CDZ Why I support whomever. . .

Re my Primary and General Election vote, in 2016:

  • I voted for the person.

  • I voted against the other person.

  • I voted based on party affiliation.

  • I voted for the issues promoted by Trump.

  • I voted for the issues promoted by another Republican.

  • I voted for the issues promoted by Clinton.

  • I voted for the issues promoted by Sanders

  • I voted for the issues promoted by Johnson

  • I voted for the issues promoted by Stein

  • Other and I will explain in my post

Results are only viewable after voting.


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
NOTICE: This is the CDZ so please keep this civil.

After visiting numerous political message boards, watching a LOT of news on various television channels, reading a LOT of commentary from all sides on the political spectrum, and after a LOT of face to face discussions, it seems obvious to me that Trump supporters and those who voted for Hillary or somebody else are just wired differently. And I wonder if it is possible to discuss that without bringing Hillary and Trump or anybody else into it personally? See the question posed at the bottom of the OP.

Among many Issues with widely differing views between Trump supports and Clinton and/or other supporters:

It is a given that Hillary supporters were mostly okay with the existing tax code and size of government and supported higher taxes especially on the rich and/or big business to effect social change and they argue that it is patriotic to pay taxes. Trump supporters mostly believe in smaller government, less regulation, and lower taxes and that people will spend their money more wisely and effectively themselves than the government will spend it for them.

It is a given that Trump supporters are most likely to want conservatives or constitutional originalists on the Supreme Court and in the court system generally while Hillary supporters are most likely to want progressives/leftists on the Supreme Court and in the court system generally.

Also. . .
--the wall--Trump supporters mostly for; Clinton supporters mostly oppose.
--more federal money for welfare and programs--Trump supporters mostly oppose; Clinton supporters mostly support
--racial and gender inequality--far more Clinton supports say this is a serious problem than do Trump supporters.
--parenting--far more Trump supporters say it is important for children to have a mom and dad in the home than do Clinton supporters.
--terrorism--far more Trump supporters want stronger protections than do Clinton supporters.
--free trade--far more Trump supporters support efforts to correct trade imbalances than do Clinton supporters.
--illegal immigration--more Clinton supporters say undocumented immigrants are hard working people who commit no more crimes than the general population than do Trump supporters make that argument. Clinton supporters favor amnesty for all and open borders far more than Trump supporters do.
6 charts that show where Clinton and Trump supporters differ

A recent article in "Christianity Today" suggests that evangelicals supported Hillary more than Trump until recently when Hillary supporters are abandoning evangelicalism.
Study: Clinton Voters Much More Likely to Leave Evangelicalism than Trump Voters

But maybe this is also telling: From a recent "Washington Secrets" column:
Not sure what it means, but Emerson College polling reveals that Trump supporters more than those who backed Hillary Rodham Clinton believe space aliens have visited Earth. Overall, 31 percent believe aliens have landed, but among voters for President Trump, it is 38 percent to Clinton’s 25 percent. [/lndent]
More predictions that Trump White House chief John Kelly is leaving

And those who voted or supported somebody other than Trump or Clinton generally fall into one of those camps when it comes to the issues. And yes, there are many other issues we could have included.
QUESTION: Without discussing President Trump or Hillary Clinton (or Bernie Sanders or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein) personally, was your vote strictly against somebody else? Or did you vote along party lines? Or did your vote and current support represent your opinions and/or deepest convictions, and/or hopes?

What is most important to you re the State of the Union at this time? What do you want the policy or direction to be?
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Well, we only get one choice, so I picked the primary reason, voting against 'The Other Person', and I don't mean just Hillary, but the entire establishment wing, and O also voted on the issues Trump was running on, but I didn't really expect him to go through and follow up with as many as he did, so I'm more than happy with my choice; Liberals have had few real choices since the late 1960's, and almost none since the 1980's, but Trump's more centralist stances are as close as we're going to get for a while, and rolling back the 'globalist' criminality is of primary importance to us surviving as a nation, and if the Christians don't fade, they really need to become far more aggressive and stop wimping out as they have in the past, we can get back to some common sense in several areas of national life. They are pretty much the last bastion against madness and self-destruction for the country and will be the deciding factors; whether anybody likes that or not is just too bad, because it's just a fact, and they have all the right enemies. And I'm not talking about just the evangelicals, either. The 'left wing' and faux 'moderate' Christians are far more delusional if they think they're going to get a pass just for making the right sucking noises, they'll get tossed into the same ovens their more open fellows will.
NOTICE: This is the CDZ so please keep this civil.

