America”
“redistribute your extra hormones to people who can’t access/afford them.”
“Sending lifesaving hormones to those in need is going very well, actually!”
“Thanks to your free advertising, we’ve helped dozens more people access meds in the last couple weeks”

Laws that are openly being broken:

1. Mailing prescription drugs is a federal offense that carries serious criminal charges. Unless the sender and receiver are registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), it is illegal for someone to mail prescription drugs, even if the sender or recipient has a prescription for them.

2. In the state of New York, where Erlick lives, giving prescription drugs to another person is a felony. It is considered the “sale” of a controlled substance, even if no money is exchanged.

3. Offering and giving prescription drugs to minors without parental permission is also illegal.

4. United States Federal law 21 U.S.C. 841 makes it a felony to manufacture, distribute, or possess controlled substances with the intention to distribute without a legitimate medical purpose. Testosterone is a Schedule III controlled substance due to its permanent and potentially dangerous side effects.

So we have a trans person who is an activist openly proclaiming in public that they are mailing prescription drugs without doctors orders to all who ask, even children. Not only that, they are encouraging the practice, advertising it, and bragging about it.

Multiple people have called this out and not only have they been the ones who have been demonized, but no arrests? Why is this person allowed to traffick drugs, send drugs illegally in the mail, illegally give them to minors, etc.??

And even if by chance none of It is actually happening, why are they allowed to encourage and promote illegal drug trafficking?
Where have you been?

Mail order drugs have been going on since way before the invention of the internet!! The internet just made it a hell of a lot easier for them.

I used to get my Rx drugs from Canada before the fucking goobermint cut that supply off from us. I didn't need a Rx though, all I had to do was state that the Rx drug I was ordering was given to me by my doctor. Didn't even need to state my dr info either.

If you know what to look for and where to look for it, you can get ANYTHING online.
Where have you been?

Mail order drugs have been going on since way before the invention of the internet!! The internet just made it a hell of a lot easier for them.

I used to get my Rx drugs from Canada before the fucking goobermint cut that supply off from us. I didn't need a Rx though, all I had to do was state that the Rx drug I was ordering was given to me by my doctor. Didn't even need to state my dr info either.

If you know what to look for and where to look for it, you can get ANYTHING online.
You can legally mail with a permit, that’s what the companies do.

This person has no permit.. and isn’t a doctor
Trans activist Eli Erlick’s Instagram Posts admitting to criminal drug trafficking:

“There are over 20 states trying to criminalize hormone therapy, particularly for trans youth. So, my friends and I had an idea: sending out our extra prescriptions around the country. If you need hormones, I’m working with a distribution network to get you access. Everything is free, no questions asked. We have hundreds of doses of testosterone, estradiol, and spironolactone available right now. All are prescribed by doctors and unused. Each package comes with information on dosage, obtaining bloodwork, etc.”
“Realistically, I can ship anywhere in North America”
“redistribute your extra hormones to people who can’t access/afford them.”
“Sending lifesaving hormones to those in need is going very well, actually!”
“Thanks to your free advertising, we’ve helped dozens more people access meds in the last couple weeks”

Laws that are openly being broken:

1. Mailing prescription drugs is a federal offense that carries serious criminal charges. Unless the sender and receiver are registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), it is illegal for someone to mail prescription drugs, even if the sender or recipient has a prescription for them.

2. In the state of New York, where Erlick lives, giving prescription drugs to another person is a felony. It is considered the “sale” of a controlled substance, even if no money is exchanged.

3. Offering and giving prescription drugs to minors without parental permission is also illegal.

4. United States Federal law 21 U.S.C. 841 makes it a felony to manufacture, distribute, or possess controlled substances with the intention to distribute without a legitimate medical purpose. Testosterone is a Schedule III controlled substance due to its permanent and potentially dangerous side effects.

So we have a trans person who is an activist openly proclaiming in public that they are mailing prescription drugs without doctors orders to all who ask, even children. Not only that, they are encouraging the practice, advertising it, and bragging about it.

Multiple people have called this out and not only have they been the ones who have been demonized, but no arrests? Why is this person allowed to traffick drugs, send drugs illegally in the mail, illegally give them to minors, etc.??

And even if by chance none of It is actually happening, why are they allowed to encourage and promote illegal drug trafficking?

They have to catch the person actually doing it first, not just claiming on social media they would do it. My guess is that the individual is already walking into a sting operation by someone or the other. Time will sort out the rest.
Saying that they'll do this isn't illegal ... lying is protected speech ... do you have evidence they have made any material progress in these plans? ... not just talk, but actively gathering these drugs ...

I advocate for nuclear arms under 2A ... "It's my LAWFUL right" ... so I make sure I don't have 6 foot lengths of 4 inch diameter steel pipe around the house ... not gather the materials to build an A-bomb ...
Trans activist Eli Erlick’s Instagram Posts admitting to criminal drug trafficking:
So what?

You can legally mail with a permit, that’s what the companies do.

This person has no permit.. and isn’t a doctor

Again, so what? If someone really thinks he needs hormones to treat their gender dysphoria, not seeing the problem.

