Why is it always Muslims?

Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.


"Why is it always muslims?"

Because they are seventh century asshats living in the 21st century.
No, nothing we do or don't do is going to stop terrorist attacks. They aren't simply responding to us, they have their own agenda.

when was the last time you heard about Islamists attacking Japan?

Oh, that's right. they don't.

Because the Japanese aren't sticking their noses into their business or supporting Israel.

So your theory is that if we just roll over and play dead the bad guys will be nice. Does that about sum up your position?
Drone strikes are terrorism ?
That's right. American, state-sanctioned, terrorism.

How would you like to live in an area where, at any moment, you could get hit with a missile? It doesn't matter what you're doing, or where you're going, to the store, a wedding, or out finding firewood, the danger is present 24/7. Do you realized the psychological effects that has on the population of that area?

Then Obama is a terrorist, is that what you're telling us ?
If I had to be responsible for Bush, then you got to be responsible for Obama. Actually, we're both responsible for both. Everything the government does, it does so in our name. So that makes us responsible. And in this case, it also makes us terrorists.
Forgive the brevity of this history. Mohammad misunderstood the Bible (the Trinity to be precise), so he wrote a new Bible named the Koran. Later as he murdered rivals and husbands of women he wanted he wrote more chapters. He used his new book to justify murder, rape, theft and many other things. No small wonder it is so easily misread and we see the results we do.

You mean he replaced one book full of batshit crazy superstitions with another book of batshit crazy superstitions?

Once again your reading comprehension has failed you. Stay stupid, it is all you have.
Might want to note what Muslims do when we aren't around to shoot at. They kill each other over religious differences. Ie: Syria, Iraq, and so on.
"Why is it always muslims?"

Because they are seventh century asshats living in the 21st century.
What about Zionists driving almost a million people from their homes, because of some shit that happened in the 1st century?
What about Colonials driving native peoples off their lands due to the widespread belief in Manifest Destiny?
No, nothing we do or don't do is going to stop terrorist attacks. They aren't simply responding to us, they have their own agenda.

when was the last time you heard about Islamists attacking Japan?

Oh, that's right. they don't.

Because the Japanese aren't sticking their noses into their business or supporting Israel.

Drone strikes are terrorism ?
That's right. American, state-sanctioned, terrorism.

How would you like to live in an area where, at any moment, you could get hit with a missile? It doesn't matter what you're doing, or where you're going, to the store, a wedding, or out finding firewood, the danger is present 24/7. Do you realized the psychological effects that has on the population of that area?

Then Obama is a terrorist, is that what you're telling us ?
If I had to be responsible for Bush, then you got to be responsible for Obama. Actually, we're both responsible for both. Everything the government does, it does so in our name. So that makes us responsible. And in this case, it also makes us terrorists.

Ahh, so we're all terrorists, no better than those who strap explosives to themselves and walk into a mall. Got it.
No, nothing we do or don't do is going to stop terrorist attacks. They aren't simply responding to us, they have their own agenda.

when was the last time you heard about Islamists attacking Japan?

Oh, that's right. they don't.

Because the Japanese aren't sticking their noses into their business or supporting Israel.
That's because Japan severely restricts Islamic activity inside their country, and do not grant citizenship to Muslims. They have it right.
Crusades crusades crusades. That's all the Muslim can point to.

Muslims today are slaughtering innocent people because Christians kicked them out of Christians lands they invaded? You're a lame terrorist apologist.

Guy, innocent Muslims in the Gaza, in Iraq, in Afghanistan this very century.

Again, you keep fucking that hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.

Stop fucking the hornet's nest. Novel idea.

So these guys slaughtered the cartoonists because of Afghanistan? Joe Blow the Muslim chasing his tail like a dog:

"It was the crusades! It was the Iraq invasion! It was French people mistreating these poor savages!"

