Why is Obama and his administration so affraid of...........

Wicked Jester

Aug 4, 2009
So. Cal, Malibu!

Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Dan Rather's blatant LIES resulted in CBS News throwing Rather under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Reverend Wright resulted in Obama throwing the ol' Rev. under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Nancy Killifer resulted in Obama throwing her under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Tom Daschle resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Bill Richardson resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Van Jones resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Charley Rangel resulted in the DNC throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of ACORN resulted in the Fed's, the Census Bereau, BofA, and CLEAR THINKING americans throwing them under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News continuing the investigation of the perverted liberal loon known as Kevin Jennings will no doubt result in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because Obama and his administration know that FOX News is not drinking the Kool-aid as so many liberal MSM entities are, and will result in more dots being connected that will lead to many more disgusting relationships Obama has with complete dirtbags and criminally corrupt organizations, thereby causing Obama to throw himself under the bus?

To all of the above, only one phrase can be uttered:
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Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Dan Rather's blatant LIES resulted in CBS News throwing Rather under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Reverend Wright resulted in Obama throwing the ol' Rev. under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Nancy Killifer resulted in Obama throwing her under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Tom Daschle resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Bill Richardson resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Van Jones resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of ACORN resulted in the Fed's, the Census Bereau, BofA, and CLEAR THINKING americans throwing them under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News continuing the investigation of the perverted liberal loon known as Kevin Jennings will no doubt result in Obama throwing him under the bus.
Could it be because Obama and his administration know that FOX News is not drinking the Kool-aid as so many liberal MSM entities are, and will result in more dots being connected that will lead to many more disgusting relationships Obama has with complete dirtbags and criminally corrupt organizations, thereby causing Obama to throw himself under the bus?

To all of the above, only one phrase can be uttered:

Does Fox actually cover real news stories or just those stories the republicans assign to them?
Fox News is no place to get truthful coverage of anything.

People should try watching some foriegn news sources, like Russia Today. It gives you a pretty good perspective on things.
Could it also be because FOX News and their investigations are getting peoples attention, thereby causing their ratings to skyrocket over other News entities?
Could it also be because FOX News and their investigations are causing people to take a second look at Obama and his administration, thereby causing their approval ratings to steadily decline?

Once again,
Fox attacks anyone that the republicans order them to. They still have yet to gain a major victory. I mean ACORN for crying out loud? They are a small player in the political arena

Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Dan Rather's blatant LIES resulted in CBS News throwing Rather under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Reverend Wright resulted in Obama throwing the ol' Rev. under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Nancy Killifer resulted in Obama throwing her under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Tom Daschle resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Bill Richardson resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Van Jones resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of ACORN resulted in the Fed's, the Census Bereau, BofA, and CLEAR THINKING americans throwing them under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News continuing the investigation of the perverted liberal loon known as Kevin Jennings will no doubt result in Obama throwing him under the bus.
Could it be because Obama and his administration know that FOX News is not drinking the Kool-aid as so many liberal MSM entities are, and will result in more dots being connected that will lead to many more disgusting relationships Obama has with complete dirtbags and criminally corrupt organizations, thereby causing Obama to throw himself under the bus?

To all of the above, only one phrase can be uttered:

Does Fox actually cover real news stories or just those stories the republicans assign to them?

They cover all of the news stories...including those that make the far right cringe as well as those that make the far left cringe...

They report news that people really need to know about....you know....like the associations of a popular presidential candidate....I mean....it USED to be something we used to determine the character of a candidate...cant blame FOX for the fact that this time the people decided they did NOT want to know about it.

Still wondering why 20 years ago people wanted to hear about Gary Hart and his friend with the boat Monkey Business so they can decide he was not favorable....but they did NOT want to know about a relationship Obama had with his MENTOR for 20 years who ius an obvious radical and racist...

But blame fox news for thinking we should care.

