Why hasn't there been a big demand to investigate Soros's influence on our elections by the Repubs?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
George Soros and other rich liberals who spent tens of millions of dollars trying to elect Hillary Clinton are gathering in Washington for a three-day, closed door meeting to retool the big-money left to fight back against Donald Trump.

The conference, which kicked off Sunday night at Washington’s pricey Mandarin Oriental hotel, is sponsored by the influential Democracy Alliance donor club, and will include appearances by leaders of most leading unions and liberal groups, as well as darlings of the left such as House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chairman Keith Ellison, according to an agenda and other documents obtained by POLITICO.

Soros bands with donors to resist Trump, 'take back power'

Here are some things this pathetic human being has done and is doing.

1. Gives billions to left-wing causes: Soros started the Open Society Institute in 1993 as a way to spread his wealth to progressive causes. Using Open Society as a conduit, Soros has given more than $7 billion to a who’s who of left-wing groups. This partial list of recipients of Soros’ money says it all: ACORN, Apollo Alliance, National Council of La Raza, Tides Foundation, Huffington Post, Southern Poverty Law Center, Soujourners, People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood, and the National Organization for Women.

2. Influence on U.S. elections: Soros once said that removing President George W. Bush from office in 2004 was the “central focus of my life.” He put his money where his mouth is, giving $23.58 million to various 527 groups dedicated to defeating Bush. His early financial support helped jump-start Barack Obama’s political career. Soros hosted a 2004 fund-raiser for Obama when he was running for the Illinois Senate and gave the maximum-allowed contribution within hours of Obama’s announcement that he was running for President

3. Wants to curtail American sovereignty: Soros would like nothing better than for America to become subservient to international bodies. He wants more power for groups such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, even while saying the U.S. role in the IMF should be “downsized.” In 1998, he wrote: “Insofar as there are collective interests that transcend state boundaries, the sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions.”

4. Media Matters: Soros is a financial backer of Media Matters for America, a progressive media watchdog group that hyperventilates over any conservative view that makes it into the mainstream media. Now its founder, David Brock, has openly declared war on Fox News, telling Politico that the group was mounting “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” against the cable news channel, and would try to disrupt the commercial interests of owner Rupert Murdoch—an odd mission for a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational foundation that is barred from participating in partisan political activity.

5. Currency manipulation: A large part of Soros’ multibillion-dollar fortune has come from manipulating currencies. During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad accused him of bringing down the nation’s currency through his trading activities, and in Thailand he was called an “economic war criminal.” Known as “The Man who Broke the Bank of England,” Soros initiated a British financial crisis by dumping 10 billion sterling, forcing the devaluation of the currency and gaining a billion-dollar profit.

6. Delusions: Soros has repeatedly said that he sees himself as a messianic figure. Who but a megalomaniac would make these comments? “I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-importance—to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god” or “I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin.” If only the loony bin were an option. As it is, one of the wealthiest men in the world is using his billions to impose a radical agenda on America.


The fact that our do nothing republicans who are allegedly on his payroll certainly avoid creating a big deal about this fucking guy.

Talk about influence on our elections.

Oooops. I forgot. He spouts liberal talking points. Sooooo, he is good. He hates America. Sooooo, he is good.

Keep forgetting.
Now Libs are starting to freak out about the investigation that they were screaming for yesterday. Suddenly they don't want Mueller to investigate. They want SOMEONE ELSE. Someone who won't really investigate.
George Soros is an American citizen, so his influence is qualitatively no different than what the Koch brothers do. Allegations that Putin influenced the election is an entirely different kettle of fish..., and it stinks from the head.
Now Libs are starting to freak out about the investigation that they were screaming for yesterday. Suddenly they don't want Mueller to investigate. They want SOMEONE ELSE. Someone who won't really investigate.
Well, we see how the rehearsed talking points are and how the sheep just eat it up. We saw this right before our eyes with Colbert last week.



Baaaah!!! Baaaaahh!

These politicians on both sides are so corrupt, if you charge one they threaten to rat out the rest of the corrupt bastards hence time and again they get off scott free. That's why time and again the politicians get away with crimes common citizens never would.
George Soros is an American citizen, so his influence is qualitatively no different than what the Koch brothers do. Allegations that Putin influenced the election is an entirely different kettle of fish..., and it stinks from the head.

Complete bullshit. Koch's are nothing like Soros. I'll list the foundations and media that Soros is using to brainwash Americans, and you list the Koch's meddling.
Organizations Funded by George Soros and His Open Society Foundations - Discover the Networks
Now Libs are starting to freak out about the investigation that they were screaming for yesterday. Suddenly they don't want Mueller to investigate. They want SOMEONE ELSE. Someone who won't really investigate.
Well, we see how the rehearsed talking points are and how the sheep just eat it up. We saw this right before our eyes with Colbert last week.



