Why isn't Hillary Clinton being tried for treason and conspiracy?

Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

You guys are throwing out distraction after distraction.

Too bad it's not working.

Oh, Hillary's shameful crimes are well known to me. She's doing what she always does--evil.

Lol. You guys are hilarious.

Your side is far more amusing, by the number of footshoots you do on just about every issue. But I'm not laughing at you tonight. Pity, maybe.

And you have a lot to learn about DNC treachery, because you probably haven't followed Hillary's nefarious acts too closely.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Sounds to me like a Trump and GOP problem After all, one of his most oft repeated campaign promises was that he would "Lock her up!". I guess he will get around to doing that after Mexico pays for the wall.

Well, Vandalshandle, sometimes the wheels of justice turn a little more slowly when the FBI turns against the people they're supposed to protect. The trouble is, Hillary the hidden cash machine made them an offer they couldn't refuse. Keep in mind, her hobby is collecting deleterious information on everyone who's anyone, and in particular, the cops. She knows who's naughty and nice, and she cashes in on the naughty. With her illicit information files.

So, Hillary is the love child of J. Edgar Hoover?

No, Hillary's parents names were Hugh Rodham and Mary Howell Rodham, if memory serves me right. ;)

Not at all, Tress. It is all a conspiracy! Hillary is a plant from aliens who has been put here to ruin Trump's weekly multimillion dollar vacations! I have proof!

Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

You guys are throwing out distraction after distraction.

Too bad it's not working.

Oh, Hillary's shameful crimes are well known to me. She's doing what she always does--evil.

Lol. You guys are hilarious.

Your side is far more amusing, by the number of footshoots you do on just about every issue. But I'm not laughing at you tonight. Pity, maybe.

And you have a lot to learn about DNC treachery, because you probably haven't followed Hillary's nefarious acts too closely.

You need to pull yer head outta the conservative blogosphere and breath some fresh air for a change. None of these things are real.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Sounds to me like a Trump and GOP problem After all, one of his most oft repeated campaign promises was that he would "Lock her up!". I guess he will get around to doing that after Mexico pays for the wall.

Well, Vandalshandle, sometimes the wheels of justice turn a little more slowly when the FBI turns against the people they're supposed to protect. The trouble is, Hillary the hidden cash machine made them an offer they couldn't refuse. Keep in mind, her hobby is collecting deleterious information on everyone who's anyone, and in particular, the cops. She knows who's naughty and nice, and she cashes in on the naughty. With her illicit information files.

So, Hillary is the love child of J. Edgar Hoover?

No, Hillary's parents names were Hugh Rodham and Mary Howell Rodham, if memory serves me right. ;)

Not at all, Tress. It is all a conspiracy! Hillary is a plant from aliens who has been put here to ruin Trump's weekly multimillion dollar vacations! I have proof!


I doubt that, sir.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

You guys are throwing out distraction after distraction.

Too bad it's not working.

Oh, Hillary's shameful crimes are well known to me. She's doing what she always does--evil.

Lol. You guys are hilarious.

Your side is far more amusing, by the number of footshoots you do on just about every issue. But I'm not laughing at you tonight. Pity, maybe.

And you have a lot to learn about DNC treachery, because you probably haven't followed Hillary's nefarious acts too closely.

You need to pull yer head outta the conservative blogosphere and breath some fresh air for a change. None of these things are real.

Control Freak Hillary cannot control freak on President Trump forever. Time for Hillary to pay the piper.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing...how very white..er..I mean right, of you!


You mean like tearing down Statues and ostracizing our founding fathers?

Not in favor of either. History should be on view for all..we are all flawed ..so what? It is the asinine expectation that our founding Fathers were somehow ethically pristine that deserves to be debunked..not their memories.