But...... we can look at CNN, CBS, NBC and MSNBC and watch a half hour report on whether or not Palin's wardrobe was properly bought.....or maybe we can spend 15 minutes fact checking a SNL skit?

Get a grip....you guys are missing it here.
You forgot to mention how FoxNews outed
Karl Rove
Harriet Meyers
Don Rumsfeld
Larry Craig
Scooter Libby
Dick Armey

Fox did a great job on those stories
Fox attacks anyone that the republicans order them to. They still have yet to gain a major victory. I mean ACORN for crying out loud? They are a small player in the political arena

Fox did not report the Acorn thing as a political issue....they reported it as an organization that rakes in millions of tax payer dollars...

Yet...YOU call it a political issue....hmmmm..

I find that very revealing......
I enjoyed the FoxNews investigations that unearthed the Mark Foley, John Ensign and Mark Sanford scandals.

Without Fox, these miscreants would still be lurking
I enjoyed the FoxNews investigations that unearthed the Mark Foley, John Ensign and Mark Sanford scandals.

Without Fox, these miscreants would still be lurking
Excuses, excuses, EXCUSES!
Spin and deflect, spin and deflect, SPIN AND DEFLECT!

It's the loony liberal way!

Btw, you left out John Edwards, Elliot Spitzer, Gavin Newsome, Bawney Fwank, and on and on and on!

I enjoyed the FoxNews investigations that unearthed the Mark Foley, John Ensign and Mark Sanford scandals.

Without Fox, these miscreants would still be lurking

you are reaching....

At least Fox does investigative reporting.

Other outlets sent hundreds to alaska to find dirt and the best they came up with waqs a rumor....buit they made it front page non the less.

Me? I prefer knowing my millions in tax dollars is going to an organization that supports those that want toi engage in child prostitution over knowing whether or not Palin will return her clothes to Bloomingdales.

Call me weird...but 150K in clothes NOT paid for by my tax dollars means nothing to me....

My favorite?

NBC morning show back in early sunmer...

Meredith (paraphrased)

'We at NBC do not believe it is worthy spending any time on the Bill Ayers story. WIth the economy and the war, the American People deserve to hear about more important issues"

Then, in the very next breath, she turned to the camera to her left and said..

'Coming up after the break and your local news, an update on Madonna's pending divorce'

When are you guys going to get it?

They are playing you...and you are falling for it.
I enjoyed the FoxNews investigations that unearthed the Mark Foley, John Ensign and Mark Sanford scandals.

Without Fox, these miscreants would still be lurking
Excuses, excuses, EXCUSES!
Spin and deflect, spin and deflect, SPIN AND DEFLECT!

It's the loony liberal way!

Btw, you left out John Edwards, Elliot Spitzer, Gavin Newsome, Bawney Fwank, and on and on and on!


let us not forget Rangel.
Fox did their best to report on it, but no one wanted to hear about it and no one else wanted to report on it.

Sure...the man that chairs the ways and means has serious tax issues....but it is a smear campaign by Fox to report on it.

Love it.

Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Dan Rather's blatant LIES resulted in CBS News throwing Rather under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Reverend Wright resulted in Obama throwing the ol' Rev. under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Nancy Killifer resulted in Obama throwing her under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Tom Daschle resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Bill Richardson resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Van Jones resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Charley Rangel resulted in the DNC throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of ACORN resulted in the Fed's, the Census Bereau, BofA, and CLEAR THINKING americans throwing them under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News continuing the investigation of the perverted liberal loon known as Kevin Jennings will no doubt result in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because Obama and his administration know that FOX News is not drinking the Kool-aid as so many liberal MSM entities are, and will result in more dots being connected that will lead to many more disgusting relationships Obama has with complete dirtbags and criminally corrupt organizations, thereby causing Obama to throw himself under the bus?

To all of the above, only one phrase can be uttered:

Well man, if your entire ideology was a lie, you'd be afraid of the truth too...

No suprise there...
I enjoyed the FoxNews investigations that unearthed the Mark Foley, John Ensign and Mark Sanford scandals.

