Why is RINO Ryan still Speaker????


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Can any Republican explain why Paul Ryan is still Speaker?

What is Ryan's record?

1 - can't cut any spending at all
2 - can only repeal ObamaCare while Obama is there to veto it
3 - actively campaigned for Hillary and against Trump
4 - rejects the result of the election - the Wall
5 - has now figured out that "criticizing Trump = favorable media coverage"

What good is Paul Ryan?

What does it say about the state of the post 1998 GOP that Ryan is the LEADER of the House Republicans?

The post 1998 GOP is a COMPLETE DISASTER because it is completely infested with total sellouts to this despicable person.... and nobody is more sold out to this monster than Paul BiZZaro Ryan

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Yet republicans keep overwhelmingly voting for him

Indeed, Ryan is in a majority Dem district up there in Wisconsin, regardless of Geraldo's trip to the can in 1992...

and so many others just like him. Why do you do that?

You are asking a registered Libertarian who left the GOP in 2004 after W, Hastert, and Lott socialized senior drugs....

The pre 1998 GOP of Gingrich and Reagan was a fiscally conservative party loyal to America.

The post 1998 GOP cares only about Israel and enriching and empowering Zionists.

The problem is what I call JDAACs, Jews disguised as Christians who are liberal as Hell but have the church preachers, many of them JDAACs too, getting the sub human flocks to vote for them. The most obvious JDAACs are Lindsay Graham, a liberal homosexual, and Peter King, who loves the NSA.... but there are many others, and Ryan may be one of them. Bob Corker is a JDAAC.
Yet republicans keep overwhelmingly voting for him

Indeed, Ryan is in a majority Dem district up there in Wisconsin, regardless of Geraldo's trip to the can in 1992...

and so many others just like him. Why do you do that?

You are asking a registered Libertarian who left the GOP in 2004 after W, Hastert, and Lott socialized senior drugs....

The pre 1998 GOP of Gingrich and Reagan was a fiscally conservative party loyal to America.

The post 1998 GOP cares only about Israel and enriching and empowering Zionists.

The problem is what I call JDAACs, Jews disguised as Christians who are liberal as Hell but have the church preachers, many of them JDAACs too, getting the sub human flocks to vote for them. The most obvious JDAACs are Lindsay Graham, a liberal homosexual, and Peter King, who loves the NSA.... but there are many others, and Ryan may be one of them. Bob Corker is a JDAAC.

Got it. You're an antisemitic nut.
The Reagan that tripled the national debt?

and Clinton balanced the budget.... except Clinton was dragged kicking and screaming to the table with Speaker Newt... Slick even shut down the government to push for MORE SPENDING.... to only now take credit for that which he strongly opposed in real time... because fiscal conservatism works, fiscal liberalism doesn't..

as for Ron, he did not have Newt as Speaker, he had crook Jim Wright and KKKing of Pork Robert Byrd to deal with....

the Congressional Dem leaders of the 1980s were a CROOK and a KLANSMAN....
Notice that those who whine about "Reagan's debt" have no problem with Obama running up $10 trillion of debt... more than his 43 predecessors summed together....
Notice that those who whine about "Reagan's debt" have no problem with Obama running up $10 trillion of debt... more than his 43 predecessors summed together....

Notice that those who whine about "Obama's debt" have no problem with Reagan more than tripling the debt... more than his 39 predecessors summed together....
Notice that those who whine about "Obama's debt" have no problem with Reagan more than tripling the debt... more than his 39 predecessors summed together....

As explained earlier.... the CONGRESS does the budget. The Prez submits a proposal and the CONGRESS does it, and hence the real truth you hate so much is that the "Clinton economy" was all about FISCAL CONSERVATISM by Gingrich and the "Reagan deficits" were all about Crook Jim Wright and KKKing of Pork Robert Byrd, the Speaker and Senate Majority "leaders" = both DEMS - Reagan had to deal with....

Cutting taxes and spending WORKS.

Increasing spending DOES NOT.
actively campaigned for Hillary and against Trump

I'd like to see that.


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