Why is the media ignoring Israel's alliance with al-Qaeda?


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Fuck israel
Almost unnoticed by the mainstream media, Israel's occupation forces in the Golan Heights have been in alliance with the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's official franchise in Syria. This alliance certainly includes logistical support and may even extend as far as arming al-Qaeda rebels in south-western Syria.

In January, I showed how the reports of UN peacekeepers in the Golan had talked of regular contacts between rebel forces in that Israeli-occupied sector of Syria. They also observed, according to a June report, Israeli soldiers "handing over two boxes to armed members of the opposition" from the Israeli-occupied side to the Syrian-controlled side.

According to further reports by UN peacekeepers, such interactions continued after Quneitra (a town containing a key checkpoint between the Israeli-occupied and Syrian-controlled sectors of the Golan) was overrun by the Nusra Front.

In March, I wrote on how an Israeli army spokesperson had now confirmed these reports. He clarified that this extended to logistical support in the form of medical aid to al-Qaeda rebels. "We don't ask who they are, we don't do any screening," the unnamed Israeli military official told the Wall Street Journal. "Once the treatment is done, we take them back to the border [sic - ceasefire line] and they go on their way [in Syria]," he said.

For several years now there have been propaganda reports in the Israeli press about how Israel is supposedly playing a purely "humanitarian" role in the Syrian war, by treating civilians and sending them back. But this has now been exposed as propaganda. If that were really the case, Israel would be treating combatants from all sides in the Syrian war and furthermore it would arrest suspected al-Qaeda militants. But in reality, all reports confirm that the Israelis are treating only the "rebel" side, including the al-Qaeda militants that lead the armed opposition in that area of Syria (as indeed they do in much of the country). The key difference that disproves the propaganda line, and proves an active Israel-al-Qaeda alliance is that, after treatment, instead of arresting them, the al-Qaeda fighters are sent back to fight in Syria. There is no chance at all that, in the event that Israel captures injured Hamas, Hizballah or Iranian combatants alive, it would send them back to Gaza or Syria to "go on their way", as the unnamed Israeli official put it.

Why is the media ignoring Israel s alliance with al-Qaeda

We can say with confidence that the mainstream press in the West supports Israel, and so does not find it convenient to report on this scandalous Israeli-al-Qaeda alliance in Syria. But it's crucial to understand that this is part of a wider pattern in which the West's alliances with (to say the least) morally-dubious regional actors are ignored, downplayed or actively disguised by the media.
Israeli alliance with Al Quaeda.


Wasn't it your own president that sent arms to the rebels?

That's right up your alley. They killed 3,000 of your best folks, you send them weapon, then raise an eyebrow and call it all "Israeli conspiracy."

Wow, the nerve.
There is a good reason I'm not ignoring Fagner and some others, these threads are just priceless :eusa_boohoo:
Israeli alliance with Al Quaeda.


Wasn't it your own president that sent arms to the rebels?

That's right up your alley. They killed 3,000 of your best folks, you send them weapon, then raise an eyebrow and call it all "Israeli conspiracy."

Wow, the nerve.

The FSA is not the same as Al Qaeda, but it was a mistake to arm a coup, I agree. They did it for Israel.
When you say "They killed 3000" do you mean the israelis?

Almost unnoticed by the mainstream media, Israel's occupation forces in the Golan Heights have been in alliance with the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's official franchise in Syria. This alliance certainly includes logistical support and may even extend as far as arming al-Qaeda rebels in south-western Syria.

In January, I showed how the reports of UN peacekeepers in the Golan had talked of regular contacts between rebel forces in that Israeli-occupied sector of Syria. They also observed, according to a June report, Israeli soldiers "handing over two boxes to armed members of the opposition" from the Israeli-occupied side to the Syrian-controlled side.

According to further reports by UN peacekeepers, such interactions continued after Quneitra (a town containing a key checkpoint between the Israeli-occupied and Syrian-controlled sectors of the Golan) was overrun by the Nusra Front.

In March, I wrote on how an Israeli army spokesperson had now confirmed these reports. He clarified that this extended to logistical support in the form of medical aid to al-Qaeda rebels. "We don't ask who they are, we don't do any screening," the unnamed Israeli military official told the Wall Street Journal. "Once the treatment is done, we take them back to the border [sic - ceasefire line] and they go on their way [in Syria]," he said.

For several years now there have been propaganda reports in the Israeli press about how Israel is supposedly playing a purely "humanitarian" role in the Syrian war, by treating civilians and sending them back. But this has now been exposed as propaganda. If that were really the case, Israel would be treating combatants from all sides in the Syrian war and furthermore it would arrest suspected al-Qaeda militants. But in reality, all reports confirm that the Israelis are treating only the "rebel" side, including the al-Qaeda militants that lead the armed opposition in that area of Syria (as indeed they do in much of the country). The key difference that disproves the propaganda line, and proves an active Israel-al-Qaeda alliance is that, after treatment, instead of arresting them, the al-Qaeda fighters are sent back to fight in Syria. There is no chance at all that, in the event that Israel captures injured Hamas, Hizballah or Iranian combatants alive, it would send them back to Gaza or Syria to "go on their way", as the unnamed Israeli official put it.

