Why is the Corporate World in Love With the Marxist group 'Black Lives Matter'?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
That is kind of like the Thanksgiving Turkey falling in love with axes or sumpin.

Responding to the interviewer's concern that the BLM movement might not have enough of a "clear ideological structure," Cullors responded by saying that she and another co-founder "in particular" are dedicated to the ideology of Communist leader Karl Marx:
"We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular, we're trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories."
Alicia, whom Cullors mentioned, is Alicia Garza. Garza, Cullors, and a third woman, Opal Tometi, founded Black Lives Matter together.
Many opponents of BLM have been calling the group Marxist, or "neo-Marxist," or "cultural Marxists," since it came to prominence, due to its heavy focus on group identity and class conflict.
That is kind of like the Thanksgiving Turkey falling in love with axes or sumpin.

Responding to the interviewer's concern that the BLM movement might not have enough of a "clear ideological structure," Cullors responded by saying that she and another co-founder "in particular" are dedicated to the ideology of Communist leader Karl Marx:
"We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular, we're trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories."
Alicia, whom Cullors mentioned, is Alicia Garza. Garza, Cullors, and a third woman, Opal Tometi, founded Black Lives Matter together.
Many opponents of BLM have been calling the group Marxist, or "neo-Marxist," or "cultural Marxists," since it came to prominence, due to its heavy focus on group identity and class conflict.
Not sure, but that's crazy. Who all donated to them? Let's make a list..
That is kind of like the Thanksgiving Turkey falling in love with axes or sumpin.

Responding to the interviewer's concern that the BLM movement might not have enough of a "clear ideological structure," Cullors responded by saying that she and another co-founder "in particular" are dedicated to the ideology of Communist leader Karl Marx:
"We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular, we're trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories."
Alicia, whom Cullors mentioned, is Alicia Garza. Garza, Cullors, and a third woman, Opal Tometi, founded Black Lives Matter together.
Many opponents of BLM have been calling the group Marxist, or "neo-Marxist," or "cultural Marxists," since it came to prominence, due to its heavy focus on group identity and class conflict.
For the same reason the media didn't criticize Obama, they are afraid of being called racists if they don't support this racist scam called Black Lives Matter, and being labeled racists would be very bad for business.
There were lots of wealthy people and banks that gave money to the bolsheviks and nazis, it was to buy protection. Just like billionaires buy democrook senators that act and sound like bolsheviks, but are supposed to keep the bed wetting drones preoccupied with other asinine shit rather than actually getting loose and "Eating the Rich".

You'd figure they would have learned their lesson by now, but if that were the case, if people could learn by understanding history, marxism would be a dead religion.

For the same reason the media didn't criticize Obama, they are afraid of being called racists if they don't support this racist scam called Black Lives Matter, and being labeled racists would be very bad for business.
I would say the republicrats were in fear. The media were sycophants, they love queen antifa to this day. They wouldn't even allow information that would embarrass the meat puppet faggot to be exposed to the public.
That is kind of like the Thanksgiving Turkey falling in love with axes or sumpin.

Responding to the interviewer's concern that the BLM movement might not have enough of a "clear ideological structure," Cullors responded by saying that she and another co-founder "in particular" are dedicated to the ideology of Communist leader Karl Marx:
"We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular, we're trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories."
Alicia, whom Cullors mentioned, is Alicia Garza. Garza, Cullors, and a third woman, Opal Tometi, founded Black Lives Matter together.
Many opponents of BLM have been calling the group Marxist, or "neo-Marxist," or "cultural Marxists," since it came to prominence, due to its heavy focus on group identity and class conflict.
Not sure, but that's crazy. Who all donated to them? Let's make a list..

Dan from Squirrels Hill blog

BLM Activists Are Funneling Donations Back to Their Own Companies, Documents Show


BLM Activists Are Funneling Donations Back to Their Own Companies, Documents Show

BLM Activists Are Funneling Donations Back to Their Own Companies, Documents Show

Shaun King’s PAC gave $460,000 to consulting companies registered to PAC leaders

By Joe Schoffstall

June 30, 2020

The left-wing activist and former Bernie Sanders surrogate Shaun King is among the most visible faces of the Black Lives Matter movement. The former Daily Kos blogger is also one of its prominent fundraisers: In 2017, King founded a political action committee—the Real Justice PAC—with an eye toward driving criminal-justice reform across the country using the same mass mobilization techniques employed by the Sanders campaign.

But over the past 15 months, the Real Justice PAC, staffed by a number of left-wing activists, has funneled a quarter of the money it has brought in back to companies linked to PAC leaders.

That is kind of like the Thanksgiving Turkey falling in love with axes or sumpin.

