Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

So you're in essence saying a wall will work. It will force people to seek alternative places and methods to cross. Places and methods the border patrol will be prepared to interdict. The barriers assist the border patrol and are a force multiplier.

But it will also be necessary to change our laws, to criminalize visa overstays and provide expedited deportation procedures of all illegals.
I agree with both your points.

A wall will force or persuade people to seek an easier crossing. I think it's becoming pretty clear that there isn't going to be 2000, or even a 1000 mile mall completed. At most it will end up being about 200 mile of slatted fence with 1800 miles of reinforced fencing, cattle fencing, electronic monitoring, and aerial surveillance. Even if the "wall" were extended to 2000 miles, it wouldn't stop half the illegal crossing because most illegal entries will be at ports of entry. Less than 1% of vehicles are searched and only a small fraction of a percent of containers, boxcars or private planes are searched. Almost all of these searches are for drugs, not people.

Yes, reducing visa overstays, will require changes in the laws but it will also require a tracking system, and cooperation from sanctuary cities and states. In order to get changes in immigration laws needed to significantly reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the country, democrat votes in congress are going to be needed, and that's not going happen without changes that republicans are not going to like such sharp increases the number of temporary work permits and increased country limits.

1.4 million immigrate to the US annually, we take an additional 50K refugees and you think it's ok to continue to flood the country with additional people from the third world. Does that really make sense to you?
No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.


I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood and lived there until the age of 7. I distinctly remember how people off the boat would strive to learn the language of their new country. It meant just about everything to them. Of course people back then came here to become an American, not use America for the money or welfare.

Our local Catholic school held free English classes for the Polish immigrants. My Grandfather used to take us to the bar for chips and pop while he had a couple of beers, and American patrons were teaching the immigrant patrons the language. Most of the American people in the neighborhood were bilingual.

Our neighbors were off the boat too. My sister befriended the girl around her age and taught her English. My mother too was bilingual and spoke broken Polish, but certainly enough to easily communicate with the girl. That girl grew up and eventually became a Doctor.

Foreigners today couldn't have it easier when it comes to learning our language. If the people I observed back in the 60's could do it with very limited resources, there is no excuse how foreigners can't do it today given our much advanced technology.

Most settle in their own little enclaves now and can get along just fine with never learning the language. There are strips of roads in Houston where you're lucky to see a sign in English, some Spanish, some Chinese and hell, even some street signs are bilingual.

According to the head of immigration, a border barrier simple persuades people to use an easier path across the 2000 mile border which is not hard find.

The 5 billion dollar Trump wall will not be a 2000 or 1000 mile wall but a 212 mile slatted fence, hundreds of miles of service roads, electronic monitors, aerial surveillance, and additional facilities to hold migrants crossing the border.
Trump will always claim it is his big beautiful wall which has stopped illegal immigration.

The fact is illegal immigration will continue as before with most illegal crossings occurring at ports of entry and the biggest problem untouched, overstays of visas.

So you're in essence saying a wall will work. It will force people to seek alternative places and methods to cross. Places and methods the border patrol will be prepared to interdict. The barriers assist the border patrol and are a force multiplier.

But it will also be necessary to change our laws, to criminalize visa overstays and provide expedited deportation procedures of all illegals.
I agree with both your points.

A wall will force or persuade people to seek an easier crossing. I think it's becoming pretty clear that there isn't going to be 2000, or even a 1000 mile mall completed. At most it will end up being about 200 mile of slatted fence with 1800 miles of reinforced fencing, cattle fencing, electronic monitoring, and aerial surveillance. Even if the "wall" were extended to 2000 miles, it wouldn't stop half the illegal crossing because most illegal entries will be at ports of entry. Less than 1% of vehicles are searched and only a small fraction of a percent of containers, boxcars or private planes are searched. Almost all of these searches are for drugs, not people.

