Why exactly do you have a problem footing the bill for the daily survival of the poor?

I just lol'ed! You expect the loserterian to care??? They don't even want to foot the effin bill for the roads they drive on or the weather service that warns their ass about violent weather.

Loserterians suck.

boy oh boy, reading that crap gave me a chill I was reading something HILTER would have said.

We are all a family except those Jews.
  • Speaking as a WASP, (White Anglo Saxon Protestant), I socialize with Jews and Gays because they are smartest thinkers. They know how to use their power in the entertainment business. Can't say the same about illegal Mexicans, all Muslims, and fundamentalist Christians. This translates to freeloaders, insane terrorists, and brainwashed holy rollers. Hating evil is good thing.
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We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-

Because you have no idea who is poor, why they're poor, and whether or not they truly need/ deserve our help.
Most of the people who want to dump the poor are narcissists, they are incapable of caring about anyone except themselves and all they know is that they want to keep more of their money for their own purposes.
Hey asshole..When we're struggling just to get by and we then have to listen to you people berate us for being "selfish" you get the backlash you deserve.

Trying to pay bills,rent,car insurance,daily living expenses living paycheck to paycheck.....
And then we get our balls broken because we are selfish and don't care about the poor.....

Fuck these people who say we don't care about the poor....
You guys feel not enough is being done....
Donate to your favorite charity and get off my back.

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