Why is Racism fought most vigorously where it does not exist?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The linked article (sorry it's so long) is Part I of an essay by Heather McDonald about the self-destructive movement in classical music and opera venues to fight racism - where it manifestly does not exist. She details initiatives by various symphony orchestras and opera companies to fight racism by, in effect, imposing impossible quotas, not only in the artists themselves, but also for the composers whose works are being performed.

But these institutions have had no trace of racism for many decades, always giving breaks and favors to POC's, while at the same time insisting on meritocratic selection of the artists themselves and the works being performed. If successful, these movements will deprive deserving "white" artists and composers of their earned opportunities, and substitute sub-standard POC's, just for the sake of "diversity" (or whatever bullshit term is desired).

And the hope is that these institutions, which DEPEND on the gifts of rich people to stay afloat, will not go down the drain to financial ruin (not a great distance these days) because of the dumbing-down of their products.

But again, "we" are fighting racism where none exists.

On a much larger scale, on what college campus has institutional racism existed in the past 40 years? None. They kowtow to every POC (except Asians), and have done so for years and years. In fact, I have never even heard of a credible case where a Black academic was denied a position or promotion or tenure BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE. Most of such complaints are basically that they felt entitled to some special consideration and didn't get it.

But if you look at the diversity infrastructure of most colleges and universities - with directors and other administrators whose sole job is to stamp out racism, you would think that they had been previously run by the KKK. Bullshit.

Same for government institutions. They all have highly paid administrators and managers whose only job is to promote the interests of Black people, as though they had been victimized mercilessly in the past. But Government has for generations been one place where a POC could go and expect to be treated equally with everyone else.

Why is racism fought most vigorously where it does not exist?

The linked article (sorry it's so long) is Part I of an essay by Heather McDonald about the self-destructive movement in classical music and opera venues to fight racism - where it manifestly does not exist. She details initiatives by various symphony orchestras and opera companies to fight racism by, in effect, imposing impossible quotas, not only in the artists themselves, but also for the composers whose works are being performed.

But these institutions have had no trace of racism for many decades, always giving breaks and favors to POC's, while at the same time insisting on meritocratic selection of the artists themselves and the works being performed. If successful, these movements will deprive deserving "white" artists and composers of their earned opportunities, and substitute sub-standard POC's, just for the sake of "diversity" (or whatever bullshit term is desired).

And the hope is that these institutions, which DEPEND on the gifts of rich people to stay afloat, will not go down the drain to financial ruin (not a great distance these days) because of the dumbing-down of their products.

But again, "we" are fighting racism where none exists.

On a much larger scale, on what college campus has institutional racism existed in the past 40 years? None. They kowtow to every POC (except Asians), and have done so for years and years. In fact, I have never even heard of a credible case where a Black academic was denied a position or promotion or tenure BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE. Most of such complaints are basically that they felt entitled to some special consideration and didn't get it.

But if you look at the diversity infrastructure of most colleges and universities - with directors and other administrators whose sole job is to stamp out racism, you would think that they had been previously run by the KKK. Bullshit.

Same for government institutions. They all have highly paid administrators and managers whose only job is to promote the interests of Black people, as though they had been victimized mercilessly in the past. But Government has for generations been one place where a POC could go and expect to be treated equally with everyone else.

Why is racism fought most vigorously where it does not exist?
It's not about eradicating racism. It's about eradicating whiteness.
Meanwhile back in reality....

Most of the theater world tells stories (at least in America) of white people, played by white people, and performed for white people. That is just the truth of the matter. I am not an opera buff but there is little doubt that Opera will suffer from the same fate (if you wish to use the word "suffer"). It is what sells...so it makes sense. Hamilton is one of the outliers of course. But you will seldom see a black woman playing Peter Pan or a black Willy Lowman. There have been blacks who played both roles but usually the role will go to a white actress/actor. That's just the way it is. To think it is a strict meritocracy is nice and it's also naive.

One area where there is an apparent meritocracy (just while we're on the subject) but it sure seems as if there is something amiss is Major League Baseball and it's pitchers. This was the pitchers scheduled for one night back in 2013: Notice anything?

Baseball itself does have a diversity problem. This is true. But for hitters and fielders, the whims of an umpire behind home plate do not have as much sway over the course of a career. If someone drops the ball after they hit it, they are not going to be called "out" or if a ball is hit to an ethnic minority playing second base, he grabs it and throws it to the first base; the runner will be called out. Behind home plate, the umpire has complete authority. The lack of diversity on the mound seems to indicate that ethnic minorities who dominate other areas of the game that are not subject to the whims of the umpire are not getting a fair shake from the umpires in the lower levels of MLB.

As to the larger point, there is some correctness in the otherwise laughably idiotic OP. Eradicating racism to allow usually already established talented performers to play with other established talented performers is noble but it hardly addresses the type of racism that strikes at the base of the culture.
1. it's not that bad--blacks are only 13% of the population
2. blacks are over represented in great jobs like USPS/government/auto manufacturing/entertainment and SPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. there's no problem of racism ..but there is a problem of black crime and low grad rates

candycorn you have been destroyed--NBA and NFL......this is like your whining about police brutality ..blacks murder blacks at MANY times the rate that police JUSTIFIABLY kill blacks...yet, you whine about police----yes, you blacks /etc graduate at lower rates---it's OBVIOUS you can't do basic math = your culture continues to fail
candycorn you have been destroyed--NBA and NFL......this is like your whining about police brutality ..blacks murder blacks at MANY times the rate that police JUSTIFIABLY kill blacks...yet, you whine about police----yes, you blacks /etc graduate at lower rates---it's OBVIOUS you can't do basic math = your culture continues to fail
Not even remotely close to the topic...