Yes, reducing visa overstays, will require changes in the laws but it will also require a tracking system, and cooperation from sanctuary cities and states. In order to get changes in immigration laws needed to significantly reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the country, democrat votes in congress are going to be needed, and that's not going happen without changes that republicans are not going to like such sharp increases the number of temporary work permits and increased country limits.

1.4 million immigrate to the US annually, we take an additional 50K refugees and you think it's ok to continue to flood the country with additional people from the third world. Does that really make sense to you?
No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.

If they can support themselves, all that means is that they will be taking a job from an American. We don't need any more immigrants, period, educated or not.
I agree with both your points.

A wall will force or persuade people to seek an easier crossing. I think it's becoming pretty clear that there isn't going to be 2000, or even a 1000 mile mall completed. At most it will end up being about 200 mile of slatted fence with 1800 miles of reinforced fencing, cattle fencing, electronic monitoring, and aerial surveillance. Even if the "wall" were extended to 2000 miles, it wouldn't stop half the illegal crossing because most illegal entries will be at ports of entry. Less than 1% of vehicles are searched and only a small fraction of a percent of containers, boxcars or private planes are searched. Almost all of these searches are for drugs, not people.

Yes, reducing visa overstays, will require changes in the laws but it will also require a tracking system, and cooperation from sanctuary cities and states. In order to get changes in immigration laws needed to significantly reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the country, democrat votes in congress are going to be needed, and that's not going happen without changes that republicans are not going to like such sharp increases the number of temporary work permits and increased country limits.

1.4 million immigrate to the US annually, we take an additional 50K refugees and you think it's ok to continue to flood the country with additional people from the third world. Does that really make sense to you?
No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.


I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood and lived there until the age of 7. I distinctly remember how people off the boat would strive to learn the language of their new country. It meant just about everything to them. Of course people back then came here to become an American, not use America for the money or welfare.

Our local Catholic school held free English classes for the Polish immigrants. My Grandfather used to take us to the bar for chips and pop while he had a couple of beers, and American patrons were teaching the immigrant patrons the language. Most of the American people in the neighborhood were bilingual.

Our neighbors were off the boat too. My sister befriended the girl around her age and taught her English. My mother too was bilingual and spoke broken Polish, but certainly enough to easily communicate with the girl. That girl grew up and eventually became a Doctor.

Foreigners today couldn't have it easier when it comes to learning our language. If the people I observed back in the 60's could do it with very limited resources, there is no excuse how foreigners can't do it today given our much advanced technology.

Most settle in their own little enclaves now and can get along just fine with never learning the language. There are strips of roads in Houston where you're lucky to see a sign in English, some Spanish, some Chinese and hell, even some street signs are bilingual.


I've heard that about Texas but some have challenged me on that when I brought it up.

Taking no initiative to learn the language of a country you moved to shows lack of enthusiasm. A friend of mine was German descent. He wanted to vacation in Germany to see what it was like. He went to school to take German lessons, got an app to translate English to German, and even purchased books.......for two crummy weeks.

These people come here and are so lazy, they won't even familiarize themselves with the language yet alone customs. Don't we have Americans like that; people who are so lazy they won't get out of their own way? Why are we importing more of that kind?
So you're in essence saying a wall will work. It will force people to seek alternative places and methods to cross. Places and methods the border patrol will be prepared to interdict. The barriers assist the border patrol and are a force multiplier.

But it will also be necessary to change our laws, to criminalize visa overstays and provide expedited deportation procedures of all illegals.
I agree with both your points.

A wall will force or persuade people to seek an easier crossing. I think it's becoming pretty clear that there isn't going to be 2000, or even a 1000 mile mall completed. At most it will end up being about 200 mile of slatted fence with 1800 miles of reinforced fencing, cattle fencing, electronic monitoring, and aerial surveillance. Even if the "wall" were extended to 2000 miles, it wouldn't stop half the illegal crossing because most illegal entries will be at ports of entry. Less than 1% of vehicles are searched and only a small fraction of a percent of containers, boxcars or private planes are searched. Almost all of these searches are for drugs, not people.