After visiting numerous political message boards, watching a LOT of news on various television channels, reading a LOT of commentary from all sides on the political spectrum, and after a LOT of face to face discussions, it seems obvious to me that Trump supporters and those who voted for Hillary or somebody else are just wired differently. And I wonder if it is possible to discuss that without bringing Hillary and Trump or anybody else into it personally? See the question posed at the bottom of the OP.

Among many Issues with widely differing views between Trump supports and Clinton and/or other supporters:

It is a given that Hillary supporters were mostly okay with the existing tax code and size of government and supported higher taxes especially on the rich and/or big business to effect social change and they argue that it is patriotic to pay taxes. Trump supporters mostly believe in smaller government, less regulation, and lower taxes and that people will spend their money more wisely and effectively themselves than the government will spend it for them.

It is a given that Trump supporters are most likely to want conservatives or constitutional originalists on the Supreme Court and in the court system generally while Hillary supporters are most likely to want progressives/leftists on the Supreme Court and in the court system generally.

Also. . .
--the wall--Trump supporters mostly for; Clinton supporters mostly oppose.
--more federal money for welfare and programs--Trump supporters mostly oppose; Clinton supporters mostly support
--racial and gender inequality--far more Clinton supports say this is a serious problem than do Trump supporters.
--parenting--far more Trump supporters say it is important for children to have a mom and dad in the home than do Clinton supporters.
--terrorism--far more Trump supporters want stronger protections than do Clinton supporters.
--free trade--far more Trump supporters support efforts to correct trade imbalances than do Clinton supporters.
--illegal immigration--more Clinton supporters say undocumented immigrants are hard working people who commit no more crimes than the general population than do Trump supporters make that argument. Clinton supporters favor amnesty for all and open borders far more than Trump supporters do.
6 charts that show where Clinton and Trump supporters differ

A recent article in "Christianity Today" suggests that evangelicals supported Hillary more than Trump until recently when Hillary supporters are abandoning evangelicalism.
Study: Clinton Voters Much More Likely to Leave Evangelicalism than Trump Voters

But maybe this is also telling: From a recent "Washington Secrets" column:
Not sure what it means, but Emerson College polling reveals that Trump supporters more than those who backed Hillary Rodham Clinton believe space aliens have visited Earth. Overall, 31 percent believe aliens have landed, but among voters for President Trump, it is 38 percent to Clinton’s 25 percent. [/lndent]
More predictions that Trump White House chief John Kelly is leaving

And those who voted or supported somebody other than Trump or Clinton generally fall into one of those camps when it comes to the issues. And yes, there are many other issues we could have included.

QUESTION: Without discussing President Trump or Hillary Clinton (or Bernie Sanders or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein) personally, was your vote strictly against somebody else? Or did you vote along party lines? Or did your vote and current support represent your opinions and/or deepest convictions, and/or hopes?

What is most important to you re the State of the Union at this time? What do you want the policy or direction to be?
I voted FOR Trump AND FOR his policies. I had no plans to vote in 2016 election until President Trump jumped in. If he hadn't run I would not have voted...the country deserved Clinton to be president so she would destroy America some more...I was more interested in the worst candidate winning and destroying America so a war would break out. That didn't happen someone won who is trying to fix America.
NOTICE: This is the CDZ so please keep this civil.

After visiting numerous political message boards, watching a LOT of news on various television channels, reading a LOT of commentary from all sides on the political spectrum, and after a LOT of face to face discussions, it seems obvious to me that Trump supporters and those who voted for Hillary or somebody else are just wired differently. And I wonder if it is possible to discuss that without bringing Hillary and Trump or anybody else into it personally? See the question posed at the bottom of the OP.