Hey, Frisky, we know that you picked up that tranny at the bar, but we totally believe you have a case of the Not-Gays.
It’s not at all difficult to purchase testosterone online. Not a big deal.

It’s stupid for them to discuss their business on a video like that, but the authorities likely have bigger fish to fry. Heroin, fentanyl. Shit like that.
1. Mailing prescription drugs is a federal offense that carries serious criminal charges. Unless the sender and receiver are registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), it is illegal for someone to mail prescription drugs, even if the sender or recipient has a prescription for them.

Are you sure about this?

My wife and I both have a number of prescription drugs, which Kaiser sends us by way of the USPS. My insulin comes by UPS, because it requires special handling, but our other medicines come by postal mail.
Are you sure about this?

My wife and I both have a number of prescription drugs, which Kaiser sends us by way of the USPS. My insulin comes by UPS, because it requires special handling, but our other medicines come by postal mail.

Hey, dummy, this isn't about medicines.

This is about Mr. Frisky trying to rationalize his transphobia....

You know, instead of just being openly hateful like you are.
Labeling your enemies won't intimidate them anymore

No, but it will identify you for what you are.

Look, man, I get it. You can't be openly racist, misogynistic or homophobic anymore. That will get you a trip to HR with a banker box.

So you hope, hope, hope that transgender people are small enough minority that you can still pick on.

Except... big corporations aren't playing along. While you all scream about imaginary grooming, they are helping people use the pronouns of their choice.
This is about Mr. Frisky trying to rationalize his transphobia....
Labeling your enemies won't intimidate them anymore

Especially with bullshit slurs like “transphobia”. All that slur means is to say that the one so labeled recognizes actual science and biology, rather than buy9ing into the insane delusions of fucked-up freaks.

If there was any valid way to make an insult out of that term, it would be to accuse someone of NOT being “transphobic”. You have to be pretty badly fucked in the head to be confused about the difference between men and women.
Hey, dummy, this isn't about medicines.

This is about Mr. Frisky trying to rationalize his transphobia....

You know, instead of just being openly hateful like you are.

No, but it will identify you for what you are.

Look, man, I get it. You can't be openly racist, misogynistic or homophobic anymore. That will get you a trip to HR with a banker box.

So you hope, hope, hope that transgender people are small enough minority that you can still pick on.

Except... big corporations aren't playing along. While you all scream about imaginary grooming, they are helping people use the pronouns of their choice.

Trans activist Eli Erlick’s Instagram Posts admitting to criminal drug trafficking:

“There are over 20 states trying to criminalize hormone therapy, particularly for trans youth. So, my friends and I had an idea: sending out our extra prescriptions around the country. If you need hormones, I’m working with a distribution network to get you access. Everything is free, no questions asked. We have hundreds of doses of testosterone, estradiol, and spironolactone available right now. All are prescribed by doctors and unused. Each package comes with information on dosage, obtaining bloodwork, etc.”
“Realistically, I can ship anywhere in North America”
“redistribute your extra hormones to people who can’t access/afford them.”
“Sending lifesaving hormones to those in need is going very well, actually!”
“Thanks to your free advertising, we’ve helped dozens more people access meds in the last couple weeks”

Laws that are openly being broken:

1. Mailing prescription drugs is a federal offense that carries serious criminal charges. Unless the sender and receiver are registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), it is illegal for someone to mail prescription drugs, even if the sender or recipient has a prescription for them.

2. In the state of New York, where Erlick lives, giving prescription drugs to another person is a felony. It is considered the “sale” of a controlled substance, even if no money is exchanged.

3. Offering and giving prescription drugs to minors without parental permission is also illegal.

4. United States Federal law 21 U.S.C. 841 makes it a felony to manufacture, distribute, or possess controlled substances with the intention to distribute without a legitimate medical purpose. Testosterone is a Schedule III controlled substance due to its permanent and potentially dangerous side effects.

So we have a trans person who is an activist openly proclaiming in public that they are mailing prescription drugs without doctors orders to all who ask, even children. Not only that, they are encouraging the practice, advertising it, and bragging about it.

Multiple people have called this out and not only have they been the ones who have been demonized, but no arrests? Why is this person allowed to traffick drugs, send drugs illegally in the mail, illegally give them to minors, etc.??

And even if by chance none of It is actually happening, why are they allowed to encourage and promote illegal drug trafficking?
Does he take Papal ? Sick the IRS on him. Fuck the PoPo.
Are you sure about this?

My wife and I both have a number of prescription drugs, which Kaiser sends us by way of the USPS. My insulin comes by UPS, because it requires special handling, but our other medicines come by postal mail.
You can ship with right permit as An organization.. not as a random citizen mailing it under the table.
Especially with bullshit slurs like “transphobia”. All that slur means is to say that the one so labeled recognizes actual science and biology, rather than buy9ing into the insane delusions of fucked-up freaks.

If there was any valid way to make an insult out of that term, it would be to accuse someone of NOT being “transphobic”. You have to be pretty badly fucked in the head to be confused about the difference between men and women.
Bob, we can always count on you to express your irrational fear of people who have no effect on your life.

Actual Scientists recognize that gender is fluid.

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