Wicked Jester
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Dan Rather's blatant LIES resulted in CBS News throwing Rather under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Reverend Wright resulted in Obama throwing the ol' Rev. under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Nancy Killifer resulted in Obama throwing her under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Tom Daschle resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Bill Richardson resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Van Jones resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Charley Rangel resulted in the DNC throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of ACORN resulted in the Fed's, the Census Bereau, BofA, and CLEAR THINKING americans throwing them under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News continuing the investigation of the perverted liberal loon known as Kevin Jennings will no doubt result in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because Obama and his administration know that FOX News is not drinking the Kool-aid as so many liberal MSM entities are, and will result in more dots being connected that will lead to many more disgusting relationships Obama has with complete dirtbags and criminally corrupt organizations, thereby causing Obama to throw himself under the bus?
To all of the above, only one phrase can be uttered:
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Dan Rather's blatant LIES resulted in CBS News throwing Rather under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Reverend Wright resulted in Obama throwing the ol' Rev. under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Nancy Killifer resulted in Obama throwing her under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News and their investigation of Tom Daschle resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Bill Richardson resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Van Jones resulted in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of Charley Rangel resulted in the DNC throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because FOX news and their investigation of ACORN resulted in the Fed's, the Census Bereau, BofA, and CLEAR THINKING americans throwing them under the bus?
Could it be because FOX News continuing the investigation of the perverted liberal loon known as Kevin Jennings will no doubt result in Obama throwing him under the bus?
Could it be because Obama and his administration know that FOX News is not drinking the Kool-aid as so many liberal MSM entities are, and will result in more dots being connected that will lead to many more disgusting relationships Obama has with complete dirtbags and criminally corrupt organizations, thereby causing Obama to throw himself under the bus?
To all of the above, only one phrase can be uttered:
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