Without Fox, these miscreants would still be lurking
Excuses, excuses, EXCUSES!
Spin and deflect, spin and deflect, SPIN AND DEFLECT!

It's the loony liberal way!

Btw, you left out John Edwards, Elliot Spitzer, Gavin Newsome, Bawney Fwank, and on and on and on!


let us not forget Rangel.
Fox did their best to report on it, but no one wanted to hear about it and no one else wanted to report on it.

Sure...the man that chairs the ways and means has serious tax issues....but it is a smear campaign by Fox to report on it.

Love it.
Lest we forget the ORIGINAL "MESSIAH":
William Jethro Clinton!:razz:
I enjoyed the FoxNews investigations that unearthed the Mark Foley, John Ensign and Mark Sanford scandals.

Without Fox, these miscreants would still be lurking

Are you telling me that you think for them to be a "real" news agency that they have to scoop every single story? I know I saw reports from them about Foley can't say for sure on Ensign or Sanford.


Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Dan Rather's blatant LIES resulted in CBS News throwing Rather under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Reverend Wright resulted in Obama throwing the ol' Rev. under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Nancy Killifer resulted in Obama throwing her under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Tom Daschle resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Bill Richardson resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Van Jones resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Charley Rangel resulted in the DNC throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of ACORN resulted in the Fed's, the Census Bereau, BofA, and CLEAR THINKING americans throwing them under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News continuing the investigation of the perverted liberal loon known as Kevin Jennings will no doubt result in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because Obama and his administration know that FOX News is not drinking the Kool-aid as so many liberal MSM entities are, and will result in more dots being connected that will lead to many more disgusting relationships Obama has with complete dirtbags and criminally corrupt organizations, thereby causing Obama to throw himself under the bus?

To all of the above, only one phrase can be uttered:

Well man, if your entire ideology was a lie, you'd be afraid of the truth too...

No suprise there...

The eerie part of the whole thing is he is the only President except for Nixon that openly expressed fear of the media; and di what he can to discredit it.

Nixon had something to hide.

What does that tell you?
I enjoyed the FoxNews investigations that unearthed the Mark Foley, John Ensign and Mark Sanford scandals.

Without Fox, these miscreants would still be lurking

Are you telling me that you think for them to be a "real" news agency that they have to scoop every single story? I know I saw reports from them about Foley can't say for sure on Ensign or Sanford.


The day the Sanford story broke, Fox was all over it...and stayed with it for weeks.

It took the better part of a week before ANY other news agency reported on Acorn.
fox news?

Could it be because fox news and their investigation of dan rather's blatant lies resulted in cbs news throwing rather under the bus?
Could it be because fox news and their investigation of reverend wright resulted in obama throwing the ol' rev. Under the bus?
Could it be because fox news and their investigation of nancy killifer resulted in obama throwing her under the bus?
Could it be because fox news and their investigation of tom daschle resulted in obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because fox news and their investigation of bill richardson resulted in obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because fox news and their investigation of van jones resulted in obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because fox news and their investigation of charley rangel resulted in the dnc throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because fox news and their investigation of acorn resulted in the fed's, the census bereau, bofa, and clear thinking americans throwing them under the bus?
Could it be because fox news continuing the investigation of the perverted liberal loon known as kevin jennings will no doubt result in obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because obama and his administration know that fox news is not drinking the kool-aid as so many liberal msm entities are, and will result in more dots being connected that will lead to many more disgusting relationships obama has with complete dirtbags and criminally corrupt organizations, thereby causing obama to throw himself under the bus?

To all of the above, only one phrase can be uttered:
you betcha!

well man, if your entire ideology was a lie, you'd be afraid of the truth too...

No suprise there...

the eerie part of the whole thing is he is the only president except for nixon that openly expressed fear of the media; and di what he can to discredit it.

Nixon had something to hide.

What does that tell you?

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