Among many Issues with widely differing views between Trump supports and Clinton and/or other supporters:

It is a given that Hillary supporters were mostly okay with the existing tax code and size of government and supported higher taxes especially on the rich and/or big business to effect social change and they argue that it is patriotic to pay taxes. Trump supporters mostly believe in smaller government, less regulation, and lower taxes and that people will spend their money more wisely and effectively themselves than the government will spend it for them.

It is a given that Trump supporters are most likely to want conservatives or constitutional originalists on the Supreme Court and in the court system generally while Hillary supporters are most likely to want progressives/leftists on the Supreme Court and in the court system generally.

Also. . .
--the wall--Trump supporters mostly for; Clinton supporters mostly oppose.
--more federal money for welfare and programs--Trump supporters mostly oppose; Clinton supporters mostly support
--racial and gender inequality--far more Clinton supports say this is a serious problem than do Trump supporters.
--parenting--far more Trump supporters say it is important for children to have a mom and dad in the home than do Clinton supporters.
--terrorism--far more Trump supporters want stronger protections than do Clinton supporters.
--free trade--far more Trump supporters support efforts to correct trade imbalances than do Clinton supporters.
--illegal immigration--more Clinton supporters say undocumented immigrants are hard working people who commit no more crimes than the general population than do Trump supporters make that argument. Clinton supporters favor amnesty for all and open borders far more than Trump supporters do.
6 charts that show where Clinton and Trump supporters differ

A recent article in "Christianity Today" suggests that evangelicals supported Hillary more than Trump until recently when Hillary supporters are abandoning evangelicalism.
Study: Clinton Voters Much More Likely to Leave Evangelicalism than Trump Voters

But maybe this is also telling: From a recent "Washington Secrets" column:
Not sure what it means, but Emerson College polling reveals that Trump supporters more than those who backed Hillary Rodham Clinton believe space aliens have visited Earth. Overall, 31 percent believe aliens have landed, but among voters for President Trump, it is 38 percent to Clinton’s 25 percent. [/lndent]
More predictions that Trump White House chief John Kelly is leaving

And those who voted or supported somebody other than Trump or Clinton generally fall into one of those camps when it comes to the issues. And yes, there are many other issues we could have included.

QUESTION: Without discussing President Trump or Hillary Clinton (or Bernie Sanders or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein) personally, was your vote strictly against somebody else? Or did you vote along party lines? Or did your vote and current support represent your opinions and/or deepest convictions, and/or hopes?

What is most important to you re the State of the Union at this time? What do you want the policy or direction to be?
I voted FOR Trump AND FOR his policies. I had no plans to vote in 2016 election until President Trump jumped in. If he hadn't run I would not have voted...the country deserved Clinton to be president so she would destroy America some more...I was more interested in the worst candidate winning and destroying America so a war would break out. That didn't happen someone won who is trying to fix America.

Thank you for an honest and objective response. I was pretty much the same though in all honesty, he was too often off putting to me to be really likable. But he was the ONLY one who was even close to my point of view on the issues most important to me and who I held out hope that he actually intended to do and would do what he said he wanted to do. And he has not disappointed.
Well, we only get one choice, so I picked the primary reason, voting against 'The Other Person', and I don't mean just Hillary, but the entire establishment wing, and O also voted on the issues Trump was running on, but I didn't really expect him to go through and follow up with as many as he did, so I'm more than happy with my choice; Liberals have had few real choices since the late 1960's, and almost none since the 1980's, but Trump's more centralist stances are as close as we're going to get for a while, and rolling back the 'globalist' criminality is of primary importance to us surviving as a nation, and if the Christians don't fade, they really need to become far more aggressive and stop wimping out as they have in the past, we can get back to some common sense in several areas of national life. They are pretty much the last bastion against madness and self-destruction for the country and will be the deciding factors; whether anybody likes that or not is just too bad, because it's just a fact, and they have all the right enemies. And I'm not talking about just the evangelicals, either. The 'left wing' and faux 'moderate' Christians are far more delusional if they think they're going to get a pass just for making the right sucking noises, they'll get tossed into the same ovens their more open fellows will.

