Why Is She So Afraid To Testify Under Oath?

Because if she puts her hand on a Bible she is likely to burst into flames...
The skunk-rots at Judicial Watch can go pound a mound of sand.

Would you repeal the FOA, or just alter it so that only Republicans had to release information?

All Hillary-haters, without exception, are proud Stalinist ratfuks. Obviously, the nation would be much better off if they went elsewhere.

Hillary-haters, may I suggest North Korea as a good match for you? Just like you, they also want all EnemiesOfTheParty imprisoned for fabricated offenses. You'd all fit in well there.
All Hillary-haters, without exception, are proud Stalinist ratfuks. Obviously, the nation would be much better off if they went elsewhere.

Hillary-haters, may I suggest North Korea as a good match for you? Just like you, they also want all EnemiesOfTheParty imprisoned for fabricated offenses. You'd all fit in well there.
Does this dressing down mean that you love Trump?
This time for sure! Indictments are just around the corner!

Fascinating, given how everyone else sees it, the way the Hillary-hater rubes don't understand they've been getting played for decades.
All Hillary-haters, without exception, are proud Stalinist ratfuks. Obviously, the nation would be much better off if they went elsewhere.

Hillary-haters, may I suggest North Korea as a good match for you? Just like you, they also want all EnemiesOfTheParty imprisoned for fabricated offenses. You'd all fit in well there.

Will you kill yourself in November?

Just curious?
All Hillary-haters, without exception, are proud Stalinist ratfuks. Obviously, the nation would be much better off if they went elsewhere.

Hillary-haters, may I suggest North Korea as a good match for you? Just like you, they also want all EnemiesOfTheParty imprisoned for fabricated offenses. You'd all fit in well there.

All Hillary-haters, without exception, are proud Stalinist ratfuks

Perfect example of liberal projection.

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