Why is the media ignoring Israel s alliance with al-Qaeda

We can say with confidence that the mainstream press in the West supports Israel, and so does not find it convenient to report on this scandalous Israeli-al-Qaeda alliance in Syria. But it's crucial to understand that this is part of a wider pattern in which the West's alliances with (to say the least) morally-dubious regional actors are ignored, downplayed or actively disguised by the media.
Zionist control of the Mass Media is complete....When more bodies pile up for supporting Israel Americans will sweep these controls into the Dust Bin of History and regain their freedom!
What side is Israel on that gangbang in Syria?
You need a program to figure out who the "opposition" is.. Even the US State Dept is not sure. (or should I say not surprisingly).

"handing over two small boxes to the opposition forces". Well one is Halavah (pkgd of course on ice so that it doesn't melt the chocolate coating) and the other contains the door-knocker from the Bin Laden compound that was recovered by the Mossad during demolition. Most certainly contains the DNA of key AlQueda messengers and every pizza delivery boy in town...

Priceless. The "mainstream media" didn't virtually ignore this story". They couldn't FIND this story.

So is AQ bragging about their "support" from Israel? And how come they haven't sent a wounded fighter to blow up some Israelis?
What side is Israel on that gangbang in Syria?
You need a program to figure out who the "opposition" is.. Even the US State Dept is not sure. (or should I say not surprisingly).

"handing over two small boxes to the opposition forces". Well one is Halavah (pkgd of course on ice so that it doesn't melt the chocolate coating) and the other contains the door-knocker from the Bin Laden compound that was recovered by the Mossad during demolition. Most certainly contains the DNA of key AlQueda messengers and every pizza delivery boy in town...

Priceless. The "mainstream media" didn't virtually ignore this story". They couldn't FIND this story.

So is AQ bragging about their "support" from Israel? And how come they haven't sent a wounded fighter to blow up some Israelis?

Israel has provided food and treated the injured that reach the border.
As for politics, they neither support Assad or ISIS. Both are a threat to Israel. If anything Israel supports the people of syria and the chance of an interim government till new election, free and fair, can be held.
ISIS is mostly outsiders invading Iraq and Syria.
What side is Israel on that gangbang in Syria?
You need a program to figure out who the "opposition" is.. Even the US State Dept is not sure. (or should I say not surprisingly).

"handing over two small boxes to the opposition forces". Well one is Halavah (pkgd of course on ice so that it doesn't melt the chocolate coating) and the other contains the door-knocker from the Bin Laden compound that was recovered by the Mossad during demolition. Most certainly contains the DNA of key AlQueda messengers and every pizza delivery boy in town...

Priceless. The "mainstream media" didn't virtually ignore this story". They couldn't FIND this story.

So is AQ bragging about their "support" from Israel? And how come they haven't sent a wounded fighter to blow up some Israelis?

Israel has provided food and treated the injured that reach the border.
As for politics, they neither support Assad or ISIS. Both are a threat to Israel. If anything Israel supports the people of syria and the chance of an interim government till new election, free and fair, can be held.
ISIS is mostly outsiders invading Iraq and Syria.

That's a refreshing foreign policy. Syria may NEED a strong man (dictator). I don't think any coalition of academic "free-thinkers" is ever gonna be in charge there. Israel knows that. Maybe a little cat/mouse going on before Israel tosses in with Assad and let's him live.
What side is Israel on that gangbang in Syria?
You need a program to figure out who the "opposition" is.. Even the US State Dept is not sure. (or should I say not surprisingly).

"handing over two small boxes to the opposition forces". Well one is Halavah (pkgd of course on ice so that it doesn't melt the chocolate coating) and the other contains the door-knocker from the Bin Laden compound that was recovered by the Mossad during demolition. Most certainly contains the DNA of key AlQueda messengers and every pizza delivery boy in town...

Priceless. The "mainstream media" didn't virtually ignore this story". They couldn't FIND this story.

So is AQ bragging about their "support" from Israel? And how come they haven't sent a wounded fighter to blow up some Israelis?

Israel has provided food and treated the injured that reach the border.
As for politics, they neither support Assad or ISIS. Both are a threat to Israel. If anything Israel supports the people of syria and the chance of an interim government till new election, free and fair, can be held.
ISIS is mostly outsiders invading Iraq and Syria.

But if Israel wasn't providing aid to injured Syrians coming to the border, people would criticize them for not being humanitarian enough. .
What side is Israel on that gangbang in Syria?
You need a program to figure out who the "opposition" is.. Even the US State Dept is not sure. (or should I say not surprisingly).

"handing over two small boxes to the opposition forces". Well one is Halavah (pkgd of course on ice so that it doesn't melt the chocolate coating) and the other contains the door-knocker from the Bin Laden compound that was recovered by the Mossad during demolition. Most certainly contains the DNA of key AlQueda messengers and every pizza delivery boy in town...

Priceless. The "mainstream media" didn't virtually ignore this story". They couldn't FIND this story.

So is AQ bragging about their "support" from Israel? And how come they haven't sent a wounded fighter to blow up some Israelis?