Interesting concept. I frequently wish President Trump was just a bit more 'diplomatic' I guess in how he presents things, but if he was anybody other than himself, then he wouldn't be the guy who gets things done instead of just giving lip service to what sounds good to a target group.

He is the first President since Reagan who is actually singing my song on so many issues that are most important to me, and he is actually keeping his campaign promises instead of putting them on the shelf immediately after the election as most professional politicians do.

So I'll put up with all the cringeworthy remarks to get somebody who is honestly trying to accomplish something good for America for a change. And unless he seriously stumbles, I fully expect to vote for him again in 2020.
Well, we only get one choice, so I picked the primary reason, voting against 'The Other Person', and I don't mean just Hillary, but the entire establishment wing, and O also voted on the issues Trump was running on, but I didn't really expect him to go through and follow up with as many as he did, so I'm more than happy with my choice; Liberals have had few real choices since the late 1960's, and almost none since the 1980's, but Trump's more centralist stances are as close as we're going to get for a while, and rolling back the 'globalist' criminality is of primary importance to us surviving as a nation, and if the Christians don't fade, they really need to become far more aggressive and stop wimping out as they have in the past, we can get back to some common sense in several areas of national life. They are pretty much the last bastion against madness and self-destruction for the country and will be the deciding factors; whether anybody likes that or not is just too bad, because it's just a fact, and they have all the right enemies. And I'm not talking about just the evangelicals, either. The 'left wing' and faux 'moderate' Christians are far more delusional if they think they're going to get a pass just for making the right sucking noises, they'll get tossed into the same ovens their more open fellows will.

Interesting concept. I frequently wish President Trump was just a bit more 'diplomatic' I guess in how he presents things, but if he was anybody other than himself, then he wouldn't be the guy who gets things done instead of just giving lip service to what sounds good to a target group.

He is the first President since Reagan who is actually singing my song on so many issues that are most important to me, and he is actually keeping his campaign promises instead of putting them on the shelf immediately after the election as most professional politicians do.

So I'll put up with all the cringeworthy remarks to get somebody who is honestly trying to accomplish something good for America for a change. And unless he seriously stumbles, I fully expect to vote for him again in 2020.

It's just a function of where he was born and raised, which is New York City, old school, and yeah it annoys nearly everybody but it's just regional thing and how they are; his actual actions are not anything radical or over the top, so why worry about the superficial s? They're aggressive salesmen trying to survive and prosper in a big city with a whole lot of competition, honest and dishonest, and you have to get noticed or perish, it's that simple; the easy going small town take your time personality doesn't work for him or his types of business, and in construction you deal with politicians pretty much daily.

In any case, the media is incensed because he knows how to render them useless and stupid, and they greatly resent that he isn't afraid of them, doesn't need them, and they can look forward to their market values to political advertisers being next to nil and losing big bucks for their influence peddling capacities, another reason he's great.
Well, we only get one choice, so I picked the primary reason, voting against 'The Other Person', and I don't mean just Hillary, but the entire establishment wing, and O also voted on the issues Trump was running on, but I didn't really expect him to go through and follow up with as many as he did, so I'm more than happy with my choice; Liberals have had few real choices since the late 1960's, and almost none since the 1980's, but Trump's more centralist stances are as close as we're going to get for a while, and rolling back the 'globalist' criminality is of primary importance to us surviving as a nation, and if the Christians don't fade, they really need to become far more aggressive and stop wimping out as they have in the past, we can get back to some common sense in several areas of national life. They are pretty much the last bastion against madness and self-destruction for the country and will be the deciding factors; whether anybody likes that or not is just too bad, because it's just a fact, and they have all the right enemies. And I'm not talking about just the evangelicals, either. The 'left wing' and faux 'moderate' Christians are far more delusional if they think they're going to get a pass just for making the right sucking noises, they'll get tossed into the same ovens their more open fellows will.

