Why hasn't the John Hopkins Hospital Name not been Changed Yet?


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
A team of researchers led by Johns Hopkins professor Martha S. Jones, who specializes in African American history, has unearthed U.S. Census returns revealing that Hopkins — whose Quaker father and grandfather have long been thought to have freed their slaves — led a Baltimore household that included at least five enslaved men, one in 1840 and four in 1850.

The CEO's and the directors and all of the white racist pig managers have known all along. How many statues of the racist slave owner and family are there scattered about the campus - they all have to come down, NOW!
The roosters are coming home to roost.
A team of researchers led by Johns Hopkins professor Martha S. Jones, who specializes in African American history, has unearthed U.S. Census returns revealing that Hopkins — whose Quaker father and grandfather have long been thought to have freed their slaves — led a Baltimore household that included at least five enslaved men, one in 1840 and four in 1850.

The CEO's and the directors and all of the white racist pig managers have known all along. How many statues of the racist slave owner and family are there scattered about the campus - they all have to come down, NOW!
The roosters are coming home to roost.
Try asking the John Hopkins Institute...John did however get rid of the slaves and became and ardent abolitionist
A team of researchers led by Johns Hopkins professor Martha S. Jones, who specializes in African American history, has unearthed U.S. Census returns revealing that Hopkins — whose Quaker father and grandfather have long been thought to have freed their slaves — led a Baltimore household that included at least five enslaved men, one in 1840 and four in 1850.

The CEO's and the directors and all of the white racist pig managers have known all along. How many statues of the racist slave owner and family are there scattered about the campus - they all have to come down, NOW!
The roosters are coming home to roost.
It's Johns Hopkins idiot.

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The Bible approves of slavery. What is keeping 'people' from denouncing it? "Cancel" Judaism and Christianity in order to reach ideological purity! Oh, and, by the way, the Koran and Islam don't come up to par, either! Down with everybody!
The continued screaming about slavery in our nation's past, is just a method to try and divide the people. All nations....I repeat....all nations....had slavery at some point in history and it wasn't restricted to only being blacks being slaves. Put a world map on the wall and toss darts at it, wherever it hits land and that land had people, there were slaves. Even Hawaiian tribes had slavery, captured from wars between the tribes. Africans had slaves in Africa. To make out like this nation was somehow hideously evil because of its past, is absurd. Hell, even native tribes here had slaves from other tribes.
As for the John Hopkins Hospital, what would you replace the name with? As many leftists screaming are in favor of Marxism, would the names of various organizations be changed to known past Marxist leaders (Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Marx, Mao Zedong, Che Guevara)? That in and of itself would be highly offensive to those that lived under the evil of Marxism and the 7.3 million people that fled Socialism, came here to live freely under our Constitution and its Bill of Rights. They don't want to end up under Marxism's violent thumb again.
Forget the name on the hospital and focus on what it does. It treats all races. Period.
The Bible approves of slavery. What is keeping 'people' from denouncing it? "Cancel" Judaism and Christianity in order to reach ideological purity! Oh, and, by the way, the Koran and Islam don't come up to par, either! Down with everybody!
And the Bible disapproves of adultery........

But that aint stop republican sycophants from idolizing an adulterer.....
A team of researchers led by Johns Hopkins professor Martha S. Jones, who specializes in African American history, has unearthed U.S. Census returns revealing that Hopkins — whose Quaker father and grandfather have long been thought to have freed their slaves — led a Baltimore household that included at least five enslaved men, one in 1840 and four in 1850.

The CEO's and the directors and all of the white racist pig managers have known all along. How many statues of the racist slave owner and family are there scattered about the campus - they all have to come down, NOW!
The roosters are coming home to roost.
Wow! That's almost as bad as Kamala's ancestors
A team of researchers led by Johns Hopkins professor Martha S. Jones, who specializes in African American history, has unearthed U.S. Census returns revealing that Hopkins — whose Quaker father and grandfather have long been thought to have freed their slaves — led a Baltimore household that included at least five enslaved men, one in 1840 and four in 1850.

The CEO's and the directors and all of the white racist pig managers have known all along. How many statues of the racist slave owner and family are there scattered about the campus - they all have to come down, NOW!
The roosters are coming home to roost.
I am guessing BLM thugs will be burning it to ash next year along with any doctors, nurses or patients inside
A team of researchers led by Johns Hopkins professor Martha S. Jones, who specializes in African American history, has unearthed U.S. Census returns revealing that Hopkins — whose Quaker father and grandfather have long been thought to have freed their slaves — led a Baltimore household that included at least five enslaved men, one in 1840 and four in 1850.

The CEO's and the directors and all of the white racist pig managers have known all along. How many statues of the racist slave owner and family are there scattered about the campus - they all have to come down, NOW!
The roosters are coming home to roost.
Try asking the John Hopkins Institute...John did however get rid of the slaves and became and ardent abolitionist

That ain't enough for the Negroes and White guilt pukes.

Dey be entitled, doncha you know?
Not to worry!

The hospital will soon be renamed.

Maybe they are waiting for the Inauguration of the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and the Honorable Kamala D. Harris.
The Bible approves of slavery. What is keeping 'people' from denouncing it? "Cancel" Judaism and Christianity in order to reach ideological purity! Oh, and, by the way, the Koran and Islam don't come up to par, either! Down with everybody!
And the Bible disapproves of adultery........

But that aint stop republican sycophants from idolizing an adulterer.....
The only thing that can be said for Trump's case is that at least he made no attempt at hiding anything in that regard. The denizens of foggy bottom have as a most common trait 'adultery' in one form or another, if not downright treason.
The Bible approves of slavery. What is keeping 'people' from denouncing it? "Cancel" Judaism and Christianity in order to reach ideological purity! Oh, and, by the way, the Koran and Islam don't come up to par, either! Down with everybody!
And the Bible disapproves of adultery........

But that aint stop republican sycophants from idolizing an adulterer.....

When did Republicans worship Bill Clinton?

( If you are smart you would write that Donald the Marvelous was friends with Bill )

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