Yes, reducing visa overstays, will require changes in the laws but it will also require a tracking system, and cooperation from sanctuary cities and states. In order to get changes in immigration laws needed to significantly reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the country, democrat votes in congress are going to be needed, and that's not going happen without changes that republicans are not going to like such sharp increases the number of temporary work permits and increased country limits.

1.4 million immigrate to the US annually, we take an additional 50K refugees and you think it's ok to continue to flood the country with additional people from the third world. Does that really make sense to you?
No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.

If they can support themselves, all that means is that they will be taking a job from an American. We don't need any more immigrants, period, educated or not.

We have 9 million jobs available now, and you seem to have skipped over them having skills we need.

1.4 million immigrate to the US annually, we take an additional 50K refugees and you think it's ok to continue to flood the country with additional people from the third world. Does that really make sense to you?
No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.


I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood and lived there until the age of 7. I distinctly remember how people off the boat would strive to learn the language of their new country. It meant just about everything to them. Of course people back then came here to become an American, not use America for the money or welfare.

Our local Catholic school held free English classes for the Polish immigrants. My Grandfather used to take us to the bar for chips and pop while he had a couple of beers, and American patrons were teaching the immigrant patrons the language. Most of the American people in the neighborhood were bilingual.

Our neighbors were off the boat too. My sister befriended the girl around her age and taught her English. My mother too was bilingual and spoke broken Polish, but certainly enough to easily communicate with the girl. That girl grew up and eventually became a Doctor.

Foreigners today couldn't have it easier when it comes to learning our language. If the people I observed back in the 60's could do it with very limited resources, there is no excuse how foreigners can't do it today given our much advanced technology.

Most settle in their own little enclaves now and can get along just fine with never learning the language. There are strips of roads in Houston where you're lucky to see a sign in English, some Spanish, some Chinese and hell, even some street signs are bilingual.


I've heard that about Texas but some have challenged me on that when I brought it up.

Taking no initiative to learn the language of a country you moved to shows lack of enthusiasm. A friend of mine was German descent. He wanted to vacation in Germany to see what it was like. He went to school to take German lessons, got an app to translate English to German, and even purchased books.......for two crummy weeks.

These people come here and are so lazy, they won't even familiarize themselves with the language yet alone customs. Don't we have Americans like that; people who are so lazy they won't get out of their own way? Why are we importing more of that kind?

You're preaching to the choir.

I agree with both your points.

A wall will force or persuade people to seek an easier crossing. I think it's becoming pretty clear that there isn't going to be 2000, or even a 1000 mile mall completed. At most it will end up being about 200 mile of slatted fence with 1800 miles of reinforced fencing, cattle fencing, electronic monitoring, and aerial surveillance. Even if the "wall" were extended to 2000 miles, it wouldn't stop half the illegal crossing because most illegal entries will be at ports of entry. Less than 1% of vehicles are searched and only a small fraction of a percent of containers, boxcars or private planes are searched. Almost all of these searches are for drugs, not people.

Yes, reducing visa overstays, will require changes in the laws but it will also require a tracking system, and cooperation from sanctuary cities and states. In order to get changes in immigration laws needed to significantly reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the country, democrat votes in congress are going to be needed, and that's not going happen without changes that republicans are not going to like such sharp increases the number of temporary work permits and increased country limits.

1.4 million immigrate to the US annually, we take an additional 50K refugees and you think it's ok to continue to flood the country with additional people from the third world. Does that really make sense to you?
No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.

If they can support themselves, all that means is that they will be taking a job from an American. We don't need any more immigrants, period, educated or not.

We have 9 million jobs available now, and you seem to have skipped over them having skills we need.

If you want wages to go up, then you need to restrict the supply of labor. Expanding the supply of labor can't fail to make wages go down or remain stagnant.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


We have walls everywhere... Would democrats really have to declare sanctuary cities if the concept was not sound in the first place?

