Why hospitals will drop Medicare!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Hospitals today as of October 3, 2012
Hospitals: 4,019
Total Revenue: $2,014,917,541,000
Total Medicare payments:$186 billion or 10% of total revenue comes from Medicare.

As a result hospitals HAPPY to give up Medicare BECAUSE they are ALSO paying approximately 3% or $68 billion in "uncompensated" costs because In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) that if a hospital takes Medicare, they have to regardless of an individual's ability to pay. provide stabilizing treatment for patients.." the hospital must absorb these "unreimbursed" costs in the Emergency room.

So hospitals are saying if we have to pay 3% of our revenues for "uncompensated" services in order to collect 10% Medicare revenue that will be reduced under Obamacare... WHY???
The difference between the two is eaten up by Medicare rules,regulations administration costs... why bother for the possibly LOWER differential of less then 7%???

They''ll drop Medicare!

Part A ($186 billion in 2010): Medicare Part A, or Hospital Insurance (HI), pays for inpatient hospital, skilled nursing facility, home health (related to a hospital stay), and hospice care. Part A financing comes primarily from a 2.9 percent payroll tax split between employees and employers.

Part B ($140 billion in 2010): Medicare Part B, or Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI), pays for physician, outpatient hospital, end-stage renal disease (ESRD), laboratory, durable medical equipment, certain home health, and other medical services. Part B coverage is voluntary, and about 94 percent of Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in Part B.

Part C ($116 billion in 2010): Medicare Part C, the Medicare Advantage (MA) program, offers beneficiaries a variety of coverage options including health maintenance organizations, preferred provider organizations, special needs plans, and private fee for-service plans. MA enrollment totals more than 10 million of Medicare beneficiaries in 2009.

From this source: American Hospital Directory - Hospital Statistics by State
Fiscal Year 2010 Budget in Brief | HHS.gov
Sure, why not let people die on the curb right outside their emergency room doors? After all...this is a business for making trainloads of money, not anything to do with healthcare.

And, God knows they can't afford it, what with $2 TRILLION in revenue, which works out to an average of a mere $501 million PER HOSPITAL!

But, hey....we doan need no stinkin' healthcare reform, do we?
Sure, why not let people die on the curb right outside their emergency room doors? After all...this is a business for making trainloads of money, not anything to do with healthcare.

And, God knows they can't afford it, what with $2 TRILLION in revenue, which works out to an average of a mere $501 million PER HOSPITAL!

But, hey....we doan need no stinkin' healthcare reform, do we?

Actually the REASON for what you ignorantly say is the problem WAS EMTALA!!!!
It started out like all "good intentions" BUT snowballed as more hospitals saw more "uninsured", they would bill Medicare/insurance companies and absorb the costs by "padding and Passing " on ! I have documentation where hospitals have sometimes OVERCHARGED Medicare 6,000% to recover their "uncompensated" services costs!
This added then to Medicare/private insurance claims did nothing but Passed on to the consumer! Insurance companies (it is a FACT by the way) average 80% of premiums paid out in claims. So the higher the claims the higher the premiums! That simple!
Result was employers drop health plans as unemployment climbs.
People can't afford pay for their own, go to hospitals and as Uninsured must be seen!
A totally vicious cycle of good intentions SNOWBaLLING into massive costs which in turn cause higher premiums.

AND IGNORANT people like you supported Obamacare WHICH JUST massively compounds the problem starting with the massive lie of 50 million "uninsured" NOT!!

So the solution is simple!
ALL uninsured must register at the hospitals and the hospitals THEN send their claims to the Uninsured Health Insurance Co. (UHIC) which gets it's premiums from one of two sources:
1) SINCE lawyers as a FACT have caused $600 billion a year in "defensive medicine" costs (think of claims' costs increasing raising premiums) as 90% of physicians acknowledge that they
send duplicate tests, referrals ALL out of fear of being sued! So tax lawyers 10% of their $100 billion in fees. Use the $10 billion as premiums to pay the "UHIC" premiums.
So when registered uninsured has services.. claim paid to hospital from UHIC! That simple!

2) Or if lawyers don't pay.. THEN tax hospitals for UNCoMPENSATED costs and use premium to pay for UHIC coverage!
20% of $60 billion in uncompensated pay the premium. All claims then sent to UHIC and audits of hospitals claims would prove NO PADDING AND PASSING to Medicare/insurance!
Thus premiums go down. Less UNINSURED going to hospitals. Solution is that simple!

BUT even that is too complicated for simpletons like you looking to the government to take care of you womb to tomb and because YOU are so stupid about finance marketing, etc.
YOU have NO IDEA of the totally destructive path you are on!!!
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