Why Is The Mainstream Media Not Talking About Mike Lindell's Election Fraud Event?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"MAGA pillow magnate Mike Lindell kicked off his latest “election crime” summit on Wednesday by boasting how the “important” event would once and for all provide a “plan to secure our elections immediately.” In true Lindell fashion, of course, the event went off the rails in only a matter of minutes, after he mistakenly aired a video of Jimmy Kimmel. At the same time, he claimed this week’s summit would help him defeat the Dominion suit over his baseless election fraud claims because of the overwhelming evidence he’d supposedly reveal.

However, at the start of Wednesday’s confab, Lindell told the crowd that he wouldn’t show any new evidence of rampant voter fraud, adding that he’d already shown enough in the past. He declared. “This election summit is not going to be about more evidence. We have enough evidence. Evidence has been the easy part. This summit is all about hope and the plan to secure our elections immediately.” He then directed the audience to the screen to watch a video, only to quickly grow flustered: It was the wrong video, showing Kimmel delivering a monologue. “No, no, no. This is the wrong one,” Lindell shouted as the crowd laughed. “This is the wrong one. Hold on. Well, that’s coming!” Of course, Lindell bumbling during a symposium that offered empty promisesof exposing election fraud was ultimately nothing new."

I believe MAGA fans love to be teased and let down; I am thinking it's some kind of weird ass fetish. I am also becoming convinced that Mike Lindell has to be acting out some well-thought out SNL skit; because he is too goofy to be real. There will come a time, it may not be 3 years from now, it may not be 10 years from now, but sooner or later, all of this sycophantic cult worship of Trump is going to be something folks try to distance themselves away from over time.

First it will be, "well, I didn't much like his tweets" - to - "well, he is a bit of a narcissist, but I liked his policies" - to "look, I just supported him to own the libs" - which is all well and good. But you can vote for someone without doing the cuckholdish, cultish type shit that you Trumpers have been doing. The only thing I have ever seen close to it is when Bush was president. Lots of Republicans had a similar sycophancy for him too...especially right after he invaded Iraq -- they were so devoted to him that if anyone questioned the Iraq invasion, they were immediately attacked, called traitors, terrorists -- they even boycotted French fries for Bush..

But in time, it was revealed that the Bush admin was such an absolute disaster -- that nearly every Republican pretends they never supported him..and the Republicans who still support are called RINOS....that may not totally happen with Trump, because he appeals to depravity more than Bush did -- but there will be plenty of folks distancing from all of this in the future...but now, we have plenty of digital receipts...

"MAGA pillow magnate Mike Lindell kicked off his latest “election crime” summit on Wednesday by boasting how the “important” event would once and for all provide a “plan to secure our elections immediately.” In true Lindell fashion, of course, the event went off the rails in only a matter of minutes, after he mistakenly aired a video of Jimmy Kimmel. At the same time, he claimed this week’s summit would help him defeat the Dominion suit over his baseless election fraud claims because of the overwhelming evidence he’d supposedly reveal.

However, at the start of Wednesday’s confab, Lindell told the crowd that he wouldn’t show any new evidence of rampant voter fraud, adding that he’d already shown enough in the past. He declared. “This election summit is not going to be about more evidence. We have enough evidence. Evidence has been the easy part. This summit is all about hope and the plan to secure our elections immediately.” He then directed the audience to the screen to watch a video, only to quickly grow flustered: It was the wrong video, showing Kimmel delivering a monologue. “No, no, no. This is the wrong one,” Lindell shouted as the crowd laughed. “This is the wrong one. Hold on. Well, that’s coming!” Of course, Lindell bumbling during a symposium that offered empty promisesof exposing election fraud was ultimately nothing new."

I believe MAGA fans love to be teased and let down; I am thinking it's some kind of weird ass fetish. I am also becoming convinced that Mike Lindell has to be acting out some well-thought out SNL skit; because he is too goofy to be real. There will come a time, it may not be 3 years from now, it may not be 10 years from now, but sooner or later, all of this sycophantic cult worship of Trump is going to be something folks try to distance themselves away from over time.

First it will be, "well, I didn't much like his tweets" - to - "well, he is a bit of a narcissist, but I liked his policies" - to "look, I just supported him to own the libs" - which is all well and good. But you can vote for someone without doing the cuckholdish, cultish type shit that you Trumpers have been doing. The only thing I have ever seen close to it is when Bush was president. Lots of Republicans had a similar sycophancy for him too...especially right after he invaded Iraq -- they were so devoted to him that if anyone questioned the Iraq invasion, they were immediately attacked, called traitors, terrorists -- they even boycotted French fries for Bush..

But in time, it was revealed that the Bush admin was such an absolute disaster -- that nearly every Republican pretends they never supported him..and the Republicans who still support are called RINOS....that may not totally happen with Trump, because he appeals to depravity more than Bush did -- but there will be plenty of folks distancing from all of this in the future...but now, we have plenty of digital receipts...
They continue to promote lies that have been debunked. As if they don't care that they are lies.

Donald Trump is getting mocked on social media after making two announcements in a row on Thursday.

First, the former president canceled his big news conference on Monday, when he had promised to deliver “irrefutable” evidence of 2020 presidential election fraud in a “CONCLUSIVE” report that would lead to “a complete EXONERATION.”

Trump and his allies have failed to produce any such evidence in the nearly three years since the 2020 election despite constantly claiming to have it.

Now Trump claims the evidence will be presented in legal filings instead.

“Therefore, the News Conference is no longer necessary!” he wrote on his Truth Social website.

And second, he fired off a message indicating he won’t participate in next week’s Republican presidential debate.