Those moronic cities actually believe to be welfare dependent states that then seek to shit on said agricultural states. Am I really supposed to feel bad because they import more shitskins than they are able to handle and it sudden becomes my problem because their retarded ass literally could not pass 9th grade arithmetic.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


We have walls everywhere... Would democrats really have to declare sanctuary cities if the concept was not sound in the first place?

Those moronic cities actually believe to be welfare dependent states that then seek to shit on said agricultural states. Am I really supposed to feel bad because they import more shitskins than they are able to handle and it sudden becomes my problem because their retarded ass literally could not pass 9th grade arithmetic.

That's basically what the anti-wallers are talking about. Bring more problems to the USA.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


We have walls everywhere... Would democrats really have to declare sanctuary cities if the concept was not sound in the first place?

Those moronic cities actually believe to be welfare dependent states that then seek to shit on said agricultural states. Am I really supposed to feel bad because they import more shitskins than they are able to handle and it sudden becomes my problem because their retarded ass literally could not pass 9th grade arithmetic.

That's basically what the anti-wallers are talking about. Bring more problems to the USA.

Nope, that is not my point. Walls are needed for the protection of both private and public property.

Sanctuary cities (and now Californistan as a state) declared unconstitutional "administrative walls" to protect themselves from the constitutional obligations and federal laws, and at the same time clam that walls don't work.
1.4 million immigrate to the US annually, we take an additional 50K refugees and you think it's ok to continue to flood the country with additional people from the third world. Does that really make sense to you?
No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.

If they can support themselves, all that means is that they will be taking a job from an American. We don't need any more immigrants, period, educated or not.

We have 9 million jobs available now, and you seem to have skipped over them having skills we need.

If you want wages to go up, then you need to restrict the supply of labor. Expanding the supply of labor can't fail to make wages go down or remain stagnant.

You want businesses to flourish and be able to expand, they need to be able to fill positions with qualified people to do that. Merit based immigration is a win win for the country. This thing we're doing now is a big negative.

No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.

If they can support themselves, all that means is that they will be taking a job from an American. We don't need any more immigrants, period, educated or not.

We have 9 million jobs available now, and you seem to have skipped over them having skills we need.

If you want wages to go up, then you need to restrict the supply of labor. Expanding the supply of labor can't fail to make wages go down or remain stagnant.

You want businesses to flourish and be able to expand, they need to be able to fill positions with qualified people to do that. Merit based immigration is a win win for the country. This thing we're doing now is a big negative.

What does it benefit me when businesses expand if my wages don't go up? The way you increase wages is by constricting the supply of labor. If businesses could easily fill all the positions they have then why would they ever off a higher wage?
I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.

If they can support themselves, all that means is that they will be taking a job from an American. We don't need any more immigrants, period, educated or not.

We have 9 million jobs available now, and you seem to have skipped over them having skills we need.

If you want wages to go up, then you need to restrict the supply of labor. Expanding the supply of labor can't fail to make wages go down or remain stagnant.

You want businesses to flourish and be able to expand, they need to be able to fill positions with qualified people to do that. Merit based immigration is a win win for the country. This thing we're doing now is a big negative.

What does it benefit me when businesses expand if my wages don't go up? The way you increase wages is by constricting the supply of labor. If businesses could easily fill all the positions they have then why would they ever off a higher wage?

Businesses offer higher wages to keep quality people, not to just fill a position with the unqualified.

If they can support themselves, all that means is that they will be taking a job from an American. We don't need any more immigrants, period, educated or not.

We have 9 million jobs available now, and you seem to have skipped over them having skills we need.

If you want wages to go up, then you need to restrict the supply of labor. Expanding the supply of labor can't fail to make wages go down or remain stagnant.

You want businesses to flourish and be able to expand, they need to be able to fill positions with qualified people to do that. Merit based immigration is a win win for the country. This thing we're doing now is a big negative.

What does it benefit me when businesses expand if my wages don't go up? The way you increase wages is by constricting the supply of labor. If businesses could easily fill all the positions they have then why would they ever off a higher wage?