Responding to the interviewer's concern that the BLM movement might not have enough of a "clear ideological structure," Cullors responded by saying that she and another co-founder "in particular" are dedicated to the ideology of Communist leader Karl Marx:
"We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular, we're trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories."
Alicia, whom Cullors mentioned, is Alicia Garza. Garza, Cullors, and a third woman, Opal Tometi, founded Black Lives Matter together.
Many opponents of BLM have been calling the group Marxist, or "neo-Marxist," or "cultural Marxists," since it came to prominence, due to its heavy focus on group identity and class conflict.
Modern corporate CEO’s are not necessarily bright people

having been forged by crazy liberal academics their understanding of history and politics may be limited

so they have one skill that propelled them up the corporate ladder, but that only qualifies them as the proverbial one-trick pony

they think the under-30 snowflakes are the key to business success

and if some pollster/public relations consultant tells them under-30 snowflakes go for Only Black Lives Matter then so will they

its just that simple
That is kind of like the Thanksgiving Turkey falling in love with axes or sumpin.

Responding to the interviewer's concern that the BLM movement might not have enough of a "clear ideological structure," Cullors responded by saying that she and another co-founder "in particular" are dedicated to the ideology of Communist leader Karl Marx:
"We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular, we're trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories."
Alicia, whom Cullors mentioned, is Alicia Garza. Garza, Cullors, and a third woman, Opal Tometi, founded Black Lives Matter together.
Many opponents of BLM have been calling the group Marxist, or "neo-Marxist," or "cultural Marxists," since it came to prominence, due to its heavy focus on group identity and class conflict.
For the same reason the media didn't criticize Obama, they are afraid of being called racists if they don't support this racist scam called Black Lives Matter, and being labeled racists would be very bad for business.
Bingo, it's the most clever racketeering gimick.
The name itself is a clever tactic that secures it's strong arm as nobody dares goes against the org that the name/term blankets and protects.
The corps/businesses pay them praise or support or money the same was businesses pay the mob protection money to leave them alone, and if they don't pay up their businesses are targeted and destroyed. They made terrorist threats and acted as terrorists but their name protects their scheme.
If the Gov't wasn't labeled racist by the media and they didn't help the blending of the term with the terrorist org, then the Gov't agencies could have labeled them a terrorist and racketeering criminal organization and arrested the instigators, threat making minions, and the organizers financers.
That is kind of like the Thanksgiving Turkey falling in love with axes or sumpin.

Responding to the interviewer's concern that the BLM movement might not have enough of a "clear ideological structure," Cullors responded by saying that she and another co-founder "in particular" are dedicated to the ideology of Communist leader Karl Marx:
"We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular, we're trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories."
Alicia, whom Cullors mentioned, is Alicia Garza. Garza, Cullors, and a third woman, Opal Tometi, founded Black Lives Matter together.
Many opponents of BLM have been calling the group Marxist, or "neo-Marxist," or "cultural Marxists," since it came to prominence, due to its heavy focus on group identity and class conflict.

Protection money.
That is kind of like the Thanksgiving Turkey falling in love with axes or sumpin.

Responding to the interviewer's concern that the BLM movement might not have enough of a "clear ideological structure," Cullors responded by saying that she and another co-founder "in particular" are dedicated to the ideology of Communist leader Karl Marx:
"We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular, we're trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories."
Alicia, whom Cullors mentioned, is Alicia Garza. Garza, Cullors, and a third woman, Opal Tometi, founded Black Lives Matter together.
Many opponents of BLM have been calling the group Marxist, or "neo-Marxist," or "cultural Marxists," since it came to prominence, due to its heavy focus on group identity and class conflict.
The premise of your thread insists that people accept Black Lives Matter is a Marxist movement. And that acceptance is a Racist requirement. Therefore your premise is rejected as a furtherance of Racist ideology.

If you want to persuade others to accept Racism as a virtue, you really ought to rethink what you're arguing.
That is kind of like the Thanksgiving Turkey falling in love with axes or sumpin.

Responding to the interviewer's concern that the BLM movement might not have enough of a "clear ideological structure," Cullors responded by saying that she and another co-founder "in particular" are dedicated to the ideology of Communist leader Karl Marx:
"We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular, we're trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories."
Alicia, whom Cullors mentioned, is Alicia Garza. Garza, Cullors, and a third woman, Opal Tometi, founded Black Lives Matter together.
Many opponents of BLM have been calling the group Marxist, or "neo-Marxist," or "cultural Marxists," since it came to prominence, due to its heavy focus on group identity and class conflict.
The premise of your thread insists that people accept Black Lives Matter is a Marxist movement. And that acceptance is a Racist requirement. Therefore your premise is rejected as a furtherance of Racist ideology.

If you want to persuade others to accept Racism as a virtue, you really ought to rethink what you're arguing.
Black Lives Matter is a racist scam. Nearly all black people who are murdered are murdered by other black people but BLM only protests those they can blame on white people; therefore it is clear that black lives don't matter to BLM unless they can be blamed on white people, and that makes BLM a racist scam.

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