Israel has provided food and treated the injured that reach the border.
As for politics, they neither support Assad or ISIS. Both are a threat to Israel. If anything Israel supports the people of syria and the chance of an interim government till new election, free and fair, can be held.
ISIS is mostly outsiders invading Iraq and Syria.

But if Israel wasn't providing aid to injured Syrians coming to the border, people would criticize them for not being humanitarian enough. .

Agreed. Fanger's "story" and its claim of "alliance" is only real in the mind of the hater.
Fanger, PBrain and Pene all fit that description.

A group that is operating in Gaza and which says it is associated with ISIS has claimed that it killed a top Hamas commander. According to the group, which calls itself the Army of the Islamic State, Saber Siam was killed when ISIS operatives placed a bomb on his car, blowing it up with him inside.
ISIS Threatens to Destroy Heretical Hamas - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
When you say "They killed 3000" do you mean the israelis?

Almost unnoticed by the mainstream media, Israel's occupation forces in the Golan Heights have been in alliance with the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's official franchise in Syria. This alliance certainly includes logistical support and may even extend as far as arming al-Qaeda rebels in south-western Syria.

In January, I showed how the reports of UN peacekeepers in the Golan had talked of regular contacts between rebel forces in that Israeli-occupied sector of Syria. They also observed, according to a June report, Israeli soldiers "handing over two boxes to armed members of the opposition" from the Israeli-occupied side to the Syrian-controlled side.

According to further reports by UN peacekeepers, such interactions continued after Quneitra (a town containing a key checkpoint between the Israeli-occupied and Syrian-controlled sectors of the Golan) was overrun by the Nusra Front.

In March, I wrote on how an Israeli army spokesperson had now confirmed these reports. He clarified that this extended to logistical support in the form of medical aid to al-Qaeda rebels. "We don't ask who they are, we don't do any screening," the unnamed Israeli military official told the Wall Street Journal. "Once the treatment is done, we take them back to the border [sic - ceasefire line] and they go on their way [in Syria]," he said.

For several years now there have been propaganda reports in the Israeli press about how Israel is supposedly playing a purely "humanitarian" role in the Syrian war, by treating civilians and sending them back. But this has now been exposed as propaganda. If that were really the case, Israel would be treating combatants from all sides in the Syrian war and furthermore it would arrest suspected al-Qaeda militants. But in reality, all reports confirm that the Israelis are treating only the "rebel" side, including the al-Qaeda militants that lead the armed opposition in that area of Syria (as indeed they do in much of the country). The key difference that disproves the propaganda line, and proves an active Israel-al-Qaeda alliance is that, after treatment, instead of arresting them, the al-Qaeda fighters are sent back to fight in Syria. There is no chance at all that, in the event that Israel captures injured Hamas, Hizballah or Iranian combatants alive, it would send them back to Gaza or Syria to "go on their way", as the unnamed Israeli official put it.

Why is the media ignoring Israel s alliance with al-Qaeda

We can say with confidence that the mainstream press in the West supports Israel, and so does not find it convenient to report on this scandalous Israeli-al-Qaeda alliance in Syria. But it's crucial to understand that this is part of a wider pattern in which the West's alliances with (to say the least) morally-dubious regional actors are ignored, downplayed or actively disguised by the media.
Zionist control of the Mass Media is complete....When more bodies pile up for supporting Israel Americans will sweep these controls into the Dust Bin of History and regain their freedom!

Unfounded false claims, lies and blood libels as the evidence shows. If the Jews controlled Mass Media then there would be no news of any reprisals against hamas. But there would be massive media coverage of hamas attacks on Israeli children and unarmed civilians.
That's a refreshing foreign policy. Syria may NEED a strong man (dictator). I don't think any coalition of academic "free-thinkers" is ever gonna be in charge there. Israel knows that. Maybe a little cat/mouse going on before Israel tosses in with Assad and let's him live.
You talk as though it's okay for Israel to assassinate leaders of sovereign nations it doesn't care for?
Unfounded false claims, lies and blood libels as the evidence shows. If the Jews controlled Mass Media then there would be no news of any reprisals against hamas. But there would be massive media coverage of hamas attacks on Israeli children and unarmed civilians.
You're full of shit, troll.

All this was confirmed by the Israeli army.
Unfounded false claims, lies and blood libels as the evidence shows. If the Jews controlled Mass Media then there would be no news of any reprisals against hamas. But there would be massive media coverage of hamas attacks on Israeli children and unarmed civilians.
You're full of shit, troll.

All this was confirmed by the Israeli army.

WHEN ? how about a provable link from a non partisan source ?
That's a refreshing foreign policy. Syria may NEED a strong man (dictator). I don't think any coalition of academic "free-thinkers" is ever gonna be in charge there. Israel knows that. Maybe a little cat/mouse going on before Israel tosses in with Assad and let's him live.
You talk as though it's okay for Israel to assassinate leaders of sovereign nations it doesn't care for?

Try reading the Geneva conventions and the articles of war to see who are valid military targets, you wont find unarmed Israel civilians or children in schools on that list .

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