Why Hasn't This Fox Host Been Fired Yet??

"There hasn’t been a ton of pushback from Trumpists against the Jan. 6 committee hearings, at least not beyond some vague denunciations. There’s so much damning — and even embarrassing — evidence that there’s not much concrete for them to say. The main plan seems to be to ignore it, which is what Fox News mostly did at first. But after the fourth hearing on Tuesday, even the right-leaning network had to admit it really doesn’t make their once-favorite president look good."

WTF Neil?? No, you are not supposed to say "This makes Trump look awful" -- you are not supposed to even acknowledge the whole thing....and if you do, just say its fake news and talk bout the fact Biden raped his own son and daughter and made them addicted to drugs....why is this not a story that Fox leads with every single day? Who cares about "Fake electors" -- to the extent any of that is remotely illegal; just say Trump didn't know about it....blame it on the Deep State; claim Obama did it too -- or just say "but what about her emails" 20 times until it goes away...This isn't the first time that Neil has gone off script.....how he still has a job is beyond me...if he wants to trash the only true president; he should go to MSNBC instead....

Because Fox is fair and balanced.

Now, who is defending Trump on CNN and MSNBC?

"There hasn’t been a ton of pushback from Trumpists against the Jan. 6 committee hearings, at least not beyond some vague denunciations. There’s so much damning — and even embarrassing — evidence that there’s not much concrete for them to say. The main plan seems to be to ignore it, which is what Fox News mostly did at first. But after the fourth hearing on Tuesday, even the right-leaning network had to admit it really doesn’t make their once-favorite president look good."

WTF Neil?? No, you are not supposed to say "This makes Trump look awful" -- you are not supposed to even acknowledge the whole thing....and if you do, just say its fake news and talk bout the fact Biden raped his own son and daughter and made them addicted to drugs....why is this not a story that Fox leads with every single day? Who cares about "Fake electors" -- to the extent any of that is remotely illegal; just say Trump didn't know about it....blame it on the Deep State; claim Obama did it too -- or just say "but what about her emails" 20 times until it goes away...This isn't the first time that Neil has gone off script.....how he still has a job is beyond me...if he wants to trash the only true president; he should go to MSNBC instead....

Cavuto is a neo-Con.
Haha, here come the RINO calls… I hear them in the distance!!!

Cavuto is a non-interesting pussy. I never liked that never Trumper.

His femininity reminds me of a typical libturd male

Cavuto has always been a Trump critic

I doubt he's a true conservative

Cavuto is a neo-Con.
Pretty funny
So you only watch Fox News. Interesting.
I don't watch talking head news programs period.....I know how to get information without sitting in front of a TV to get it....

And for morons like you, news outlets like Fox and OAN are nothing but pornhub for made up conservative outrage
Neil Cavuto on Monday...
I hate X.
Neil Cavuto gets lots of nasty e-mails after Moday's show.

Neil Cavuto on Tuesday...
I love X.
Neil Cavuto gets lots of nasty e-mails after Tuesday's show.

Rinse, Wash, Repeat...

Cavuto should have been fired for lack of integrity years ago.

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