Pal, I may have been born after WWII, but I was around to see my parents horrified that President Truman snubbed President Eisenhower by being the first President not to accompany his replacement to the White House. That's back when the Democrats populated 95% of the KKK, and it wasn't all just in the South, either. In high school, my cheerleader sisters and I cried through the first sounds of the radio announcing JFK died. Here, the schools were warned not to announce to the children the President died. We were on our way to another school to lead a pep rally there to promote good sportsmanship, which was done every year. We were not allowed to tell the opponents school people what we knew. I bet they wondered why we had tears running down our eyes trying to lead cheers for their team. There are really great posters who go back a lot farther than me on this board. Things were done differently back then than they are now. For one thing, nobody in my school would ever admit they were atheists, because we still listened to and participated in morning prayers in home room classes that started half an hour before educational classes were so there wouldn't be as many people late to their first educational classes, and you could finish the last couple of questions on your homework if you needed time to prepare for a test. Schools were great back then, and people were somewhat kinder for the most part. I'm sorry your education took you through the slime of current history teachers guessing at treachery of people who wrote the Constitution that aren't consistent with their Marxists' views.

OMG! I apologize! I just read this post! I did not realize that you were insane! I take everything back, and will put you in my special slot for people who wear special jackets with no sleeve openings!
You guys are throwing out distraction after distraction.

Too bad it's not working.
Oh, Hillary's shameful crimes are well known to me. She's doing what she always does--evil.
Lol. You guys are hilarious.
Your side is far more amusing, by the number of footshoots you do on just about every issue. But I'm not laughing at you tonight. Pity, maybe.

And you have a lot to learn about DNC treachery, because you probably haven't followed Hillary's nefarious acts too closely.
You need to pull yer head outta the conservative blogosphere and breath some fresh air for a change. None of these things are real.
Control Freak Hillary cannot control freak on President Trump forever. Time for Hillary to pay the piper.
Control *president* tRump?

Where did you come up with that nonsense?
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing...how very white..er..I mean right, of you!


You mean like tearing down Statues and ostracizing our founding fathers?

Not in favor of either. History should be on view for all..we are all flawed ..so what? It is the asinine expectation that our founding Fathers were somehow ethically pristine that deserves to be debunked..not their memories.

Pal, I may have been born after WWII, but I was around to see my parents horrified that President Truman snubbed President Eisenhower by being the first President not to accompany his replacement to the White House. That's back when the Democrats populated 95% of the KKK, and it wasn't all just in the South, either. In high school, my cheerleader sisters and I cried through the first sounds of the radio announcing JFK died. Here, the schools were warned not to announce to the children the President died. We were on our way to another school to lead a pep rally there to promote good sportsmanship, which was done every year. We were not allowed to tell the opponents school people what we knew. I bet they wondered why we had tears running down our eyes trying to lead cheers for their team. There are really great posters who go back a lot farther than me on this board. Things were done differently back then than they are now. For one thing, nobody in my school would ever admit they were atheists, because we still listened to and participated in morning prayers in home room classes that started half an hour before educational classes were so there wouldn't be as many people late to their first educational classes, and you could finish the last couple of questions on your homework if you needed time to prepare for a test. Schools were great back then, and people were somewhat kinder for the most part. I'm sorry your education took you through the slime of current history teachers guessing at treachery of people who wrote the Constitution that aren't consistent with their Marxists' views.

OMG! I apologize! I just read this post! I did not realize that you were insane! I take everything back, and will put you in my special slot for people who wear special jackets with no sleeve openings!

How prosaic of you.
Lol. You guys are hilarious.
What's actually hilarious is the fact is, you folks act like Hillary hasn't committed any crimes. When it started with Benghazi (September 11, 2012). Then the Email Scandal.

And talk about distraction, Nancy "Blow Me" Pelosi and Chuck Schumer was not there at the meeting yesterday to talk about Infrastructure. They were only there because they wanted to continue their nasty narrative of Impeachment.
Sounds to me like a Trump and GOP problem After all, one of his most oft repeated campaign promises was that he would "Lock her up!". I guess he will get around to doing that after Mexico pays for the wall.
Well, Vandalshandle, sometimes the wheels of justice turn a little more slowly when the FBI turns against the people they're supposed to protect. The trouble is, Hillary the hidden cash machine made them an offer they couldn't refuse. Keep in mind, her hobby is collecting deleterious information on everyone who's anyone, and in particular, the cops. She knows who's naughty and nice, and she cashes in on the naughty. With her illicit information files.

