Why is the reality: $8 trillion was lost due to dot.com/9/11/hurricanes?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Liberals/conservatives alike!

WHY is it so difficult to grasp that
1) The dot.com bust cost $5 trillion in lost market value -
Reality: Each year since 2002 $166 billion has NOT been paid in taxes due to NOL!
2) The 9/11 cost $2 trillion in property, 18,000 in businesses, airline loans and losses
Reality: Each year since 2003 $66 billion HAS NOT Been paid in taxes due to NOL!
3) Worst hurricanes in history starting 2003 - 2008 cost $1 trillion in losses businesses,
Reality Each year since 2004 $33 billion HAS NOT been paid in taxes due to NOL!

Then we have had since 2002 $600 billion for Homeland Security - brand new agency

And finally due to Democrats/Anti-Americans like Obama/Reid/Kerry/Murtha and others
that were CHEERING when US troops were killed in Iraq a war that was over militarily in
less the 3 months WAS PROLONGED simply because THESE traitors wanted the USA to lose in Iraq.. $600 billion spent ALL because these Ahole Cheerleaders that hated Bush more then they LOVED their country and US troops.. would cheer "War is Lost" or

Is there ANY person in the world who can NOT admit that when any Terrorists heard these words coming from Americans the Terrorists WERE ENCOURAGED!
They would recruit more to kill more troops because AFTER ALL US senators called their own troops Nazis, worse the Russian troops. baby killers..
And our President Obama Called US TROOPS "air-raiding villages ..killing CIVILIANS"!
THE President of the USA calling our troops KILLERS!

As a result with $266 billion written off each year for 6 years $1.5 trillion in lost tax revenue added to $600 billion for HOMELAND security and $600 billion for Iraq..
Between the two $1.5 trillion lost revenue $1.2 trillion expenses..
$2.7 Trillion...
FOLKS why is it a problem to admit these FACTS????
This insane rant sucks so much that not even light can escape it's surface.
Liberals/conservatives alike!

WHY is it so difficult to grasp that
1) The dot.com bust cost $5 trillion in lost market value -
Reality: Each year since 2002 $166 billion has NOT been paid in taxes due to NOL!
2) The 9/11 cost $2 trillion in property, 18,000 in businesses, airline loans and losses
Reality: Each year since 2003 $66 billion HAS NOT Been paid in taxes due to NOL!
3) Worst hurricanes in history starting 2003 - 2008 cost $1 trillion in losses businesses,
Reality Each year since 2004 $33 billion HAS NOT been paid in taxes due to NOL!

Then we have had since 2002 $600 billion for Homeland Security - brand new agency

And finally due to Democrats/Anti-Americans like Obama/Reid/Kerry/Murtha and others
that were CHEERING when US troops were killed in Iraq a war that was over militarily in
less the 3 months WAS PROLONGED simply because THESE traitors wanted the USA to lose in Iraq.. $600 billion spent ALL because these Ahole Cheerleaders that hated Bush more then they LOVED their country and US troops.. would cheer "War is Lost" or

Is there ANY person in the world who can NOT admit that when any Terrorists heard these words coming from Americans the Terrorists WERE ENCOURAGED!
They would recruit more to kill more troops because AFTER ALL US senators called their own troops Nazis, worse the Russian troops. baby killers..
And our President Obama Called US TROOPS "air-raiding villages ..killing CIVILIANS"!
THE President of the USA calling our troops KILLERS!

As a result with $266 billion written off each year for 6 years $1.5 trillion in lost tax revenue added to $600 billion for HOMELAND security and $600 billion for Iraq..
Between the two $1.5 trillion lost revenue $1.2 trillion expenses..
$2.7 Trillion...
FOLKS why is it a problem to admit these FACTS????

You're forgetting the 2.4 trillions in tax cuts.

2 to 5 trillion in a "drugs for votes" bill.

The cost of both wars not included in any budget until Obama became president.

The cost of taking care of tens of thousands of young people maimed in Iraq costing who knows how many trillions.
I think even an admirably tolerant forum should not allow posters to flood boards with essentially the same thread over and over and over and over again.
I think even an admirably tolerant forum should not allow posters to flood boards with essentially the same thread over and over and over and over again.

I have yet to have ANYONE refute these facts though!

And that's why I keep asking why doesn't ANYONE recognize the realities that
1) dot.com/9/11 and worst hurricanes in history HAVE subtracted $300 billion a year
from Federal Revenue PLUS untold billions from state/local revenues!
2) And why NO ONE SEEMS to KNOW that due to 9/11 $640 billion over the last 8 years for HOMELAND security costs AND that the Iraq war PLUS countless billions in future costs
TOTALLY because TRAITORS wanted the USA to lose in IRAQ!

These two FACTS cost $2.5 Trillion in revenue and expenditures YET YOU and others try to ignore it!

IT happened so why can't you admit it?

ONCE you admit that.. MAYBE then there would be more economic sanity and wiser decisions made based on LOGIC and FACTS... i.e. like
1) THERE WERE NEVER 50 million UNINSURED people yet people don't seem to understand BECAUSE of ignorance of FACTS we have Obamacare and health insurance costs HAVE increased solely because of IT!
2) The FACTS that $600 billion additional costs in health care due to lawyers .. yet people like YOU defend them and their $100 billion a year in fees! WHY?
Most of them become millionaires of one lawsuit and it is that DREAM and nightmare that causes "DEFENSIVE MEDICINE"...
YET YOU and millions obviously don't know it and if you do WHY DON"T YOU get angry at the lawyers for causing it???

YOU bitch and moan about Wall St.. YET NOT one word about the $600 billion a year that Drs admit are caused by FEAR of lawsuits..hence the extra tests,etc..


Sounds more like what Salem witch hunts were.. total ignorance of the truth!
Like Galileo trying to provide ignorant peasant/clergy "the earth is not flat you will not fall off"!
Are you a "flat earthier"?

Refute the numbers I shared!
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies. More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 - and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
The dot-com bubble: How to lose $5 trillion – Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

Counting the value of lives lost as well as property damage and lost production of goods and services, losses already exceed $100 billion. Including the loss in stock market wealth -- the market's own estimate arising from expectations of lower corporate profits and higher discount rates for economic volatility -- the price tag approaches $2 trillion.

The Cost of September 11

FACTS!!! $7 trillion in LOSSES...which translate into IRS NOT collecting over last 8 years
nearly $2,4 trillion!!!!

And for these FACTS you suggest banning???
Will anyone show that the $8 trillion in real losses from dot.com bust/911 & worst hurricanes seasons didn't happen?

Well if there is NO ONE to show that $2.5 Trillion was written off of Tax revenue collected and spent in response to the above events.. that means Bush IN spite of the documented anti-Bush Bush bashing MSM that helped cheerlead the terrorists to kill US troops was successful!
That Bush will be recognized as one of the greatest Presidents that in spite of the above lack of revenue and expenses did the following:
1) Freed 50 million people from dictators/theocrats
2) Had 136 million people working or nearly 5 million more then the 131 million at end of 2000!
3) DJIA closed 14,164.53 10/9/2007!

ALL in spite of MSM biased bashing!

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