Interesting concept. I frequently wish President Trump was just a bit more 'diplomatic' I guess in how he presents things, but if he was anybody other than himself, then he wouldn't be the guy who gets things done instead of just giving lip service to what sounds good to a target group.

He is the first President since Reagan who is actually singing my song on so many issues that are most important to me, and he is actually keeping his campaign promises instead of putting them on the shelf immediately after the election as most professional politicians do.

So I'll put up with all the cringeworthy remarks to get somebody who is honestly trying to accomplish something good for America for a change. And unless he seriously stumbles, I fully expect to vote for him again in 2020.

It's just a function of where he was born and raised, which is New York City, old school, and yeah it annoys nearly everybody but it's just regional thing and how they are; his actual actions are not anything radical or over the top, so why worry about the superficial s? They're aggressive salesmen trying to survive and prosper in a big city with a whole lot of competition, honest and dishonest, and you have to get noticed or perish, it's that simple; the easy going small town take your time personality doesn't work for him or his types of business, and in construction you deal with politicians pretty much daily.

In any case, the media is incensed because he knows how to render them useless and stupid, and they greatly resent that he isn't afraid of them, doesn't need them, and they can look forward to their market values to political advertisers being next to nil and losing big bucks for their influence peddling capacities, another reason he's great.

Acknowledged but I don't want this to be just another 'right bashing left' and/or 'left bashing right' thread so let's be a bit careful there.

I do think his experience with making deals--good ones, bad ones, mediocre ones, etc.--in the big stakes world around the globe--has honed his skills and gives him important insights in what is effective, what works, what is important, what isn't in critical negotiations. And not being a status quo guy in any sense of the word, he is not going to do anything according to the status quo expectations of anybody. That is one of his important strengths. He is fearless in his ability to see and cut through the crap and lead when everybody else is screaming that he should follow.

So, like I say, what he is accomplishing is absolutely remarkable given all the resistance he is getting from both sides of the aisle. Just think what he could accomplish if we could get rid of all the permanent political class in Washington--and yes that includes the GOP, the Democrats, and the other--and replace it with people who share the President's vision and who love America as he does?

There would still be dog fights on how best to get it done, but sooner or later they would agree on how to do it and they would do it.
Strictly against a given candidate; I've never voted "for" anyone.

I made peace with the lesser of two evils nature of American politics some 40 years ago, and have come to accept it.

But you didn't vote in the poll? No candidate has ever inspired you to vote FOR him or her? I'll have to admit that in some elections, it really is a choice between disappointing choices. I felt that way in 2008 and 2012. I voted enthusiastically for George W. Bush and he disappointment me. And I voted for President Trump with considerable apprehension in 2016, but so far he has not disappointed.
QUESTION: Without discussing President Trump or Hillary Clinton (or Bernie Sanders or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein) personally, was your vote strictly against somebody else? Or did you vote along party lines? Or did your vote and current support represent your opinions and/or deepest convictions, and/or hopes?

What is most important to you re the State of the Union at this time? What do you want the policy or direction to be?

I voted for Ms. Clinton. Like Bush 41, she is very well qualified as former Senator, former Secretary of State, former First Lady of the United States.

As for policies; not that concerned about anyone's policies. I like their initiatives. If your are pro college education for all Ameicans for may not get what you want from the Congress...but you are more likely to sign something that comes across your desk that is pro college education on some level. And, if the wall was going to control illegal immigration (which it will not), you can say the Wall as a metaphor is a sign that Trump is anti illegal immigration. The problem is that his employment of illegals speaks louder than this wall gambit. His marrying of someone who was moved to the front of the line of immigration on an "Einstein visa" speaks louder. Yes...Mel Trump got a visa reserved for people of "exceptional" talent. I suppose living with the blob without vomiting is exceptional... Anyway; if we know anything about the President is that they cannot fathom the challenges that they will face. A mind at work is the most important thing. Hillary's understanding of the world was far superior to anyone else who ran.

