Why is the Biden Administration obstructing efforts to control spread of the COVID virus?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
What I would like to know is how is the spreading of the COVID virus to be controlled when the Biden Administration is allowing tens of thousands of Haitian migrants to illegally cross our border into Texas?

Recent figures show only 14,382 Haitians out of a population of over 11 million, have been vaccinated. LINK

Keep in mind the Biden Administration “confirmed that the government isn’t requiring COVID-19 vaccines for people who illegally cross the US-Mexico border” LINK

And since July, of this year, thousands upon thousands of border crossers from this location have been bussed to a number of cities across our country.

See: ‘Not enough seats’: Buses leaving Texas border town packed with illegal migrants

July 22, 2021

"Buses leaving the Texas city at the heart of the border crisis are struggling to keep up with business — because they’re full of illegal immigrants released into the US by overwhelmed Border Patrol agents, The Post has learned."

There is no way to control and reduce the spread of the COVID virus in the United States when the Democrat Party Leadership is creating a COVID super spreader at our border.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
johnwk Biden has totally weaponized Covid. He has been packing buses with illegals SOME of whom have Covid when they got on. MOST will be infected when they get off when they show up in YOUR HOME TOWN. Biden is also BLOCKING Regeneron shipments to Florida when HE HIMSELF stated there is plenty of Regenoron to meet demand. It's as if we have a Chinese operative as POTUS doing everything he can to hurt America and Americans.

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