So, Hillary is the love child of J. Edgar Hoover?
No, Hillary's parents names were Hugh Rodham and Mary Howell Rodham, if memory serves me right. ;)

Not at all, Tress. It is all a conspiracy! Hillary is a plant from aliens who has been put here to ruin Trump's weekly multimillion dollar vacations! I have proof!

I doubt that, sir.
Why? It's a believable as the rest of the crap you posted.
Lol. You guys are hilarious.
What's actually hilarious is the fact is, you folks act like Hillary hasn't committed any crimes. When it started with Benghazi (September 11, 2012). Then the Email Scandal.

And talk about distraction, Nancy "Blow Me" Pelosi and Chuck Schumer was not there at the meeting yesterday to talk about Infrastructure. They were only there because they wanted to continue their nasty narrative of Impeachment.

And, you know that was their intention, even though they did not get a chance to say anything at all! Way to go, Karnack, the Magnificent!
Lol. You guys are hilarious.
What's actually hilarious is the fact is, you folks act like Hillary hasn't committed any crimes. When it started with Benghazi (September 11, 2012). Then the Email Scandal.

And talk about distraction, Nancy "Blow Me" Pelosi and Chuck Schumer was not there at the meeting yesterday to talk about Infrastructure. They were only there because they wanted to continue their nasty narrative of Impeachment.
You're not as funny as she is, not as original.
Oh, Hillary's shameful crimes are well known to me. She's doing what she always does--evil.
Lol. You guys are hilarious.
Your side is far more amusing, by the number of footshoots you do on just about every issue. But I'm not laughing at you tonight. Pity, maybe.

And you have a lot to learn about DNC treachery, because you probably haven't followed Hillary's nefarious acts too closely.
You need to pull yer head outta the conservative blogosphere and breath some fresh air for a change. None of these things are real.
Control Freak Hillary cannot control freak on President Trump forever. Time for Hillary to pay the piper.
Control *president* tRump?

Where did you come up with that nonsense?
It was published in a book by a man who was one of Hillary's college friends I think. They belonged to some kind of underground group (before or after graduating from college, can't recall) that championed black criminals. The black killers they were to defend killed his best friend for no reason, and he escaped. He's written a few telling books about Hillary since that time. She was and is a doozy. I was reading his threads in the mid 90s. He opposed her husband's presidential bid because she had the propensity to hate good people and get even with them after they didn't appreciate her nasty little stunts. She appeals to people who don't really know who she is.
Oh, Hillary's shameful crimes are well known to me. She's doing what she always does--evil.
Lol. You guys are hilarious.
Your side is far more amusing, by the number of footshoots you do on just about every issue. But I'm not laughing at you tonight. Pity, maybe.

And you have a lot to learn about DNC treachery, because you probably haven't followed Hillary's nefarious acts too closely.
You need to pull yer head outta the conservative blogosphere and breath some fresh air for a change. None of these things are real.
Control Freak Hillary cannot control freak on President Trump forever. Time for Hillary to pay the piper.
Control *president* tRump?

Where did you come up with that nonsense?
You haven't been paying attention to the details of the FBI leadership scandals, have you. I'll let you wait and see it at the trials.
If Hannity's Fantasies were admissible in a court of law, half the country would be locked up.
Hannity has made himself available to the good of the American people, jaoquinmiller. His associations are with the best of the good men in politics. It's too bad for Democrats they have this tendency to judge a book by its cover and engage in only pleasing thoughts without considering the victim of some beautiful one's persecution. The positive thing about religion is it teaches one to look on the heart of the person speaking his mind.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Hillary Clinton has been implicated in nothing. You are absolutely crazy. This is not Nazi Germany or a banana republic where you get to jail your political opponents just for being your political opponents.

Texas is being extremely partisan. What was Helen Keller's crime? Being a woman?

Excuse me? Hellen Keller is dead. Others with disabilities have also done great things. Everyone has their fifteen minutes of fame, but I would be pleased if you'd put your money where your mouth is and write a book on Helen Keller for youngsters who may be disabled and need a helping hand. It would prevent you from showing your extreme myopia where felon Clinton is concerned.

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