Most important? There are a lot of issues on the board. If I had to pick one is that we have a runaway government. We have a Congress (and did while the Dems were in the majority) that makes it up as they go along. We desperately need to address this. What are the rules? You go into office thinking you know them. Then...we don't have hearings to confirm a SCOTUS nominee for for 7 months? We have congressional sessions that last 44 seconds to prevent recess nominees? Hell, you can probably draw out more glaring examples of that than I have here.
Given the fact that Hillary got the D nomination, I would have preferred to vote third party. But I knew that if either Trump or Cruz got the R nomination, I'd have to vote for her.

I sure hope I get to vote FOR a major party candidate at some point.

Also responding to candycorn

I could not vote for anybody who expressed no understanding of why the problems we have exist or what needed to happen to solve them. I could not vote for somebody who gave few expressed objectives, and the ones that were expressed I saw as not something we wanted to achieve. I could not vote for somebody who gave every indication of continuing what I saw as bad and/or failed policy.

So I did vote for somebody who was willing to achieve and who expressed an understanding of:
--meaningful tax reform that was useful and not destructive
--pro Constitution and law enforcement and military
--pro liberty and elimination of unnecessary government meddling that interferes with it
--pro defense of borders, language, and culture
--pro opportunity and private sector
--pro smaller, more effective, more efficient government that is pro America and pro Americans
--pro free and fair trade
--pro peace through strength and via negotiation accomplishing win-win scenarios instead of acquiescence, capitulation, bullying, or empty complaints and/or threats
--what it is to lead, to be willing to be different, and understanding why political correctness can be evil,
--going after solutions and effectiveness instead of trying to justify an effective and often corrupt, useless, or at worse damaging status quo.

So I voted for the person who sometimes offends me, comes across like a self aggrandizing bull in the china shop at times, who on occasion misspeaks or gets a fact wrong, who on occasion is positively cringeworthy, but who has not disappointed on those issues important to me.

For the first time in a long time I am seeing the possibility that America could shine and be strong and proud again, that shining city on the hill again and example and friend to the world instead of the slow, steady decline that we have seen for decades. I'll put up with the personality to get those kinds of results.
Given the fact that Hillary got the D nomination, I would have preferred to vote third party. But I knew that if either Trump or Cruz got the R nomination, I'd have to vote for her.

I sure hope I get to vote FOR a major party candidate at some point.

Also responding to candycorn

I could not vote for anybody who expressed no understanding of why the problems we have exist or what needed to happen to solve them. I could not vote for somebody who gave few expressed objectives, and the ones that were expressed I saw as not something we wanted to achieve. I could not vote for somebody who gave every indication of continuing what I saw as bad and/or failed policy.

So I did vote for somebody who was willing to achieve and who expressed an understanding of:
--meaningful tax reform that was useful and not destructive
--pro Constitution and law enforcement and military
--pro liberty and elimination of unnecessary government meddling that interferes with it
--pro defense of borders, language, and culture
--pro opportunity and private sector
--pro smaller, more effective, more efficient government that is pro America and pro Americans
--pro free and fair trade
--pro peace through strength and via negotiation accomplishing win-win scenarios instead of acquiescence, capitulation, bullying, or empty complaints and/or threats
--what it is to lead, to be willing to be different, and understanding why political correctness can be evil,
--going after solutions and effectiveness instead of trying to justify an effective and often corrupt, useless, or at worse damaging status quo.

So I voted for the person who sometimes offends me, comes across like a self aggrandizing bull in the china shop at times, who on occasion misspeaks or gets a fact wrong, who on occasion is positively cringeworthy, but who has not disappointed on those issues important to me.

For the first time in a long time I am seeing the possibility that America could shine and be strong and proud again, that shining city on the hill again and example and friend to the world instead of the slow, steady decline that we have seen for decades. I'll put up with the personality to get those kinds of results.
Given my overall low esteem for professional politicians, I'm certainly open to people from outside the political spectrum being given a chance to improve things.

But it was, and continues to be, my strong opinion that Donald Trump possesses neither the intellectual capacity nor the temperamental capacity for the position. Nothing I've seen yet has altered that opinion in any way.

On top of my concern for what may happen as a result, I'm also concerned that he has damaged chances for other non-politicians to give it a shot in the near future.