What a pussy

"MAGA pillow magnate Mike Lindell kicked off his latest “election crime” summit on Wednesday by boasting how the “important” event would once and for all provide a “plan to secure our elections immediately.” In true Lindell fashion, of course, the event went off the rails in only a matter of minutes, after he mistakenly aired a video of Jimmy Kimmel. At the same time, he claimed this week’s summit would help him defeat the Dominion suit over his baseless election fraud claims because of the overwhelming evidence he’d supposedly reveal.

However, at the start of Wednesday’s confab, Lindell told the crowd that he wouldn’t show any new evidence of rampant voter fraud, adding that he’d already shown enough in the past. He declared. “This election summit is not going to be about more evidence. We have enough evidence. Evidence has been the easy part. This summit is all about hope and the plan to secure our elections immediately.” He then directed the audience to the screen to watch a video, only to quickly grow flustered: It was the wrong video, showing Kimmel delivering a monologue. “No, no, no. This is the wrong one,” Lindell shouted as the crowd laughed. “This is the wrong one. Hold on. Well, that’s coming!” Of course, Lindell bumbling during a symposium that offered empty promisesof exposing election fraud was ultimately nothing new."

I believe MAGA fans love to be teased and let down; I am thinking it's some kind of weird ass fetish. I am also becoming convinced that Mike Lindell has to be acting out some well-thought out SNL skit; because he is too goofy to be real. There will come a time, it may not be 3 years from now, it may not be 10 years from now, but sooner or later, all of this sycophantic cult worship of Trump is going to be something folks try to distance themselves away from over time.

First it will be, "well, I didn't much like his tweets" - to - "well, he is a bit of a narcissist, but I liked his policies" - to "look, I just supported him to own the libs" - which is all well and good. But you can vote for someone without doing the cuckholdish, cultish type shit that you Trumpers have been doing. The only thing I have ever seen close to it is when Bush was president. Lots of Republicans had a similar sycophancy for him too...especially right after he invaded Iraq -- they were so devoted to him that if anyone questioned the Iraq invasion, they were immediately attacked, called traitors, terrorists -- they even boycotted French fries for Bush..

But in time, it was revealed that the Bush admin was such an absolute disaster -- that nearly every Republican pretends they never supported him..and the Republicans who still support are called RINOS....that may not totally happen with Trump, because he appeals to depravity more than Bush did -- but there will be plenty of folks distancing from all of this in the future...but now, we have plenty of digital receipts...
The liberal media is talking about it

The African American people with District Attorney and other titles would die without people like Lindell. The village.
All black folks don't sell crack bro; and I am sure Lindell was getting his crack from Colombians anyway

So no, black folks won't die without people like Lindell.....

Talk about being triggered
All black folks don't sell crack bro; and I am sure Lindell was getting his crack from Colombians anyway

So no, black folks won't die without people like Lindell.....

Talk about being triggered
Now I get it. You are right. Lindel doesn't buy crack from blacks. He buys pure cocaine without fentynol from a reputable dealer. Same person that supplies Don Jr his cocaine.
'you will never see this on the lib'rul media is conservaspeak for "its all over the news. "

one of these guys pulls this daily.
I agree the media is corrupt, lies to us, manipulates us and is sensored.

But it’s not a liberal media. That’s been taken over a long time ago. 1996 telecommunications act was the final blow. NAFTA wasn’t the only time Clinton let us down. And it probably cost Hillary in 2016.

In the past, kronkite didn’t ask the business department what he could report on. Those departments were separated. Today the business department at msnbc tells Rachel Maddox what she can and can’t talk about
I agree the media is corrupt, lies to us, manipulates us and is sensored.

But it’s not a liberal media. That’s been taken over a long time ago. 1996 telecommunications act was the final blow. NAFTA wasn’t the only time Clinton let us down. And it probably cost Hillary in 2016.

In the past, kronkite didn’t ask the business department what he could report on. Those departments were separated. Today the business department at msnbc tells Rachel Maddox what she can and can’t talk about

the media is firmly capitalist and will print any lie that sells papers. wmd anyone?
the media is firmly capitalist and will print any lie that sells papers. wmd anyone?
Not even the liberal press dared to say bush lied us into iraq. Trump was the first one with the balls to say it. Even CNN argued with him when he said it.
If you said bush lied us into iraq dick Chaney mailed you anthrax. Or you got cancelled like the Dixie chicks.
Not even the liberal press dared to say bush lied us into iraq. Trump was the first one with the balls to say it. Even CNN argued with him when he said it.

by the time trump said that it was far too late to stop it. trump is the worst "monday morning quarterback" on the planet.
I’m watching a snl where trump compares himself to Jesus. That guy does the best Trump impersonation. He’s got it down and the crazy shit he says. Sounds just like trump at a rally

do you understand thus cult at all?

i remember an incident in 2006, after katrina our mayor gave trump 4 prime city blocks for a trump tower. i criticized the deal on the old advanced, net site and was buried by these same guys (or so it seems, i have always suspected a paid troll army) as a commie traitor.

the result, of course, is that condos were sold, the tower was never built, no deposits were refunded, and trump denied any responsibility as someone else was "licensing his brand" .
do you understand thus cult at all?

i remember an incident in 2006, after katrina our mayor gave trump 4 prime city blocks for a trump tower. i criticized the deal on the old advanced, net site and was buried by these same guys (or so it seems, i have always suspected a paid troll army) as a commie traitor.

the result, of course, is that condos were sold, the tower was never built, no deposits were refunded, and trump denied any responsibility as someone else was "licensing his brand" .
One thing my brother wised me up about. There is no they. Adelson has a lot of money and his own agenda. Harlan crow. Koch family. Soros. Of course a lot of them want the same things. Corporate tax breaks and breaks for billionaires. Trump wants that too. So he can’t be serious about MAGA.

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