But whatever floats your boat.
I view this moment in history as another Great Awakening. Nothing is being subtracted. It is a process of adding to our culture. The voices of people never heard, and perhaps actively squelched, are being heard now. My parents talked of Marian Anderson not being allowed to sing at DAR Constitution Hall for no reason but the color of her skin, so she sang, instead, at the Lincoln Memorial. But this is not limited to the European model, although I love the traditions of my Irish forebearers and the sound of the bagpipes playing Amazing Grace always makes me cry. I have enjoyed since the 1960s the Congolese version of the Catholic mass, the Misa Luba.

Nothing is being thrown away. What we are experiencing is added value.
candycorn you brought up sports---and fkd up HHAHAHAHhhHAHHAHAHAH

If you'd like to discuss the difference between officiating a basketball game and being an umpire instead of just being a jerk...we can do that.

If the ball goes in the basket or is hit out of the park; there is no ruling by an umpire. It is scored as points or a run. A 90+ MPH pitch at a 12" plate or whatever it is from 60' 6" away is subject to an umpire's call. The overwhelming majority of pitchers in MLB are white while the racial makeup overall is 57-60% white, 30-32% Hispanic, and 7-8% black. I'm sure you'll have some unbelieveably stupid reason why there are not more blacks who are pitchers....I'm only interested it your response from a comedic point of view. So go ahead and make us all laugh.
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Heather McDonald is a joke. I bet if somebody told her sexism didn't exist she'd snap. So the OP is crap.

The linked article (sorry it's so long) is Part I of an essay by Heather McDonald about the self-destructive movement in classical music and opera venues to fight racism - where it manifestly does not exist. She details initiatives by various symphony orchestras and opera companies to fight racism by, in effect, imposing impossible quotas, not only in the artists themselves, but also for the composers whose works are being performed.

But these institutions have had no trace of racism for many decades, always giving breaks and favors to POC's, while at the same time insisting on meritocratic selection of the artists themselves and the works being performed. If successful, these movements will deprive deserving "white" artists and composers of their earned opportunities, and substitute sub-standard POC's, just for the sake of "diversity" (or whatever bullshit term is desired).

And the hope is that these institutions, which DEPEND on the gifts of rich people to stay afloat, will not go down the drain to financial ruin (not a great distance these days) because of the dumbing-down of their products.

But again, "we" are fighting racism where none exists.

On a much larger scale, on what college campus has institutional racism existed in the past 40 years? None. They kowtow to every POC (except Asians), and have done so for years and years. In fact, I have never even heard of a credible case where a Black academic was denied a position or promotion or tenure BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE. Most of such complaints are basically that they felt entitled to some special consideration and didn't get it.

But if you look at the diversity infrastructure of most colleges and universities - with directors and other administrators whose sole job is to stamp out racism, you would think that they had been previously run by the KKK. Bullshit.

Same for government institutions. They all have highly paid administrators and managers whose only job is to promote the interests of Black people, as though they had been victimized mercilessly in the past. But Government has for generations been one place where a POC could go and expect to be treated equally with everyone else.

Why is racism fought most vigorously where it does not exist?

IDK. Some of it is just silly talk, but I have seen where some areas have started programs trying to get more poor blacks into ochestra pipeline programs by giving them free instruments and training which is a good thing by my measure.

The linked article (sorry it's so long) is Part I of an essay by Heather McDonald about the self-destructive movement in classical music and opera venues to fight racism - where it manifestly does not exist. She details initiatives by various symphony orchestras and opera companies to fight racism by, in effect, imposing impossible quotas, not only in the artists themselves, but also for the composers whose works are being performed.

But these institutions have had no trace of racism for many decades, always giving breaks and favors to POC's, while at the same time insisting on meritocratic selection of the artists themselves and the works being performed. If successful, these movements will deprive deserving "white" artists and composers of their earned opportunities, and substitute sub-standard POC's, just for the sake of "diversity" (or whatever bullshit term is desired).

And the hope is that these institutions, which DEPEND on the gifts of rich people to stay afloat, will not go down the drain to financial ruin (not a great distance these days) because of the dumbing-down of their products.

But again, "we" are fighting racism where none exists.

On a much larger scale, on what college campus has institutional racism existed in the past 40 years? None. They kowtow to every POC (except Asians), and have done so for years and years. In fact, I have never even heard of a credible case where a Black academic was denied a position or promotion or tenure BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE. Most of such complaints are basically that they felt entitled to some special consideration and didn't get it.

But if you look at the diversity infrastructure of most colleges and universities - with directors and other administrators whose sole job is to stamp out racism, you would think that they had been previously run by the KKK. Bullshit.

Same for government institutions. They all have highly paid administrators and managers whose only job is to promote the interests of Black people, as though they had been victimized mercilessly in the past. But Government has for generations been one place where a POC could go and expect to be treated equally with everyone else.

Why is racism fought most vigorously where it does not exist?
Because it is a profit making business.....

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