Businesses offer higher wages to keep quality people, not to just fill a position with the unqualified.

Either way, if there are more people looking for the same job, then employers can pay lower wages. You can't get around the laws of supply and demand.
According to the head of immigration, a border barrier simple persuades people to use an easier path across the 2000 mile border which is not hard find.

The 5 billion dollar Trump wall will not be a 2000 or 1000 mile wall but a 212 mile slatted fence, hundreds of miles of service roads, electronic monitors, aerial surveillance, and additional facilities to hold migrants crossing the border.
Trump will always claim it is his big beautiful wall which has stopped illegal immigration.

The fact is illegal immigration will continue as before with most illegal crossings occurring at ports of entry and the biggest problem untouched, overstays of visas.

So you're in essence saying a wall will work. It will force people to seek alternative places and methods to cross. Places and methods the border patrol will be prepared to interdict. The barriers assist the border patrol and are a force multiplier.

But it will also be necessary to change our laws, to criminalize visa overstays and provide expedited deportation procedures of all illegals.
I agree with both your points.

A wall will force or persuade people to seek an easier crossing. I think it's becoming pretty clear that there isn't going to be 2000, or even a 1000 mile mall completed. At most it will end up being about 200 mile of slatted fence with 1800 miles of reinforced fencing, cattle fencing, electronic monitoring, and aerial surveillance. Even if the "wall" were extended to 2000 miles, it wouldn't stop half the illegal crossing because most illegal entries will be at ports of entry. Less than 1% of vehicles are searched and only a small fraction of a percent of containers, boxcars or private planes are searched. Almost all of these searches are for drugs, not people.

Yes, reducing visa overstays, will require changes in the laws but it will also require a tracking system, and cooperation from sanctuary cities and states. In order to get changes in immigration laws needed to significantly reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the country, democrat votes in congress are going to be needed, and that's not going happen without changes that republicans are not going to like such sharp increases the number of temporary work permits and increased country limits.

1.4 million immigrate to the US annually, we take an additional 50K refugees and you think it's ok to continue to flood the country with additional people from the third world. Does that really make sense to you?
No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.
A better class of immigrants would be highly desirable. The problem of course is people with good job skills and education are the least likely to immigrate. However, I think there are things than can be done to encourage a better class of immigrants.
  • First we need to increase the number of visas for highly educated workers. There are not near enough to meet demand. Many students with post graduate degrees and experience in engineer and science are turned down every year because of their country of origin.
  • Second, we need to tell the world that we want and need educated skilled workers. We don't care about your country of origin, your race, or your religion. We are looking for well educated, skilled workers that can be an asset to America.
  • We need to restrict family immigration to the immediate family. Other immigration should be based on merit and limits should be raised.
Assimilation is a slow process. Typically taking several generation. First generation immigrants rarely assimilate. They learn what they need to learn to make a living in the US and to function in society. Second generation becomes the hyphen generation. Thrid generation approaches what Americans think of as assimilation.
I agree with both your points.

A wall will force or persuade people to seek an easier crossing. I think it's becoming pretty clear that there isn't going to be 2000, or even a 1000 mile mall completed. At most it will end up being about 200 mile of slatted fence with 1800 miles of reinforced fencing, cattle fencing, electronic monitoring, and aerial surveillance. Even if the "wall" were extended to 2000 miles, it wouldn't stop half the illegal crossing because most illegal entries will be at ports of entry. Less than 1% of vehicles are searched and only a small fraction of a percent of containers, boxcars or private planes are searched. Almost all of these searches are for drugs, not people.

Yes, reducing visa overstays, will require changes in the laws but it will also require a tracking system, and cooperation from sanctuary cities and states. In order to get changes in immigration laws needed to significantly reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the country, democrat votes in congress are going to be needed, and that's not going happen without changes that republicans are not going to like such sharp increases the number of temporary work permits and increased country limits.