Baaaah!!! Baaaaahh!


What an idiot you are. Soros donated to causes that HELP PEOPLE. As opposed to the Koch Bros. who give money to those who seek to curb workers rights, lower wages, and destroy personal and individual freedoms in the name of corporatism.
Now Libs are starting to freak out about the investigation that they were screaming for yesterday. Suddenly they don't want Mueller to investigate. They want SOMEONE ELSE. Someone who won't really investigate.
Well, we see how the rehearsed talking points are and how the sheep just eat it up. We saw this right before our eyes with Colbert last week.



Baaaah!!! Baaaaahh!


What an idiot you are. Soros donated to causes that HELP PEOPLE. As opposed to the Koch Bros. who give money to those who seek to curb workers rights, lower wages, and destroy personal and individual freedoms in the name of corporatism.
List the people whose personal freedoms were destroyed by the Koch brothers.

Oh, isn't it time to chew your cud?

The fact that you fucking people even try to bring up the "Koch brothers."

I will take it as your admission that soros indeed does interfere with our elections far worse than anything the russians are "reported" doing.

Now, back to your cud.
Now Libs are starting to freak out about the investigation that they were screaming for yesterday. Suddenly they don't want Mueller to investigate. They want SOMEONE ELSE. Someone who won't really investigate.
Well, we see how the rehearsed talking points are and how the sheep just eat it up. We saw this right before our eyes with Colbert last week.



Baaaah!!! Baaaaahh!


What an idiot you are. Soros donated to causes that HELP PEOPLE. As opposed to the Koch Bros. who give money to those who seek to curb workers rights, lower wages, and destroy personal and individual freedoms in the name of corporatism.

Good for you, now maybe you should consider getting a job instead or relying on Soros to pay you to protest.
Now Libs are starting to freak out about the investigation that they were screaming for yesterday. Suddenly they don't want Mueller to investigate. They want SOMEONE ELSE. Someone who won't really investigate.
Well, we see how the rehearsed talking points are and how the sheep just eat it up. We saw this right before our eyes with Colbert last week.



Baaaah!!! Baaaaahh!


What an idiot you are. Soros donated to causes that HELP PEOPLE. As opposed to the Koch Bros. who give money to those who seek to curb workers rights, lower wages, and destroy personal and individual freedoms in the name of corporatism.

Good for you, now maybe you should consider getting a job instead or relying on Soros to pay you to protest.
Why would someone paying a person to appear at a protest with a sign different than someone paying for a billboard or other form of advertisement? If I want to promote a specific cause, why don't I have the right to provide transportation cost, housing, and food to another person who believes the same things about the cause that I do, but can not afford to attend the protest? Of course, the whole claim and accusations against Soros are speculative enough to qualify as fake, but even the dopey conclusion from analyzing the fake stuff fails.
Now Libs are starting to freak out about the investigation that they were screaming for yesterday. Suddenly they don't want Mueller to investigate. They want SOMEONE ELSE. Someone who won't really investigate.
Well, we see how the rehearsed talking points are and how the sheep just eat it up. We saw this right before our eyes with Colbert last week.



Baaaah!!! Baaaaahh!


What an idiot you are. Soros donated to causes that HELP PEOPLE. As opposed to the Koch Bros. who give money to those who seek to curb workers rights, lower wages, and destroy personal and individual freedoms in the name of corporatism.

Good for you, now maybe you should consider getting a job instead or relying on Soros to pay you to protest.
Why would someone paying a person to appear at a protest with a sign different than someone paying for a billboard or other form of advertisement? If I want to promote a specific cause, why don't I have the right to provide transportation cost, housing, and food to another person who believes the same things about the cause that I do, but can not afford to attend the protest? Of course, the whole claim and accusations against Soros are speculative enough to qualify as fake, but even the dopey conclusion from analyzing the fake stuff fails.

Well....the person with a billboard or other form of advertisement rarely destroys someone else's property or craps in someone else's front yard.
Why hasn't there been a big demand to investigate Soros's influence on our elections by the Repubs?

Because republicans can't handle much more damage at this point
Mueller shouldn’t forget to investigate Clinton's Russia ties during Trump probe

"Unlike the inferences that have been made about President Trump and his campaign, many of which rely on rumor, innuendo, conspiracy theories and deliberate falsehoods, the Clintons’ extensive relationship with Russian interests has been documented and reported by some of the nation’s leading journalists.

"For instance, an article in the April 23, 2015 New York Times by Jo Becker and Mike McIntire is titled, “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal.” The headline says it all."

