Why historically speaking the countries middle class has fared better under Democrats


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
It’s because the Democratic Party of the past was way more pro American than it is today that’s why. And many of Yesterdays Democrats have become Republicans today.

Well the thing is that today’s Democratic party is all about race politics and identity politics. They don’t care about the middle class so if you’re voting Democrat don’t think that they’re gonna care about the middle class because they don’t anymore.

Unless the Democratic Party changes it’s ways and goes back to being the party of Lyndon Baines Johnson and John F Kennedy Our country will not do good.

Right now Donald Trump is the closest thing we have to a president who cares about the middle class.
Joe Biden could care less about the Middle Class. His policies are designed to make two groups of people happy...Coastal Elites and the Entitlement Class. This "progressive" Democratic Party is nothing like the party of JFK!
It’s because the Democratic Party of the past was way more pro American than it is today that’s why. And many of Yesterdays Democrats have become Republicans today.

Well the thing is that today’s Democratic party is all about race politics and identity politics. They don’t care about the middle class so if you’re voting Democrat don’t think that they’re gonna care about the middle class because they don’t anymore.

Unless the Democratic Party changes it’s ways and goes back to being the party of Lyndon Baines Johnson and John F Kennedy Our country will not do good.

Right now Donald Trump is the closest thing we have to a president who cares about the middle class.
While it's still possible to edit, could you change it to read 'country's' ?
It's not the 60s anymore and the DNC is no longer the party of the working man. They are the party of the leftist Ivy League elite that uses manipulation for it's ends.

I suspect every ill that has been foisted upon America since Bubba Clinton took office can be traced to it's leftist I-L roots.

I first posted this meme I made-up in jest but it hits closer to the truth every day.


Dems are like the Borg.
Hillary calls the middle class "deplorable"
Biden calls the middle class "dregs of society"
Obama calls the middle class "bitter clingers"
Merrick Garland calls the middle class "domestic terrorist"
In Left Wing economics the middle class are the slaves.

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