1.4 million immigrate to the US annually, we take an additional 50K refugees and you think it's ok to continue to flood the country with additional people from the third world. Does that really make sense to you?
No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.


I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood and lived there until the age of 7. I distinctly remember how people off the boat would strive to learn the language of their new country. It meant just about everything to them. Of course people back then came here to become an American, not use America for the money or welfare.

Our local Catholic school held free English classes for the Polish immigrants. My Grandfather used to take us to the bar for chips and pop while he had a couple of beers, and American patrons were teaching the immigrant patrons the language. Most of the American people in the neighborhood were bilingual.

Our neighbors were off the boat too. My sister befriended the girl around her age and taught her English. My mother too was bilingual and spoke broken Polish, but certainly enough to easily communicate with the girl. That girl grew up and eventually became a Doctor.

Foreigners today couldn't have it easier when it comes to learning our language. If the people I observed back in the 60's could do it with very limited resources, there is no excuse how foreigners can't do it today given our much advanced technology.

Most settle in their own little enclaves now and can get along just fine with never learning the language. There are strips of roads in Houston where you're lucky to see a sign in English, some Spanish, some Chinese and hell, even some street signs are bilingual.

Assimulating does not mean replacement of one's native language and customs. It means adding to to the native culture and adapting to new the culture. A person from china is likely to learn English and American customs over a period of years but they will likely still speak their native language and practice native customs while adapting to the American culture and language. Each successive generation will maintain less of their original culture and absorb more American culture.

The fact that we live in a world of rapid change and adaption causes us to expect cultural changes to occur at the same rate. However, cultural assimilation today is not much faster than it was 100 years ago.
We have 9 million jobs available now, and you seem to have skipped over them having skills we need.

If you want wages to go up, then you need to restrict the supply of labor. Expanding the supply of labor can't fail to make wages go down or remain stagnant.

You want businesses to flourish and be able to expand, they need to be able to fill positions with qualified people to do that. Merit based immigration is a win win for the country. This thing we're doing now is a big negative.

What does it benefit me when businesses expand if my wages don't go up? The way you increase wages is by constricting the supply of labor. If businesses could easily fill all the positions they have then why would they ever off a higher wage?

Businesses offer higher wages to keep quality people, not to just fill a position with the unqualified.

Either way, if there are more people looking for the same job, then employers can pay lower wages. You can't get around the laws of supply and demand.

That would be if there are more qualified people looking for the same job.

So you're in essence saying a wall will work. It will force people to seek alternative places and methods to cross. Places and methods the border patrol will be prepared to interdict. The barriers assist the border patrol and are a force multiplier.

But it will also be necessary to change our laws, to criminalize visa overstays and provide expedited deportation procedures of all illegals.
I agree with both your points.

A wall will force or persuade people to seek an easier crossing. I think it's becoming pretty clear that there isn't going to be 2000, or even a 1000 mile mall completed. At most it will end up being about 200 mile of slatted fence with 1800 miles of reinforced fencing, cattle fencing, electronic monitoring, and aerial surveillance. Even if the "wall" were extended to 2000 miles, it wouldn't stop half the illegal crossing because most illegal entries will be at ports of entry. Less than 1% of vehicles are searched and only a small fraction of a percent of containers, boxcars or private planes are searched. Almost all of these searches are for drugs, not people.

Yes, reducing visa overstays, will require changes in the laws but it will also require a tracking system, and cooperation from sanctuary cities and states. In order to get changes in immigration laws needed to significantly reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the country, democrat votes in congress are going to be needed, and that's not going happen without changes that republicans are not going to like such sharp increases the number of temporary work permits and increased country limits.

