Why is it that republicans do not seem to understand what the American welfare system is comprised of?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Republicans have this idea in their minds that there is an epidemic of welfare queens completely mooching off the government. Such people, in their minds, are able bodied adults who are too lazy to work so they feed off of the American tax payers instead. Republicans believe this because it gives them a false sense of manliness and toughness to assume there is an army of mooching welfare queens. Not them though! They are tough as nails! They get up everyday at 5AM like real men and work! Liberals don’t understand that 4 letter word!!!!

Well the truth is more complicated.

Now granted there are a significant amount of people who would LOVE this scenario. People so selfish that that don’t give a shit if they are supported by tax payers as long as they can do nothing with their lives.
The problem, however, is that there is no such thing as a program that allows this. There is no government program that forks over so much dough that this person can just live off of it while being unemployed.

Take SNAP for instance. The large majority of people on this program are children, the elderly, and the disabled. People who are primarily dependents. Now think of section 8 housing. Are you under the impression that able bodied adults are able to survive NOT working while on this program? Uh no. Now let’s also examine TANF. Have republicans ever actually looked up what this acronym is? It has TEMPORARY in it.

Now also keep in mind that the unemployment rate is well below 4%. Not much room for an epidemic of moochers huh? I mean at least half of that 4% are conservatives so that basically means the large majority of democrats have jobs like everyone else lol.

A bunch of assumptions, with not much to back it up.

Personal story, one of my best friends has a girlfriend, and she lives on welfare, and whatever money my buddy gives her. She's a lazy piece of shit, but he won't listen... Of course this isn't everybody, only a tiny part of the bigger picture, but it is out there.
Well we basically agree then. Such people are a tiny part of the picture. The facts in the link back this up.
Republicans have this idea in their minds that there is an epidemic of welfare queens completely mooching off the government. Such people, in their minds, are able bodied adults who are too lazy to work so they feed off of the American tax payers instead. Republicans believe this because it gives them a false sense of manliness and toughness to assume there is an army of mooching welfare queens. Not them though! They are tough as nails! They get up everyday at 5AM like real men and work! Liberals don’t understand that 4 letter word!!!!

Well the truth is more complicated.

Now granted there are a significant amount of people who would LOVE this scenario. People so selfish that that don’t give a shit if they are supported by tax payers as long as they can do nothing with their lives.
The problem, however, is that there is no such thing as a program that allows this. There is no government program that forks over so much dough that this person can just live off of it while being unemployed.

Take SNAP for instance. The large majority of people on this program are children, the elderly, and the disabled. People who are primarily dependents. Now think of section 8 housing. Are you under the impression that able bodied adults are able to survive NOT working while on this program? Uh no. Now let’s also examine TANF. Have republicans ever actually looked up what this acronym is? It has TEMPORARY in it.

Now also keep in mind that the unemployment rate is well below 4%. Not much room for an epidemic of moochers huh? I mean at least half of that 4% are conservatives so that basically means the large majority of democrats have jobs like everyone else lol.

Trump actually got a record number of Americans OFF of welfare and food stamps...and Biden and Democrats have completely reversed that.

So, Democrats are experts on getting Americans on and kerping them on Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

They just suck at helping the middle and lower class, who they hate and oppress, prosper.

Democrats depend on the middle and lower class being dependent on them for those programs so they keep voting for Democrats to keep the socialist tit there.
Trump actually got a record number of Americans OFF of welfare and food stamps...and Biden and Democrats have completely reversed that.

So, Democrats are experts on getting Americans on and kerping them on Welfare, Food Stamps, etc...

They just suck at helping the middle and lower class, who they hate and oppress, prosper.

Democrats depend on the middle and lower class being dependent on them for those programs so they keep voting for Democrats to keep the socialist tit there.
You’re literally making shit up right now.
Should we have an entity that ensures a civilized society can function? Yeah. I get that anarchy sounds cool to you or whatever, but in practice it would only make you and your family miserable.
Wanting to rid ourselves of a useless entity (theFedGov) that basically acts as a redundancy to state and local government is not anarchy, twatburger.
The welfare system and government assistance was set up to provide temporary help to people in times of need the problem is along the way the temporary part was forgotten. I know few if any who oppose providing people with temporary help when they need it but I also don't know many if any who agree with providing that help indefinitely.
Wanting to rid ourselves of a useless entity (theFedGov) that basically acts as a redundancy to state and local government is not anarchy, twatburger.
Lol see you say shit like this yet your talk about how great the founding fathers were even though they created the federal government. It’s astounding you can’t put two and two together.

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