Why is obama sending troops to Egypt?

Chemical Weapons Treaties require it to secure those weapons if Syria falls to God knows who.
Standard procedure per the military and by treaty.
Getting ready for the 1002 off the wall conspiracy theory replies.
I thought everything was good in Egypt since the Muslim Brotherhood took control.

The kenyan just loves his wars. He's a war monger, and since he's all the libtards messiah, they're war mongers now too, because hey, if it's THEIR messiah getting us into a shit load of wars, then THEY LOVE IT, even if it looks a whole lot like a muslim supporting other muslims, they're OK with that too. That's why they always defend muslim terrorists. You bet, if it's obama getting us into war after war, fuckin' A, everything is good. War is only bad when a conservative gets us into one.
I thought everything was good in Egypt since the Muslim Brotherhood took control.

The National Guard soldiers will be deploying in support of the Multinational Observer mission that oversees the Treaty of Peace between Egypt and Israel. The MFO is an independent international organization, specifically created to oversee compliance of the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty of 1979. The observer mission began in 1982 and is also supported by other nations such as Canada, Australia, France, Italy and Hungary.


To kill brown people.

I'd say it's 50-50 atm
We've had troops involved in the Sinai peacekeeping mission for more than 30 years, through the administrations of Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama...and you morons are only JUST NOW being "outraged" about it?

Yeah, yeah...I know. You saw "Egypt" in the title and are so geographically challenged that you don't know the Sinai IS Egypt.
Chemical Weapons Treaties require it to secure those weapons if Syria falls to God knows who.
Standard procedure per the military and by treaty.
Getting ready for the 1002 off the wall conspiracy theory replies.
What is the liberal line?

When did Syria become a threat to invade us?
We've had troops involved in the Sinai peacekeeping mission for more than 30 years, through the administrations of Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama...and you morons are only JUST NOW being "outraged" about it?

Yeah, yeah...I know. You saw "Egypt" in the title and are so geographically challenged that you don't know the Sinai IS Egypt.
Naw...we're outraged at your lack of outrage. If this was Bush.....YOU, not the left, but YOU would be throwing a fit......

We've had troops involved in the Sinai peacekeeping mission for more than 30 years, through the administrations of Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama...and you morons are only JUST NOW being "outraged" about it?

Yeah, yeah...I know. You saw "Egypt" in the title and are so geographically challenged that you don't know the Sinai IS Egypt.
Naw...we're outraged at your lack of outrage. If this was Bush.....YOU, not the left, but YOU would be throwing a fit......


Uh...it WAS Bush for 8 years and I didn't get up in arms about it. Did you?
We've had troops involved in the Sinai peacekeeping mission for more than 30 years, through the administrations of Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama...and you morons are only JUST NOW being "outraged" about it?

Yeah, yeah...I know. You saw "Egypt" in the title and are so geographically challenged that you don't know the Sinai IS Egypt.

obama wants to cut military spending

seems like a good cut

Keep our people out of harms way so they don't get pulled into any of egypts bs
We've had troops involved in the Sinai peacekeeping mission for more than 30 years, through the administrations of Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama...and you morons are only JUST NOW being "outraged" about it?

Yeah, yeah...I know. You saw "Egypt" in the title and are so geographically challenged that you don't know the Sinai IS Egypt.
Naw...we're outraged at your lack of outrage. If this was Bush.....YOU, not the left, but YOU would be throwing a fit......


Uh...it WAS Bush for 8 years and I didn't get up in arms about it. Did you?
yeah, you didn't.


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