Ha ha ha. You are one pathetic Muslim making excuses for something that is totally inexcusable. Tell you what, Joe Blow, it doesn't matter what bullshit you make up, people all over the world are seeing the fruits of this ugly, barbaric, violent, intolerant religion named Islam.
That's right asshole.
ALL Muslims bear the responsibility for every other Muslim's behaviour when it comes to committing violent crimes against anyone who doesn't believe in that jerk-off pedophile 'What's-his-name' command to kill everyone on the planet who doesn't agree with mutilating little girls genitals.
GOD what a sick fucking religion who belong to.
Where are all these "peaceful" Muslims? No where b/c there aren't any.
And we're responsible for all the crimes this nation has committed against humanity, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, etc.

Oh ok, so that's why those Muslim animals slaughtered the cartoonists and Jews in a Kosher supermarket. Riiiiiight. :cuckoo:
The Apologists like to portray the Crusades as some type of Catholic blood lust, but I think they just recognized the threat for what is was and still is.
The Crusades only occurred as a response to Muslim invasions of the holy land and Christian Europe. Muslims drew first blood.
The same scenario and response reoccurs daily in the attacks on Israel. Rockets are fired from Gaza...Israel replies...Israel is blamed.

The Crusades indeed were in response to Muslim atrocities. Somehow the Crusaders were depicted as the bad guys for "killing in the name of God".

That in quotes IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF ISLAM!!! Submission or death! Those are the choices.
Hey...just thought I should say that the Christian Crusades ended 700 years ago.
A comparison of Islamic terrorism today, has absolutely zero to do with the crusades from approx. 3000 generations ago. That is dumb.

I know, but the moment the discussion of Islamic terrorism of TODAY comes up, libs always rush in to remind us of the Crusades.
I guess when you've got nothing to compare to today, bringing up something from hundreds of years ago makes them feel better.

Joe Blow is a Muslim playing as a lib. Don't tell me he has you fooled. He's spewing all the typical Islamic taking points. Maybe because it's hard to tell the difference these days. "It's the West's fault those cartoonists were slaughtered, those poor innocent peaceful people really had no choice". Ha ha ha.
No, nothing we do or don't do is going to stop terrorist attacks. They aren't simply responding to us, they have their own agenda.

when was the last time you heard about Islamists attacking Japan?

Oh, that's right. they don't.

Because the Japanese aren't sticking their noses into their business or supporting Israel.

Islamists are cowards. They won't fuck with people who will fuck with them ten times worse.
The Apologists like to portray the Crusades as some type of Catholic blood lust, but I think they just recognized the threat for what is was and still is.
The Crusades only occurred as a response to Muslim invasions of the holy land and Christian Europe. Muslims drew first blood.
The same scenario and response reoccurs daily in the attacks on Israel. Rockets are fired from Gaza...Israel replies...Israel is blamed.

The Crusades indeed were in response to Muslim atrocities. Somehow the Crusaders were depicted as the bad guys for "killing in the name of God".

That in quotes IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF ISLAM!!! Submission or death! Those are the choices.

That is correct, Israel is on the front lines of Islam's goal of conquering the West. And it is doing so on its own and with great success. All people who want to live in a free, democratic societies, and not on their knees in submission to Islam and Shariah law should support Israel. :clap2:

So your theory is that if we just roll over and play dead the bad guys will be nice. Does that about sum up your position?

No, but you obviously don't have good reading comprehension skills.

Okay, going to make this easy for you. Maybe if we stopped BOMBING these people and stopped aiding the ZIONISTS in taking their homes and stopped PROPPING UP terrible governments over there, maybe, just maybe they wouldn't see us as the source of a lot of their misery.

The Japanese didn't roll over and play dead. They just made a conscious decision to not interfere in their politics. (Mostly because we stuck them with a constitution that kept them from doing so.)
when was the last time you heard about Islamists attacking Japan?

Oh, that's right. they don't.

Because the Japanese aren't sticking their noses into their business or supporting Israel.

Islamists are cowards. They won't fuck with people who will fuck with them ten times worse.

Actually, the Japanese would have to ask us for help, as they have no aircraft carriers, or ability to project strength beyond Japan.

The Islamists don't fuck with the Japanese because the Japanese aren't fucking with them.

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