Yeah. Lol. Trump will be cleared. Dems are going to prison.

Comey Under Oath: 'Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations' - Breitbart
You forget, that there is corruption in the Republican Establishment GOP as much as there is Corruption in The Establishment DNC.

Trump is fighting a war on two fronts.

And though it might not seem like it, he is winning.

So until you clean up both sides of the isle, we won't fully know The Truth.

It's going to be a painful process and The Establishment as you can see is going to fight like Hell to keep their corrupt ways from being exposed to The Public.
George Soros is an American citizen, so his influence is qualitatively no different than what the Koch brothers do. Allegations that Putin influenced the election is an entirely different kettle of fish..., and it stinks from the head.

Complete bullshit. Koch's are nothing like Soros. I'll list the foundations and media that Soros is using to brainwash Americans, and you list the Koch's meddling.
Organizations Funded by George Soros and His Open Society Foundations - Discover the Networks

George Soros is an American citizen, so his influence is qualitatively no different than what the Koch brothers do. Allegations that Putin influenced the election is an entirely different kettle of fish..., and it stinks from the head.

Complete bullshit. Koch's are nothing like Soros. I'll list the foundations and media that Soros is using to brainwash Americans, and you list the Koch's meddling.
Organizations Funded by George Soros and His Open Society Foundations - Discover the Networks


When you don't have a point, you should refrain from wasting space in threads.

Unless of course, you're just trolling. Which is not permitted in this thread, mod.

If you want to talk about koch bros, you should head over to the conspiracies forum, dontcha think? Or at least start a separate thread.
George Soros is an American citizen, so his influence is qualitatively no different than what the Koch brothers do. Allegations that Putin influenced the election is an entirely different kettle of fish..., and it stinks from the head.

Complete bullshit. Koch's are nothing like Soros. I'll list the foundations and media that Soros is using to brainwash Americans, and you list the Koch's meddling.
Organizations Funded by George Soros and His Open Society Foundations - Discover the Networks


When you don't have a point, you should refrain from wasting space in threads.

Unless of course, you're just trolling. Which is not permitted in this thread, mod.


I responded directly to the question asked in the post I responded to.

So why don't you go fuck yourself, dusty old ****.

And while you're at it, take some remedial reading classes.
George Soros is an American citizen, so his influence is qualitatively no different than what the Koch brothers do. Allegations that Putin influenced the election is an entirely different kettle of fish..., and it stinks from the head.

Complete bullshit. Koch's are nothing like Soros. I'll list the foundations and media that Soros is using to brainwash Americans, and you list the Koch's meddling.
Organizations Funded by George Soros and His Open Society Foundations - Discover the Networks


When you don't have a point, you should refrain from wasting space in threads.

Unless of course, you're just trolling. Which is not permitted in this thread, mod.


I responded directly to the question asked in the post I responded to.

So why don't you go fuck yourself, dusty old ****.

And while you're at it, take some remedial reading classes.

You responded to a request that you stop trolling with koch bs in a thread where it is irrelevant.

Stop trolling, troll.
George Soros is an American citizen, so his influence is qualitatively no different than what the Koch brothers do. Allegations that Putin influenced the election is an entirely different kettle of fish..., and it stinks from the head.

Complete bullshit. Koch's are nothing like Soros. I'll list the foundations and media that Soros is using to brainwash Americans, and you list the Koch's meddling.
Organizations Funded by George Soros and His Open Society Foundations - Discover the Networks


When you don't have a point, you should refrain from wasting space in threads.

Unless of course, you're just trolling. Which is not permitted in this thread, mod.


I responded directly to the question asked in the post I responded to.

So why don't you go fuck yourself, dusty old ****.

And while you're at it, take some remedial reading classes.

You responded to a request that you stop trolling with koch bs in a thread where it is irrelevant.

Stop trolling, troll.


I responded to a request for the Koch "meddling" with an inforgraphic showing it.

Stop whining, ****.
Complete bullshit. Koch's are nothing like Soros. I'll list the foundations and media that Soros is using to brainwash Americans, and you list the Koch's meddling.
Organizations Funded by George Soros and His Open Society Foundations - Discover the Networks


When you don't have a point, you should refrain from wasting space in threads.

Unless of course, you're just trolling. Which is not permitted in this thread, mod.


I responded directly to the question asked in the post I responded to.

So why don't you go fuck yourself, dusty old ****.

And while you're at it, take some remedial reading classes.

You responded to a request that you stop trolling with koch bs in a thread where it is irrelevant.

Stop trolling, troll.


I responded to a request for the Koch "meddling" with an inforgraphic showing it.

Stop whining, ****.

Stop trolling, ****. You aren't even good at it. You just have nominal authority that means you are enabled.

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