1.4 million immigrate to the US annually, we take an additional 50K refugees and you think it's ok to continue to flood the country with additional people from the third world. Does that really make sense to you?
No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.
A better class of immigrants would be highly desirable. The problem of course is people with good job skills and education are the least likely to immigrate. However, I think there are things than can be done to encourage a better class of immigrants.
  • First we need to increase the number of visas for highly educated workers. There are not near enough to meet demand. Many students with post graduate degrees and experience in engineer and science are turned down every year because of their country of origin.
  • Second, we need to tell the world that we want and need educated skilled workers. We don't care about your country of origin, your race, or your religion. We are looking for well educated, skilled workers that can be an asset to America.
  • We need to restrict family immigration to the immediate family. Other immigration should be based on merit and limits should be raised.
Assimilation is a slow process. Typically taking several generation. First generation immigrants rarely assimilate. They learn what they need to learn to make a living in the US and to function in society. Second generation becomes the hyphen generation. Thrid generation approaches what Americans think of as assimilation.

How do you expect third world countries to improve if we poach all their talent? Also there are countries where their people wouldn't take 3 generations to assimilate and plenty of talent and educated people of their own.

1.4 million immigrate to the US annually, we take an additional 50K refugees and you think it's ok to continue to flood the country with additional people from the third world. Does that really make sense to you?
No, it doesn't make sense. We need more, a lot more immigrants. The 1.4 million figure is only 4 immigrants per 1000 of population.

Demographers and economists have been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the age-dependency ratio—rises. However the problem is not just retirements but a shrinking birth rate. Without more young adults we not only face a seriously finance problem but a serious economic problem. Within a decade we will have a shortage 24 million workers and that number will continue to grow till at least 2050.

While many clamor for a halt to immigration, more immigrants are exactly what we need. They are younger, have a higher birth rate, and more entrepreneurial than native born Americans. Immigrants are the life blood of the nation as they have been in the past. Although more immigration means more cultural changes, that is nothing new to America because we are a melting pot of cultures.

I've never called for a halt to immigration, I do however think it is necessary to raise the quality of immigrants. They need to have skills that we need, they have to demonstrate they can support themselves. We can't continue to bring in impoverished, uneducated people who drop a kid and go immediately on welfare and food stamps and they don't tend to assimilate. I saw a man interviewed on the local news that had been in the country 23 years, he had to speak though an interpreter, he was here illegally.


I was born in a very ethnic neighborhood and lived there until the age of 7. I distinctly remember how people off the boat would strive to learn the language of their new country. It meant just about everything to them. Of course people back then came here to become an American, not use America for the money or welfare.

Our local Catholic school held free English classes for the Polish immigrants. My Grandfather used to take us to the bar for chips and pop while he had a couple of beers, and American patrons were teaching the immigrant patrons the language. Most of the American people in the neighborhood were bilingual.

Our neighbors were off the boat too. My sister befriended the girl around her age and taught her English. My mother too was bilingual and spoke broken Polish, but certainly enough to easily communicate with the girl. That girl grew up and eventually became a Doctor.

Foreigners today couldn't have it easier when it comes to learning our language. If the people I observed back in the 60's could do it with very limited resources, there is no excuse how foreigners can't do it today given our much advanced technology.

Most settle in their own little enclaves now and can get along just fine with never learning the language. There are strips of roads in Houston where you're lucky to see a sign in English, some Spanish, some Chinese and hell, even some street signs are bilingual.

Assimulating does not mean replacement of one's native language and customs. It means adding to to the native culture and adapting to new the culture. A person from china is likely to learn English and American customs over a period of years but they will likely still speak their native language and practice native customs while adapting to the American culture and language. Each successive generation will maintain less of their original culture and absorb more American culture.

The fact that we live in a world of rapid change and adaption causes us to expect cultural changes to occur at the same rate. However, cultural assimilation today is not much faster than it was 100 years ago.

Actually it means learning the language and ADOPTING a NEW culture. Bilingual men are blessed, bilingual nations are cursed, I'm sure I'm paraphrasing, but I think one of our presidents said that. And cultural change means we are adapting to them, they aren't assimilating here.

  1. the process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas.
    "the assimilation of the knowledge of the Greeks"
    • the absorption and integration of people, ideas, or culture into a wider society or culture.
      "the assimilation of Italians into American society"


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