As usual, I'll keep hoping for the best, and I'll cheer any victory. I'd love to be proven wrong.
Given the fact that Hillary got the D nomination, I would have preferred to vote third party. But I knew that if either Trump or Cruz got the R nomination, I'd have to vote for her.

I sure hope I get to vote FOR a major party candidate at some point.

Also responding to candycorn

I could not vote for anybody who expressed no understanding of why the problems we have exist or what needed to happen to solve them. I could not vote for somebody who gave few expressed objectives, and the ones that were expressed I saw as not something we wanted to achieve. I could not vote for somebody who gave every indication of continuing what I saw as bad and/or failed policy.

So I did vote for somebody who was willing to achieve and who expressed an understanding of:
--meaningful tax reform that was useful and not destructive
--pro Constitution and law enforcement and military
--pro liberty and elimination of unnecessary government meddling that interferes with it
--pro defense of borders, language, and culture
--pro opportunity and private sector
--pro smaller, more effective, more efficient government that is pro America and pro Americans
--pro free and fair trade
--pro peace through strength and via negotiation accomplishing win-win scenarios instead of acquiescence, capitulation, bullying, or empty complaints and/or threats
--what it is to lead, to be willing to be different, and understanding why political correctness can be evil,
--going after solutions and effectiveness instead of trying to justify an effective and often corrupt, useless, or at worse damaging status quo.

So I voted for the person who sometimes offends me, comes across like a self aggrandizing bull in the china shop at times, who on occasion misspeaks or gets a fact wrong, who on occasion is positively cringeworthy, but who has not disappointed on those issues important to me.

For the first time in a long time I am seeing the possibility that America could shine and be strong and proud again, that shining city on the hill again and example and friend to the world instead of the slow, steady decline that we have seen for decades. I'll put up with the personality to get those kinds of results.
Given my overall low esteem for professional politicians, I'm certainly open to people from outside the political spectrum being given a chance to improve things.

But it was, and continues to be, my strong opinion that Donald Trump possesses neither the intellectual capacity nor the temperamental capacity for the position. Nothing I've seen yet has altered that opinion in any way.

On top of my concern for what may happen as a result, I'm also concerned that he has damaged chances for other non-politicians to give it a shot in the near future.

As usual, I'll keep hoping for the best, and I'll cheer any victory. I'd love to be proven wrong.

And for me, I am sick to death of the groomed, professional, polished, poll tested, and scripted politicians of a permanent political class that has long existed to benefit itself and only throws enough bones to its constituency to keep itself in power. They speak eloquently on the campaign trail, make grandiose promises, and then promptly put those promises on the shelf once they are elected.

And when their message is one of contempt for half of America--when we are accused of being racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, uneducated and low information idiots clinging to our guns and religion, and even inferring that if we are female and white and don't support them that we are being told how to vote by our husbands, boyfriends, sons, bosses--they are not going to get my vote because there is no way they have any intention of understanding or representing me or my interests. That includes Democrats, Republicans, and other.

The guy I voted for is not such a professional politician. He is not partisan. He is no ideologue. All those are plusses in my book.

If the guy I voted for is able to accomplish good things--he already is accomplishing amazingly good things--he just might break the steel grip that permanent political class has on our government. If he does that, he'll get my nomination for sainthood. And I have always said that if he accomplishes no more than saving the high court from dogmatic ideology and shows up political correctness for the evil that it has become, he will have been worth the vote.
I hear Trump voters having one of more of these motivations, based on many interviews on TV:

1) single or two issues, like abortion and gun rights
2) just had heartburn for Hillary or they just hate women or think women cannot possibly be competent
3) want a "tough" guy that will push around and threaten the rest of the world
4) wanted change, but didn't understand what the real disfunction in Congress was because they never watch the news

Whatever the reason they give, there is one thing for sure about Trump voters:

They are willing to abandon all morals, ethics and even put up with criminal behavior to get their way. Even if the regime is in it for personal gain, it's okay with them.

