Why EV dominance a LONG ways away!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Not the middle of nowhere
Have to say....I got a real belly laugh when I saw this today. Especially thinking of the 4 or 5 unicorn chasing EV cheerleaders in this forum.


Have to say....I got a real belly laugh when I saw this today. Especially thinking of the 4 or 5 unicorn chasing EV cheerleaders in this forum.


View attachment 583597
My buddy can't get his battery F150 now for a few more months than they told him. Then they said, "oh and the price went up".

Bullshit. They should have to honor the price.
Of course there will be problems with the transition to electric vehicles, just like there were problems with the transition from horses to cars. We'll work through the problems, and move on. Those worried about too many electric vehicles causing insurmountable problems need to quit whining.
Poor mofu's are gonna have their fancy EV and no place to go.

As more and more of the ghey EV realities become apparent, the EV fad will wane ( the little fad it is 🐑)
California is the ideal place for solar on the roof and a couple of Powerwall's in the garage. Then you are driving your EV for no fuel costs.
California is the ideal place for solar on the roof and a couple of Powerwall's in the garage. Then you are driving your EV for no fuel costs.

Will there be an adapter kit for the homeless to mount their solar panels to the roof of their tents?


There are no free lunches in physics. All you are really doing is buying a great deal of "fuel" in advance by spending many thousands of dollars on solar panels and Powerwalls. Then there will be the high cost of environmentally recycling parts according to government mandates as both the panels and cells age and need service, updating and continual replacement. There is no "free" energy.
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Will there be an adapter kit for the homeless to mount their solar panels to the roof of their tents?

View attachment 583722

There are no free lunches in physics. All you are really doing is buying a great deal of "fuel" in advance by spending many thousands of dollars on solar panels and Powerwalls. Then there will be the high cost of environmentally recycling parts according to government mandates as both the panels and cells age and need service, updating and continual replacement. There is no "free" energy.
Most solar panels are guaranteed to last at least 20 years before they degrade to 80% of original power. Batteries like the Powerwall, and similar products last about the same. People are already recycling the batteries at a profit, so why are you lying about that? No, there is no free energy, but there is less costly energy. But then, you oligarchs would not get to screw us all, would they. The fact that you rightwingnuts hate the thought of personal independence in any sphere is so evident.

Adopt a program like Finland has, and most of these homeless would be buying their own homes in a decade.
Most solar panels are guaranteed to last at least 20 years before they degrade to 80% of original power.
Find me a solar panel from year 2000 in continuous operation still working at 80% capacity. And that is 80% capacity in an already inefficient conversion process!

Batteries like the Powerwall, and similar products last about the same.
There were no Powerwalls 20 years ago to know if that it true or not. But if it is, then why doesn't any of my other batteries ever last 20-30 years?

No, there is no free energy, but there is less costly energy.
And getting power from wind and solar and storage batteries is not it. COAL is cheap energy.

But then, you oligarchs would not get to screw us all, would they.
SHHH. Don't tell anyone I'm an oligarch. Mum's the word.

The fact that you rightwingnuts hate the thought of personal independence in any sphere is so evident.
I'm just fighting for my right to be personally independent from YOUR desire to FORCE ME to buy, own and drive an EV to the exclusion of all common sense.

Adopt a program like Finland has, and most of these homeless would be buying their own homes in a decade.
You keep right on thinking that.
Find me a solar panel from year 2000 in continuous operation still working at 80% capacity. And that is 80% capacity in an already inefficient conversion process!

There were no Powerwalls 20 years ago to know if that it true or not. But if it is, then why doesn't any of my other batteries ever last 20-30 years?

And getting power from wind and solar and storage batteries is not it. COAL is cheap energy.

SHHH. Don't tell anyone I'm an oligarch. Mum's the word.

I'm just fighting for my right to be personally independent from YOUR desire to FORCE ME to buy, own and drive an EV to the exclusion of all common sense.

You keep right on thinking that.
LOL Not at all. You just keep that stupid ICE, and when you are paying $10 a gallon for gas or diesel, none of us will feel sorry for you.
Heck, I'm just looking forward to the day I see an EV stuck on a slope on icy roads trying to pull out from a stop and get going without just spinning its wheels!
God, you really don't know a damned thing about Tesla's. Why do you think that you never see a Tesla spin it's wheels in a drag race?
Find me a solar panel from year 2000 in continuous operation still working at 80% capacity. And that is 80% capacity in an already inefficient conversion process!

There were no Powerwalls 20 years ago to know if that it true or not. But if it is, then why doesn't any of my other batteries ever last 20-30 years?

And getting power from wind and solar and storage batteries is not it. COAL is cheap energy.

SHHH. Don't tell anyone I'm an oligarch. Mum's the word.

I'm just fighting for my right to be personally independent from YOUR desire to FORCE ME to buy, own and drive an EV to the exclusion of all common sense.

You keep right on thinking that.
hate to break it to you but solar tech has advanced so far from 2000 that its not even considered relevant now,,
hate to break it to you but solar tech has advanced so far from 2000 that its not even considered relevant now,,
The worst degradation rate is .80% a year, but as a benchmark, you can expect an average degradation rate of .50% a year for any panel.

Panel typeDegradation rateReduction over 25 yearsAmount of original output after 25 years
Tier 10.30%6.96%93.04%
Tier 20.50%11.33%88.67%
Tier 30.80%17.53%82.47%
For most Tier 1 solar panels, the degradation rate is .30% meaning that each year, the panels performance is reduced by .30%. Over 25 years, that adds up to a total of 6.96% meaning your panels will operate at 93.04% of their original capacity in 2045.
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