Hillary voters on the other hand had these motivations:

1) protect our Democracy from corruption
2) give everyone a chance to achieve the "American Dream", particularly through education
3) provide support to those in need
4) remove the influence of big money from Congress
5) balance the budget by raising taxes on the top .1%
6) reduce taxes on corporations
7) make the streets and schools safer for us and our children
8) make the world a safer place by cooperating with our allies
9) provide a cost-effective healthcare system by modifying Obamacare or going to a government-run healthcare system

Hillary voters understand that:
  • words matter
  • the President's behavior is a reflection of the entire country's values
  • we believe in the ideology set forth in the US Constitution
  • we believe that the President is not above the law, noone is above the law
I distrusted Clinton and the Democrats so much that even though I thought Trump was pretty much a despicable person I voted for him anyway, partly as a protest over politics as usual and I definitely wanted a change in direction and attitude. I hoped both parties would get the message, that we the public wanted them to get things done for us rather than for them, but neither party seemed to understand or realize how much disgust there is with what's been going on both sides of the aisle.
Fox I haven’t seen you in a long time. Hope you are doing well.

I didn’t see anything in the poll that I could pick, so let me wing it.

What is missing from most of these posts is context. I never started out with the person, I start out with the country, the constitution , our history and the best way of preserving these for future generations. For instance, no matter how “qualified” Hilary was she was for Hilary, not for America. Trump, in spite of his abrasive style, volunteered, let me say that again, volunteered to try and get the country back on an American track. In short, there are principles that need to be preserved AND promoted, American, constitutional, and liberty principles. All of us carry a torch that we have to pass on to the next generation. That is my yardstick for candidates.

None of this is a zero sum game. As the little socialist cutiein New York, shows, the us could have its own system used to overthrow itself. And she brought so many democratic socialists who are also elected officials out of the closet that the democrats have real election problems. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Voting for the right candidates for the right reasons is part of eternal vigilance.
I'm struck by the overwhelming (I put it at 95+ percent) of Trump voters who voted for John McCain in 2008. And in 6 years, they will vote for someone who looks more like McCain than Trump again. It speaks to the amount of self-deception that republicans are currently undergoing where they have been coerced into lending not only support but allegiance to this incredibly inept, aloof, and frankly stupid person who has to write notes like "I hear you" and "No collusion" himself.

Contrast that to the Democratic nominees of Obama and Hilary Clinton. It would be difficult to detect much difference between the two; perhaps in policy but not philosophy. Democrats will not have to explain to their kids why they supported someone so outside of not only their own personal values but outside of the accepted norms in society. Most people do not sleep with porn stars that (and this is verified) tell the "actress" that "you remind me of my daughter".

As for policies, few can point to a policy that has made much of a difference to most Americans. The tax breaks have largely gone to the uber wealthy and to corporations who quickly pocketed the money. Wages have not increased. The CPI and PPI are surging. Unemployment has continued it's downward trend that started soon after Obama took over for the previous republican disaster. As for campaign promises; Trump has kept few. "We're going to take care of everyone" (10/14/15) has turned into a repeal of the ACA and a return to the bad old days where insurance companies can refuse to issue you coverage for PECs. Our military is not stronger in any measurable way. The infrastructure plan has been abandoned. The summits with world leaders have been a wholesale embarrassment. His "I hire the best people" is now a punchline. His picking trade wars with our allies is a move that will leave economists shaking their heads for decades.

The thread is about who you voted for and why. Politics is a profession. Sorry. But it is. It is best left to the professionals. The only thing more inexplicable than most of the embarrassments that this administration is responsible for is that principled conservatives on this board and not have remained mum in their addressing this malfeasance. It speaks to the need to have people in office who realize that this is not a vanity play but the livelihoods (and in some cases the lives) of the people they represent are in the balance. I voted for HRC because she was easily the best qualified person for the position that was on the ballot. The 544 days that Trump has been in office has highlighted how ill prepared he was for the job from a character standpoint, a policy standpoint, and a simple energy standpoint.
I liked your own reasons you posted, Foxy. I didn't vote in the poll because my Dad always said that voting for POTUS or any government official should be private..and I agree with him.

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